The "Ethical" TV Jammer


A guy named Rich Zenkere was selected class clown of Homestead High Class of 1968. He was a funny guy who sat next to me in a lot of classes because in most of our classes we had to sit in alphabetical order. And Wozniak is pretty close to Zenkere in the alphabet. So Rich, some other guy who sat near us, Scott Sampson, and I agreed that the three of us should look for col- leges together.


We planned to visit Caltech. We planned to fly down to Pomona, California, where Scripps, Pomona College, and California Polytechnic are located.


And then we got this great idea to visit the University of Colorado at Boulder. It was where Rich's dad had gone.


What an exciting time this was for me. I had never been out of California in my life. I remember we got on the plane in San Jose Airport, back when it had only two gates, and took a 707 to Denver. We drove from Denver to Boulder by taxi and arrived when it was too dark to see anything. We passed out from exhaustion in the hotel room. And then, in the morning, we turned on the TV to find that it had snowed something like a foot and a half the night before. So we pulled the drapes, and sure enough there were inches and inches of snow outside. We were all excited.


I had never been around real snow in my life. Where I lived, it might, snow a little some years, but never enough to stick on the ground and definitely never enough to make a snowball with. So this was amazing! All of a sudden we were outside throwing snowballs at each other. This was a whole new adventure for me.


For some weird reason, we had shown up over Thanksgiving weekend. I guess we thought they'd have tours on a holiday, but of course they didn't. So we just kind of walked around the empty campus for a couple of days. At one point we actually found an engineering building and there was a student inside. He walked us around the halls and showed us where the different departments were. He showed us all the engineering stuff and talked to us about the kinds of engineering projects going on at Colorado.


Walking through the snow those two days, I was just so enamored of the place. The brick buildings were beautiful. Their reddish color looked so impressive up against the backdrop of the Flatiron Mountains. It was a college out in the middle of nowhere -it was about a mile walk to the city.


I thought, Tliis is just so beautiful. It's so wonderful to walk around this campus in the snow. And it was that snow that made me decide this was the college I was going to be attending. Its entrance requirements were low compared to my grades and SAT scores - I had perfect 800 scores on all my science and math entrance tests except for chemistry, where I only got a 770. But this was the college I was going to go to. The snow made me decide. I made the final decision right then and there.


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The only problem was, my dad said Colorado would be too expensive. Next to some state university in New England, it charged the second-highest tuition in the country for out-of- state students.


But we finally worked out a deal. He said I could go to Colorado for my freshman year and then to De Anza CommunityCollege, which was close to home, for my sophomore year. After that, I would transfer to the University of California at Berkeley for my junior year, where tuition would be much, much cheaper. I also applied to Berkeley -my parents forced me to - and I sent in my application on the very last day you could.


I was accepted at Colorado and my parents paid everything in advance that summer, including the dorm fees and the tuition fees. But then my dad kept imploring me to go to De Anza, it was so much closer to home and cheaper. And he could afford, then, to give me a car.


So I went down to register at De Anza and saw that the classes for chemistry, physics, and calculus were all full. What I couldn't believe it. Here I was - the star science and math student at my high school and all set to be an engineer - and the three most important courses I needed were locked out.


It was horrible. I called the chemistry teacher on the phone, who said if I showed up I could probably get in, but I couldn't shake this terrible feeling that my future was shutting down. I could see it shutting down right in front of me. I felt my whole academic life was going to be messed up right from the start. And it was right then that I changed my mind, and decided to see if it was still possible to go to Colorado.


School had already started there, but after a couple of calls I found out I could still go. I had everything set up, airplane flight schedule and everything. I bought the tickets, went down to San Jose Airport, and flew into Colorado the next day. Just in time for the third day of classes.


I remember arriving on campus that fall and thinking it was so beautiful, early September in Colorado. The leaves were yellow and orange and gold, and I felt like I was just so lucky.


