Cream Soda Days


When I was about nineteen, I read the Pentagon Papers and learned what was really going on in Vietnam. As a result, I started to have some major conflicting feelings and some nasty fights with my dad.

19岁时,从电影《五角大楼文件》(The Pentagon Papers)里,我了解到越战的真相,思想也发生了彻底转变,并因此与父亲有些不快的争论。

By then he was drinking heavily, and he wasn't the greatest opponent to argue with. But I had a new truth that replaced the old one even more strongly. I started to believe in peace. And I began to realize how far governments would go in order to get people to believe them.


For one thing, the Pentagon Papers showed what the CIA and the Pentagon people truly knew, and that the president was being carefully coached to put words together and lie to the American people. He was saying the opposite of the truth to trick the American people into thinking they should actually support the war. For instance, the papers got right down to the Gulf of Tonkin incident -which never happened the way the government said it did. The papers also said how, in every battle, the public was always told that ten times as many Viet Cong as Americans died, despite the fact that we had no way to count them. And most Americans believed this crap. The Pentagon Papers documented this deliberate deception.


Learning about that was one of the hardest things I had to deal with in my life. You see, I just wasn't raised to believe that a democracy like ours would spread these kinds of lies. Why was the United States government treating the American people as the enemy and purposely duping them It made no sense to me.


And the worst thing that came after that, for me, wasn't the Vietnam War itself, but the pain and stress it caused people. That's because, as I was becoming an adult, I started gaining a new ethic - a profound care for the happiness and welfare of people. I was just starting to figure out that the secret to life - and this is still true for me -is to find a way to be happy and satisfied with your life and also to make other people happy and satisfied with their lives.


Even in high school, where I believed in truth with a capital T, I was willing to change my beliefs if someone came along to show me something better. That's what the Pentagon Papers did for me. They pointed out that even the president was subject to the pressures of the military-industrial complex, the major institution of our land. And after reading this, I decided not to vote, that it wouldn't matter either way. I figured that pretty much I'd get the same life no matter who was elected. I thought it was better not even to go into the voting booth.


The Gulf of Tonkin

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was an alleged attack on two American destroyers (the USS Maddox and the USS C. Turner Joy) in August of 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin by North Vietnamese gunboats. Later research indicates that most of the attacks did not actually occur.


According to the Pentagon Papers and various reports, the attacks were pretty much made up by President Lyndon B. Johnson's administration. The U.S.-supported South Vietnamese regime had been attacking oil-processing facilities in North Vietnam, but it was the CIA that helped plan and support it in order to give the administration a good reason to involve the U.S. in the conflict.


Not everyone reading this is going to remember this incident, but finding out about it was instrumental in changing my own feelings about the Vietnam War.


But I did vote a couple of times. I voted for a guy named George McGovern, who promised he'd find a way to stop the war. I voted for Jimmy Carter, because the words he spoke seemed to come from the same philosophical point of view as my own. He believed, as I did, that war was a last resort and not a first.


I voted for George W. Bush in 2000, because I thought it would be nice to have an average Joe kind of person in the White House instead of a smart, well-educated one. Someone who could only speak in very small words. Okay, I'm joking. The fact is I voted for Ralph Nader. But since all the pundits said that a vote for Nader was a vote for Bush, I now tell people I voted for Bush just to watch their jaws drop.


Seriously, though, I still think about this whole era with a lot of pain. Being brought up by my dad, who'd taught me that we had the best government in the world and that our government was the best one there ever could be even with its flaws, well, that kind of fell apart. He told me the purpose of the government was to take care of its people and make things better for them.


During the Vietnam War, of course, there was a mandatory draft. When you turned eighteen, you had to register. If you were a college student, you would get what was called a 2S deferment; otherwise you would be classified as 1 A. That meant that any day the military could draft you and send you off to boot camp.Once you were 1A, the government had a year to draft you. After that, you would be exempt. That's why not everyone who was 1A wound up serving.


I submitted a report card to the San Jose draft board in order to get my 2S deferment, but I didn't submit one of the proper forms the government required to show you were a college student. By mistake I only sent in my report card.


A couple of months later, a big delay, I received notice that the San Jose draft board had voted five to three to make me 1A. What But I was a student.


This is when I decided that I would go to prison or Canada or, more likely, try to get let off by a judge rather than go to Vietnam. In fact, a judge in San Jose - his name was Judge Peckham - had let a couple of guys off as conscientious objectors despite their lack of membership in a church.


