16 西安事变之始:张学良欲取蒋而代之

(1935–36   AGE 41–42)

1935-1936 年 41-42 岁

WHEN MAO arrived in the northwest at the end of the Long March in October 1935, his aim, other than sheer survival, was to open up a passage to the border of a Russian-controlled territory so as to receive the arms and other supplies that would enable him to expand. Chiang Kai-shek wanted the Reds kept penned in their corral. The man he assigned to the task was the former warlord of Manchuria, Chang Hsueh-liang, “the Young Marshal,” who had his HQ in the city of Xian, the capital of Shaanxi province. Mao was in the same province, some 300 km to the north.


There were two Russian-controlled territories through which arms could be delivered: Xinjiang, over 1,000 km to the west-northwest, and Outer Mongolia, more than 500 km due north. The Young Marshal's vast army of some 300,000 was stationed in the provinces giving access to both of these.


The Young Marshal's American pilot, Royal Leonard, has left a description of a worldly man: “My first impression … was that here was the president of a Rotary Club: rotund, prosperous, with an easy, affable manner … We were friends in five minutes …”

少帅的飞机驾驶员是美国人利奥纳多(Royal Leonard)。他描述少帅道:我第一眼的印象是他像个扶轮社的总裁,胖胖圆圆的,生活优裕,风度轻松随便,讨人喜欢。五分钟不到我们就成了朋友。”

After inheriting Manchuria when his warlord father (“the Old Marshal”) was assassinated in June 1928,* the Young Marshal placed his domain under Chiang's central government, while remaining its chief until Japan invaded it in 1931. He then retreated into China proper with 200,000 troops, and was subsequently given various important posts by Chiang. He had an apparently intimate relationship with Chiang and his wife. Thirteen years the Generalissimo's junior, he was fond of saying that Chiang was “like a daddy to me.”

张学良的父亲张作霖于一九二八年六月被炸死。* 父亲死后,张学良归顺了蒋介石的中央政府,继续驻扎东北,直到一九三一年日本入侵,他率领二十万东北军退入关内。蒋介石给了他一系列重要职位,他也跟蒋和蒋夫人宋美龄关系亲密,蒋比他大十四岁,张说他把蒋当作父亲。

* 史书上说这是日本人干的事,但最近俄罗斯情报方面称,暗杀是斯大林下令、由后来杀死托洛茨基的爱廷贡(Naum Eitingon)组织的,然后弄得像日本人搞的一样。

But behind the Generalissimo's back, the Young Marshal plotted to supplant him. Having governed a land larger than France and England together, it irked him to be Chiang's subordinate. He aspired to rule all of China. To this end, he had earlier made approaches to the Russians and had tried to visit the Soviet Union when he was in Europe in 1933, but the Russians were very wary and turned him down.


Only four years earlier, in 1929, Stalin had invaded Manchuria and fought a brief war against him after he had seized the Russian-controlled railway in Manchuria. Moreover, the Young Marshal had expressed admiration for fascism, and was friendly with Mussolini and his family. In August 1935 a statement put out from Moscow under the name of the CCP called him “scum” and a “traitor.”

几年前少帅曾收复了苏联控制的中东路,斯大林大为恼怒,派兵入侵东北,跟他打了一仗。少帅也对法西斯主义相当倾心,和墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)一家关系亲近。一九三五年八月,莫斯科通过中共发表《八一宣言》,称少帅为“败类”、“卖国贼”。

But once he was appointed Mao's warden later that year, Moscow performed a U-turn. The Young Marshal had become worth courting. He could make the CCP's life easier and, more importantly, help them link up with Russian supplies.

张学良一朝被蒋委派为看守中共的“典狱长”, 莫斯科对他态度大变。他值钱了。他可以使中共生存得好一些,更可以帮助中共打通苏联。

Within weeks of Mao arriving in the northwest, Russian diplomats were deep in talks with the Young Marshal.


He traveled to Shanghai and Nanjing, the capital, to meet the Russians in secret. To cover his tracks, he wove a camouflage of frivolity. He had a reputation as a playboy, and happily played up this image. One day, his American pilot recalled, the Young Marshal got him to “fly the plane in a vertical bank, one wing in the street, past the windows of the Park Hotel where his friends lived. We passed within ten feet of the façade, the noise of the motor rattling the panes like castanets.” This flamboyant show was staged outside the hotel room where one of the Young Marshal's girlfriends was staying. “Perhaps this will make you smile,” the Young Marshal, aged ninety-one in 1993, chuckled to us. “At that time, Tai Li [Chiang's intelligence chief] tried everything he could to find out my whereabouts, and he thought I went to have a good time with my girlfriends. But in fact, I was doing deals …”

