The Chinese calendar combines the lunar and solar systems together. The Year and Day cycles use the solar system. However, there are two different Month cycles in the Chinese calendar. One uses the lunar system and the other uses the solar system. In the lunar system of Month, the new moon day is the first day of a lunar month. The length of a lunar month is the length of time between two new moon days. The name of a lunar Month is taken from the solar system. The Chinese solar months are not like the months of a modern calendar. The Chinese calendar divides the year into 24 solar segments(节气) according to the sun positions on the tropical zodiac (Similar to western astrology). Each segment's name was given for ancient Chinese farmers' use. To understand the whole picture view the following chart.

24节气 生肖 星座  24节气查询
sn 节气 Solar Segment Sun Longitude 生肖 Month Name 星座 Astrology Name 星座日期
1 立春 Start of Spring 315 Tiger 宝瓶座 Aquarius 1.20.~2.18.
2 雨水 Rain Water 330 双鱼座 Pisces 2.19.~3.20.
3 惊蛰 Excited Insects 345 Rabbit
4 春分 Vernal Equinox 0 白羊座 Aries 3.21.~4.20.
5 清明 Clear and Bright 15 Dragon
6 谷雨 Grain Rains 30 金牛座 Taurus 4.21.~5.20.
7 立夏 Start of Summer 45 Snake
8 小满 Grain Fills 60 双子座 Gemini 5.21.~6.21.
9 芒种 Grain in Ear 75 Horse
10 夏至 Summer solstice 90 巨蟹座 Cancer 6.22.~7.22.
11 小暑 Slight Heat 105 Sheep
12 大暑 Great Heat 120 狮子座 Leo 7.23.~8.22.
13 立秋 Start of Autumn 135 Monkey
14 处暑 Still Hot 150 室女座 Virgo 8.23.~9.22.
15 白露 White Dew 165 Chicken
16 秋分 Autumnal Equinox 180 天秤座 Libra 9.22.~10.23.
17 寒露 Cold Dew 195 Dog
18 霜降 Frost Descends 210 天蝎座 Scorpio 10.23.~11.21.
19 立冬 Start of Winter 225 Pig
20 小雪 Light Snow 240 人马座 Sagittarius 11.22.~12.21.
21 大雪 Heavy Snow 255 Rat
22 冬至 Winter Solstice 270 摩羯座 Capricorn 12.22.~1.19.
23 小寒 Little Cold 285 Cow
24 大寒 Severe Cold 300 宝瓶座 Aquarius 1.20.~2.18.

The solar months are defined by the sun longitudes. The first month, Tiger month, begins from the Start of Spring segment or when the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac. The second month, Rabbit month, begins from the Excited Insects segment or when the sun enters 345th degree. The beginning of a solar month is called the Segment Point(节气). In the middle of a solar month is called the Center Point(中气). For example, the segments of Rain Water and Vernal Equinox are Center Points. The astrology names of Pisces and Aries apply to these Center Points.

The lunar month name is derived from the Solar Center Point. For example, If a lunar month contains the Rain Water Center Point, then it is the first month of the lunar calendar, as known as the Tiger month.

If a lunar month does not contain any Solar Center Point, that month is known as a Leap Month. The name of this leap month is the same as previous lunar month. The reason to assign leap months is that we want the moon cycle to harmonize with the sun cycle. Because one year has about 365.2425 days and one month has about 29.53 days, one year has about 12.3685 months. 12.3685 is about 12 and 7/19. If we put seven extra months in 19 years, sun and moon should be back to the same sky position. "Seven Leap Months in 19 years" is easy for people to remember. However, 12.3685 is almost equal to 12 and 144/391. That means "144 Leap months in 391 years" is a more accurate way to assign Leap months. So far, no one has lived long enough to observe the entire cycle.

Anyway, the principles of the Chinese Calendar use the following four rules which the ancient Chinese made them thousand years ago.

  1. The new moon day is the first day of a lunar month
  2. The name of a lunar name is named by the Solar Center Point
  3. The first lunar month of the year is the Tiger month, which contains Rain Water center point
  4. The lunar month without a Center Point is a Leap month (闰月)(Intercalary Month )

In the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the new moon day is the first day of a lunar month and the length of a lunar month is the length between two new moon days. In the Chinese Fortune-Telling (Astrology) Calendar, the first day of a month is the day on a Solar Segment Point and the length of a month is the length between two Solar Segment Points. Therefore there is no Leap Month in the Chinese Fortune-Telling System.

Without this knowledge, above-mentioned, most people will be confused about the solar months and lunar months. They may think all Chinese Fortune-Telling system use lunar months. Actually, the Fortune-Telling system called Eight Characters(八字) only uses the solar month, not the lunar month. The other popular system called Dipper(紫微斗数) uses solar month and lunar month together.

