8 “ 毛主席”:血染的顶子

(1929–31   AGE 35–37)

1929~1931 年    35~37 岁

IN THE YEAR and a half since leaving the outlaw land at the beginning of 1929, Mao had seized total control over two major Red Armies, the Zhu–Mao Army and Peng De-huai's, as well as one significant Red base, in Fujian. All along, he had also had another sizeable Red Army in his sights, this one in Jiangxi, the province between Fujian and Hunan.


Under a charismatic and relatively moderate leader called Lee Wen-lin, the Jiangxi Reds had carved out some quite secure pockets. They had been warm hosts to Mao when he had first descended on them straight from the outlaw land in February 1929. That stay had been brief, with Nationalist troops hot on Mao's heels, but he had nonetheless promptly declared himself their boss, and when he departed had left behind his youngest brother, Tse-tan, as chief of Donggu District, the Jiangxi Reds' center. Neither move was authorized by Shanghai, and the locals were not happy. But they did not resist Mao, as he was leaving.

红色江西* 领袖是颇有魅力而相对温和的李文林,指挥着一支几千人的队伍。毛二月从井冈山来到他们的地盘时,他们曾热情地接待这批“阶级弟兄”。毛呢,马上就宣布自己是他们的上级,派他的么弟泽覃做红色江西首府东固的党委书记。这些都是自我委任,没有中央的授权。江西人心里不舒服,但没有跟毛争执,因为国民党军队追来了,毛得转移。

* 不包括方志敏领导的赣东北。

Mao expected his brother to seize control for him, but Tse-tan lacked Mao's aggressiveness and lust for power. A Party inspector described him as “working like someone suffering from malaria, suddenly hot and suddenly cold … rather childish, and afraid of making decisions.” So three months later Mao sent over a Hunanese crony, Lieu Shi-qi, with authority over his brother.


Lieu took away from Tse-tan not just his position but also his girlfriend, whom he himself married. The woman in question, Ho Yi, was the sister of Mao's wife, Gui-yuan, so Lieu became Mao's brother-in-law. Like Mao he was “foul-tempered and foul-mouthed,” according to his comrades, with as much elbow, and as few scruples, as Mao. By the time Mao returned to Red Jiangxi to try to consolidate his hold on it, in February 1930, Lieu had strong-armed himself into several leading posts.


Mao returned because he now had the military force to make a grab for power in Jiangxi, but once again he did so by chicanery. A grandly termed “joint conference,” supposedly comprising representatives of all the Reds in Jiangxi, was convened at a place called Pitou. Then at the last minute Mao juggled the timetable. Having announced that the conference was to open on the 10th of February, he suddenly advanced it to the 6th, so by the time key delegates arrived, including many locals who had been resisting Lieu's power-grab, the conference was over.


The Pitou “joint conference” was in fact little more than a family affair between the two brothers-in-law, and it duly gave Mao the endorsement to be the overlord of Red Jiangxi, with Lieu as his man on the spot. The leader of the Jiangxi Reds, Lee Wen-lin, was demoted to a lowly office job.

这就是史书上的“陂头会议”, 实质上是两连襟唱双簧。一唱一和的结果,“联席会议”授权毛“统一领导”红色江西,作总前委书记,刘土奇作红色江西地方党组织首脑(赣西南特委书记)。江西红军创始人李文林只得到一个低级地方职务:赣西南特委下属的赣西苏维埃政府秘书长。

Most Jiangxi Reds opposed these decisions, and Mao had to resort to terror to silence them. At Pitou he ordered the public execution of four well-known local Communists who were charged with being “counter-revolutionaries.” These were the first Communists murdered by Mao whose names are known.


Mao and Brother-in-law Lieu used executions to scare off potential dissenters. One Party inspector reported at the time that Lieu constantly “burst out with wild abuse … saying things like ‘I'll have you executed!' ” One particular charge used to send victims to their death was a phrase in vogue in Stalin's Russia—that the subject was a “rich peasant,” or “kulak.” Mao claimed that in Jiangxi, “Party organisations on all levels are filled with landlords and kulaks,” on the sole ground that most Jiangxi Red leaders came from affluent families. In fact, Mao himself belonged to a “kulak” family.

