If you’re a student – or, indeed, a teacher! – you will often have no choice about what programming language to use in a course you are committed to. By now, I hope you have some techniques for getting to grips with the prescribed language, whatever it is.


What if you do have a choice of what language to use for a project, though, or a choice of what programming language to learn next? Many factors may influence your decision, from the nature of a program you want to write, to your own state of mind.


1 Questions to Consider 需要考虑的问题

1.1 Are You Choosing Just for Yourself?

Or are you writing a program with someone else, or that someone else will have to maintain in future? You may have to take other people’s needs and preferences into account.


1.2 What Is the Task?

Each language is better for some tasks than others. Actually, though, this isn't as big a factor as you might think. All the languages you are likely to consider are Turing complete, so you can, in principle, program anything you like in them. However, depending on the tools and libraries available, some may be more practical than others. If you can describe the general area of a relevant task (say "data analysis" or "VR game") in a few words, you might like to search to get some ideas of languages to consider.


In 1936, Alan Turing described a simple mathematical model of a computer, which we now call, in his honour, the Turing machine. The Turing-computable functions are the mathematical functions (the mappings from input to output) that can be expressed using such a machine. You might expect that your choice of programming language would have an important effect on which functions you could express. Remarkably, this turns out not to be so. Although programming languages differ in what can be conveniently expressed, modern programming languages do not have, in principle, any more expressive power than very old ones, or even than Turing machines. We call any language in which you can program all the Turing-computable functions Turing complete.


1.3 Which Language(s) Do You Know Already?

This factor can operate eitherway. Youmay prefer to use a language you’re already familiar with, even if it isn’t ideal for the task, so that you can focus on things other than the nitty gritty of how you make the machine do what youwant. However, it can bemore fun to use a language that’s new to you, and – especially early in your programming life – it may be positively sensible to take the opportunity to widen your range. Writing a program you want written is the best way to develop fluency in a language. It’ll take a bit longer than if you do it in a language you already know, of course, but you may learn more in the process.


1.4 How Long Will the Program Need to Last?

If it must last for many years, youmay prefer to use a long-established language with a reputation for maintaining backwards compatibility, like Java, rather than a fast-moving language in which old programs often have to be changed if they are to work with the latest version of the language, like Haskell. Note, though, that you don't always know how long your program will last. If it turns out to be useful, it may last much longer than you expect!


I once wrote a program that was intended to be used only for a few months. This was in the early 1990s, and, alongside colleagues at the company where I was working at the time, I had just been trained on what we needed to do to make sure that our code still worked after the year 2000 – that is, how to make it "Y2K compliant". Just for fun, I made sure my code was Y2K compliant and added a comment that said so, even though there was no expectation it would still be in use in the year 2000. Many years later, after I had left the company, I met someonewhoworked there, having arrived after I left. She knew my name because she had seen it in a program. You've guessed it – it was that program, which was still in use many years after I would have expected it to be retired.


1.5 Do You Plan to Distribute It?

If you want other people to be able to compile and/or run your program, you need to pay attention to how easy it will be for them. What will they need in the way of compiler, run-time software, libraries, etc. , and how likely are they to have the necessary things installed already?Will you need to provide instructions? Are there other dependencies or constraints? For example, what are you assuming about what operating system these people will be using?


What Kind of Libraries or Components Will You Need? E.g. does your program need a graphical user interface (GUI), or to use a database? Check that good, suitable software that interacts well with your language exists.


Be quite cautious: sometimes you may find that there is a library, but that it is out of date, poorly documented, or hard to use. Unless you are really looking for a challenge, you should look for evidence that plenty of other people currently use the software you are considering.


1.6 What Kind of Mistakes Are Most Important to Guard Against?

This question, and its implications, are harder to get a handle on than some of the others, but are worth thinking about. For example, if your program will manipulate complex data structures, you may find the security of static type-checking important. On the other hand, if your program will involve a frequently changing interaction at the command line and lots of file handling, it might be more important to you that your language has convenient operating system interaction and string manipulation features.


2 A Few Languages You May Encounter


Here is a list of just a few languages, focusing on the ones you are most likely to need to learn for university study. Perhaps you might challenge yourself to learn a little of each?


Any such list is bound to be incomplete and controversial, however. If you come across a language that interests you, do not be put off learning it by the fact that it is not included here!


2.1 C

C is a low-level language, in the sense that it is "close to the machine": every computer has a C compiler. It may be a good choice if you want to understand how your program really works; for example, by learning about pointer arithmetic, you can improve your intuition for howdata is stored in the computer's memory. It is still a popular language for embedded systems. If you are interested in hardware, you are very likely to need to learn it.


2.2 C++

C++ layers object-oriented features on top of C. It is harder to write in than Java, but even today it is more efficient. If C++ is the right language for you, you probably don't need me to explain why that is.


