The Private Life Of Mao

The Memoir of Mao's Personal Physical

Li Zhi sui 李志绥

sn cn chapterName en chapterName remark
0 李妻离世前,希望李撰写回忆录。
1 毛因病去世,医疗小组是否有责任需要确认。
2 在南京短暂工作后去到香港,在澳找到一份工作,后面受邀回国(1949.6)
3 香山诊所,毛在开国典礼后搬入中南海
4 中南海诊所,五年后,汪东兴提议李为毛的私人医生
5 与毛的第一次会面 1955
6 中南海、首次夜话 1955
7 五一天安门典礼,舞会 1955
8 Mao's oral hygiene and impotence
9 more intrigue, more neurasthenia 1955
10 Khrushchev's attack of Stalin,the same treatment Mao hope not be
11 The disposition,the ambition,the death, the cheap
12 The travel, The waste.
13 Her husband more womanizing,she more harsh
14 Dislike of Ye Zilong with li.
15 Swimming in 1956,not so simple
16 English tutor, vacation in Beidaihe 1956
17 Physical exam, Mao to resign, to test the loyalty 1956
18 The 8th Party congress, Wang be fired.
19 Li left,then back 1957
20 Blooming and contending 1957
21 traveling, anti-rightists 1957
22 catch cold in Shandong 1957
23 anti-rightists, to purge.
24 Go to Moscow 1957.11
25 Nanning conference, preface of Great Leap Forward 1958
26 Chendu conference, be cautious, be a rightist
27 encourage subordinate to criticize of superior. 1958
28 reservoir constructing, take part in labour 1958
29 jiang's diseasee and her nurse,Mao's love and sex 1958
30 The People's Commune, to visit
31 visit the great People's Commune, bombarment of Quemoy 1958
32 The great leap forward 1958
33 Jiang Qing's implicit permission to carry on Mao's affairs 1958
34 to confiscate, to bug chairman 1959
35 the style of Hai Rui Mao liked, two chairman 1959
36 Hubei starving,but Hunan 1959
37 Return back Shaoshan 1959
38 Start of Lushan conference 1959
39 Peng,a righ opportunist by Mao 1959
40 Tiananmen Square 1959
41 Li from hospital to banquet 1959
42 The bad things of Group One 1960
43 Wang returning,be in complete control of Group One 1961
44 The diseases of Jiang 1961
45 Mao's sexual activity
46 spying on Mao as part of a plot? 1961
Photo Insert
47 Jiang to dismiss Li 1961
48 The household contract system: private farming 1961
49 The more faces lost,the more craved. see He Zizhen in Lushan 1961
50 7,000 cadres' conference to cricize Mao 1962
51 Disunity in ranking party 1962
52 theorical arm, Wang Guangmei to front stage,also Jiang 1963
53 Beijing opera Red Plum Mao's pimple, Zhang yufeng 1963
54 The Little red book,erminate health services to the top 1964-1965
55 Li left for the countryside,socialist education work team 1965
56 Luo Ruiqing was deprived, Hai rui under critique 65-66
57 Mao ill,paranoia,left for Wuhan 1966
58 February Outline Report 66
59 Jiang Qing and Lin Biao, Cultural Revolution 1966
60 Mao be away from Beijing 1966
61 to rebel is justified, Bombard the Headquarters. 1966
62 Li under attack, protected by Wang 1966
63 Mao's girlfrind sought protection from Mao 1966
64 enter the factory. Wang's aligance with Lin 1967
65 Liu under attack. 1967
66 Jiang accused of Li to poison her 1968
67 Li under test from Mao 1968
68 Mao's malaise was not just physical. It was political, too. The contending between Lin and Jiang for the Ninth Party congressing.1968-1969
69 negotiating with faraway countries while fighting with those that are near 1969
70 Mao,Lin,Wang; Mao in bed with three, four, even five women simultaneously 1969
71 Li be exile to countryside of Heilongjiang. 1970
72 Li as a barefoot doctor in Lingan 1970
73 Lusan conference,party president,Mao's disease and paranoia 1971
74 Mao seek regional commanders' support 1971
75 Lin's 913 571
76 Mao's health turn worse 1971
77 Who opposes,who support, Mao criticises himself and rehabilitating purged 1972
78 "Everything depends on you now …" 1972
79 Medical responsibility, Mao's refusal of injection.
80 Mao's almost collapse 1972
81 Nixon's visit 1972
82 Not permission for Zhou Enlai's surgery 1972-1973
83 Against Confucius-Mencius,rightist 1973-1974
84 Mao was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1974
85 Jiang Qing and her faction had been held in check. 1974
86 Mao treatment of solution of infusion of glucose 1975
87 “empiricism,” meaning experience as opposed to theory; Two groups of cataract patients to test 1975
88 cataract operation, against Deng 1975
89 Zhou gone, replaced by Hua, Tiananmen demonstration 1976
90 emergency treatment 1976
91 plan to get rid of Jiang, earthquake, Mao gone. 1976.9.9
92 the Gang of Four under arrest,1976.10.6 others be purged
93 Notes








