sn name
1 基地 Foundation 1 心理史学家 2 百科全书编者 3 市长 4 行商 5 商业王侯
2 基地与帝国 Foundation and Empire
3 第二基地 Second Foudation
4 基地前奏 Prelude to Foundation
5 迈向基地 Forward the Foundation
6 基地边缘 Foundation's Edge
7 基地与地球 Foundation and Earth
8 我,机器人 I, Robot
9 钢穴 The Caves of Steel
10 裸阳 The Naked Sun
11 曙光中的机器人 The Robots of Dawn
12 机器人与帝国 Robots and Empire
13 繁星若尘 The Stars, Like Dust
14 星空暗流 The Currents of Space
15 苍穹一粟 Pebblein the Sky




GE FE Event
11,988 −78 Hari Seldon and Cleon I are born on Helicon and Trantor, respectively.
12,010 −56 Cleon I is crowned emperor after the death of his father, Stanel VI.
12,020 −46 Hari Seldon arrives on Trantor to deliver his paper outlining his theory of psychohistory, a method of predicting the future along mass social change in humanity. (Events of Prelude to Foundation)
12,028 −38 (Events of "Eto Demerzel" in Forward the Foundation)
12,038 −28 Death of Emperor Cleon I (Events of "Cleon I" in Forward the Foundation).
12,048 −18 Dors Venabili dies. A military junta takes over the Empire for ten years after Cleon's death, but collapses after imposing a poll tax. (Events of "Dors Venabili" in Forward the Foundation)
12,058 −8 (Events of "Wanda Seldon" in Forward the Foundation)
12,067 −1 Hari Seldon goes on trial by the Commission of Public Safety, and the Encyclopedia Galactica Foundation is exiled to/established on Terminus (Events of "The Psychohistorians" in Foundation)
12,069 1 Hari Seldon dies. (This date is explicitly mentioned in "The Psychohistorians" in Foundation)
12,085/12,086 17 or 18 Salvor Hardin is born.
12,116 50 (Events of "The Encyclopedists" in Foundation)
12,146 80 (Events of "The Mayors" in Foundation)
12,146–221 80–155 (Events of "The Traders" in Foundation)
12,221-61 155–195 (Events of "The Merchant Princes" in Foundation)
~12,261 ~195 General Bel Riose embarks on his quest to claim the Foundation in the name of the Empire and the Emperor, Cleon II. The Galactic Empire is well underway into the predicted total collapse. (Events of "The General" in Foundation and Empire)
~12,328 ~260 A rebel leader named Gilmer attempts a coup, in the process sacks Trantor[8] and forces the imperial family to flee to the nearby world of Delicass, renamed Neotrantor. The Galactic Empire is no more. The dark age of the entire milky way has begun.
12,376 310 (Events of "The Mule" in Foundation and Empire)
~12,381 ~315 (Events of "Search by the Mule" in Second Foundation)
~12,386 ~320 Death of the Mule
12,428 362 Arkady Darell is born.
12,442–3 376–377 (Events of "Search by the Foundation" in Second Foundation)
12,443 377 Battle of Quoriston between Lord Stettin and the Foundation.
12,564 498 Golan Trevize chooses the Gaia overmind and Galaxia in preference to a Second Empire founded militarily by the First Foundation or ruled psychologically by the Second Foundation. (Events of Foundation's Edge)
12,565 499 Golan Trevize searches for Earth with the hopes that its finding will validate his choosing of Galaxia. (Events of Foundation and Earth)
13,086 1020 116th Edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica is published.
16,068 4000 Approximate culmination of Galaxia.


The "Author's Note" of Prelude to Foundation contains the chronological ordering of Asimov's science fiction books, in which he also said, "they were not written in the order in which (perhaps) they should be read". Forward the Foundation does not appear in Asimov's list, as it was not yet published at the time, and the order of the Empire novels in Asimov's list is not entirely consistent with other lists. For example, the 1983 Ballantine Books printing of The Robots of Dawn lists the Empire novels as: The Stars, Like DustThe Currents of Space, and Pebble in the Sky. Given that The Currents of Space includes Trantor and that The Stars, Like Dust does not, these two books possibly were accidentally reversed in Asimov's list.