从此,毛和刘士奇用杀头来威胁不听话的人。中央巡视员报告上海说,刘“时常有不满的地方即乱骂,在乱骂的言词中带有“枪毙”的话语”, 造成了“党内的赤色恐怖”。连襟们特别爱用的罪名是“反动富农”, 当时正是斯大林斗争富农的时期。毛声称红色江西“地主富农充塞党的各级地方指导机关”,根据是红色江西的领导们都出身地富家庭。其实毛本人出身也是富农。

The Chinese Communists had killed one another before, but hitherto most killings seem to have been settling clan or personal scores, using ideological labels.* Mao's killings were in order to further grander ambitions.


* 在井冈山宁冈县,抓国民党县长张开阳的第一届共产党政府主席文根宗在就任七个月后被仇杀。

WHILE MAO WAS muscling in on Jiangxi, he did his utmost not to alert Shanghai, which had granted him no mandate to take over the Jiangxi Reds. On the contrary, it gave the Jiangxi Red Army the status of a separate army, on a par with the Zhu–Mao Army, and appointed a man called Cai Shen-xi as its commander.


When Cai arrived in Jiangxi, Mao refused to let him take up his post, and simply appointed his own brother-in-law Lieu to head the Jiangxi Army. Mao was able to conceal this from Shanghai because there was no telephone, radio or telegraph communication at the time. The only links were couriers, who took several weeks each way between Shanghai and the base. We have reason to believe that he and his brother-in-law Lieu murdered one uncooperative Party inspector called Jiang Han-bo, and then faked a report to Shanghai in Jiang's name spouting Mao's line.

据江西的报告,蔡到江西后,毛“用手段打击蔡申熙同志”, 不准蔡就职,而是派一个听他话的人任军长,连襟刘士奇当政委。江西跟上海之间没有电讯联系,全靠巡视员、汇报人在几百公里的长途上,凭两条腿传书带信。毛竭力封锁与上海的联系,很可能还跟刘士奇谋杀了反对他们抓权的巡视员江汉波,后来冒用江的名字写了一份支持抓权的报告给上海。

Mao's plan was to create a fait accompli. Till now he had been writing regular servile letters to Shanghai. Now he stopped completely, and he ignored repeated summonses to go to Shanghai. To get Shanghai off his back it seems he even went so far as to spread a rumor that he had died of an illness. As Mao was a famous “bandit chief,” the news received wide coverage in the Nationalist press, which was a convenient way to float a story for which he could plausibly disown responsibility.


The ploy was a success, in the short term. On 20 March an obituary framed in black appeared in Moscow in the Comintern magazine International Press Correspondence: “News has arrived from China that Comrade Mau Tze Dung … the founder of the Red Army, has died at the front in Fukien as a result of long-standing disease of the lungs.”


But within a fortnight, Moscow and Shanghai discovered that Mao was alive and kicking, and furthermore had seized control of the Jiangxi Army. On 3 April, Shanghai issued a sharp circular to all Red Armies telling them that they must obey no one but Shanghai. The circular made a point of criticizing Mao (without naming him) for taking over the Jiangxi Red Army without authorization.


When Shanghai's document reached Jiangxi, the local Reds rose up against Mao in May. In some areas, cadres encouraged revolts by the peasants against the Mao–Lieu regime. Before Mao came, the Jiangxi Reds had paid attention to issues such as welfare and production, building a factory to make farm implements and household utensils. Mao and Lieu condemned these programs as “constructionism.” Lieu wrote that: “for the need of struggle, reducing production is unavoidable.” Deprived of the chance to raise output, and squeezed dry by taxes (which Lieu claimed they “jumped up with joy to pay”), the peasants rebelled in district after district, raising slogans like “Give us a quiet life and quiet work!” Lieu crushed the revolts mercilessly: “As soon as anyone is spotted wavering or misbehaving, they are to be arrested,” he ordered. “There must be no feelings for relatives or friends. Anyone who comes to your home or anywhere else who does not behave correctly … you must report … to the authorities so they can be seized and punished …”

红色江西人有了中央指示,五月份就反了,有的地区的干部甚至鼓励农民起来反对毛跟刘士奇的统治。毛来了以后,把江西共产党人的注重生产谴责为“建设主义” 不断逼迫农民开大会,严重影响生产,农民不胜其扰。刘士奇实行严酷的高压控制,他的命令包括要老百姓“不要顾至亲戚朋友关系,凡是来到自己家里或发现其他地方有行动不对的人不论亲戚朋友,应报告苏维埃拿办……”

Lieu claimed that the revolts were led by “AB elements [who] have become Party branch secretaries.” “AB,” standing for Anti-Bolshevik, was the name of a defunct Nationalist group, which Lieu spuriously resuscitated to condemn local dissenters. Within a month, thousands of peasants and Communists had been killed.


