21 盼望苏日瓜分中国

(1939–40; AGE 45–46)

1939~1940 年    45~46 岁

ON 23 AUGUST 1939 the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, and the following month the two countries invaded Poland and divided it up between them. Many in China were outraged by Stalin's deal with Hitler. These feelings were perhaps best articulated by the founding father of the CCP, Chen Tu-hsiu, the man who had set Mao on the path of communism, but had been expelled from the Party for being too independent. After years imprisoned by the Nationalists, he had been released with other political prisoners when the Nationalist–Communist “United Front” was formed in 1937. Now he penned a poem expressing his “grief and anger,” comparing Stalin to “a ferocious devil,” who strides imperiously into his neighbouring country  … And boils alive heroes and old friends in one fell swoop …

一九三九年八月二十三日,苏联跟纳粹德国签订互不侵犯条约,瓜分了波兰。对斯大林与希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的勾搭切齿痛恨的中国人中有中共的创始人陈独秀。陈因观点独立被中共开除,在国民党监狱里坐过几年牢。在一个“无月的黑夜”, 他悲愤之余,写下一首长诗,用古传说中的大疫厉鬼比喻斯大林,谴责斯大林“是非旦暮变,黑白任其情。云雨翻覆手,信义鸿毛轻。”

Right and Wrong change like day and night,

Black and White shift only at his bidding …

The Stalin–Hitler Pact opened up the prospect that Stalin might do a similar deal with Japan, with China a second Poland. Indeed, at this very moment, the Kremlin signed a ceasefire with Japan, bringing to a halt fighting that had been going on between the Soviet Red Army and the Japanese on the border of Outer Mongolia and Manchukuo. The Poland scenario caused Chiang Kai-shek acute concern, which he raised with Moscow. Mao's reaction, however, was one of delight. His whole strategy for the war with Japan was aimed at prevailing on Russia to step in. Now a real chance appeared that Stalin might occupy part of China, and put Mao in charge.


In late September that year, when Edgar Snow asked Mao how he felt about a Soviet–Japanese pact, Mao's reply was enthusiastic. He said that Russia might sign such a pact “as long as this does not hinder its support for … the interest of the world liberation movement [i.e., Mao himself and the CCP].” Asked whether “Soviet help to China's liberation movement may take a somewhat similar form” to Russian occupation of Poland, Mao gave a very positive reply: “It is quite within the possibilities of Leninism.” The Poland scenario was now Mao's model for China.*

这年九月底,斯诺问毛对苏日条约可能签订的反应,毛答道:“可以签订”,如果不妨碍“世界解放运动的利益”,“半殖民地,殖民地的民族革命的利益”。这些利益在中国除了指中共的利益,还有什么呢?当斯诺问:苏联对中共的帮助是否会采取占领半个波兰那样的形式?毛积极肯定地答覆:“按照列宁主义,这种可能性是存在的”。波兰模式是毛的期待。* 斯大林要是跟日本瓜分中国,毛本人自然会当上半壁江山的统治者。

* 毛关于波兰模式跟苏日条约的这段谈话引起了莫斯科的不满。季米特洛夫给毛打电报说:“这个访问记的破坏性实质必须揭穿。我们紧急要求毛泽东和其他中国同志不要对外国记者发表像对斯诺那样的谈话,因为这已经被用来为搞破坏服务。”毛也明白他说漏嘴了,从此不再接近斯诺,直到中苏公开分歧的一九六0年要再利用斯诺时,才让他重访中国。

Similarly, Mao hailed Russia's seizure of eastern Finland in early 1940, though not for public consumption. In a secret directive on 25 June, he claimed that the Soviet–Finnish peace agreement, under which Moscow annexed large swaths of Finnish territory, “guarantees the victory of the world and the Chinese revolution” (italics added). After France was divided between a German-occupied half and a puppet regime based at Vichy, Mao again drew a comparison. He wrote in coded language in a circular issued to top commanders on 1 November 1940: “There is still the possibility of the Soviet Union stepping in to adjust China–Japan relations.” Referring to a partition of the kind imposed on France, he went on to talk about the Reds “getting a better deal [relying on] the Soviet Union stepping in to do the adjustment, and us keeping trying.” Again, Mao was hoping that Russia would partition China with Japan.