那时张学良频频从西安飞上海、南京秘密去见苏联人。表面上,素有“花花公子” 名声的他装作去会女朋友。利奥纳多回忆道,一天,少帅叫他“把飞机竖着飞,一支机翼贴近街上,从他朋友住的饭店窗前飞过。我们飞的地方离饭店正面只有十公尺,马达的轰轰声把窗户震得哗哗地响。” 少帅的一个女朋友住在那里,这是表演给她看的。一九九三年,九十二岁的张学良对我们说:“我这个人,说起来你会笑,我在上海有个女朋友,那个时候,戴笠拚命侦察我的行动,他们都认为我找我女朋友去玩去了。实际上我是到上海谈判去了。”

The Young Marshal made clear to the Russians that he was ready to form an alliance with the Chinese Reds and engage in “decisive struggle against the Japanese”—i.e., declare war on Japan, which Chiang had not done. In return, he wanted Moscow to back him to replace Chiang as the head of the country.


This package contained extremely attractive features for Stalin, including the one thing the Kremlin boss most wanted—for China to wage all-out war against Japan. Japan had been encroaching on China since 1931, and had been nibbling away ever since. After annexing Manchuria, Tokyo set up another puppet regime in part of northern China in November 1935, but Chiang had been avoiding all-out war. Stalin was anxious that Tokyo might turn north and attack the Soviet Union.


Stalin's goal was to use China to steer Tokyo away from the Soviet Union by dragging the Japanese into the vast interior of China and bogging them down there. Moscow worked hard to fan sentiment in China for such an all-out war with Japan, while keeping its own agenda under wraps. It took a hand in major student demonstrations; and its many agents, particularly Mme Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek's sister-in-law, formed pressure groups to lobby Nanjing for action.

Chiang did not want to surrender to Japan, but nor did he want to declare war. He thought that China had no realistic chance of winning, and that taking on Tokyo would lead to his country's destruction. He opted for a very unusual limbo—neither surrendering nor fighting a full-scale war. He was able to hang on in this state thanks to China's size, and the fact that the Japanese were only encroaching gradually. Chiang may even have harbored the hope that Japan would soon turn on Russia and leave the rest of China alone.


The Young Marshal's proposal suited Stalin, but Stalin did not trust him. Nor did he believe that the former Manchurian warlord was capable of holding China together to fight such a war. If China lapsed into internecine strife, it would facilitate the Japanese conquest—and, a fortiori, redouble the Japanese threat to the Soviet Union.


Moscow was too canny to reject the Young Marshal's offer outright. The Russians led him on, deluding him that they were considering it—so that he would help the Chinese Reds. Russian diplomats told him to establish direct contact with the CCP in secret. The first talks between a CCP negotiator and the Young Marshal took place on 20 January 1936.


WHILE THE RUSSIANS were merely stringing the Young Marshal along, Mao was happy to support him to replace Chiang, and wanted a real alliance with him. This was an ideal scenario for Mao. As the Young Marshal would be dependent on the Soviet Union, the CCP would have a pivotal role, and Mao might even become the power behind the throne for the whole of China. He instructed his negotiator, Li Ke-nong, to propose an anti-Chiang alliance with the Young Marshal, and to promise to back him as head of a new national government in place of Chiang. The negotiator was told to “hint” that the offer had Moscow's authorization, by suggesting that funds and arms would be no problem.


The Young Marshal naturally wanted to have Mao's promises nailed down by the Russians themselves. And it seemed this was very much on the cards when a scheme was soon put to him to get a senior envoy of his to Moscow. In January, a certain “Pastor Dong” arrived at the Young Marshal's HQ from Shanghai. Dong, who had once been a pastor at St. Peter's in Shanghai in the 1920s, was a Communist intelligence operative. The lapsed Pastor told the Young Marshal that Mao's sons were secretly in his care in Shanghai, and that there was a plan to send them to Russia, to the special school for the children of foreign Communist leaders run by the Comintern. He proposed that the Young Marshal assign an envoy to accompany them there.


Mao had three sons by his second wife, Kai-hui, who had been executed by the Nationalists in 1930. After their mother's death, the boys had been taken to Shanghai and looked after by the Communist underground.


The children had been having a tough time. The youngest, An-long, died at the age of four soon after he came to Shanghai. The other two, An-ying and An-ching, had to live a secret life, unable to go to school or to make friends outside the Dong family, where there was constant tension. Dong had deposited them with his ex-wife, whose life was thrown into danger and upheaval by their arrival, and who had no particular affection for these boys anyway. Sometimes they would run away and live as street urchins. Years later, watching a film about an orphan in Shanghai, An-ying became very emotional and told his wife that his brother and he had led a similar life, sleeping on the pavements and scavenging through rubbish dumps for food and cigarette stubs. During all these years, Mao had never sent a word to them.