My roommate was Mike. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the dorm room with my bags was that he'd posted up about twenty foldout Playboy centerfolds on the walls.Wow, that was different! But I thought Mike was a neat guy, and I used to like listening to his stories of life as a military brat, about his high school in Germany and all the experiences he had. He was very sexually advanced, I thought. Sometimes he'd tell me he wanted the room alone on certain nights, and I knew why. I'd say, Well, okay. I'd take this tape recorder I had and a bunch of reel-to-reel tapes鈥擲imon & Garfunkel was my big group then - and I'd go over to Rich Zenkere's room and come back much later. I remember one time I was sleeping and he brought in this Mormon girl in the middle of the night. He was really something.


Meanwhile, I'd hang around with other friends I'd made in the dorm. I went to football games. Our mascot was a buffalo named Ralphie (a humiliating name for anyone!), and a bunch of students dressed like cowboys would race him around on the field before the game. Ralphie was a real buffalo. I remember how my friend Rich Zenkere told us that, twenty years earlier, Colorado's main rival back then, the Air Force Academy, managed to kidnap him. And when the Air Force Academy players showed up for the big game they cooked and ate poor Ralphie.


I believed the story at the time, but you never knew about Rich. He took things so lightly and easily, always smiling and joking about the most serious things. He was a little bit dishonest, though. We worked together washing dishes at a girls' dorm, and he ended up getting fired for faking time cards and stuff.


I spent a lot of time in Rich's room with him and his two roommates, Randy and Bud, playing hearts, poker, and bridge. Randy was interesting to me because he was a serious Christian - a born-again Christian - and the other two guys would denigrate him for it. Like he was dumb because of it. But I used to spend a lot of time talking to him about his beliefs. I had never had any kind of religious training whatsoever, so I was impressed when he told me about Christian tilings like "turning the other cheek" andforgiveness. I definitely became his friend. So anyway, we'd usually play cards late into the night, and I remember thinking, This is just the best year of my life. It was the first time in my life I could decide what to do with my time -what to eat, what to wear, what to say, what classes to take and how many.


And I was meeting all kinds of interesting people. The bridge thing ended up getting huge for me. We started playing it right around finals week, and then it stuck. The four of us played bridge right off the seat of our pants. We didn't have any books or tables in front of us, or anything that normal bridge players use. We just sort of figured out for ourselves what bridge bids worked and which ones didn't. I mean, in my mind, bridge is more sophisticated than other games.


A lot of card games are based on "tricks" where one person puts a card down and the other players follow with their own cards, and the highest-ranking card of the suit of the first card down wins. That's a trick. Now, in hearts, you try to avoid taking certain cards: for example, eveiy heart you win in a trick counts against you. In spades, you have a round of bidding first, betting how many tricks you and your partner - the person across the table from you in a game of four players -will take. If you bet five tricks and get that many, you get fifty points. But if you overbid and don't get as many tricks as you thought you would, you lose that many points. In spades, all of the spades have the special ability to trump the other cards.


But bridge is at the top end. You not only bet how many tricks you can take with your partner, whose hand you cannot see, but you also have to bet which suit will be the trump suit that beats all other suits.


Bridge is such a good balance of strategy and offense and defense. And at the same time, you're looking at your hand and trying to guess what others might have and passing signals for the bidding. You have to play on so many levels at once. We reallystarted out, like I said, knowing nothing. So we all had fun, since we were all playing at the same level.


But it's funny, we thought we were real bridge players, but we never could've gotten around and competed with real bridge players. A few years later when I was working at Hewlett- Packard, I tried to join a bridge club in my apartment building and I couldn't even begin to play with those women. You see, I'd never really memorized all those rules of how much you bid when you have which hands. So all I'd end up doing is messing up my partner.


These days, I can play bridge pretty well, but it's only because I read the bridge column in the newspaper every single day for years until I could figure out the formulas in my head.


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During college, I worked on one of my favorite projects ever. I called it the TV Jammer.


