The Parliament of Man


The Parliament of Man is the first definitive history of the United Nations, from one of America’s greatest living historians. Distinguished scholar Paul Kennedy gives us a thorough and timely account that explains the UN’s roots and functions, while also casting an objective eye on its effectiveness and its prospects for success in meeting the challenges that lie ahead. Kennedy shows the UN for what it is: fallible, humanbased, often dependent on the whims of powerful national governments or the foibles of individual admnistrators—yet also utterly indispensable. With his insightful grasp of six decades of global history, Kennedy convincingly argues that “it is difficult to imagine how much more riven and ruinous our world of six billion people would be if there had been no UN. ”

Preparing for the Twenty-first Century

In Preparing for the Twenty-first Century, Paul Kennedy synthesizes extensive research in fields ranging from demography to robotics in order to draw a detailed, persuasive, and often shocking map of the very near future. How will the earth’s resources support a population that may reach 8. 5 billion by 2025? What will happen to individual states as jobs and money cross borders in the wink of an eye? What new conflicts will arise from the growing disparity between the have and have-not nations? Region by region, and encompassing such trends as increased immigration, the collapse of old industries, and global warming, Preparing for the Twenty-first Century answers these questions. The result is a bold work that bridges the gap between history, prophecy, and policy.