Moscow now decided to bring Mao's sons to Russia, where they could be looked after and put through school. As in the case of Chiang Kai-shek's son when Chiang was rising to the top, the aim was also to keep the boys as hostages. Stalin was personally involved with this decision. Mao had no objection.


Moscow's offer to the Young Marshal to have an envoy of his escort the boys to Soviet Russia thus killed two birds with one stone. This way, the Young Marshal would guarantee the boys' safety during the journey and look after all the logistics, as well as footing the considerable bill for an entourage, which included a nanny. And, most important, the Young Marshal would see the invitation to send an envoy as a sign that Moscow was seriously interested in doing a deal, which could not be done under Chiang Kai-shek's surveillance in China.


The Young Marshal was delighted, and quickly made all the arrangements. His representative and the boys sailed from China for Marseille on 26 June. Moscow had told the Young Marshal they could collect their Russian visas in Paris.

THAT JUNE, two provinces in southern China, Guangdong and Guangxi, formed an alliance and rebelled against Chiang's government. Mao tried to persuade the Young Marshal to seize this opportunity to do likewise and turn the northwest into a breakaway state in alliance with the Reds. His aim, he told his Politburo, was to create an entity “like Outer Mongolia”—i.e., a Russian satellite.


But the Young Marshal was not keen. He wanted to run the whole of China, not just part of it. And Moscow was downright hostile to the plan. At this time, in late June, the CCP's radio links with Moscow were reestablished after a gap of twenty months. In the first telegram to the Comintern after the break, Mao requested endorsement for a breakaway northwest state. The plan was sent to Stalin, who was not pleased. He wanted a united China that would drag the Japanese into an all-out war, not a dismembered China.


Within days of Mao sending his telegram, the rebellion by Guangdong and Guangxi collapsed, ignominiously, not least because popular opinion was vehemently against any separatist movement. Stalin was confirmed in his belief that Chiang was the only person who could hold China together. On 15 August Moscow sent the CCP a milestone order, telling them to stop treating Chiang as an enemy, and count him as an ally. “It is incorrect to treat Chiang Kai-shek the same as the Japanese … You must work for the cessation of hostilities between the Red Army and Chiang Kai-shek's army, and for an agreement … to struggle jointly against the Japanese …”; “everything must be subordinated to the anti-Japanese cause.” Stalin now wanted the CCP to support Chiang as the head of an undivided China, at least for the time being.

毛的电报发出后不久,七月,两广的倒蒋战争失败。公众舆论激烈地反对任何分裂中国的举动。斯大林再次看到:蒋介石是唯一能团结全国抗日的人。八月十五日,莫斯科给中共发出具有转折意义的电报,命令中共停止把蒋介石当作敌人,跟蒋合作。电报说:“把蒋介石跟日本人同样看待是不正确的。你们必须努力停止红军跟蒋军之间的敌对行为”, “共同進行反对日本的斗争”。 “一切服从于抗日事业”, 斯大林要中共支持蒋介石做中国领袖。

Moscow brusquely ordered the CCP to enter serious negotiations with Chiang for an alliance. Mao had to accede, and talks about a “United Front” began in September between the CCP and Chiang's representatives. Chiang had initiated the rapprochement. At the time the Long March ended, he had made overtures to Moscow, but the Russians told him he had to talk “directly with the Chinese [CP],” as a way of promoting the CCP.


Both Moscow and Mao kept the Young Marshal in the dark about this policy shift, and continued to mislead him on the issue that most concerned him—replacing Chiang. When the Young Marshal told Soviet ambassador Bogomolov in late July that he “hoped” that his “bloc with the [CCP], directed against Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese, would be supported by the USSR,” the ambassador said absolutely nothing to suggest that Moscow was dead set against this notion. For his part, Mao encouraged the Young Marshal to go on thinking that Moscow might back him.


ALTHOUGH HE HAD decided to back Chiang as the head of China, Stalin was in no way cutting back on his clandestine efforts to build up the Chinese Red Army. In early September 1936 he endorsed a plan to ship a large cargo of arms to the CCP through Outer Mongolia. Mao's wish list had included “monthly aid of 3 million dollars,” as well as “planes, heavy artillery, shells, infantry rifles, anti-aircraft machine-guns, pontoons,” together with Soviet personnel to fly the planes and operate the artillery. On 18 October he heard from the Comintern that “The goods are not as many as you requested in your cable of the 2nd [October] … and there are no planes or heavy artillery …” Still, the “foreign company” handling the shipment, a GRU dummy, would “supply 150 vehicles and provide drivers and gasoline; they can make two return trips … with about 550 tons to 600 tons” each trip. The number of rifles was almost exactly the same as the Russians sent to Spain, where the civil war had just broken out.


