word pronounce meaning remark
1 desert
1 forsake
2 a bit
2 a bit of
2 do one's bit
3 ability
3 genius
3 gift
3 talent
3 aptitude
3 competence
3 capability
3 capacity
4 able
4 capable
4 competent
5 a many
5 many a
6 a moment
6 the moment
7 a amount of
7 amounts of
7 a deal of
7 a lot of 
7 lots of
7 a number of
7 mumbers of
7 a mass of
7 masses of
8 accept
8 admit
8 receive
9 accident
9 incident
9 event
9 occurrence
9 happening
10 act
10 action
10 deed 
10 act on
10 act as
10 perform
11 acknowledge
11 admit
11 confess
11 own
11 recognize
12 acquaintance
12 associate
12 companion
12 friend
13 advantage
13 benefit
13 interest
13 profit
14 advice
14 counsel
14 opinion
14 view
14 proposal
14 suggestion
14 recommendation
14 offer
15 affair
15 matter
15 business
16 affect
16 effect
16 influence
17 agree
17 approve
17 assent
17 coincide
17 consent
17 concur
17 correspond
17 sanction
17 be for
18 aim at
18 aim to
18 be aimed at
19 aim
19 goal
19 intention
19 purpose
19 design
20 alike
20 as 
20 like
20 analogous [E5nAlE^Es] 类似的, 相似的, 可比拟的
20 cognate [5kC^neit] 同词源的,同类的
20 similar
21 all right
21 that's all right
22 alone
22 lonely
22 lone 
22 lonesome
23 allow
23 permit
23 promise
23 let
24 almost
24 nearly
25 anger
25 indignation
25 wrath
25 rage
25 fury
25 irritation
26 announce
26 assert
26 declare
26 proclaim
26 publish
27 answer
27 reply
27 respond
28 anxiety
28 care
28 concern
28 solicitude
28 worry
28 harassment
28 annoyance
29 argue
29 discuss
29 debate
29 dispute
30 area
30 region
30 district
30 quarter
30 county
30 township
30 zone
31 arise
31 rise
31 ascend
31 climb
31 mount
31 soar
32 as to
32 as for
32 as regards
32 regarding
32 in regard to
32 with regard to
32 with respect to
32 in respect to
33 ask
33 inquire
33 question
33 interrogate [in5terE^eit] 审问, 询问
34 ask
34 beg
34 beseech
34 claim
34 demand
34 implore
34 entreat
34 request
34 require
34 solicit
35 assure
35 ensure
35 insure
35 guarantee
35 secure
35 promise
36 at will
36 with a will
37 attend
37 be present
38 attend to
38 be absorbed in
39 accompany
39 escort
40 aware
40 conscious
41 base 
41 basis
41 foundation
42 be afraid of
42 be fearful of
42 be frightened of
42 be scared of
42 be terrified of
43 suffer
43 tolerate
44 be disappointed
44 be disappointed of
44 be disappointed in
44 be disappointed with
45 be responsible for
45 be responsible to
46 beautiful
46 pretty
46 handsome
46 fair
46 lovely
46 good-looking
47 be about to
47 be to
48 be tired of
48 tire of
48 tired out
48 be tired with
48 be tired from
49 begin
49 commence
49 start
50 before long
50 long after
51 believe
51 believe in
51 confide
51 confide in
51 trust
51 trust in
51 convince
52 belong to
52 belong in
52 belong on
53 below
53 beneath
53 under
53 underneath
54 beside
54 besides
55 besides
55 except
55 except for
55 in addition to
56 big
56 large
56 great
57 borrow
57 lend
57 loan
58 bother
58 disturb
58 trouble
58 annoy
58 irritate
59 boat
59 ship
59 vessel
59 craft
60 broad
60 wide
61 build
61 construct
61 erect
61 establish
61 found
61 set up
62 busy with
62 busy in
63 but 
63 but for
63 except for
64 by and by
64 by the by
64 by the bye
64 by the way
64 by way of
65 by comparison
65 in comparison