Mao even had an ideal demarcation line, the Yangtze, which flows across the middle of China. To his inner circle, Mao dreamed of “drawing a border … at the Yangtze, with us ruling one half …”

Replicating the Poland scenario was indeed at the front of Stalin's mind, and Russia began talks with Japan in September 1939, right after the signing of the Nazi–Soviet Pact, with the future of China very much at the center of the negotiations. Stalin thus had a very direct interest in the expansion both of the Chinese Red Army and of Red territory, as that would strengthen his bargaining position vis-à-vis Japan, and further his long-term goals for the postwar period.


Over the winter of 1939–40 there was a marked shift in what Mao told Moscow about the armed clashes between the Chinese Reds and Chiang's forces. He became much more candid about the level of fighting. Before Stalin's pact with Hitler, Mao had been presenting the clashes as the result of Nationalist attempts to wipe out Communist forces, claiming that the Reds were acting in self-defence. After the Nazi–Soviet Pact, he began to seek Stalin's approval for expanding aggressively at Chiang's expense. On 22 February 1940 he sent a highly belligerent report to Moscow, saying that in fighting Chiang's forces, “victory is generally ours.” “We wiped out 6,000 [Nationalists] in Hebei, 10,000 … in Shanxi,” he reported.


Stalin did not say “Stop!” On the contrary, three days later he authorized the huge sum of US$300,000 per month for the CCP. When Chou En-lai left Moscow shortly afterwards, he brought with him a new radio system for communicating with Moscow, which he delivered to Mao.* Mao's Russian-language aide noted: “Chairman Mao alone had the right to use it. He kept all communications personally, and decided to whom he would show the information.”


AFTER THE Nazi–Soviet Pact and the prospect that Stalin might do a similar deal with Japan, in September 1939 Mao initiated a long, close and little-known collaboration with Japanese intelligence, in the hope of further sabotaging Chiang—and preserving his own forces. The CCP operation was headed by a man called Pan Han-nian, who worked with the Japanese vice-consul in Shanghai, Eiichi Iwai, a senior intelligence officer. Pan was given a special Japanese ID, addressed: “To all Japanese military, gendarme and police personnel: any enquiry regarding the bearer, please contact the Japanese Consul-General.” A radio operator from Yenan was installed in Iwai's house, for direct contact with Yenan, though in the end this channel was not used, as it was considered “too risky.”


Pan supplied Iwai with information about Chiang's ability to resist the Japanese, his conflicts with the CCP and his relations with foreign powers, as well as about US and British agents in Hong Kong and Chongqing. This intelligence rated high with the Japanese: one item reportedly sent the Japanese ambassador to China “wild with joy.” Before Japan invaded Hong Kong in December 1941, Iwai helped arrange the evacuation of CCP agents. As Pan assured Iwai, some of the agents would continue to collect intelligence for the Japanese, while others would come to Shanghai to “help with our ‘peace movement.' ” The “peace movement” was Japan's chief non-military drive to force China to surrender. One prominent organization in this scheme was the “Revive Asia and Build the Country Movement,” which Pan helped to start, funded by Tokyo and largely manned by secret Communists.

潘汉年给岩井提供蒋介石的抗战能力、他与中共的矛盾冲突,以及他与列强的关系等情报,还有英美情报人员在香港、重庆的活动讯息。日本方面对这些情报评价很高,其中一份曾让日本驻华大使“高兴得发狂”。日本侵占香港时,岩井派专人把中共在那里的情报人员安全撤走。潘汉年对岩井说:这些人将“一部分去内地,继续帮助我搜集那边的情报,一部分转到上海来帮助我们搞和平运动。”所谓“和平运动”是日本胁迫中国投降的非武力运动。有个着名的“兴亚建国运动委员会”, 由潘汉年参与组织,里面主要成员都是中共派去的。

The Reds used the Japanese to stab the Nationalists in the back. “At the time,” one CCP intelligence man recalled, our Party's tactic with the Japanese and collaborators was: “Use the hand of the enemy to strike the other enemy …” Comrade Kang Sheng told us this many times … Collaborators' organisations were filled with our comrades, who used the knives of the Japanese to slaughter Nationalists … Of the things I knew personally, the Japanese annihilation of the [Nationalist underground army] south of the Yangtze [was one of the] masterpieces of cooperation between the Japanese and our Party.*