The TV Jammer came out of this thing I'd seen my old friend Allen Baum's father, Elmer, do over the summer. Mr. Baum was an engineer, and he'd worked out this little circuit on a piece of paper. It included a transistor, a couple of resistors, a capacitor, and a coil that could put out a signal in the TV frequency range. I looked at it, thinking how cool it would be if you could tune it, the same way you could tune your transistor radio, just by turning a dial. So I built a few of these -d evices that let you jam a TV if you just dialed into the right frequency. They were cool.


Well, at some point during my freshman year at Colorado, I thought it was time to have fun with the TV Jammer. I walked over to Radio Shack and looked at all their transistors. I saw they had only one transistor rated for 50 MHz up toward the TV frequencies. I brought that one home. I also bought a little transistor radio so I could use parts of it, like resistors of certain values and the tuning capacitor, the part the tuning knob connects to. That would give me a big wide tuning range.


I hand-wrapped a coil out of some thick wire I had - about three turns - and I soldered on a little tap halfway down one of the turns and put a capacitor there. The whole thing was as small as my little finger, just tiny. I built it on top of the case of a 9-volt battery in a neat way. You know that little clip on top of the 9-volt I stripped it out, hand-soldered it to the connectors on my little TV Jammer circuit, and then I could plug another 9- volt battery in as my power source. So I was able to carry this 9-volt battery case with the TV Jammer on it totally concealed. Except for a little six-inch wire that acted as an antenna, which I had to hang out the side to transmit. I put it up my sleeve to hide it.


I went over to a friend's to try it out on his TV - he had a little black-and-white TV in his dorm room - and sure enough, I was able to jam his TV black.


I walked into the main lounge of our dorm where everybody was watching a big black-and-white TV. I tuned the TV Jammer and, whack, it blacks out. Wow, I thought, that's a funny joke.


I showed it one day to Randy Adair, my Christian friend, and he said, "You should try it on the color TV that's in the basement of Libby Hall," the girls' dorm.


I walked in there and saw a lot of guys and girls. They were in there watching that TV all the time, it turned out. I walked in back where I was in the dark enough, and I turned the TV Jammer on, expecting it would kill the picture. All it did was fuzz it up, though.


Well, without any planning whatsoever, my friend Randy, sat in the front row of chairs, leaned over the TV, and whacked it really hard. I caught on quickly. I instantly made the TV picture go clear, which of course made everyone think that the whacking worked on the TV. I waited for a couple of minutes and jammed it again. It fuzzed up the picture again and Randy hit it again. And I made it go clear again. A couple of minutes later I jammed itagain, but this time I let Randy hit it three or four times before his whacking "worked."


So anyone watching would think that, okay, hitting harder works better. They all thought something was loose inside the TV and that by hitting it hard with your hand you could fix it. It was almost like a psychology experiment -except, I noticed, humans learn better than rats. Only the rats learn it quicker.


Then, later that night, Randy didn't get up to whack the TV. So someone else did. I was hoping that would happen! Someone else whacked it, and I made it so the TV worked. Ha! A whole audience of guinea pigs. I couldn't have wished for more. Over a period of about two weeks, I went there every night to watch people whack the TV. When that didn't work, they'd start to fine- tune it -in those days, TVs came with tuning controls - and I would quietly work the TV Jammer so that if they tuned it just right, the TV worked again.


After a while, I made it so that if someone touched the tuner and adjusted it to fix the picture, it would work. But then when they pulled their hand away, the screen would go bad again. Until they put their hand back on the tuning control, that is. I was like an entertainer. A puppeteer -with live puppets under my control.


Then the people got this superstition about how it mattered where your body was. I remember one time there were three people trying to fix the TV. By this time I would wait for some interesting thing they would do to fix the picture so I could trick them into thinking they had done it. One of the three guys had his hand in the middle of the TV screen. He was standing with one foot up on a chair. Seeing his hand accidentally rest in the middle of the TV screen, I took my cue and fixed the picture. One of the three guys announced, Hey, the picture's good. They relaxed. When the guy in front pulled his hand back, I made the picture go bad again.