65 beyond comparison
66 by turns
66 in turn
66 out of turn
66 take one's a turn
66 take turns
66 turn and turn about
67 buy
67 purchase
67 get 
67 order
68 call a meeting
68 preside at a meeting
68 preside over a meeting
68 adjourn
68 confer
68 summon
68 convene
68 convoke
69 call
69 summon
69 invite
70 can but
70 cannot but
70 cannot help
70 cannot…too
71 care
71 care about
71 care for
71 care to
71 mind
72 caricature [7kArikE5tjuE] 讽刺画, 漫画, 讽刺描述法, 歪曲(或拙劣)的模仿
72 burlesque [bE:5lesk] 作戏, 滑稽表演,滑稽的, 可笑的
72 parody [5pArEdi] 模仿滑稽作品, 拙劣的模仿
72 travesty [5trAvisti] 滑稽的转写, 漫画, 滑稽模仿
73 carry
73 bring
73 fetch
73 get 
73 take
73 convey
73 transport
74 carry on
74 carry on with
74 carry out
74 carry through
75 catch
75 capture
75 seize
75 grasp
75 clutch
75 arrest
76 cause
76 occasion
76 reason
76 motive
77 center
77 middle
78 cease
78 halt
78 pause
78 stop
79 certain
79 sure
79 confident
79 self-confident
79 assured
79 self-assured
80 chance
80 opportunity
81 change
81 alter
81 vary
81 transform
81 transmute 使变形;使变质
81 convert
83 cheat
83 deceive
83 trick
83 delude
83 impose
83 defraud
83 swindle
84 check
84 arrest
84 stop
84 restrain
84 curb
85 cheerful
85 cheery
85 cheering
85 glad
85 happy
85 joyful
85 joyous
86 choose
86 select
86 elect
86 pick
87 circumstance
87 environment
87 surroundings
88 claim
88 demand
88 request
88 surroundings
88 claim
88 demand
88 request
88 require
89 clear
89 apparent
89 evident
89 obvious
89 distinct
89 plain
90 clothing
90 clothes
90 costume
90 dress
90 garment
90 attire
90 garb
90 habit
90 robe
91 combine
91 connect
91 join 
91 unite
91 associate
92 comfort
92 sonsole
92 relieve
92 solace
93 common
93 general
93 mutual
93 ordinary
93 popular
93 universal
94 compare
94 compare to
94 compare with
94 can't compare with
94 be not to be compared with
94 contrast
95 complex
95 complicated
95 intricate
95 knotty (木材等)多结的, 多节的, 多瘤的, 棘手的, 困难多的
95 involved
96 complete
96 finish
96 conclude
96 accomplish
96 fulfill
96 end
96 achieve
97 continual
97 continuous
97 constant
97 ceaseless
97 incessant
98 contrive
98 devise
98 invent
98 frame
98 concoct [kEn5kCkt] 调制, 调合, 编造
99 count
99 calculate
99 work out
100 confer
100 consult
100 consult with
100 talk over with
101 crime
101 offense
101 sin
101 vice
101 transgression 违反, 犯罪, [地]海侵, 海进
102 cry
102 bellow
102 exclaim
102 shout
102 scream
102 shriek
102 screech
102 yell
103 couple
103 a couple of
103 in couples
103 coupled with
103 pair
103 in pairs
103 make a pair
104 cure
104 heal
104 remedy
105 damage
105 detriment [5detrimEnt] 损害, 损害物
105 harm
105 hurt
105 injury
105 loss
105 mischief
105 wound
106 dark
106 dim
106 gloomy
106 obscure
106 vague
107 decide
107 decide on
107 determine
107 be determined
107 resolve
107 be resolved on
107 make up one's mind
108 decorate
108 adorn
108 deck
108 embellish
108 garnish
108 ornament
109 dead
109 deceased
109 lifeless
109 inanimate
110 deadly
110 deathly
110 mortal
110 fatal
111 dear
111 costly
111 expensive
112 defeat
112 conquer
112 overcome
112 surmount
112 vanquish
113 defend
113 guard
113 protect
113 safeguard
114 desire
114 wish
114 hope
114 want
114 care
114 long
114 expect
114 look forward to
115 differ from
115 differ in
115 differ form…in