In October the Chinese Red Army began its operation to smash through to a delivery point in the desert near the Outer Mongolian border. At this stage, Mao had 20,000 troops in the base, and the other Red Army branches were about to converge there in response to his summons to join him. They included the troops led by his now disabled rival Chang Kuo-tao, who had spent the winter on the Tibetan border, at the mercy of Nationalist bombing. Thousands froze to death, and many others developed snow blindness. During the previous year, Kuo-tao had lost half the 80,000 troops he had commanded when he met up with Mao in June 1935.


* 据二00五年解密的俄罗斯档案,毛在一九四九年二月三日对斯大林的使者米高扬说:遵义会议后,他处于极端不利的地位,因为拥有数万大军的张国焘正前来吃掉他,但他保持冷静,转危为安,反而“歼灭了三万多”张国焘的部队。毛泽东的这番话也清楚地表明遵义会议后他为什么死活不進四川。

Although he still had twice as many men, Kuo-tao now came as a junior partner. Sensing that he was done for, he became “very emotional,” as his colleagues witnessed. “He even shed tears. He said: ‘I'm finished. When we get to North Shaanxi, I'm going to prison …' ” Though Kuo-tao was not exactly imprisoned, Mao was eventually to wreck his army further—and then purge him. But for now, Mao needed Kuo-tao's large and efficient force to fight to the Outer Mongolia border.


The other branch of the Red Army that came to Mao now was headed by Ho Lung, a tough former outlaw. He had been herded to North Shaanxi by Chiang Kai-shek from his base on the Hunan–Hubei border.* The three branches of the Red Army joined hands on 9 October 1936, making Mao the chief of an army of almost 80,000 men, twenty times the number he had fielded just a year before.



This was a formidable force, but in order to get to the Russian arms the Reds had to break through a powerful Nationalist army, and Chiang was determined to stop them. On 22 October he flew to Xian to take personal command, and this put the Young Marshal in a jam. The Young Marshal duly alerted the Reds about Chiang's plans, as well as giving them cash and winter clothes, but that was his limit: he could not defy Chiang's orders openly. So his men ended up fighting the Reds. Within a week, Mao's push for the Russian supplies had been thwarted. A contingent 21,800 strong that had crossed the Yellow River was stranded on the other side. The main body of the Red Army pulled back to its corral in North Shaanxi, and was hemmed in again.



Mao asked Moscow for money urgently: “Be quick,” he cabled. The Comintern immediately sent US$550,000,* but it could not solve the long-term problems. For food, there was just coarse black beans. Housing in this region was mainly yao-dong, quarters dug into hills, like grander caves, and many of the troops lacked even these. It had started to snow, and the soldiers had threadbare clothes and straw sandals. At the front, Peng De-huai, the chief commander, was living in a shepherd's shelter, a hole in the ground one meter deep and two meters wide, on the edge of the desert, battered by furious sandstorms. Even Mao was enduring discomfort, as the Party Center had been forced into the small town of Baoan, where he and his heavily pregnant wife were living in a dank cave, with water dripping from the roof. Once, when a bodyguard tried to push the door open, he was stung by an outsize scorpion. Plague-bearing rats abounded, half the size of house cats, and so bold that they would sit on people's chests while they slept and flick their tails across their faces, waking them up with a start.


BY THE END OF October 1936, the Reds were desperate. The Young Marshal saw an opportunity to rescue them, and gain favor with Moscow. His plan was simple, and extreme: to kidnap Chiang, who was about to step onto his turf. Even though the Young Marshal had not received the explicit commitment from Moscow that he had been seeking (his envoy had been given the runaround about his Russian visa), he calculated that saving the Chinese Red Army and having Chiang in his custody would change the whole equation for Stalin. This was a gamble, but the Young Marshal was a gambler. “My philosophy is gamble,” he had once said to his inner circle. “I might lose once or twice, but as long as the game goes on, the time will come when I get all my stakes back.” Having Chiang on his own turf was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


The Young Marshal discussed his plan with Mao's secret liaison, Yeh Jian-ying, telling Yeh he intended to stage a “coup d'état,” using this term (which in Chinese is transliterated as ku-die-da). On 29 October, Yeh cabled Mao, using veiled language, that “there is a proposal to stay Chiang.” On 5 November, Yeh left for Mao's place, carrying the coup plan.