The guy in back of the TV turning the dials on the back of theTV said, "Let's all try to get our bodies where they were and maybe it will work again!"


A few seconds later, the guy in front rested his hand back on the middle of the screen and I did it again, fixed the picture. He tested it by pulling his hand away - I made the picture go bad - and then putting it back on the screen - and I made it go good again.


Then I noticed Mm take his foot off the chair and put it down on the floor. Again, I ruined the picture. When he put his foot back on the chair, he looked so startled when the picture went clear again. God, was I good to pull this off without ever getting caught.


He turned to the other students in the room and loudly announced, "Grounding effect." He had to have been an engineering student to have known a word like that back then.The dozen or so students stayed for the second half hour of Mission Impossible with the guy's hand over the middle of the TV! And TVs were pretty small back then.


The only trouble is, I'd gone too far. For the next few weeks, virtually no one showed up in that TV room. They had had enough.


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Later in the year, they all came back again. So again I would play with this game, and just have so much fun. Sometimes people would have to pound the TV as hard as they could on top. Other times, there had to be three people on the TV at once - one pounding, one tuning, and one turning the color dial on the back that adjusted how much red, green, and blue the picture had. After that, they needed more than me to get the picture back! So a repairman had to be called.


After the repairman came, I heard someone at the TV mention that he'd said it was an antenna problem. I jammed the TV again, so what did they do Of course, someone picked up the twin-leadantenna wire and lifted it up over his head. I made the screen go good. He put it down and I made the screen go bad again. Up, good ... down, bad. And after a while, I made it so he had to hold up the antenna higher and higher. This guy's trying to watch the last five minutes of some show, and he's stretched out to the ceiling, it was hilarious.


Except for Randy, I never told anyone else about it the whole year. I found it just amazing that at no time did anyone suspect that a human was toying with them. They never caught on! It was so funny. I couldn't make up a story this good. The only time I regretted using the TV Jammer in the TV room was during a daytime watching of the Kentucky Derby. Of course, I timed it down, to the last stretch, and then I jammed the TV. Those kids erupted like animals, throwing chairs at the TV and everything. If it had been a human being, they would have beaten him to a pulp, they were that upset. And I felt horrible because I knew that if they had found me out on that day, it would've been hospital time.


There's a point where a joke crosses to a point where it is beyond funny -not funny anymore but scary - and this was it.


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I had a computer class at Colorado where I took the TV jamming concept a little further.


Just the fact that I was able to take a computer class was amazing. Back then, there were only a few colleges that had computer courses. Undergraduate computer classes were virtually unheard of, so this was a graduate class. Being enrolled in engineering at Colorado, even as a freshman, meant I could take any engineering class, even graduate classes, as long as I met the prerequisites. And luckily there weren't any for this course. This class was just amazing -in it, they taught everything about computers, their architecture, their programming languages, their operating systems, everything. It was such a thorough course.


The only problem was, it was held in the engineering building,where the classrooms were really small. So only a third of our class got to see the professor in person in one room. The other two-thirds had to watch on TV, on closed circuit, in a room that had four TV sets on the wall.


So I thought, Okay. What a great opportunity for the TV Jammer. But first I had to make an even smaller TV Jammer, a version that would be even harder to detect. So I built one inside of a Magic Marker, including the battery and everything. (I'd taken the pen apart and put in a AA battery. At the very end of the pen I put in this little thumbscrew for tuning.)


I took it to computer class one day. I went to my usual seat over to the left rear of the class, and I took my little TV Jammer pen, turned it on, and tried to jam the TVs. I didn't know if I was going to be able to do this - I wasn't sure if it was even possible to jam TVs where the antennas came in on a coax. After all, coaxial cable was unusual in those days. The normal thing was to have twin-feed antennas.


