The Shifting Balance of World Forces


Those fin de siècle observers of world affairs agreed that the pace of economic and political change was quickening, and thus likely to make the international order more precarious than before. Alterations had always occurred in the power balances to produce instability and often war. “What made war inevitable,” Thucydides wrote in The Peleponnesian War, “was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta. ”15 But by the final quarter of the nineteenth century, the changes affecting the Great Power system were more widespread, and usually swifter, than ever before. The global trading and communications network— telegraphs, steamships, railways, modern printing presses—meant that breakthroughs in science and technology, or new advances in manufacturing production, could be transmitted and transferred from one continent to another within a matter of years. Within five years of Gilcrist and Thomas’s 1879 invention of a way to turn cheap phosphoric ores into basic steel, there were eighty-four basic converters in operation in western and central Europe,16 and the process had also crossed the Atlantic. The result was more than a shift in the respective national shares of steel output; it also implied a significant shift in military potential.


Military potential is, as we have seen, not the same as military power. An economic giant could prefer, for reasons of its political culture or geographical security, to be a military pigmy, while a state without great economic resources could nonetheless so organize its society as to be a formidable military power. Exceptions to the simplistic equation “economic strength = military strength” exist in this period, as in others, and will need to be discussed below. Yet in an era of modern, industrialized warfare, the link between economics and strategy was becoming tighter. To understand the long-term shifts affecting the international power balances between the 1880s and the Second World War, it is necessary to look at the economic data. These data have been selected with a view to assessing a nation’s potential for war, and therefore do not include some well-known economic indices* which are less helpful in that respect.


Population size by itself is never a reliable indicator of power, but Table 12 does suggest how, at least demographically, Russia and the United States could be viewed as a different sort of Great Power from the others, with Germany and (later) Japan beginning to draw a little away from the remainder.


Table 12. Total Population of the Powers, 1890–193817

表12 1890~1938年各大国的总人口



There are, however, two ways of “controlling” the raw data of Table 12. The first is to compare the total population of a country with the part of it that is living in urban areas (Table 13), for that is usually a significant indicator of industrial/commercial modernization; the second is to correlate those findings with the per capita levels of industrialization, as measured against the “benchmark” country of Great Britain (Table 14). Both exercises are enormously instructive, and tend to reinforce each other.


Table 13. Urban Population of the Powers (in millions) and as Percentage of the Total Population, 1890-193819

表13 1890~1938年各大国的城市人口(以百万计)及其在总人口中所占的百分比

Table 14. Per Capita Levels of Industrialization, 1880–193820

表14 1880~1938年人均工业化水平

(relative to G.B. in 1900 = 100)


Without getting into too detailed an analysis of the figures in Tables 13 and 14 at this stage, several broad generalizations can be made. Once such measures of “modernization” as the size of urban population and the extent of industrialization are introduced, the positions of most of the powers are significantly altered from those in Table 12: Russia drops from first to last, at least until its 1930s industrial expansion, Britain and Germany gain in position, and the United States’ unique combination of having both a populous and a highly industrialized society stands out. Even at the beginning of this period, the gap between the strongest and the weakest of the Great Powers is large, both absolutely and relatively; by the eve of the Second World War, there still remain enormous differences. The process of modernization might involve all these countries going through the same “phases”;18 it did not mean that, in power terms, each would benefit to the same degree.


The important differences between the Great Powers emerge yet more clearly when one examines detailed data about industrial productivity. Since iron and steel output has often been taken as an indicator of potential military strength in this period, as well as of industrialization per se, the relevant figures are reproduced in Table 15.


Table 15. Iron/Steel Production of the Powers, 1890-193821

表15 1890~1938年各大国的钢铁产量

(millions of tons; pig-iron production for 1890, steel thereafter)


But perhaps the best measure of a nation’s industrialization is its energy consumption from modern forms (that is, coal, petroleum, natural gas, and hydroelectricity, but not wood), since it is an indication both of a country’s technical capacity to exploit inanimate forms of energy and of its economic pulse rate; these figures are given in Table 16.


Tables 15 and 16 both confirm the swift industrial changes which occurred in absolute terms to some of the powers in particular periods—Germany before 1914, Russia and Japan in the 1930s—as well as indicating the slower rates of growth in Britain, France and Italy. This can also be represented in relative terms to indicate a country’s comparative industrial position over time (Table 17).


Table 16. Energy Consumption of the Powers, 1890–193822

表16 1890~1933年各大国的能源消耗

(in millions of metric tons of coal equivalent)


Table 17. Total Industrial Potential of the Powers in Relative Perspective, 1880–1938 23

表17 1880~1938年各大国相对的总的工业潜力

(U.K. in 1900 = 100)


Finally, it is useful to return in Table 18 to Bairoch’s figures on shares of world manufacturing production to show the changes which occurred since the earlier analysis of the nineteenth-century balances in the preceding chapter.


Table 18. Relative Shares of World Manufacturing Output, 1880-1938 (percent) 24

表18 1880~1938年各大国在世界制造业产量中所占的相对份额(%)