At this moment, an opportunity opened up for the Jiangxi Reds. At the beginning of August 1930, Mao and his army were hundreds of kilometers away, near Changsha, trying to take over Peng De-huai's army. The Jiangxi Reds, led by their old chief Lee Wen-lin, seized the chance, convened a meeting and fired Lieu.


A boisterous audience booed and barracked Lieu—and through him Mao—for “only thinking about power,” as Lieu later admitted to Shanghai, “becoming warlords” and “putting the Party in great danger.” Lieu was denounced for executing “too many” of their comrades, and for creating “an immense Red terror.”

开会时群情激愤,人们不断站起来指斥刘,矛头同时指向毛。据刘士奇后来自己给中央的报告,人们针对他和毛说:“我们党内危险,负责人好当官,会变成军阀。” 说他们俩“不许别人发言,任意加入机会主义的名词”,“枪毙”了太多人,“逼成了党内浓厚的赤色恐怖”。

The locals called on Shanghai to expel Lieu from the Party. But, lacking killer instinct, they let him go to Shanghai, which gave him a post in another Red base. There he met his match. The boss there, Chang Kuo-tao, was as baleful as Mao himself, and did his own slaughtering, during which Lieu was killed. After Lieu left, his wife, Mao's sister-in-law Ho Yi, went back to Mao's brother Tse-tan.


With the sacking of Lieu, Mao had lost his man in Jiangxi. After he wound up the siege of Changsha, he returned to Jiangxi to reassert control—and take revenge. En route, on 14 October, he denounced the Jiangxi Reds to Shanghai: “The entire Party [there] is under the leadership of kulaks … filled with AB … Without a thorough purge of the kulak leaders and of AB … there is no way the Party can be saved …”


It was just at this time that Mao learned that Moscow had given him the ultimate promotion—making him head of the future state. His aggressive pursuit of power had won him appreciation. Now that he had Moscow's blessing, Mao decided to embark on a large-scale purge, get rid of all who had opposed him, and in the process generate such terror that no one would dare disobey him from now on. Shanghai was in no position to restrain him, as in mid-November a fierce power struggle broke out there among the leadership, brought about by a relative unknown called Wang Ming, who in future years would be a major challenger of Mao's.


IN LATE NOVEMBER, Mao started his slaughter. He ordered all the troops to gather in the center of the Red territory, where it was hard to escape. There, he claimed that an AB League had been uncovered in the branch under Peng De-huai—which in fact contained people who had resisted being taken over by Mao. Arrests and executions began. One interrogator wrote in his unpublished memoirs how an officer who had led an attempt to leave Mao's fold was tortured: “the wounds on his back were like scales on a fish.”


Mao had a score to settle with the Zhu–Mao Army too, since it had voted him out as its chief the year before. Quite a lot of Red Army officers had reservations about Mao, evinced in what an officer called Liou Di wrote to Shanghai on 11 January 1931: “I never trusted Mao,” he wrote. After one battle, “I met many officers in different army units … They were all very uneasy, and looked dejected. They said they did not know working in the Communist Party required them to learn sycophancy, and that it was really not worth it. I felt the same, and considered that the Bolshevik spirit of the Party was being sapped day by day …” Mao was accused of “the crime of framing and persecuting comrades,” and of “being a wicked schemer,” as he admitted to Shanghai on 20 December 1930.

朱毛红军里,毛也有不少的帐要算。一年多以前,这支红军曾把他选下了台。一个名叫刘敌的军官给上海写信说:“我对毛素来是不太信仰的……中央八月一日来信宣布,中国临时政府的主席是向忠发同志,而毛总是用中国工农革命委员会主席毛泽东出布告,尤其是打开吉安以后,会到各军素识的各级干部,都感觉得非常不安,带着灰心的样子,觉得在共产党里面做工作还要学会溜勾子,真划不来。那时我也同情,感觉得党的布尔什维克精神一天一天的削弱……” 毛知道人们厌恶他,自己在一九三0年十二月二十日给上海的“答辩”信中,承认人们说他是“阴谋家” , 喜欢用政治手段“拉一个打一个””,“陷害同志”。

To run the purge, Mao used a crony called Lie Shau-joe, deemed by his comrades to be “vicious and dirty.” “Lie is disliked by most of the troops,” one Party inspector had written, “because he is all bravado haranguing the men before a battle, but cowardly in battle.” People working under him had been begging the Party to “fire him and punish him.”