115 differ with…in
115 differ about
115 differ on
115 differ over
116 different
116 various
116 diverse
116 several
116 sundry 各种各样的;各式的
117 divide
117 separate
117 part
118 good for
118 be good for
118 be good of one to
118 do good
118 do one good
118 do good to one
119 dodge 避开, 躲避
119 parry 挡开,避开(袭击、武器) 回避(问题)
119 sidestep 横跨的一步, (侧面的)台阶 横跨一步躲闪, 回避(困难)
119 duck 鸭子, 急忙蹲下, 闪避, <俚> 人, 家伙
119 shirk [FE:k] 逃避, 推卸
119 fence 栅栏, 围墙, 剑术 闪避;搪塞
119 malinger [mE5lIN^E(r)] 装病逃避工作;诈病
120 draw
120 drag
120 haul
120 pull
120 tug
120 tow
121 dozen
121 dozen of
121 dozens of
122 duty
122 obligation
122 responsibility
123 each
123 every
124 easy
124 facile [5fAsaIl; (?@) 5fAsl] 易做到的, 易得到的, 不花力气的, 敏捷的, 流畅的, (性格)柔顺的, 温和的, 容易的
124 simple
124 light
124 effortless
124 smooth
125 effective
125 efficient
125 effectual
125 efficacious 有效的, 灵验的
126 effort
126 endeavor
126 application
126 exertion
126 striving
127 empty
127 vacant
127 void
127 blank
128 enemy
128 foe
129 excuse
129 apology
129 pretence
129 pretext
130 exercise
130 practice
130 drill
131 famous
131 celebrated
131 renowned
131 well-known
131 noted
131 notorious
131 illustious
132 face
132 in the face of
132 in one's face
132 in face of
132 look in the face
132 stare in the face
133 fail 
133 fail in
133 fail to
133 without fail
134 familiar
134 familiar to
134 familiar with
135 familiar
135 intimate
135 confidential
136 far
136 by far
136 far and away
136 so far
136 so goood
137 far 
137 distant
137 remote
138 farther
138 further
139 feeling
139 feel 
139 sensation
139 sentiment
139 sensibility
139 perception
139 emotion
139 passion
140 fight for
140 fight over
140 fight with
140 fight against
140 fight with…against
141 fit
141 apt
141 fitting
141 befitting
141 adapted
141 proper suitable…appropriate
141 adaptable
142 fix
142 establish
142 settle
142 fasten
143 falsh
143 glitter
143 sparkle
143 glare
143 glimmer
143 gleam
143 glisten
143 glow
143 light
143 shine
143 twinkle
144 flat
144 even
144 level
144 plane
144 plain
144 smooth
145 follow
145 succeed
145 ensue
146 food
146 provisions
146 rations
146 diet [5daIEt] 饮食;食物,特种饮食;保健食谱
146 table
147 foolish
147 silly
147 stupid
147 dull
147 fatuous
148 forbid
148 prohibit
148 interdict
149 form 
149 shape
149 figure
149 forward
149 onward
150 foretell
150 predict
150 prophesy [5prCfisi] 预言, 预报
150 forebode
150 presage
150 prognosticate
151 freedom
151 liberty
151 independence
152 further
152 promote
153 futile
153 vain
154 gather
154 collect
154 assemble
154 muster
154 congregate
155 get
155 acquire
155 obtain
155 procure
155 secure
155 gain
155 win
155 earn
156 get along
156 get on
157 give
157 present
157 confer
158 grand
158 stately
158 noble
159 guess
159 conjecture
159 surmise
160 hand in hand
160 hand to hand
160 in hand
160 on hand
160 at hand
161 had better
161 had rather
161 would rather…than
162 happen
162 occur
162 take place
162 chance
162 befall
162 come off
162 come to pass
163 harbor
163 port
163 haven
164 hard
164 difficult
164 arduous
165 hate
165 detest
165 abhor
166 have
166 hold
166 own
166 possess
166 have got
166 occupy
167 healthy
167 healthful
167 wholesome
167 salubrious [sE5lju:briEs] 有益健康的
167 salutary [5sAljutEri] 有益的