  1. The Complete Robot (1982) and/or I, Robot (1950)
  2. Caves of Steel (1954)
  3. The Naked Sun (1957)
  4. The Robots of Dawn (1983)
  5. Robots and Empire (1985)
  6. The Currents of Space (1952)
  7. The Stars, Like Dust (1951)
  8. Pebble in the Sky (1950)
  9. Prelude to Foundation (1988)
  10. Forward the Foundation (1993)
  11. Foundation (1951)
  12. Foundation and Empire (1952)
  13. Second Foundation (1953)
  14. Foundation's Edge (1982)
  15. Foundation and Earth (1986)

An expanded and corrected strictly chronological reading order for the books is:

C Year Title Notes
1950 I, Robot Robot short stories. First collection, which were all included in The Complete Robot, though it also contains a binding text, no longer in The Complete Robot.
1964 The Rest of the Robots Robot short stories. Second collection, which were all included in The Complete Robot.
1 1982 The Complete Robot Collection of thirty-one Robot short stories written between 1939 and 1977.
1986 Robot Dreams Robot short stories. Anthologized in a book with the same title.
1990 Robot Visions Robot short stories. Anthologized in a book with the same title.
1992 The Positronic Man Robot novel based on Asimov's short story "The Bicentennial Man", co-written by Robert Silverberg
1948 "Mother Earth" Short story set between the early Earth era and the era of the Robot novels, at a time when the Spacer worlds were first being colonised. Contains some minor inconsistencies with later stories. Published in The Early Asimov, or Eleven Years of Trying[31]
2 1954 The Caves of Steel This is the first of the Robot novels.
3 1957 The Naked Sun The second Robot novel.
1972 "Mirror Image" Written after having received numerous requests to continue the story of detective Elijah Baley and his robot partner R. Daneel Olivaw, featured in his earlier novels The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun. Published in The Complete Robot.[32]
4 1983 The Robots of Dawn The third Robot novel.
Hugo Award nominee, 1984[33]
Locus Award nominee, 1984[33]
2000 Mirage Robot Mystery series by Mark W. Tiedemann.
2001 Chimera Robot Mystery series by Mark W. Tiedemann.
2002 Aurora Robot Mystery series by Mark W. Tiedemann.
2005 Have Robot, Will Travel Robot Mystery series by Alexander C. Irvine.
5 1985 Robots and Empire The fourth Robot novel.
Locus Award nominee, 1986[34]
1993 Isaac Asimov's Caliban Caliban trilogy by Roger MacBride Allen.
1994 Isaac Asimov's Inferno Caliban trilogy by Roger MacBride Allen.
1996 Isaac Asimov's Utopia Caliban trilogy by Roger MacBride Allen.
6 1951 The Stars, Like Dust The first Empire novel.
7 1952 The Currents of Space The second Empire novel.
8 1950 Pebble in the Sky The third Empire novel; however, it was Asimov's first full novel to be published.
9 1988 Prelude to Foundation This is the first Foundation novel.
Locus Award nominee, 1989[35]
10 1993 Forward the Foundation The second Foundation novel (although it was the last written by Asimov himself).
1997 Foundation's Fear Second Foundation trilogy by Gregory Benford.
1998 Foundation and Chaos Second Foundation trilogy by Greg Bear.
1999 Foundation's Triumph Second Foundation trilogy by David Brin.
11 1951 Foundation The third Foundation novel. Actually, it is a collection of four stories, originally published between 1942 and 1944, plus an introductory section written for the book in 1949. Published, slightly abridged, as part of an Ace Double paperback, D-110, with the title The 1000-Year Plan, in 1955.
12 1952 Foundation and Empire The fourth Foundation novel, made up of two stories, originally published in 1945. Published with the title The Man Who Upset the Universe as a 35c Ace paperback, D-125, in about 1952.
13 1953 Second Foundation The fifth Foundation novel, made up of two stories, originally published in 1948 and 1949.
14 1982 Foundation's Edge The sixth Foundation novel.
Nebula Award nominee, 1982;[36]
Hugo Award winner, 1983;[37]
Locus Award winner, 1983[37]
15 1986 Foundation and Earth The seventh Foundation novel.
Locus Award nominee, 1987[38]

Another alternative is to read the books in their original order of publication, since rea







































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