Lie proceeded by first arresting a few people, and then using torture to get them to name others; then came more arrests, more torture, and more of Mao's foes scooped up. According to a senior officer, Lie and his men would “simply announce ‘You have AB among you,' and would name people … no other evidence at all; these people … were tortured and forced to admit [they were AB], and also to give the names of a dozen or so other people. So those other people were arrested and tortured and they gave scores more names …”


Mao wrote to Shanghai himself on 20 December that in the space of one month “over 4,400 AB have been uncovered in the Red Army.” Most were killed—and all were tortured, Mao acknowledged. He argued that if victims were unable to stand torture and made false confessions, that itself proved they were guilty. “How could loyal revolutionaries possibly make false confessions to incriminate other comrades?” he asked.


Once he had tightened his grip on the army, Mao turned his attention to the Jiangxi Communists. On 3 December he sent Lie with a list of his foes to the town of Futian, where the Jiangxi leaders were living. Mao condemned the meeting in August which had expelled his ally Lieu as an “AB meeting” which “opposed Mao Tse-tung.” “Put them all down,” he ordered, and then “slaughter en masse in all counties and all districts.” “Any place that does not arrest and slaughter, members of the Party and government of that area must be AB, and you can simply seize and deal with them [xun-ban, implying torture and/or liquidation].”


Lie arrived at Futian on 7 December, arrested the men on Mao's list and tortured them through the night. One method was called “striking landmines,” which slowly broke the thumb with excruciating pain. Another technique, also slow, so as to maximize the pain, was to burn victims with flaming wicks. Lie was particularly vicious towards the wives of the Jiangxi leaders. They were stripped naked and, according to a protest written immediately afterwards, “their bodies, particularly their vaginas, were burned with flaming wicks, and their breasts were cut with small knives.”


These atrocities ignited a mutiny, the first ever openly to challenge Mao. It was led by the above-mentioned senior officer, Liou Di, who actually came from Hunan and had known Mao for some years. Because of his Hunan origins, Mao had earlier wanted to enlist him on his side to help control part of the Jiangxi Army. Mao's man Lie summoned Liou Di on 9 December, first claiming that he had been identified as AB, then promising to let him off the hook if he would collaborate.


In a letter to Shanghai after the revolt, Liou Di described what happened. He saw the torturers tucking in at a banquet of “drinks, meats and hams,” with their victims laid out at their feet, and heard Lie brag about his torturing “cheerfully, in high spirits,” to flattering noises from the others. Carried away, Lie let slip that the whole thing “was not a question of AB, but all politics.” “I arrived at the firm conclusion that all this had nothing to do with AB,” Liou wrote. “It must be Mao Tse-tung playing base tricks and sending his running dog Lie Shau-joe here to slaughter the Jiangxi comrades.”

在兵变后给中央的报告中,刘敌写出是什么促使他挥戈而起。他看见李韶九的屋里“酒肉火腿摆着桌上,大喝大吃”, 而脚边是受刑的同志。他听见李韶九“非常起劲高兴”地讲他怎样刑讯,周围的人又怎样恭维他。“尤其是李韶九说不是AB团问题,全是政治问题,更使我怀疑而肯定这里面一定有鬼”,“一定是毛泽东弄鬼派走狗李韶九来屠杀江西党的干部”。

Liou Di decided to try to stop Mao, but he had to employ subterfuge: “if I were to act as a Communist and deal with them honestly, only death would await me. So I shed my integrity … and switched to a Changsha accent [to assert his non-Jiangxi identity], and told Lie: ‘I'm an old subordinate of Your Honor … I will do my best to obey your political instructions.' ” He also pledged allegiance to Mao. “After I said this,” he wrote, “their attitude changed straight away … They told me to wait in a small room next door …” Lying there in bed that night, with the screams of a tortured comrade coming through the wall, Liou Di planned his moves.


Next morning, he stepped up his flattery of Lie, and managed to gain his freedom. Lie told him to go back and “eliminate all the AB in your regiment at once.” When he got back, Liou Di told his fellow officers what he had seen and heard, and obtained their support. On the morning of the 12th, he gathered his troops, raided the prison at Futian and released the victims. Not being a killer, he did not pursue Mao's cronies, all of whom, including Lie, got away. Lie, though, was later killed by an avenger.