167 sound
168 hear
168 listen to
168 listen for
168 listen in
169 help
169 aid
169 assist
169 relieve
169 succor [5sQkE] 救援, 援助者, 救援人员
170 hesitate
170 falter
170 waver
171 hide
171 conceal
171 dissemble
172 high
172 tall
172 lofty
173 hint
173 intimate
173 insinuate
174 hold
174 contain
174 accommodate
175 honesty
175 integrity
176 honor
176 homage
176 deference
177 hopelessness
177 despair
177 desperation
178 idea
178 notion
178 thought
179 ignorant
179 illiterate
179 uneducated
180 imagine
180 conceive
181 immediately
181 instantly
181 presently
182 impart
182 communicate
183 implement
183 instrument
183 tool
184 improve
184 improve on
184 better
185 in all
185 all told
185 all in all
186 in charge of
186 in the charge of
186 put sb. In charge of
187 in front of
187 in the front of
188 in point of
188 on the point of
188 at the point of
189 in case
189 in case of
189 in the case of
190 in the east of
190 to the east of
190 on the east of
190 east of
190 out ease
190 back east
191 include
191 comprise
191 comprehend
192 infer
192 conclude
192 deduce
193 inevitable
193 inescapable
193 necessary
193 unavoidable
194 joy
194 pleasure
194 delight
195 jump
195 leap
195 spring
196 just
196 fair
196 impartial
197 keen
197 eager
197 anxious
198 kind
198 sort
199 knowledge
199 information
200 last
200 final
200 ultimate
201 lead
201 guide
201 conduct
201 direct
202 lengthen
202 extend
202 prolong
203 like
203 be fond of
203 love
203 prefer
204 list
204 catalogue
204 roll
205 living
205 livelihood
205 support
206 load
206 burden
207 look
207 see
208 magnificent
208 splendid
208 superb
209 make
209 construct
209 fashion
210 mean
210 intend
211 meeting
211 rally
211 conference
211 congress
211 assembly
211 gathering
212 motion
212 movement
213 move on
213 advance
213 proceed
214 neat
214 tidy
214 trim
215 necessary
215 indispensable 不可缺少的, 绝对必要的
215 essential
216 neglect
216 negligence
217 obstacle
217 obstruction
217 hindrance [5hindrEns] 妨碍, 障碍
218 obedient
218 docile [5dEusail] 听话的, 容易教的, 驯良的, 温顺的
218 tractable [5trAktEbl] 易驾驭的, 驯良的, 易管教的, 易处理的
218 amenable [E5mi:nEb(E)l] 可受指导的;可受影响的
218 biddable 顺从的, 可叫牌的
218 compliant
219 occupation
219 business
219 employment
219 profession
220 offend
220 affront
220 insult
220 outrage
221 opposite
221 contrary
221 contradictory
222 order
222 command
222 direct
223 outdo
223 excel
223 surpass
223 exceed
224 out of question
224 out of the question
225 penetrate
225 pierce
226 perform
226 execute
226 discharge
227 persist
227 persevere
227 insist
228 persuade
228 convince
228 prevail on
228 prevail with
229 plan
229 design
229 project
229 scheme
229 program
230 pleasant
230 pleasing
230 pleased
230 agreeable
230 delightful
230 comfortable
231 pleasure
231 delight
231 joy
231 gladness
232 power
232 force
232 strength
232 might
233 practice
233 custom
233 habit
233 manners
234 praise
234 approve
234 commend
234 pretend
234 affect
234 assume
234 feign
235 previous
235 preceding
235 prior
236 price
236 cost
236 charge
236 expense
236 fee
236 value
237 pride
237 conceit
238 product
238 produce
238 production
239 put
239 place
239 set
239 lay
239 lie
240 quality
240 property
241 quick
241 fast
241 rapid
241 swift
242 quiet