张学良告诉毛的代表叶剑英他准备发动“苦跌打”,法文“政变”的音译。十月二十九日,叶剑英用隐讳的语言打电报给毛:“有主驻蒋说,”苏军情报局知情人季托夫(Aleksandr Titov)披露档案材料说:“叶剑英跟张学良在一九三六年十一月讨论过捉蒋的问题。”那个月,叶离开西安回保安见毛,揣着少帅的“苦跌打”计划。

The idea of kidnapping Chiang was the Young Marshal's—but it was undoubtedly spurred on by Mao through his envoy, Yeh. The Soviet intelligence insider Aleksandr Titov records that “the question of arresting Chiang Kai-shek was discussed by … Yeh Jian-ying and Chang Hsueh-liang in November 1936.” And Mao very deliberately concealed the plan from Moscow, knowing that Stalin would be dead set against it. Mao was now acting directly contrary to Stalin's interests. Chiang was more crucial to Stalin than ever. On 25 November Germany and Japan had signed a treaty known as the Anti-Comintern Pact, confronting the USSR with its worst nightmare—belligerent enemies on both flanks in an alliance, with Japanese-backed forces on the move westward along the southern flank of Mongolia, towards Soviet Central Asia. The very day the pact was announced, Stalin urgently ordered the Comintern chief Georgi Dimitrov to impress yet more strongly on the CCP that it had to abandon its anti-Chiang position and support a united government: “We need … a government of national defence” in China, Stalin told Dimitrov. “Work out a plan …”

毛向莫斯科隐瞒了这一计划。他知道斯大林不会喜欢。斯大林现在比任何时间都需要蒋介石。十一月二十五日,德国跟日本签订了反共产国际条约,使苏联面临东西两面受敌的局面,日本正从外蒙古南边向苏联中亚地区移动。条约宣布的当天,斯大林紧急命令共产国际总书记季米特洛夫(Georgi Dimitrov)严厉告诫中共放弃反蒋政策,拥护统一的中央政府,我们需要一个可以领导全民族的政府。赶快做出方案来!”

Mao was running a considerable risk of infuriating Stalin by endangering Chiang. He tried to play safe by keeping his distance from the kidnap. Before taking the plunge, the Young Marshal cabled Yeh to return: “Vital thing to discuss. Please come instantly.” Mao held Yeh back, while pretending to the Young Marshal that Yeh was on his way. Then he spurred the Young Marshal on by wiring him that there was no prospect of the Communists reaching any compromise with Chiang, and saying the Reds were determined to continue their war against the Generalissimo. Mao gave the Young Marshal the impression that he, the Young Marshal, was their only possible partner, implying that Moscow would accept this.


WHEN HE GOT to Xian on 4 December, Chiang made no exceptional arrangements for his personal security. His immediate quarters were guarded by several dozen of his own staff, but the gate and outer perimeter of the residence were patrolled by the Young Marshal's men. The Young Marshal was even able to bring the kidnappers to reconnoiter Chiang's residence, at a hot spring on the outskirts of town, and to check out the Generalissimo's bedroom.


At dawn on 12 December, Chiang was kidnapped. He had just finished his morning exercises, part of his strict routine, and was getting dressed when he heard gunfire. His quarters were attacked by some 400 of the Young Marshal's men. Chiang's guards resisted, and many were shot dead, including his chief of security. Chiang managed to escape into the hills behind, where he was found hours later hiding in a crevasse, clad only in his nightshirt, barefoot and covered with dust, and with an injured back.



Just beforehand, the Young Marshal had informed Mao that he was about to act. When Mao received the cable from his secretary, he beamed: “Go back to bed. There will be good news in the morning!”


*This assassination is generally attributed to the Japanese, but Russian intelligence sources have recently claimed that it was in fact organized, on Stalin's orders, by the man later responsible for the death of Trotsky, Naum Eitingon, and dressed up as the work of the Japanese.

*This base also went through bloody purges conducted by the Reds between 1932 and 1934. Ho Lung himself said later: “in this one purge alone, over 10,000 were killed. Now [1961] there are only a few women comrades alive, and this is because men were killed first … and then the enemy came before [the purgers] got around to the women …” “Even today in the area … they dig out bones from one big pit after another.” Survivors recalled that many had been “put in jute sacks and thrown into Lake Hong with big stones tied to them. Fishermen did not dare to go fishing in the lake, because so many corpses came up, and the color of the lake changed.”

*These funds, as well as some further transfers, were sent through Mme Sun Yat-sen, from America.