That night, posters went up in Futian saying “Down with Mao Tse-tung!,” and the next morning an anti-Mao rally was held. In the afternoon the Jiangxi men left town and moved across the River Gan to put themselves out of Mao's reach. They sent out a circular with this description of Mao:


He is extremely devious and sly, selfish, and full of megalomania. To his comrades, he orders them around, frightens them with charges of crimes, and victimises them. He rarely holds discussions about Party matters … Whenever he expresses a view, everyone must agree, otherwise he uses the Party organisation to clamp down on you, or invents some trumped-up theories to make life absolutely dreadful for you … Mao always uses political accusations to strike at comrades. His customary method regarding cadres is to … use them as his personal tools. To sum up … not only is he not a revolutionary leader, he is not a … Bolshevik.

“毛泽东为人谁都晓得,是极其奸猾,个人意识非常浓厚,英雄思想充满了脑筋,对同志素来是命令主义恐吓手段,惩办制度,对党一切问题素来是少有会议讨论解决,无论在某一问题只要他发表意见,便谁都要赞成,否则他即藉组织来对付及拟造新的谬误理论来为难。”“毛还经常惯用政治手段来打击同志”, 把党组织作为个人系统,做他个人工具利用。总之,毛泽东他平日的一切言论行动工作的表现,已经不仅不是一个革命领袖,而且不是一个无产阶级战斗者——布尔什维克党员。”

Mao's goal, they said, was to “become Party Emperor.”


However, an envoy from Shanghai happened to be present, and told them to stop denouncing Mao in public, on the grounds that Mao had “an international reputation.” They obeyed at once, and entrusted their fate to Shanghai: “We must report Mao Tse-tung's evil designs and his slaughter of the Jiangxi Party to the Centre, for the Centre to resolve it,” they told their troops.


The delegates they sent to Shanghai were all people who had been tortured by Mao's men. There they presented the Party leadership with evidence hard to impugn—their torture scars. Moreover, they said, Mao “did not carry out the [leadership's repeated] instructions. He … has ignored comrades sent by the Centre and deliberately created problems for them … The Centre wrote several times to try to transfer Mao Tse-tung, but he simply ignored the letters.”


But Moscow's envoys and the Shanghai leadership, headed by Chou En-lai, backed Mao, even though they knew the charges against him were true, and had seen the marks of torture at first hand. Chou himself told Moscow's man, the Pole Rylsky, that “the arrests and torture of members of our Party … did in fact take place.” But in the Stalinist world, a purger was always the victor,* as Moscow was looking out for the hardest people. The Jiangxi Reds, though loyal to the Party, were labeled “counter-revolutionaries” and ordered to submit to Mao or face “ruthless armed struggle,” i.e., annihilation. Mao was “fundamentally correct,” Moscow said, adding that “this line of ruthless struggle against the enemies of the revolution must [be continued].”

但是,从苏联回国后主事的周恩来遵循莫斯科的指示,完全给毛泽东撑腰--哪怕他亲眼看到忠诚党员的刑伤,还对“波兰毛子”瑞尔斯基说:“逮捕刑讯我党党员的事确实是事实。”在斯大林主义的世界里,整人的人总是占上风,莫斯科要的是最狠、最下得了手的人,非这种人不能成事。江西共产党人虽然忠于党,但是可以被牺牲掉。中央叫他们“毫无抵抗的执行”毛的命令,否则就要“无情的与他作武装斗争”, 也就是说被消灭。莫斯科下结论说,毛“根本上是正确的”。

This was another milestone for Mao: he had won backing from Moscow for murdering his fellow Party members, who had done absolutely nothing wrong vis-à-vis their Party. They had not killed or wounded a single Party member, while Mao had trampled all over the Party's rules.


Shanghai even sent the victims' appeals against Mao back to him—a signal to Mao that he was at liberty to punish them in whatever way he desired. On these heart-rending reports, a spidery hand minuted the words: “After translation [into Russian], return to Mao.” Or, simply: “To Mao.” These words were in the hand of the head of the Organization Department, Kang Sheng. A lean, mustachioed man with gold-rimmed spectacles, a connoisseur of Chinese art and erotica, with an equally discerning eye for the range of pain produced by torture and torment, Kang was later to achieve infamy as Mao's persecutor designate. Now, with these indifferent yet sinister words, he consigned the victims to Mao—and certain death.