242 calm
242 still
242 somposed
242 collected
242 silent
243 quote
243 cite
244 raise
244 lift
244 elevate
244 exalt
244 heave
244 hoist
245 rare
245 scarce
246 rash
246 reckless
247 raw
247 crude
248 ready
248 prompt
249 real
249 actual
249 TRUE
249 positive
250 reason
250 cause
250 grounds
251 reasonable
251 rational
252 recover
252 reclaim
252 retrieve
252 restore
252 recuperate [ri5kju:pEreit] 复原
253 refuse
253 reject
253 decline
253 repel
254 release
254 free
254 set free
254 liberate
255 reliable
255 trustworthy
255 trusty
255 trustful
255 credible
255 credulous
256 rely
256 depend
257 remember
257 recall
257 recollect
257 remind
257 put in mind of
258 repeat
258 repeat again
258 reiterate
259 rescue
259 deliver from
259 save
259 salvage 抢救财货, 获救的财货, 救难的奖金, 海上救助, 抢救, 打捞 海上救助, 抢救, 打捞, 营救(甩savage区分);
260 result
260 effect
260 consequence
261 revere [ri5viE] 尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬
261 reverence
261 respect
261 regard
261 honor
261 esteem
261 venerate
261 adore
262 rich
262 wealthy
263 ripe
263 mature
264 ruin
264 destruction
265 rule
265 govern
265 control
265 reign
266 safe
266 secure
267 salary
267 wages
267 pay
267 allowance
268 same
268 identical
269 satisfy
269 be satisfied with
269 content
269 content oneself with
269 be contented with
270 satisfied
270 satisfactory
270 contented
270 contented
270 gratified
271 scarcely
271 hardly
271 barely
272 scope
272 range
272 compass
273 search
273 explore
273 rummage
274 search for
274 seek for
274 look for
274 feel for
274 feel after
275 see
275 perceive
275 observe
276 send
276 dispatch
276 forward
276 transmit
276 remit
276 route
276 ship
277 series
277 sequence
277 succession
278 shake
278 tremble
278 quiver
279 sleep
279 go to sleep
279 drop asleep
279 be asleep
279 go to bed
280 slight
280 overlook
280 neglect
280 ignore
280 disregard
281 small
281 little
281 diminutive [di5minjutiv] 小的, 指小的, 小型的
281 tiny
282 smash
282 shatter
282 break
282 crush
282 crack
282 burst
283 social
283 sociable
284 sole
284 single
284 only
284 unique
285 solid
285 hard
285 firm
286 somebody
286 someone
286 some one
287 sometime
287 sometimes
287 some time
288 speak
288 talk
288 say
288 tell
288 state
288 address
289 special
289 particular
289 specific
289 especial
289 peculiar
289 individual
290 spend
290 expend
290 disburse [dis5bE:s] 支付
290 cost
290 take
291 standard
291 criterion
292 stare
292 gaze
292 glare
292 gape 瞠目结舌 张大嘴;打呵欠
292 peer
292 gloat  洋洋自得 幸灾乐祸地看(或想);贪婪地盯视
293 stay
293 remain
293 linger
293 tarry 等候, 逗留,耽搁;延迟
293 abide
294 stern
294 severe
295 stiff
295 rigid
296 stimulate
296 enliven [in5laivEn] 使生气的, 使活泼, 使生动
296 excite
296 galvanize [5^AlvEnaIz] 电镀;镀锌,激励;刺激
296 pique 伤害...自尊心, 使...生气
296 quicken
297 strange
297 odd
297 peculiar
297 queer
298 street
298 avenue
298 road
298 path
298 lane
299 substance
299 matter
299 material
300 suffering
300 distress
300 misery
301 sufficient
301 enough
301 adequate
302 summary
302 digest
303 support
303 maintain
303 uphold
303 sustain
304 survive
304 outlast
304 outlive
305 surprise
305 astonish
305 amaze
306 suspect
306 distrust
306 doubt
307 sweat
307 perspiration
308 swing
308 sway
308 rock
309 tantamount 与…相等的;与…相当的