One of those people let off had been one of the brightest math stars at my high school, Allen Stein. Quite a coincidence. So I had good reason to expect the same in my situation.


So since I was 1A anyway, I took a year off from school to program computers and earn money to pay for my third year of college and buy a car.


Then an amazing thing happened. The U.S. Congress created a draft lottery. That meant that those of us who were 1A would know the likelihood of our being called up. This was so it wouldn't be random. That way, you would know your chances - and I thought it was great. It helped me plan my life.


The way the draft lottery worked was your birthday determined what order you got called in. They would assign ever one's birth date to a number from 1 to 366. So January 1 might be 66, January 2 might be 12, it was totally random.


Well, during the week before they announced the results of the lottery, I got a feeling I have never had before or since. A feeling of physical warmth, like I was going to be protected and get a high number in this lottery. I had a stronger level of certainty than I would ever have let myself feel about the unknown. I can't explain it. I'm not a superstitious person in any way. I havealways believed in reality, the truth, and the provable. But this was so certain in my head. I rode my bike around, just smiling and smiling and smiling about it. I couldn't stop. It was a wonderful, positive feeling, and I couldn't ignore it and pretend it wasn't there.


And sure enough, I read in the newspaper the day of the draft lottery that I got number 325. A great number! That meant it was virtually certain I wouldn't be drafted. It's so weird. I got such a great number, but I wasn't even surprised or elated. I felt like I'd known it all along. The feeling I'd had was that strong.


But then something terrible and unexpected happened.


About a week after I got my draft lottery number, I got a letter from the San Jose draft board. It said -in one sentence - that they were granting me a student deferment after all.


This, after taking months to notify me that they'd voted five to three not to grant my student deferment when I deserved it, was bad enough. But worse, it also meant that in a later year they could make me 1A a second time.


I stood there with the letter in my hand, stunned. They were playing tricks with my life. Dirty tricks. They used the application I'd made for a student deferment as an excuse to grant it to me now, knowing that I already had a great 1A number.


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From that point on, I saw that the government would do whatever it could to beat a citizen, that it was just a game. And this was the exact opposite of the way I had thought of government my whole life. That episode taught me an important lesson about government, authority, even the police. You couldn't trust them to do the right tiling.


Now I had to go back to the draft board and request to keep my 1A -which was what I'd had anyway - and keep the same number. Luckily, they agreed.


I can't even describe to you the shock and disgust I felt at ourgovernment: that they would play this kind of game with my life, that they didn't care about people the way my dad had taught me. I'd thought the government was here to protect us, but that turned out to be wrong. I now believed the government was just out to do what was good for the government and would lie about anything they could get away with. They were not there to do sensible things, and they played with my life in the worst possible way.


From then on, my dad and I were at complete odds. I never trusted authority after that. That's too bad, because since founding Apple and all, I've met lots of good people in the government. But still, this hangs over me. I can hardly trust anything I read.


So between the time I was a kid, when my dad taught me extreme ethics, and the time I realized what was going on with the Vietnam War, I changed profoundly, a full 180 degrees. I became skeptical. I stopped believing blindly in things. It was a major turning point. I lost the trust I'd always had in institutions of all kinds and it has never really returned.


I swore to myself I would put up my own life before letting something like the Vietnam War ever happen again to young kids.


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Maybe you've seen pictures of me from the early days and thought I looked like a hippie. I guess I did, a little. But let me tell you, I was never a hippie.


I tried to be a hippie, but I could never be what they were - not in high school or even in college when all that protest stuff was going on. I'd try to hang out with hippies because I stood with them politically, but they'd usually ask me to leave because I wouldn't use drugs. I still wanted to hang around them because I felt my mind was so open - as open as theirs were - and I got what they were saying. I wanted them to be open with me, but their drugs got in the way. They didn't trust me because I wouldn't do drugs with them.


But I believed in almost everything they were trying to do. Everything I was reading about hippies and hippie beliefs in the late 1960s - the free love movement, things like putting flowers in guns - I knew that was me and what I wanted to be. I agreed with every bit of it. I believed, like hippies did, that everybody should be able to get along and help each other out and live out whatever kind of existence they wanted. And I believed it could be an existence without structure and without laws and without organization and without politics.


People should just agree to live together and be good people, I really believed that. I was tremendously influenced by these kinds of hippie thoughts, these kinds of philosophies.