But, sure enough, all the TV sets jammed. The one real near me didn't jam up that bad, but the other ones did. Well, almost instantly these three teaching assistants started looking at us. One of them said, uOkay. Whoever's got the transmitter, turn it off."


Wow. I didn't even know there were TAs in the class. So while they're looking right at us, saying "turn it off," do you think I'm going to reach my hand down and turn it off in plain sight No way.


My plan had been to just jam it for a few seconds, but now I couldn't turn it off without getting caught.


So I'm sitting there kind of scared, afraid to move because they're watching us so closely. I couldn't even put my hand near it for fear that it might make the images on-screen wobble. I didn't even want to reach over to my Magic Marker and click the Jammer off because the guy next to me would hear me click something. He'd know I did it.


Eventually the TAs sat down, but they kept watching us. There was nothing they could do. And you know, the TVs weren't jammed so bad that we couldn't watch the professor or take notes. So our class just went on, with all of us watching the jammed TVs.


So I've got my Magic Marker TV Jammer sitting there between the two rings of my binder when suddenly the guy who's sitting the closest to the TV jammed the worst, in the right rear of the classroom, decides to gather his books and leave early. I decided to make the TVs waver as he was walking out. I felt like I could get away with it. I couldn't resist.


As he was leaving, the picture back there on the right rear TV went perfect. One of the TAs pointed at him. The TA said, "There he goes."


Pranks are entertainment, comedy. Not only did I manage to pull off this prank, but I managed to make it look as if someone else had done it. That's a step beyond the old rule "Don't get caught." I learned how to use that technique many times throughout my prank career. And if you're shocked that I can trick people with my pranks and not feel dishonest about it, remember that the basic form of entertainment is to make up stories. That's comedy.


I don't know if they ever did anything to that guy, but I doubt it. I hope not. It's not like they could catch him with a TV Jam- mer. As far as I knew, I had the only one.


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But I did end up getting in some trouble that year.


You see, I started writing programs that could kick paper out of the computer over at the computer printers everyone had to use at the Computer Center of the University of Colorado. That wasn't a big deal. But then I thought, Okay, what are computers for They're for calculating numbers. Calculation has always been central to my association with computers, you know. So I tried to think up something really clever.


I wrote seven programs - they were all real simple but extremely interesting in a math sense. One of them dealt with what I called "magic computer numbers." That would be the powers of two. So 21 equals 2, 22 is 4, 23 is 8, 24 is 16. These are the binary numbers all computers work with, so they are the most special of all the computer numbers.


I made it so the printer would print out the results formatted in a way that was readable. For instance, one line might say: 1,2. That meant 2 to the first power is 2. The next would say 2, 4: 2 to the second power is 4. You will see that the numbers get really big really fast. For example, 2 to the eighth power is 256; 2 to the sixteenth power is 65,536. So pretty soon I am filling up pages with these really long numbers! After enough pages, the powers of 2 would be almost a line long. Then they would expand to two or three lines. Eventually it got to where each number might be a whole page or more!


Another program worked with Fibonacci numbers. These are numbers that go in a sequence like 1,2, 3, 5, 8,13,21,34 ... Each Fibonacci number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. So it's a never-ending sequence. All of my seven programs did this - calculated numbers in these long, ridiculously long, sequences.


Some programs have loops and don't stop running because there is a bug, or a problem, with a program. That is called an infinite loop, which I told you about in connection with the chess game I did back in high school. Anyway, the Computer Center automatically kicked off any program that ran more than 64 seconds. So I figured out that all my computers could print out 60 pages in under 64 seconds, and that's why I wrote each program to print out only 60 pages all numbered page 1, page 2, etc. The next time I ran the program, it would print the next 60 pages (beginning at 61), and so on. I wrote all my programs so they would punch some cards I could use the next time so the programs could pick up where they left off.