309 equal
309 equivalent
310 teach
310 instruct
310 educate
310 train
310 coach
310 tutor
311 think
311 reflect
311 meditate
312 threaten
312 menance
313 tired
313 weary
313 exhausted
314 tiresome
314 tedious
315 topic
315 burden
315 theme
315 subject
315 subject matter
315 title
315 heading
316 toss
316 throw
316 cast
316 sling
316 pitch
316 hurl
316 fling
317 trade
317 commerce
318 transfigure 使变形, 美化, 理想化
318 metamorphose [7metE5mC:fEuz] 变形, 变质, 使变成
318 transmogrify 使变形, 使变成奇形怪状
319 trial
319 test
319 experiment
320 trip
320 journey
320 voyage
320 tour
320 travel
321 TRUE
321 real
321 actual
321 positive
321 genuine
322 try
322 attempt
322 endeavor
323 turn
323 revolve
323 rotate
323 orbit
323 circle
323 move around
323 spin
324 upright
324 erect
325 upset
325 overturn
326 used to
326 would
327 useless
327 futile
327 fruitless
327 ineffectual
328 usual
328 customary
328 habitual
328 wonted
328 accustomed
329 valid
329 sound
329 cogent [5kEudVEnt] 强有力的, 使人信服的, 使人首肯的, 恰到好处的
330 valuable
330 precious
331 value
331 appreciate
331 esteem
331 treasure
331 cherish
332 vanish
332 disappear
332 fade
332 evanesce [7i:vE5nes] 逐渐看不见, 消散
332 evaporate
333 variety
333 diversity
334 very
334 quite
334 much
334 so
335 victory
335 conquest
335 triumph
336 view
336 scene
337 visitor
337 guest
337 caller
337 visitant
338 visit
338 pay a visit
338 call on
338 call at
338 go to see
338 come to see
338 drop in
339 vivify 给与生气, 使复生, 使生动, 使活跃
339 quicken
339 animate
339 enliven
340 wait
340 await
340 expect
341 wake
341 awake
341 awaken
341 waken
341 wake up
341 rouse
341 arouse
342 walk
342 stride
342 plod
342 amble 缓行, 溜蹄
343 wander
343 stray
343 ramble
343 range
343 roam
344 warn
344 caution
344 forewarn
345 wary
345 careful
345 cautious
345 punctilious
345 scrupulous
345 meticulous
345 conscientious
346 watchful
346 vigilant
346 alert
347 wave
347 breaker
347 ripple
347 comber [5kEumE] 梳者, [纺]梳机, <美>卷浪, 拍岸浪
347 surge
347 billow
348 way
348 method
348 manner
349 way
349 route
349 course
349 passage
349 pass
349 artery
350 weak
350 feeble
350 decrepit [dI5krepIt] 衰老的;老朽的;破旧的
351 weaken
351 undermine
351 debilitate
351 enfeeble
352 wear
352 dress
352 put on
352 have on
353 weapon
353 arms
354 weighty
354 heavy
354 burdensome
355 well-known
355 famous
355 celebrated
355 renowned
355 noted
355 notorious
355 illustrious
356 wet
356 damp
356 moist
357 what time
357 when
358 when
358 while
358 as
359 whether
359 if
359 whole
359 total
359 entire
359 complete
359 perfect
359 gross
359 all
360 wise
360 bright
360 brilliant
360 clever
360 intelligent
360 sage
360 smart
361 with
361 trhough
361 by
361 because of
361 due to
361 owing to
361 on account of
361 thanks to
362 withstand
362 bear
362 endure
362 put up with
362 stand
363 withstand
363 oppose
363 resist
364 wonderful
364 marvelous
365 wood
365 forest
365 grove
365 jungle
366 word
366 term
366 vocabulary
367 work
367 job
367 task
368 work
368 labor
368 toil
369 world
369 earth
369 globe
370 worry
370 annoy
370 harass
371 worth
371 worthy
372 wound
372 injure
372 hur
373 wretched
373 miserable
374 wrong
374 mistake
374 error
374 slip
374 fault
375 yield
375 submit
376 young
376 youthful
376 juvenile [5dVu:vinail]