I would wear this little Indian headband, and I wore my hair really long and grew a beard. From the neck up, I looked like Jesus Christ. But from the neck down, I still wore the clothes of a regular kid, a kid engineer. Pants. Collared shirt. I never did have the weird hippie clothes. I was still middle ground; I was still the way I'd grown up. No matter how hard I tried, it was like I couldn't get outside of normal. Hippie is a way of life, not just a matter of clothes and hair, and I didn't lead that kind of life. I didn't live in weird little places with no money with weird curtains hanging in my windows. And I didn't do drugs. I wouldn't.


At the time, not doing drugs or drinking made me real different. I mean, at the time, especially during my second year at De Anza and for years and years after, people would say things like: "Oh, using LSD can really expand your mind." I remember a guy -John was his name -who claimed that all the A's he got were when he was on acid.

那一时代,不吸毒不喝酒让我与众不同。尤其De Anza二年级之后,多年以来,人们都习惯说:“噢,迷幻药给我们更广阔的思维。”我记得有位叫约翰的小伙子,曾宣称他在用药状态下每科拿到A。

But I thought to myself: Well, if drugs are really better for your mind and can make you think better, then wait a minute. When you take a drug, it's you plus the drug that's working, right It's not just you. And I really, really wanted to be successful in my life just based on me and my mind alone. I knew that I was bright andthat ray brain was going to take me places. I didn't ever want it to be an equation that amounted to a result coming from my brain plus something else. I wanted to be judged on my own abilities, on what I did and what I thought, and that alone. So that was pretty much my view on drugs, and I never did any of them.


As for drinking, I didn't even get drunk until I was thirty, in 1980. It was on my first flight out of the United States to Sri Lanka. I was extremely scared on the plane so I was drinking. I wasn't sure they'd let you off a plane if you were drunk. I managed to walk off the plane without assistance, and I ended up telling a really awful joke to a customs official:


A lady who'd never seen an elephant before saw an escaped one in her garden. Shrieking, she called the police. "There's a huge animal in my garden!" she said. "Pulling up the vegetables with his tail! And you wouldn't believe where he's putting them!"


I don't remember if he laughed or not. I don't think so. It's not a joke I normally would have told. It's sort of dumb and hard to get.


Anyway, I never liked alcohol. It made people act noisy and out of control. My dad, for instance, he used to drink martinis. I always noticed how he reasoned differently when he was drunk. Especially as he and I got older, I thought it got really out of hand, the way he would get drunk and yell at my mother. That's not the way he was when he wasn't drinking.


So I didn't drink or do drugs, and as I said, that usually made it kind of weird for the hippie people I wanted to be friends with, people who thought like me in every other way. What a sad thing. During that second year at De Anza, I remember driving my first car down to Santa Cruz. This was back when there were hitchhikers all over the place. (The car I was driving was this purple convertible I'd named Hubbs after a weird chemistry professor I had, but it wasn't that funny a joke because neither the car nor the professor was really that weird.)

所以,我不曾喝酒和嗑药,正如我先前所说,这也让我和那些想交往的嬉皮士朋友分道扬镳,尽管我们在其他观点上思想一致。在De Anza的第二年,我驾驶自己的第一辆车前往圣克鲁兹。那时四处皆是搭便车的旅行者。我驾驶的是辆紫色可折篷的车。我将其命名为哈勃斯(Hubbs),这名字来源于我的一位古怪的化学教授。但这并非趣闻,因为车和教授都并非真的那般古怪。

Anyway, I stopped and picked up a group of people. They weredefinitely hippies. And I took them down to Santa Cruz. We're hanging out on the boardwalk and I notice that one of them, a young girl sitting on a bench, was breast-feeding. Breast-feeding! I'd never seen anything like that before in my life! I just turned my head away really quickly, but it made such an impression on me. I started talking to her, and immediately fell in love with her and her baby. It turned out that she and her baby and a bunch of people all lived together in this commune near me in Sunnyvale. Later I would ride my bike out there a lot and stop at a park near their house and read books. I would go over and hang out with them. We'd eat and do the ohm chanting and all of that. And they would take me with them to meet all these Eastern philosophy- type teachers, really getting me exposed to Eastern thoughts of peace and quietness. I listened to these principles of meditation, and I would just sit down and try to get my head into a quiet place by myself.


The sad thing was, eventually even these hippies didn't want to hang around me anymore. It made them uncomfortable that I didn't do drugs.


So this was a hard social time for me. I remember that at one point I was taking some night classes at San Jose State and this pretty girl comes up to my table in the cafeteria and says, "Oh, hi." She just starts talking to me, and I'm so nervous all I can think to ask her is what her major is. She says, "Scientology." I'd never heard of this, but she assured me it was actually a major and I believed it.