I would walk over to the Computer Center every morning and drop my seven programs off. Then, around noon, I would pick up my outputs and resubmit the programs. Then I would come back in the evening and resubmit them. I would get three runs a day times 60 pages times seven programs piling up in my dorm room. Mike, my roommate, started getting a little upset at all the space it was taking up. It was really piling up: reams and reams, feet and feet of computer paper, all stacking up in my dorm room.


Then, one afternoon, I got to the Computer Center for an afternoon run and they didn't have my programs there. There was a note there saying I should see my professor right away.


I went to see him in his office. He said, "Okay, sit down." He started a tape recorder - he punched a button and started recording us. I remember I got a bit scared.


You've been running these programs on your own, he said.


And I said, "Yes. We were in a programming class. I was learn- ing programming. I ran them under my own student number. I didn't try to hide the fact I was running them."


This had nothing to do with our class, he said.


It was FORTRAN, I told him.


This is not the FORTRAN we teach, he said. And he was right. Because I had gone way into the manuals to find little tricks of mathematical symbols. I had gone way beyond simple programming, and we both knew it.




FORTRAN is a computer language developed in the 1950s and still heavily used for scientific computing and numerical computation half a century later. The name comes from the words "Formula Translation." As a compiled language, it is typically faster and more powerful than an interpreted language such as BASIC.


He said it took him a long time studying my programs to figure out what they did, but he finally figured them out. He said: "Are you trying to get me"


Get him I didn't know what he meant by that. I guess he felt threatened by the unrest happening in relation to the Vietnam War. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was big on that campus. But I was totally apolitical except for registering once to be in the University Republicans Club! I mean, I was just a mild, meek engineering student and would never be involved in anything politically subversive.


"Out to get you?" I said. I had no idea what he was talking about.


Well, he picked up the phone and called someone at the Computer Center. "These programs . . . Mr. Wozniak should be billed for this computer time."


Then I found out what I'd done. I'd run my class five times over its annual budget for computer time. I didn't even realize there were budgets. I thought if you're in a computer class, you get computer time. That was logical to assume. But now I realized I ran up a whole lot of money on his account, and my best guess is he was using me to get out of it. I didn't think they would actually charge me, a student. A freshman. But I was scared because the amount he was talking about was in the thousands of dollars -many times the out-of-state tuition money.


So that's how it became very clear to me, at the end of that school year, that I was not going to make it an issue with my parents and try to go back to Colorado. I was on probation for computer abuse. I wouldn't let my parents find out. I didn't want them to get billed this huge amount of money. So that's how I decided to go to De Anza Community College the next year, instead of going back to Colorado like all my friends.


What really bothers me when I think of this now is, they shouldn't have charged me. They should've praised me for doing these brilliant programs all on my own.


And I did get an A-plus in that class.


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Now I was back home and attending De Anza Community College. I spent a lot of time designing and redesigning computers on paper, which is what I'd been doing in high school. Like when I took the manuals of popular minicomputers at the time (the pizza-box-sized, rack-mounted computers from Varian, Hewlett- Packard, Digital Equipment, and other companies in 1969 and 1970) and redesigned them, over and over, on paper so they would take fewer chips and run more efficiently.


By the time I finished at De Anza, I had literally designed and redesigned some of the best-known computers in the world. I'd become an expert on designing them, no question, because I'd redesigned their prototypes so many dozens of times. I'd done everything but build them. There was no doubt in my mind that if I ever did build them, I could get them to work. I was this virtual expert - and yes, I mean that in the software sense of the word "virtual." I never built those computers, but I was so entranced by and familiar with their innards that I easily could have taken any one of them apart and rebuilt it so that the computer would be cheaper, better, and more efficient.


I never had the courage to ask chip companies for free samples of what were then expensive chips. A year later I would meet Steve Jobs, who showed me how brave he was by scoring free chips just by calling sales reps. I could never do that. Our intro- verted and extroverted personalities (guess who's which) really helped us in those days. What one of us found difficult, the other often accomplished pretty handily. Examples of that teamwork are all over this story.


