


因此形成了英语相对固定的正常语序(regualr word order):主语+谓语。因此,新信息中最关键的部分常出现在句子未端,称之为未端中心(end focus),凡是语法结构较复杂的词数较多的信息片断(piece of information)一般出现在句末,称之为末端重量(end weight).


倘若改变了上述的英语中相对固定的正常语序,即采用后移(postponement),外位(extraposition),分隔(discontinuity),前置(fronting),倒装(inversion),分裂(cleaving)等等修辞所产生的非正常语序(irregular word order)就可以达到各种不同的强调的修辞效果。

1 后移postponement


1.1 被动态

The flower were destroyed by the rain.

1.2 外位extraposition



It takes him an hour to get there by bus.

It's dangerous playing with fire.

It is certain (that)he will win.

I regard it as my responsibility to see that the vast amount of money he accumulated is used for the good of humanity.

We think it useless g with him.

We think it important that we should put education in the first place.\

See to it that the door is locked.(see to:注意)

2 分隔discontinuity


Just then I noticed,for the first time,that Monsieur Hamel wore his fine green coat

An order has come from Berlin that no language but German may be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.(forgo,放弃)

Devote some of your leisure,I repeat,to cultivating a love of reading good books.

So I got a place in a laundry ironing shirt.

Nixon saw an opportunity in Warsaw to convey a new and more significant message to China.

3 前移fronting


Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends.

Her appearance all admired,while her personality few praised.

A scandal I call it

Very strange it seemed.

4 倒装inversion

4.1 全部倒装full inversion(主谓倒装)

4.1.1 地主状语(如there,here)、时间状语(then,now)、方式状语(thus,hence)位于句首,谓语为come,go,be等短词,主语很长,是名词词组而不是代词时;

Here are some letters for you to type.

Then came the time to part.

4.1.2 方位副词(in,out,up,down,away,off,back等)及象形词(bang等)位于句首时表示出乎意料,要全倒装;

Out flow a bird from teacher's chalk-box.

Bang goes my ace.

Away she went(代词做主语不用倒装);

4.1.3 介词短语做状语位于句首,主语比谓语长要全倒装

From the valley came a tinkling sound,a soothing moo,the lull of alien voices.

In this chapter will be found a partial answer.

In books are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages.embalm:涂香油于(尸体), 施以防腐剂, 铭记于心, 使不朽

4.2 部分倒装partial inversion

4.2.1 否定词、否定词组或半否定词位于句首,要用局部倒装。

Never has Bob been abroad before.

Nothing is there more friendly to a man than a friend in need.

Neither do I know her name,nor does he.

On no account must we give up.

At no time did the professor ever cut up the lecture into topics and subtopics.

Little did they realize that they had made an important discovery in science.

Naked come I into the world,and naked must I go out.

scarcely a drop of rain fell last month.(否定词修饰主语时不用倒装)

4.2.2 only位于句首,若不是修饰主语,则引起倒装。

Only later did they realize what a terrible thing it was.

Only if you pass the exam and become a college student,will I accept you as a friend.

Only when you need books,can you think them insufficient.

4.2.3 so\such\often位于句首时要用半倒装

So great was the destruction that the south took decades to recovery.

Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.

Often does he warn us not to touch the poisonous chemical.

4.2.4 形容词/分词/名词/副词/实义动词+as/though/that所引导的从句(主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词---要用半倒装。

Wealthy though he is,I don't envy him.

Coward that he is,don't bully him.

Much as I like you,I will not marry you.

4.2.5 Were/Had/Should+主语+其他=even if,即虚拟语气句中省略if,要倒装

Were the danger even greater,I should feel compelled to go.

Even had she been alive,we shouldn't have seen her.


Be a man ever so clever,he knows nothing if he doesn't learn.

Be he friend or enemy,the law regards him as a criminal.

Go where you will,you cannot succeed without perseverance.

Try as he did,he couldn't remember a word of it.

Tired that he was,he went to bed early.

Realizing as I do that I'll be very much occupied in the afternoon,I must send off all these letters this morning.

Love looks not with the eyes,but with the mind,and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

As fire tries gold,so does adversity try virtue.

They looked upon him as a trusted friend,as did many others he had deceived.

She will be twenty-one,come May.

5 分裂/强调句cleaving

5.1 强调除动词谓语以外的其他句子成分用强调的it

It was you that told me the news;

It was the Batman that/whom I met in your room yesterday;

It was in your room that I met the Batman yesterday;

It was yesterday that I met the Batman in your room.

It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;It is because we do not dare that they are difficult.

It is a good tongue that says no ill, and a better heart that thinks none.

Was it in Shenzhen that you first watched TV?

How was it that she passed the exam?

What a picture it is you've drawn?

It was Gordon(who) drove sophia yesterday, wasn't it?

It will not be you who will have to take the blame for this.

It is a wise father that knows his own child.

5.2 强调动词谓语时,要用强调动词do

I didn't believe it to start with. But it did explain why all the news was different.

He does speak four languages.

6 there be的词法特征

there to be

for there to be

there being

there is said to be

lest there be

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