She invited me to a Scientology meeting, and of course I went. I ended up in the audience watching this guy make this incredible presentation about how you can basically be in better control of yourself and that you could get really happy from that.


After the meeting, the girl I met sat with me in some little office for an hour, trying to sell me these courses to become a better person. I was going to have to pay money for them.


I said to her, "I've already got my happiness. I've got my keys to happiness. I don't need anything. I'm not looking for any of this stuff." And I meant it. The only thing I mightVe wanted was a girlfriend, that's for sure, but the rest of the stuff I already had. I had a sense of humor, and I had this attitude about life that let me choose to be happy. I knew that whether to be happy was always going to be my choice, and only my choice.


Plus I had these values, values I'd grown up with. I already had this peaceful feeling inside my head. To this day, I'm one of those people whose head just floats. I really did feel happy most of the time. I still do.


So the bottom line, of course, is she never sold me any courses or anything. In fact, she just walked out and never came back. When I wasn't interested in buying her courses, she left and just let me sit there. I sat and sat, waiting for her to come back. Finally I walked out the door and left, too. I thought, Man, that's too bad. She was just about sales, that's all she was.


- o -

After my year at De Anza, I decided the thing to do was to take a job where I could actually program computers. I thought I'd skip a year of school so I could earn enough money to go for a third one, at Berkeley maybe.


Now, for a while I'd been telling my dad that I definitely was going to own a 4K-byte Data General Nova someday. That was just enough kilobytes needed to program in. It was this huge, powerful computer at the time. I loved its internal architecture and everything about it. I even had a poster of it up in my room. So I heard there was a place in Sunnyvale that sold these Data General computers. My friend Allen Baum and I drove down to the place.


Well, the office was beautiful, and right in the middle of the lobby was this big glass display with a large computer in it. It wasn't a room-sized computer like a mainframe, but a midsizedcomputer. It was about as large as a refrigerator, with other things like large printers and disk drives the size of dishwashers attached to it. There were some wires hanging loose with engineers working on them. And I thought, Wow, here's a computer actually being designed and built. That was a shock for me to see.


Another shock turned out to be that I had walked in the wrong door, that I wasn't at the Data General company at all, but at a smaller company called Tenet. Allen and I both filled out applications for jobs as programmers - and you know what We got them.


We got to program in the language FORTRAN, and also in machine language, which is nearest to the lowest-level language (Is and Os) a computer can understand. We got to know that computer so deeply that summer. We really got into the depths of its architecture. Personally, I didn't think much of the architecture inside, although they ended up building something pretty good - a working computer, a fast computer, a low-cost computer for what it was. I mean, it cost more than $100,000, and those were 1970 dollars. I was impressed by that. It had an operating system that worked well and several programming languages.


Now, of course, in no way was that Tenet computer like our computers today. It had no screen for a display and no keyboard to type into. It had lights you had to read off a front panel, and it took information from punch cards. But for the time being, yeah, I guess it was pretty cool.


- o -

Tenet actually went out of business the next summer - I stayed for the duration, having decided not to return to school that year after all - but my time there turned out to be really fortunate.


You see, during the summer, I remember telling one Tenet executive how I had spent the last few years designing and redesigning existing computers on paper but could never build one because I didn't have the parts.


One time, at my old friend Bill Werner's house, I got Bill to call up a chip company, but he could never get them to give us free parts, never. But I asked this Tenet executive, and he said, "Sure, I can get you the parts." I guess he had access to sample parts, and that was what I needed.


To help him avoid having to get me tons and tons of parts - parts I would need to build some kind of existing minicomputer - I decided I would build a computer that was just a little one with very few chips.


I'm talking about, like, about twenty chips -which is veiy, very few chips compared to the hundreds it would have taken to build a normal computer at the time.


Now, I had this other friend, Bill Fernandez, who lived down the block. I started hanging around at his house, and we just started putting together this little computer I designed (first on paper, of course) piece by piece, bit by bit. He helped me by doing all kinds of things - like soldering, for instance.


Anyway, we would do this in his garage, and then we'd ride our bikes down to the Sunnyvale Safeway, where we would buy Cragmont cream soda, and then drink it while we worked on this machine. That's how we started referring to it as the Cream Soda Computer. All the Cream Soda Computer was, really, was a little circuit board that allowed you to plug in connectors and solder the chips I had to the connectors. This board was tiny - I would say it was no larger than four to six inches.

