Adoption, 72, 123, 135
ai, 103–104
Anthropology, methods of cultural study in, 6–19
arigato, 105
Armed Services, 78, 90–92, 95, 311–312
Asakawa, Kanichi, 117–118 n.
Austerities, 90, 179–182, 239, 244
Autoeroticism, 138, 270, 284
Bathing, 178, 258
Belgium, 85
Benkei, 138–139
Birth rate, 256
Boasting in childhood, 270–271
Boredom, 165, 168–171
Borton, Hugh, 66 n.
Botchan, a novel, 107–109, 113
Buddhism, 58, 77, 87, 89–90, 177, 191, 209, 235–247, 271–272
buraku, 83
bushido, 175, 317
Caste, 57–58, 61–67, 70–75, 77, 149
Childbirth, 256
China, contrasts and comparisons with Japan, 49–50, 117–118, 122, 133, 137, 147, 183, 185, 191, 197, 208, 214, 226
China, Japanese borrowings from, 49, 57–59, 245
China Incident, 53, 96, 193
Choshu affair, 174–175
chu, 116–117, 125–132, 192, 195–196, 198–201, 205–207, 209–210, 212–213
Circumspection, 219, 290, 293, 315
Cold-rice relatives, 123
Competition, 153–155, 276
Constitution, Meiji, 80
Contradictions in Japanese character, 1–2, 195–197, 290–291
daimyo, 29, 59, 63–64, 67, 70, 74, 76–77, 137–140, 162, 200, 206
Dead, family shrines for the, 51, 271
‘Dead, one who lives as already,' 249–250
Dispossession of child at birth, of next baby, 265–266
‘Dog's death,' 289
donen, 269
Dossiers, 84
Doud, Captain Harold, 181
Dynastic succession in Japan, 127
Eating, 182
Eckstein, Doctor G., 143, 182 n.
Eisai, early Zen priest, 241
Eliot, Sir Charles, 236 n., 242 n., 247 n.
Embree, John F., 6, 83, 269, 283, 284 n., 285
Emperor, 29–33, 35, 58–59, 68–70, 76, 91, 101, 125–132, 151, 309–310
eta, 61
Evil, problem of, 189–192, 197–198, 251
Expendability of Japanese armed forces, 35–39
Family, 48–57, 102, 109–112, 119–125, 134–137, 155, 185, 255, 263–264, 300–301
Farago, Ladislas, 154 n.
Farley, Miriam S., 94 n.
Farmers, 63–66, 74, 76, 78–79, 91
Feudalism, 58–75
Filial piety, 49, 101–102, 116–124, 192, 208, 264
Forewarning, importance of, 26–28
France, contrasts and comparisons with, 51, 86, 170
Frustration and aggression, 230–234
Funerals, 142–143
Geisha, 184–187, 283, 285
Genealogies in pre-Meiji Japan, 50
Genji, Tale of, 183
Germany, contrasts and comparisons with, 30–31, 55, 96, 134, 146, 167, 170, 300
gi, 141, 200, 211
Gifford, E. W., 69 n.
Gift-giving in Japan, 142
gimu, 115–134, 198–199, 205–207, 210–211, 312
giri, 116, 133–176, 192, 195–196, 198–207, 210–212, 273–277, 312
Glattly, Colonel Harold W., 37
go, 136
Go-between, 155, 157, 218
Gorer, Geoffrey, 259 n., 274
Government, Japanese criticisms of during war, 34–35, structure of, 81–87
Guilt, 222–223, 251, 292
haji, 106, 224, 247, 251, 270, 286, 293, 315
Hamilton, Alexander, 46
harakiri, 167
Harris, Townsend, 68
Hateful Things, proverb of the Three, 121–122
Hazing, 276–277
Hearn, Lafcadio, 303 n.
Hideyoshi, 62
Hierarchy in Japan, 21–22, 43–75, 77–97, 103, 145, 149–150, 212, 218, 263, 291, 304, 314
Hilldring, General, 299
Holland, 85, 86
Holter, Frances, 292 n.
Homosexuality, 187–188
Hull, Cordell, 44–45
hysteri, 284
Ieyasu, 60, 163
India, 147, 177, 237–241
Industrialization of Japan, 92–93
inkyo, 52
Intoxication, 189, 285–286
Issei, 217
isshin, 74
Italy, 146
Ito, Prince, 80
jen (Chinese), 117–119, 191
jicho, 219–222, 290, 293, ‘to double jicho with jicho,' 221, 275
jin, 118, 119 n., 195
jingi, 118–119
jiriki, 242
judo, 233
jujitsu, 233
kabuki, 138, 248
Kagawa, Toyohiko, 249, 250 n.
kagura, 138
kami, 127, 286
kamikaze, 24
katajikenai, 106
Kido, Marquis, 80
kino doku, 105
kinshin, 273
ko, 116–124, 136, 192, 195, 198, 208
koan, 245–247
ko-on, 101, 129, 250
Leighton, Doctor Dorothea, 292 n.
Lory, Hillis, 129 n.
Lowell, Percival, 179 n.