2.3 Fortran

Fortran dates back to the 1950s and is now thought of as an oldfashioned language. However, it is still widely used in scientific computing.


2.4 Haskell

Haskell is one of the best established functional languages. It has a powerful static type system which can help you to avoid many kinds of bug. It is the language of choice for many experts in programming language theory. This has pluses and minuses: a plus is that learning Haskell will make many advanced features and a body of research available to you, while a minus is that it can be hard to get simple answers to simple questions, and that the compilers and libraries tend to change fast and unpredictably.


2.5 Java

Java is a very widely used, robust language, well-supported by tools, books, tutorials, etc. It is especially popular for enterprise systems, that is, for systems that support the business process of complex organisations. It can be verbose.


2.6 JavaScript

JavaScript is a natural choice for web applications. There is a huge range of frameworks and libraries, so that the process of learning JavaScript is arguably more about learning some of its frameworks. JavaScript is dynamically typed, but if that is a problem for you you might want to consider TypeScript, which is essentially a statically typed variant of JavaScript, which compiles down to JavaScript. Be aware that the "Java" in "JavaScript" is there essentially for historical marketing reasons: when JavaScript came out, in 1995, Java was new and fashionable. The two languages are very different.



MATLAB is a language for numerical computing, widely used by scientists and engineers. Unlike most of the languages in this list, it has no open-source implementation.


2.8 Perl

Perl stands for practical extraction and report language, or for pathologically eclectic rubbish lister. A Perl motto is "There's more than one way to do it. "Once you know the language well, it is extremely convenient for many tasks, especially those that involve interacting with the operating system and manipulating strings. But it can be difficult to track down bugs in your Perl programs. I love Perl (which is really why it's in this list: it's not commonly taught as a first programming language, though you may come across it in passing, almost anywhere) but I find it hard to argue for you learning it now, unless you have existing Perl code to maintain. Do at least consider using Python instead.


2.9 PHP

PHP is a scripting language, widely used for web development (especially server-side scripting). It is easy to get started with, and is popular in web applications courses that have to cover a lot of ground. It has a reputation as a language which tends to encourage the writing of unmaintainable, insecure code – but this may be somewhat unfair, especially as recent versions of the language have improved.


2.10 Prolog

Prolog is an old language which is having a resurgence with the AI boom. It has similar pattern-matching to functional languages like Haskell, but otherwise feels quite different from any of the other languages in this list: it's described as a logic programming language, and the fundamental idea is that you encode some facts and then ask questions about them.


2.11 Python

By some measures Python is the most popular first programming language. I still rather resent Python for stealing the place in the language ecosystem that used to be occupied by Perl, one of my all-time favourite languages. There's no denying, though, that Python has many advantages over Perl. Perhaps the easiest way to summarise the difference is to point out that one of the principles included in the Zen of Python2 is "There should be one – and preferably only one – obvious way to do it. "


Python is very easy to get started with, very popular, and a good all-purpose language. It's not statically typed, which means you may regret it if your program gets big and complicated. It's a popular language for data science and for machine learning, and has good facilities for manipulating strings. Its popularity means that there are libraries and frameworks for everything. There are significant differences between Python versions 2 and 3, so be sure you know which you are to use.


2.12 R

R is a language for doing statistics with data. It provides convenient facilities for graphing and analysis. Unlike MATLAB, which is sometimes used for the same tasks, it is an open-source language.


2.13 Racket/Scheme

Racket/Scheme Widely used as a teaching language, but not so popular commercially, Scheme is a functional language from the Lisp family. Racket, originally a renaming of a version of Scheme, is now more popular. It has a minimalist language design philosophy, and is a good language to learn if you're interested in how programming languages work.


Since all of these languages are widely used, and most of them often act as first programming languages, there is good teaching material in all of them. Experiment!


3 The Changing Landscape of Languages 语言环境的变化

The languages as above in the previous section date back to the last century. But new programming languages are being invented all the time, and there are many other old ones I could have mentioned, too. You might like to search as well as, of course, watching out for information on which languages are used by people and organisations whose work you find interesting. The TIOBE index attempts a regularly updated summary of the popularity of programming languages – but, unsurprisingly, its methodology is contested.

上述的所有语言都可以追溯到上个世纪。但新的编程语言一直在被发明,我也可以提到许多其他的旧编程语言。你可能想搜索,当然,也可以留意那些你觉得工作有趣的人和组织使用哪些语言的信息。TIOBE index试图定期更新编程语言流行程度的摘要,但不出所料,它的方法受到了质疑。

Above all, be aware that if you plan to have a career that involves programming, the language you learn first is unlikely to be the one you use most in your life. It is important to learn to write good programs in your first language, but it is equally important to set yourself on the path towards writing good programs in languages that have not yet been invented. To do this, make a habit of thinking about the why, as well as the what, of your programming decisions.



Perdita Stevens - How to Write Good Programs_ A Guide for Students-Cambridge University Press (2020)