不管怎样,我们可以在他的车库工作,然后骑车到阳光谷安全街(Sunnyvale Safeway),买克雷蒙特奶油苏打,然后回来一边享用一边制造我们的机器。我们“奶油苏打电脑”的提法也来源于此。所有“奶油苏打电脑”都是极小的电路板,你能轻松将其插入连接器,并把零件焊上。电路板极为袖珍,不会超过4~6英寸。

Like all the computers at the time, there wasn't a screen or a keyboard. No one had thought of that yet. Instead you'd write a program, punch it into a punch card, slide it in, and then you'd get your answer by reading the flashing lights on the front panel. Or, for instance, you could write a program that would tell the computer to beep every three seconds. And if it did, then you would know it was working.


It turned out just as I had designed it, with few chips because I didn't want to ask that executive for too many free samples. So it was just the most minimum thing you could even call a computer. What I mean by that is, it could run a program. It could give you results.


The other significant thing about it was the fact that it had 256 bytes of RAM. (That's about the size in memory a word processor would take today to store this very sentence.)


RAM chips were almost unheard of at this time. Back then, almost all computers had a type of memory called "magnetic core memories." When you dealt with them, you had to deal with messy voltages to spike the right currents down the wires, the wires that had to go into these little round magnetic cores that looked like tiny donuts you needed a magnifying glass even to see. This was definitely not the type of electronics I had in mind. With RAM chips, though, you just plug them in and connect them to the CPU, the brain of the computer. You connect them to the processor with wires and that's that. So, as you can see, I was extremely lucky to get those eight chips that added up to 256 bytes. And as I said, even then you couldn't do much of anything in that small a space.


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What Is RAM


RAM, short for random-access memory, was a new type of computer storage back in 1970. These are chips whose contents can be accessed in any (i.e., random) order. All computers today have RAM chips inside to store data -not permanently, but while your computer is on and you're working. When the computer shuts down, the contents of RAM goes away.That's why you need to save your programs to disk.


One day my mom called the Peninsula Times newspaper and told them about the Cream Soda Computer. A reporter came over and asked some questions about it and took some pictures. But just as he was finishing, he accidentally stepped on the power supply cable and blew out the computer. The Cream Soda actually smoked! But the article ran anyway, and that was pretty cool.


But you know what I knew deep inside that it didn't matter that I had built this computer. It didn't matter because the computer couldn't do anything useful. It couldn't play games, it couldn't solve math problems. It had way too little memory. The only important thing was that finally, finally, I'd been able to actually build a computer. My very first one. It was an extraordinary milestone in that sense.


Five years later, companies would be building and selling computer kits that were just about at this level - they had the same amount of memory and the same awkward front panel of lights and switches.


Looking back, I see the Cream Soda Computer as kind of a jumping-off point for me. And I got there early.


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One other thing: the Cream Soda Computer turned out to be the way I first met Steve Jobs. I was four years ahead of him in school so I didn't know him; he was closer to Bill Fernandez's age. But one day Bill told me, "Hey, there's someone you should meet. His name is Steve. He likes to do pranks like you do, and he's also into building electronics like you are."


So one day -it was daytime, I remember -Bill called Steve and had him come over to his house. I remember Steve and I just sat on the sidewalk in front of Bill's house for the longest time, just sharing stories -mostly about pranks we'd pulled, and also what kind of electronic designs we'd done. It felt like we had so much in common. Typically, it was really hard for me to explainto people the kind of design stuff I worked on, but Steve got it right away. And I liked him. He was kind of skinny and wiry and full of energy.


So Steve came into the garage and saw the computer (this was before it blew up) and listened to our description of it. I could tell he was impressed. I mean, we'd actually built a computer from scratch and proved that it was possible -or going to be possible -for people to have computers in a really small space.


Steve and I got close right away, even though he was still in high school, remember, and lived about a mile away in Los Altos. I lived in Sunnyvale. Bill was right -we two Steves did have a lot in common. We talked electronics, we talked about music we liked, and we traded stories about pranks we'd pulled. We even pulled a few together.


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When I met Steve Jobs I was still hanging out with this other guy I'd known since high school, Allen Baum.


Allen was kind of a nerdy, skinny guy with glasses when I first met him back in high school. We were both in the super-elite of students, not just the ones in top classes but students who outperformed pretty much everybody else. We'd be selected out by teachers to compete in math contests or go to speeches and lectures, that kind of thing. So we all knew each other. Most of us were considered by other kids to be kind of weird outsiders, and Allen was even smaller, scrawnier, and more outside than I was. He was even nerdier.