MacArthur, General Douglas, 297, 306, 309–311
McCain, Admiral George S., 35
magokoro, 213
makoto, 213–219
Manchuria, 92
Markino, Yoshio, 159, 160 n., 221
Marriage, 120–121, 134–136, 156–157, 184–186, 208, 283–285
Masochism, 164, 167, 276
Medical care in Japanese Army, 36–38
Meiji Era, 76–97, 126, 136, 187, 302
Merchants and financiers, 61–62, 64, 71–74, 76, 78–79, 91–95
Minamoto, Yoritomo, 59
Minamoto, Yoshitsune, 138
Mirror, symbol of, 288, 289
Mishima, Sumie Seo, 225–227
Mother-in-law, 120–121, 123–124, 135, 264–265
Moto?ri, Norihaga, 191
Movies, Japanese, 8, 96, 119, 168, 193–194, 205–207
moxa, 267
muga, 235, 243, 247–248
Namamuga affair, 173–175
narikin, 95, 302
Natsume, Soseki, 107
Nietzsche, 240
nirvana, 237–238
Nisei, 217, 296
Nitobe, Inazo, 161, 317
Nogi, General, 307–308
noh, 138, 242, 248
Nohara, Komakichi, 124 n., 182 n., 290 n.
Norman, Herbert, 63 n., 80 n., 93 n., 174 n.
Nursing, 257, 260–261
nushi, 116
Okakura, Yoshisaburo, 161, 162 n.
Okuma, Count Shinenobu, 213 n., 218
on, 99–117, 120, 130, 134, 137, 145, 155, 192, 194, 213, 221, 225, 273
on-jin, 99, 109, 116, 140
Outcasts, 61, 77
Outside Lords, 60, 76
oya, 116
Pacific islands, parallels with Japanese culture in the, 8–9, 68–69, 157–158, 259
Peasant revolts, 66–67, 78, 310
Perry, Commodore, 68, 74
Police, 85
Poland, 278
Polygamy, 185
Population, voluntary limitation of, 63, 65
Prisoners of war, Japanese, extreme co-operation with American forces, 41–42, 172, interviews with, 30–35, 41
Prostitutes, 184–186
Rescripts, Imperial, 209–214, 218
Respect, etiquette of, 47–49, 264
Restoration, Meiji, 74, 76–97, 126, 302
Ridicule, 28–29, 223, 261–263, 273, 276–279, 287–288, 307
ronin, 138, 162, 199–205, 217
Ronin, Tale of the Forty-Seven, 162, 199–205, 217
Rorschach tests, 292 n.
Russia, 165
Russo-Japanese War, 307–308
‘Rust of the body,' 198, 203, 234–235, 296
Saigo, Takamori, 28, 78
sake, 285
samurai, 50, 59, 62–65, 72, 73, 76–79, 118, 137–139, 148, 149, 162, 187, 242, 303
Sansom, Sir George, 58 n., 165, 197
satori, 238, 240, 243, 247
Scapegoat, 278
Schools, 84–85, 117, 154–155, 276–277
Self-respect, 219–222, 275, 290, 293
Self-sacrifice, 230–233, 289
seppuku, 200–201, 204–205
Sex, 183–188, in adolescence, 282–285
Shame, 106, 222–227, 251, 270, 272, 286, 288–289, 293
Shidehara, Baron, 302
Shinto, 58, 87–90, 209, 271
Shogun, 29, 59–60, 67–70, 74, 76, 80, 126, 137, 174
shuyo, 233–234, 244, 254
Siam, 65, 79, 147, 313
‘Sincerity,' 160–161, 201, 213–219
‘Sixth' sense, 240, 251
Sleeping, 180–181, 230, 257, 268
sonno joi, 74, 76
Spain, 146
Spencer, Herbert, 81
Spirit vs. matter in Japanese ideology, 22–26, 36, 181, 182, 230
Statistical studies in the social sciences, 17
Stoessel, General, 307–308
Strikes since VJ-Day, 310
Stylites, Saint Simeon, 244
Sugimoto, Etsu Inagaki, 268 n., 280–282, 294–295
Suicide, 151, 166–168, 199–201, 204–205, 289
sumimasen, 105
Surnames, in pre-Meiji Japan, 50
Surrender policy of Japanese in World War II, 38–40
Susanowo, 190
sutra, 224
Suzuki, D. T., 215, 247 n.
tal setsu, 212
Talk, learning to, 259
Tantrums, 262, 264, 267, 276
tariki, 242
Taxation, 65–66, 74, 77, 83, 313
Teasing a child, 261–263, 273, 287–288
‘Thank you' in Japanese, 105–107
Time, 311 n.
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 45, 46, 150
Toilet training, 254, 259, 287
tonari gumi, 82
Trance, 240
Transmigration, 238
Tripartite Pact, 43–44
United States, cultural contrasts and analogies, 1, 18, 20, 21, 23, 28, 36, 45–46, 48, 95–96, 98, 102, 112–115, 129–130, 141, 147, 149, 152–154, 165–166, 177, 181–184, 188–189, 192–194, 196, 198, 207, 216, 219, 223, 228–235, 249, 251, 253–255, 278, 293, 306, 313
Uyeda, Professor, 94 n.
Walk, learning to, 259
War, budgetary expenditure for armament in pre-war Japan, 23, 313
War, Japan's reasons for engaging in, 20–21, 43–44, 47, 173
War Relocation Camps, 217
Watson, W. Petrie, 181 n.
Weaning, 260, 261
Wilson, James, 69 n.
Women, 53–55, 148, 208, 255, 256, 264, 274, 279–285
Yamashito, General, 28
Yoga, 237–241
Zaibatsu, 91, 93–95
Zen cult, 215, 235–247