The counting system of Day is the Stem-Branch(干支) 60-day cycle system. No one knows who invented the Stem-Branch for Day counting system, but legend has it that characters of Day Stem-Branch were found on Oracle bones. The Animal names of Stem-Branch were applied into the Month system around 206 B.C. (between the Chin and Han dynasties). The Stem-Branch was applied into the Year system around 164 B.C..

Almost every Chinese dynasty had its own calendar. One reason was that the new emperor needed to announce the new rules including the new calendar to the public. The other reason was that the astronomer's officers had to make some adjustments on the calendar in order to match the sun and moon in the sky.

The first day of a year has been changed many times in Chinese calendars. The current Chinese calendar uses the first day of the first month of Tiger month as the first day of a year, which was initially adopted by the Shiah dynasty (2183-1752 B.C.). Today, some people consider the Winter Solstice as the first day of a year in the Chinese Fortune-Telling System, because that makes more sense from the astronomy view.

The Chinese Lunar Calendar system is not perfect, because the length of solar month is not always greater than the length of a lunar month. As a result, a lunar month might contain two solar Center Points. Those months are found in the winter of 1548, 1680, 1700, 1719, 2053, 2072 and so on. This imperfection causes the trouble in the assignments of the Chinese Lunar Leap Month. That's why there is no simple formula for Chinese Lunar Calendar conversion.

Because this imperfection, we need to add a new rule to adjust the Chinese Calendar system.



* 月朔日即是初一

* 月以中气得名

* 以包含雨水中气月为正月,即是「寅」月

* 月无中气者为闰月,以前月同名

如果,日月转动循还有规则的话, 推演一套阴阳历转换的公式并不难。问题在有时一个太阴月比一个太阳月还要长。如此一个太阴月就有可能包括两个中气。此双中气月後的阴历月名就全部乱掉了,直到下一个「假」闰月後才调整过来。



* 在民用置闰,如果月朔日和中气同一天,则该阴历月包含那个中气。

* 在历理置闰,如果月朔日和中气同一天,月朔日时间必须在中气时间之前,则该阴历月才包含那个中气。






曾有一位退休博士用了近三十年找寻阴阳历的公式,问遍两岸各大天文台,得不到答案,直到发现中美天文万年历一书。最後,希望我重新整理的中国阴阳历的天文数字和原始程式,能给有求知欲於阴阳历转换方法的读友一个答案,以免得不到答案而遗憾终身。 信息来源:












农历平年比公历年少10至13天,闰年比公历年多17至20天。 闰年是公历的名词。公历规定每400年97闰,不逢百的年份能被4整除的,就是闰年,这一年的2月是29天;其余年份的2月是28天。除了2月以外,其它月份的天数没有平年和闰年的区别。

2。闰月是中国的农历的名词。农历因为是阴阳历,所以要兼顾月亮和太阳。由于每个月都要保证十五或者十六是满月,所以每个月大约是29.5天。一般年份12个月就只有355天。这样一年年累计下来,会和季节脱节(因为地球公转周期是365天)。所以每三年左右要加一个月,使得农历年在长期平均上与公历年的长度一致,大约是365.2425天。加的这一个月就叫做闰月。农历的闰月大概是十九年七闰。 闰月指的是阴历中的一种现象,阴历是按照月亮的圆缺即朔望月安排大月和小月,一个朔望月的长度是29.5306日,是月相盈亏的周期,阴历规定,大月30天,小月29天,这样一年12个月共354天,阴历的月份没有季节意义,这样一年就与阳历的一年相差11天,只需经过17年,阴阳历日期就同季节发生倒置,譬如,某年新年是在瑞雪纷飞中度过,17年后,便要摇扇过新年了。使用这样的历法,自然是无法满足农业生产的需要的,所以国的阴历自秦汉以来,一直和24节气并行,用24节气来指导农业生产。





2012年农历阳历双闰年 2012壬辰龙年共有384天








为了保证每月的十五那天的月亮最圆,这就需要天文计算决定哪个月是30天还是29 天,所以农历的大小月不像公历那样固定。这是农历的纪元法和公历不同导致的。农历是以月亮绕地球一周的时间作为基本纪元单位,而公历则是以地球绕太阳一周为基本纪元单位。相对来说,公历的纪元法更符合实际情况。


闰月的规则是这样的。每年有24节气,逢单数节气叫节气例如‘立春’‘惊蛰’‘清明’。逢双数的节气叫中气,例如雨水,‘春分’谷雨。等等。一般每个月都有一个节气和一个中气,如果一个月中只有一个节气而没有中气那么就要在这个月的后面再重复这个月份,这就是闰月了,一般每两年多就有一个闰月,来补偿农历的12 个月比太阳公转周期短的不足了。








农历闰月一般为29天,是小月。但也有例外——那就是:按上述农历大小月的设置办法,将零头数累加到正好有一天的那一个月如果正逢闰月,就把这多出的一日加在这个闰月上,那么这个闰月就有了30天,成了大月了。 农历的大月小月设置很难象公历一样找到规律。