日本人的手被用来更直接地打击国民党。一位当时的中共情报人员回忆说:““用敌人的手,来打击敌人,瓦解敌人,这是最机动最巧妙的革命策略。”康生同志过去曾屡次对我们这么说。然而,只有这次在杭州,我才看到如此生动的例子:在敌人的伪组织机构中,大量的充斥着我们的同志”,“据我直接知道的,上海两次破获三民主义青年团的组织和一次在江南日本人对忠义救国军的围剿,都是我们的党在日本人的合作之下的杰作。” *

* 据现有资料,中共没跟日本人在战场上具体合作。只有一份苏军情报局驻延安组长对莫斯科的报告说:一九四三年夏天一次中共军队在山东“与日军配合”進攻国民党军队。

Apart from sabotaging Chiang, Pan's other task was to get the Japanese to allow the Reds to operate unmolested, and this went as far as floating the idea of a secret ceasefire in northern China to Japan's highest intelligence officer in China, Major-General Sadaaki Kagesa.


In east central China, a deal was struck under which the Communist New 4th Army left the railways alone in return for the Japanese leaving the N4A alone in the countryside. For years, Japanese trains ran smoothly, and the N4A expanded quietly. The underlying reasoning behind leaving the Reds in peace was spelled out to us by Emperor Hirohito's brother, Prince Mikasa, who was an officer in China at the time. He told us that the Japanese view was that while the Communists could be a nuisance, they had no strategic importance. The Japanese considered Chiang Kai-shek to be their main enemy.


BY SPRING 1940, huge tracts of countryside in northern China were in Communist hands. In one series of battles in March, immediately after Stalin's tacit go-ahead, the Communists concentrated 30,000–40,000 troops, and destroyed over 6,000 Nationalists. Having established a strong position in northern China, 8RA commanders Zhu De and Peng De-huai felt it incumbent on them to do something against the Japanese, and on 1 April they ordered preparations for large-scale sabotage operations against Japanese transportation lines. Mao refused to permit the attack. Instead, he ordered all available troops to be moved to east central China to seize more territory there. Zhu and Peng were forced to abandon their plan.


At this point, Chiang invited Zhu, who minded about the continuing internal strife, to Chongqing to discuss a solution. En route, Zhu stopped in Yenan, as Mao had told him that a Party congress was about to convene. Zhu found no congress—and no sign of one. Nonetheless, he was prevented from proceeding to Chongqing, and was in effect detained in Yenan for the rest of the war. Even though he was the C-in-C of the 8RA, he played no role in the war, and Mao basically used him as a rubber stamp.


Mao sent someone else to Chongqing—Chou En-lai, who was now the exclusive channel with Chiang. Mao had completed his stranglehold on communications with the two places that counted—Moscow and Chongqing.


At this time, in May 1940, the Sino-Japanese war entered a critical phase. The Japanese began to intensify their bombing of Chongqing, which soon became the most heavily bombed city in the world to date; over the next six months, the tonnage dropped on it equaled one-third of what the Allies dropped on all Japan throughout the Pacific War; up to 10,000 civilians died in one raid. The Japanese army meanwhile advanced up the Yangtze towards Chongqing. Tokyo demanded that France close the railway from Vietnam, and that Britain shut down the Burma Road—the only routes into now landlocked China other than from Russia. Both Western states acquiesced, on 20 June and 18 July, respectively (although Britain's closure was only for three months). In Chongqing, sentiment strengthened for a deal with Japan. Chiang—and China—were facing a momentous crisis.


To Mao the crisis was a godsend—the worse the better. He said later that he “had hoped they [the Japanese] would go as far as … Chongqing.” That way, he reckoned, Russia would have to intervene.


But Peng De-huai, now de facto chief of the 8RA after Zhu's quasi-detention in Yenan, wanted to take some of the heat off Chongqing, and resuscitated his plans for a large operation to sabotage Japanese transportation lines in northern China, calling it by the resounding name of “Operation 100 Regiments.” On 22 July he ordered the 8RA to get ready to launch on 10 August, and radioed the plan to Mao, twice. There was no reply. When Peng got no answer to a third cable, he gave the go-ahead for the 20th.


Peng knew that Mao would dislike his operation. Not only would it help Chiang, it would also hurt the Reds, as Tokyo was bound to retaliate against Red territories. Peng was putting country before Party.


The operation, which lasted about a month, mainly involved attacks on installations, not on Japanese troops. It took the Japanese “totally by surprise,” in their own words. Damage to railways and highways in some sections was reported as “extremely serious” and “on an indescribably large scale” (the sabotage work was carried out partly by corvée labor). The Jingxing coal mines, which supplied the key Anshan iron and steel works in Manchuria, were badly hit, and the main mine put out of action “for at least half a year.” The Japanese had to pull back one division from the front against Chiang, and briefly delay plans to capture two railways into southern China.