Later he came to be very into hippie things and San Francisco- type music like the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane, but he started out just completely way, way on the outside.


From high school on, I used to like to go visit Allen and his parents. They were Jewish with relatives who'd died in concentration camps; it was shocking and all so new to me. Allen's father, Elmer, was an engineer who loved humor - he was incrediblyfunny - and he was really active in civil rights causes. His mom, Charlotte, was like that, too. I thought of Elmer and Charlotte Baum as being so much like me --just kind of casual and fun.


So, as I said, I was hanging out with Allen a lot when Steve Jobs, who by now was a junior at Homestead High, had an idea. He wanted to create a huge sign on a giant bedsheet with a flip- off sign -you know, the middle-finger salute -right during graduation. He thought the sign should say "Best Wishes." We started calling it the "Brazilian Best Wishes" sign.


So we went right to work. We got this big sheet -it had been tie-dyed because Allen and his brothers were always tie-dying everything back then - and spread it out in Allen's backyard. Anyway, we started sketching out our drawing with chalk - a big hand with its finger sticking up. And Allen's mother even helped us draw it -she showed us how to shade it so it looked more like a real hand, less like a cartoon. I remember how she sort of realized what the hand was doing partway through, but she just snickered at us and smiled, saying, "I know what that is." But she didn't stop us. I guess she didn't know what we planned to do with it, exactly.


On the sheet, we signed it "SWAB JOB. The S and W stood for Steve Wozniak, the A and B stood for Allen Baum, and JOB stood for Steve Jobs. We finished the sheet and rolled it up. Late that night, we climbed onto the top of the C building, where we planned to drop it. The idea was that we would attach it to this forty-pound fishing line and kind of pull it down when the graduating Homestead High seniors walked past.


Well, we practiced it and found out that you just can't pull a sheet down off a roof and have it roll down nicely. It doesn't come down off the roof easily, and it will pull other junk off the roof, and it can come down all weird in different shapes.


So the next night we tried to make this little cart thing with an axle and two wheels that we could pull. The idea was that itwould let the sheet down gradually. The axle was nearly eight inches wide. But we found that one of the wheels would always get stuck on its little track. We just couldn't get it right.


By the fourth night of trying to do this, Allen and I were working alone. Steve just didn't have the stamina to stay up and work all night. And by then we'd come up with another idea. Don't use the axle, but keep the wheels. We rigged up this little hookup on the building, higher than the sheet would be, and attached the fishing line and a couple of skates to it. We then tested it out. We stood on the roof, let go of the fishing line, and watched the little skates roll down their ramps until they pulled the sheet down so it scrolled down, pulling down the left side and the right side together. Left to right. It worked perfectly.


We almost got caught that night, by the way. We tried to test it again, but a janitor came along. We just ducked on that roof and were lying down as low as we could. I remember the janitor moving his flashlight around and the light landing on my hand. But before he could call anyone, we ran out of there like crazy.


A couple of days later was graduation day. I woke up that morning to the phone ringing. It was Steve calling from school with bad news. It turned out someone, probably another student, had cut the fishing line and pulled the sign down that morning. So Steve got in trouble - I guess the "SWAB JOB" gave it away, and we never got to play our prank.


Afterward I thought about this a lot. I finally came to the conclusion that even though our "Brazilian Best Wishes" sign didn't come off, it wasn't a failure. Some projects are worth the energy and worth spending a lot of time on, even if they don't come out perfectly.


I learned about teamwork and patience and hard work from that prank - and I learned never to brag about my pranks. Because I found out a year later that Steve Jobs had shown some of the students our prank, showing off. And the guy who told me that - that Steve Jobs had shown him the sign -said he was the guy who cut it clown.


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Steve and I were into listening to Bob Dylan and his lyrics, trying to figure out who was better, Dylan or the Beatles. We both favored Dylan because the songs were about life and living and values in life and what was really important. The Beatles mostly made these nice little happy songs -you know, nice-to-know- you, nice-to-be-with-you, nice-to-be-in-love-with-you songs. They were simple -even after albums like Rubber Soul came out. The songs the Beatles did were not as deep down and affecting your soul and emotions as Dylan's were. They were more like pop songs. To us, Dylan's songs struck a moral chord. They kind of made you think about what was right and wrong in the world, and how you're going to live and be.


At any rate, this first introduction we never forgot, and later on Steve and I were really linked. Linked forever.