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Once, at De Anza, my quantum physics teacher said, "Wozniak. That's an unusual name. I knew a Wozniak once. There was a Wozniak who went to Caltech."


My father, I said, "he went to Caltech."


Well, this one was a great football player.


That was my father, I told him. He was the team's quarterback.


Yes, the teacher said. "We would never go to football games, but at Caltech, you had to go just to watch Jerry Wozniak. He was famous."


You know, I think my dad was the one good quarterback Caltech ever had. He even got scouted by the Los Angeles Rams, though I don't think he was good enough to play pro. Still, it was neat to hear from a physics teacher that he remembered my dad for his football. It made me feel like I shared a history with him. The teacher once even brought me a Caltech paper from back in those days with a picture of my dad in his uniform.


I didn't get along with all the teachers, though. I was taking an advanced-level math class, and the teacher caught me not paying attention. (I was trying to figure out how to write a FORTRAN compiler in machine language for the Data General Nova.)


I was just at the first line where you have to enter something and store it in memory when he said: "You've got so much potential, Wozniak. If only you'd just put yourself into this material."


It stung me the way he said that in front of the whole class. That wasn't necessary. I just wanted to sit in class and do whatever it was I felt like doing. Maybe I was bored, I don't know. I was the sort of person who read the book, took the test, and got good grades in subjects like math.


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It was also at De Anza that I got this mental turnaround on politics. I started seriously thinking about whether the Vietnam War was right or wrong. Who was it helping, and did we have any place there

Back in high school, I was for the war. My father told me our country was the greatest in the world, and my thinking was like his: that we had to stand up for democracy versus communism; and the reasons why, stemming from our Constitution. I had never thought deeply about political issues aside from that, and I was really for my country, right or wrong. I mean, I was for my country the same way you root for your school's team, right or wrong. At the University of Colorado, the University Republicans Club was one of the only two clubs I joined (the other was the Amateur Radio Club).

But 1 started to wonder why so many people were protesting the war so visibly. A lot of academics and journalists were talking about the history of the Vietnamese people and had explanations for why the U.S. position was wrong. It was a civil war, involving treaties, agreements, and a history that didn't affect the United States one whit. The trouble is, I could find no intelligent academic reasoning coming from the pro-war side, just the constant refrain that we were doing good. They could only say that we were there protecting democracy.

One of my biggest problems was that South Vietnam, which we were supposedly protecting, wasn't even close to a democracy. It was more like a corrupt dictatorship. How could we ever stand up for a dictatorship I started seeing that there was a lot more truth on the side of the people against the war.

The people against the war were also talking about how good peace was compared to war. Sure, the world can't live in perfect peace and harmony, but it's a good ideal. I had come to learn of Jesus, from my friend Randy Adair in college, that he always tried to find ways toward peace. Although I'm not a Christian person, and don't belong to any religion, what Jesus the historical figure stood for were things I stood for, and those stories Randy told me about him struck a chord with me emotionally. I didn't believe in violence or hurting people.

At De Anza, I thought deeply about the war. I considered myself to be athletic and brave. But would I shoot a bullet at another human being I remember sitting alone at the white Formica table in my bedroom, coming to the conclusion that I could let someone shoot at me, but I couldn't shoot back.

I thought, What if I'm in Vietnam and I'm shooting at some guy He's just like me, that guy. He sits down just like I do. He plays cards and he eats pizza, or the equivalent of it, just like normal people I know. He has a family. Why would I want to hurt this person He might have his reasons for being where he is in the world - and Vietnam had its reason - but none of these reasons ever touched me in California.

From that standpoint, I could see how this war could be a pretty dangerous one for me. Because I was morally and truthfully a conscientious objector in every sense. But the military only counted you as one if you were in a church (which made you exempt from conflict duties), and I had no church. I had no religion. I just had my own logic.

So I wasn't a conscientious objector, I just objected to my personally having to kill or hurt anyone.