The main effect was on Chinese morale, especially in heavily bombed Nationalist areas. The Nationalist press there praised the 8RA for taking the offensive, and for “dealing a deadly blow to enemy rumours that we are split and sunk in internal strife.” From Chongqing, Chou cabled Mao that the operation had had “an extremely big impact.” “We are publicising it and propagating it everywhere … now is the time to spread our Party's influence …” Mao milked the fall-out to the hilt.


But in private he was seething, partly because the operation led to heavy Red casualties—90,000, according to Zhu De. The Japanese took extremely harsh reprisals against Red-controlled territory, which was soon reduced by about half; the population under Red rule fell from about 44 to some 25 million. But Peng soon got the 8RA and the bases back on their feet. In slightly over two years, the 8RA more than recovered its pre-1940 strength, to 400,000 men, and Peng had rebuilt its base areas.


But what most infuriated Mao was that the initiative lessened the chances of Chiang's defeat—and hence of Russia intervening. In future years, Mao was to make Peng pay dearly for this, the only large-scale operation carried out by any Communist forces during the whole eight years of the Japanese occupation.


MEANWHILE, IN SPITE of Japanese bombing, Chongqing still stood, and Chiang did not collapse. Mao had to find another way to try to draw the Russians in. Chiang now came up with a plan to end the Nationalist–Communist fighting by separating the two forces physically. By this time, the 8RA had control over most of the territories they could expect to lay their hands on in northern China, so fighting there had died down. The main theater of civil war had moved to the Yangtze Valley in east central China near Shanghai and Nanjing. Chiang's plan called for the Red N4A to move out of the Yangtze region and join the 8RA in the north, in return for letting the Reds keep virtually all of the territory seized in northern China. On 16 July 1940, Chiang offered this trade-off, couched in the form of an “order,” and gave the N4A a deadline of a month.


Mao had no intention of giving up the rich and strategic heartland. He turned Chiang's order-offer down flat. Actually, he positively hoped that Chiang would use force to remove the N4A, and that there would be all-out civil war. “Mao's calculation,” Russian ambassador Panyushkin wrote, was that “if there is a civil war, the Russians would back the CCP,” and Mao wanted to “nudge such a development.”


In his many cables to Moscow that summer, Mao kept urging the Russians to help him deal “serious blows” to the Nationalists. Instead of moving north, the N4A launched its biggest-ever attack on the Nationalists at the beginning of October, at a place called Yellow Bridge, wiping out 11,000 Nationalist troops and killing two generals. Chiang did not order any retaliation, and kept quiet about the defeat, as he had after many other defeats at the hands of the Reds. Unlike Mao, Chiang was afraid of igniting an all-out civil war, which would doom China's chances against Japan. He only reiterated on 19 October that the N4A must move to the “appointed areas” within one month.


Mao met this second deadline with silence. He wanted to goad the Generalissimo into resorting to force, so that an all-out civil war could start and, as Mao told Chou, “the Soviet Union would step in.” Again Chiang took no action. Mao knew the Generalissimo's weak spots. He wrote to Chou on 3 November: “What Chiang fears most is civil war, and the Soviet Union. So we can bully him on this.”


On 7 November 1940, the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, Mao appealed to Moscow with his most overtly bellicose proposition yet. Signed by himself, the cable was addressed to Dimitrov and Manuilsky, Mao's main backer in the Comintern. Copies were sent to Stalin and defense minister Semyon Timoshenko. Mao's plan was to dispatch 150,000 soldiers “to deliver a blow” at Chiang's rear. He called this a “preventive counter-offensive,” i.e., he would fire the first shot.

十一月七日,“十月革命”节,毛向莫斯科空前强烈地恳求批准他大打内战。电报由毛本人署名,收电人不仅是通常的季米特洛夫,而且加上毛在共产国际内的主要支持者曼努伊尔斯基,特地注明抄送斯大林和国防部长铁木辛哥(Semyon Timoshenko)。毛报告说他的计划是,出十五万精兵抄到他[蒋介石]后方,打几个大胜仗”,把这一行动称为“预防性的先发制人”。

Mao was asking Moscow to endorse his starting a full-scale civil war, in the thick of the Sino-Japanese War. The reason he felt able to venture this far now was his perception that the latest developments might cause Stalin to favor a strike at Chiang. The Kremlin was considering joining the Tripartite Pact of which Japan was a member, together with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. If Mao struck now, in effect forming a pincer attack with Japan on Chiang, Chiang might well collapse. If Mao contributed to the defeat of Chiang, this would greatly strengthen Stalin's hand at the negotiating table with Tokyo.


