Mao: The Unknown Story


Jung Chang & Jon Halliday

张戎 乔·哈利戴


0 作者简介、中文版自序和书评 4

PART ONE—Lukewarm Believer

1 On the Cusp from Ancient to Modern (1893–1911; age 1–17)

1 走出韶山   8

2 Becoming a Communist (1911–20; age 17–26)

2 与共产党结缘    11

3 Lukewarm Believer (1920–25; age 26–31)

3 温热的信仰者    17

4 Rise and Demise in the Nationalist Party (1925–27; age 31–33)

4 国民党内的大起大落  25

PART TWO—Long March to Supremacy in the Party

5 Hijacking a Red Force and Taking Over Bandit Land (1927–28; age 33–34)

5 秋收暴动:拐走起义武装   31

6 Subjugating the Red Army Supremo (1928–30; age 34–36)

6 制服朱德   39

7 Takeover Leads to Death of Second Wife (1927–30; age 33–36)

7 杨开慧之死 46

8 Bloody Purge Paves the Way for “Chairman Mao” (1929–31; age 35–37)

8 “毛主席”:血染的顶子    53

9 Mao and the First Red State (1931–34; age 37–40)

9 第一个红色中国  62

10 Troublemaker to Figurehead (1931–34; age 37–40)

10 从夺实权到丢实权   67

11 How Mao Got onto the Long March (1933–34; age 39–40)

11 长征前夕:毛泽东差点被扔掉  72

12 Long March I: Chiang Lets the Reds Go (1934; age 40

12 长征之一:蒋介石放走共产党  78

13 Long March II: The Power behind the Throne (1934–35; age 40–41)

13 长征之二:躲避张国焘    83

14 Long March III: Monopolizing the Moscow Connection (1935; age 41)

14 长征之三:独霸连接莫斯科之路 94

PART THREE—Building His Power Base

15 The Timely Death of Mao's Host (1935–36; age 41–42)

15 刘志丹的命运   100

16 Chiang Kai-shek Kidnapped (1935–36; age 41–42)

16 西安事变之始:张学良欲取蒋而代之

17 A National Player (1936; age 42–43)

17 西安事变之未:毛泽东杀蒋不成 108

18 New Image, New Life and New Wife (1937–38; age 43–44)

18 陕北的新生活   111

19 Red Mole Triggers China–Japan War (1937–38; age 43–44)

19 红色代理人引发中日全面战争  117

20 Fight Rivals and Chiang—Not Japan (1937–40; age 43–46)

20 打政敌,打蒋介石,不打日本! 123

21 Most Desired Scenario: Stalin Carves up China with Japan (1939–40; age 45–46)

21 盼望苏日瓜分中国   129

22 Death Trap for His Own Men (1940–41; age 46–47)

22 皖南事变:毛泽东设陷阱  134

23 Building a Power Base through Terror (1941–45; age 47–51)

23 延安整风:靠恐怖建立权力基础 140

24 Uncowed Opponent Poisoned (1941–45; age 47–51)

24 给王明下毒 150

25 Supreme Party Leader at Last (1942–45; age 48–51)

25 当上中共的“斯大林”  157

PART FOUR—To Conquer China

26 “Revolutionary Opium War” (1937–45; age 43–51)

26 “革命的鸦片战争”   160

27 The Russians Are Coming! (1945–46; age 51–52)

27 苏联红军终于来了   164

28 Saved by Washington (1944–47; age 50–53)

28 美国人救了中共 172

29 Moles, Betrayals and Poor Leadership Doom Chiang (1945–49; age 51–55)

29 蒋介石失去大陆 176

30 China Conquered (1946–49; age 52–55)

30 赢得内战  184

31 Totalitarian State, Extravagant Lifestyle (1949–53; age 55–59)

31 登基之初  191

PART FIVE—Chasing a Superpower Dream

32 Rivalry with Stalin (1947–49; age 53–55)

32 与斯大林较劲   197

33 Two Tyrants Wrestle (1949–50; age 55–56)

33 和大老板作交易 202

34 Why Mao and Stalin Started the Korean War (1949–50; age 55–56)

34 毛泽东斯大林为什么要打朝鲜战争 208

35 Mao Milks the Korean War (1950–53; age 56–59)

35 难发的战争“财” 212

36 Launching the Secret Superpower Program (1953–54; age 59–60)

36 军事工业化的起步   220

37 War on Peasants (1953–56; age 59–62)

37 向农民开战 227

38 Undermining Khrushchev (1956–59; age 62–65)

38 打掉赫鲁晓夫的权威 235

39 Killing the “Hundred Flowers” (1957–58; age 63–64)

39 杀鸡儆猴的反右派运动    241

40 The Great Leap: “Half of China May Well Have to Die” (1958–61; age 64–67)

40 大跃進:“中国非死一半人不可” 249

41 Defense Minister Peng's Lonely Battle (1958–59; age 64–65)

41 国防部长彭德怀孤军奋战  256

42 The Tibetans Rebel (1950–61; age 56–67)

42 西藏的灾难 265

43 Maoism Goes Global (1959–64; age 65–70)

43 “毛主义”登上世界舞台   269

44 Ambushed by the President (1961–62; age 67–68)

44 国家主席刘少奇的“突然袭击”   276

45 The Bomb (1962–64; age 68–70)

45 有原子弹了!   283

46 A Time of Uncertainty and Setbacks (1962–65; age 68–71)

46 不安的岁月,受挫的岁月  286

PART SIX—Unsweet Revenge

47 A Horse-trade Secures the Cultural Revolution (1965–66; age 71–72)

47 发动文革的一场讨价还价  296

48 The Great Purge (1966–67; age 72–73)

48 浩劫降临  302

49 Unsweet Revenge (1966–74; age 72–80)

49 复仇  311

50 The Chairman's New Outfit (1967–70; age 73–76)

50 新当权者  318

51 A War Scare (1969–71; age 75–77)

51 玩火险些烧身   325

52 Falling Out with Lin Biao (1970–71; age 76–77)

52 和林彪翻脸 328

53 Maoism Falls Flat on the World Stage (1966–70; age 72–76)

53 树不起来的“毛主义”  336

54 Nixon: The Red-baiter Baited (1970–73; age 76–79)

54 尼克松上鈎 345

55 The Boss Denies Chou Cancer Treatment (1972–74; age 78–80)

55 周恩来的下场   352

56 Mme Mao in the Cultural Revolution (1966–75; age 72–81)

56 江青在文革中   356

57 Enfeebled Mao Hedges His Bets (1973–76; age 79–82)

57 邓小平迫毛让步

58 Last Days (1974–76; age 80–82)

58 最后的日子 372


59 Acknowledgments

59 谢辞

60 List of Interviewees: (T: by telephone)

60 采访名单

61 Archives Consulted

61 档案查阅

62 Notes

62 记录

63 Bibliography of: Chinese-Language Sources

63 中文资料参考

64 Bibliography of: Non-Chinese-Language Sources

64 英文资料参考

65 Photo Insert

65 图片