Mao's entreaty to Moscow to allow him to enter this unholy de facto alliance with Japan arrived as Soviet foreign minister Molotov was about to set off for Berlin, where one of his goals was to get Hitler to help Moscow muscle in as a major interested party in the Sino-Japanese War. Molotov's agenda stated: “Discuss the necessity of reaching an honorable [sic] peace for China (Chiang Kai-shek), in which the USSR may with the participation of G[ermany] and I[taly] be ready to take on mediation … (Manchukuo stays for J[apan]).” Molotov then told the Führer: “[We] must find a compromise exit from the situation prevailing between China and Japan … in this regard the USSR and Germany could play an important role.” But the Führer was not interested.

这时苏联外交部长莫洛托夫(Vyacheslav Molotov)正要起程去柏林,目的是请希特勒帮助莫斯科介入中日战争。莫洛托夫的议程写道:“讨论在中国(蒋介石的中国)实现光荣和平的必要。为了实现这一和平,苏联准备同德国、意大利一道做调解人(满洲国归日本)”。莫洛托夫对希特勒说:“我们必须在中日两国之间给目前这种局势找条出路。在这个问题上,苏联和德国可以起重要作用。”但希特勒对这件事不感兴趣。

The terms Japan offered on China did not begin to match Stalin's expectations. Tokyo would agree only to “a Russian sphere of influence in Outer Mongolia and Xinjiang,” which was hardly alluring to Stalin, as these two places were already in his pocket. Japan also considered “recognising and accepting the three northwestern provinces (Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia) remaining a Chinese Communist base”—on condition that Russia agreed to “restrain the anti-Japanese activities of the Chinese Communists.” But this idea was again not nearly enough for Stalin, as the CCP was already occupying a much larger territory than these three provinces.


Moscow's failure to strike a deal with Tokyo meant that Stalin's priority remained staving off the possibility of a Japanese attack on Russia—and that meant Mao could not have his all-out war on Chiang yet. Stalin wanted a united China which could continue to bog down the Japanese. When Stalin dispatched General Chuikov as his new military adviser to Chongqing at this time, Chuikov asked why he was being sent “to Chiang Kai-shek, not the Chinese Red Army.” Stalin answered: “Your job is firmly to tie the hands of the Japanese aggressor in China.”*


So the Kremlin line to Mao was: hold your fire. An order went off to him on 25 November: “for the time being, play for time, manoeuvre, and bargain with Chiang Kai-shek in every possible way over removing your forces from Central China … It is essential you do not initiate military action [i.e., against Chiang] …” But Moscow did authorize Mao to fight back if attacked: “However, if Chiang Kai-shek … attacks [you], you must strike with all your might … In this case, the responsibility for the split and civil war will fall entirely on Chiang …”


This left Mao with one hope: that Chiang would fire the first shot. But as deadlines for the N4A to move north came and went, Mao reached the conclusion that “Chiang launching a big assault is not a possibility …”


Having failed to provoke Chiang into firing the first shot, Mao now set up a situation in which Chiang's finger would be forced to pull the trigger.

*Mao's remarks about the Polish model and a Soviet-Japanese pact did not go down well in Moscow. They were too unvarnished, and a harsh reproof ensued. “The provocative essence of this statement must be unmasked,” Comintern chief Dimitrov cabled Mao. “We urgently request that Mao Tse-tung and other Chinese comrades refrain from giving interviews to foreign correspondents like the interview with Edgar Snow, as this is being used for provocative purposes.” Mao kept his mouth shut in public, and Snow was barred from Red-held China until the Sino-Soviet split, in 1960.

*The new system was highly effective. The Japanese could not even locate the radios, much less break the codes.

*Mao's deal does not seem to have extended to actual military cooperation in the field, though the Russian GRU chief in Yenan reported one occasion when Communist troops attacked Nationalist forces in Shandong in summer 1943 “in coordination with Japanese troops.”

*Chuikov's other role, which he did not mention in his memoirs, was to give Moscow an expert assessment of whether the Chinese Reds could take power after Japan was defeated.