With this encouragement from Shanghai, Mao had Liou Di and his fellow mutineers “tried” and executed. Before they died, they were paraded round the Red area as a deterrent to the locals. Representatives from all over the base were brought to watch the executions as a lesson.


Red Jiangxi was ravaged, as a later secret report revealed: “All work was stopped in order to slaughter AB.” “Everyone lived in fear … At the fiercest, two people talking together would be suspected of being AB … All those who were not demonic in striking AB were treated as AB …” Appalling torture was commonplace: “There were so many kinds … with strange names like … ‘sitting in a pleasure chair,' ‘toads drinking,' ‘monkeys holding a rope.' Some had a red-hot gun-rod rammed into the anus … In Victory County alone, there were 120 kinds of torture.” In one, termed with sick inventiveness “angel plucking zither,” a wire was run through the penis and hung on the ear of the victim, and the torturer then plucked at the wire. There were also horrible forms of killing. “In all counties,” the report said, “there were cases of cutting open the stomach and scooping out the heart.”

红色江西卷起杀人的狂潮。据一九三二年五月的一份秘密报告,当时“一切工作停顿起来,用全力去打AB团”。“弄得人人自危,噤若寒蝉,在打AB团最激烈的时候,两人谈话,都可被疑为AB团……凡打AB团不毒辣的,都认为与AB团有关系。”审讯时,“有用洋钉将手钉在桌上,用篾片插人手指甲内,在各县的刑法种类,无奇不有……坐轿子,坐飞机(各县皆然)坐快活椅子,虾蟆喝水,猴子牵缰,用枪通条烧红捅肛门(胜利县)……等。就胜利说,刑法计有一百二十种之多。”有一种想像丰富的刑法叫“仙人弹琴”, 用铁丝从睾丸穿过,吊在受刑人的耳朵上,然后用手拨拉,像弹琴一样。杀人的办法也多种多样,“剖腹剜心”是常见的。

Altogether, tens of thousands died in Jiangxi. In the army alone, there were about 10,000 deaths—about a quarter of the entire Red Army under Mao at the time—as revealed by the secret report immediately afterwards. It was the first large-scale purge in the Party, and took place well before Stalin's Great Purge. This critical episode—in many ways the formative moment of Maoism—is still covered up to this day. Mao's personal responsibility and motives, and his extreme brutality, remain a taboo.


Next door in Fujian, the local Reds had also rebelled against Mao, voting out his followers in July 1930 while he and his army were away. Many thousands were now executed; the figure, just taking those whose names are known and who were later officially cleared, is 6,352. In one county the victims were hauled through the streets to their execution with rusty wires through their testicles. Frightened and thoroughly disillusioned, the head of Red Fujian fled at the first opportunity, when he was sent to Hong Kong to buy medicine. He was only one of many senior Communists who deserted. Another was Peng De-huai's de facto adopted son.


JUST AFTER THE mutiny against Mao, the Jiangxi Communists had appealed for support to Zhu De and Peng. “Comrades,” they pleaded, “is our Party going to be for ever so black and lightless?” These two had no love for Mao. One night after a good deal of rice wine, Zhu remarked to an old friend: “Many old comrades … have been killed in the purge. The man behind their killing is you know who.” The friend knew he meant Mao and said so in his memoirs. Then he quoted Zhu saying: “The Futian incident was also entirely caused by old Mao slaughtering AB. So many comrades have been killed …” Zhu “looked immensely sad.”


However, he and Peng stuck with Mao. Shanghai and Moscow were behind Mao, and siding with the Jiangxi Reds would mean cutting themselves off from the Party. Mao had laid the groundwork for framing Zhu and Peng. He had been purging Zhu De's staff, and had had two of Zhu's five aides-de-camp executed. Nor would it be difficult for Mao to coerce some torture victim to make accusations against Zhu—and Peng. One message had reached Russia's military intelligence chief in China suggesting that “Peng might be mixed up” in AB.


Not only did Mao blackmail the military commanders, he made sure they had the blood of their comrades on their hands. He ordered Zhu to sit on the panel that sentenced Liou Di to death.


Zhu and Peng did not stand up to Mao for another reason. At this time, in December 1930, Chiang Kai-shek had just won the war against his Nationalist rivals, and was launching an “annihilation expedition” against the Communists. Zhu and Peng cared about the Red Army, and feared that a split would doom it. Their attitude differed from Mao's. During this and subsequent attacks by Chiang in 1931, Mao never halted the purge, and when the Generalissimo paused, Mao redoubled his internecine killings—even though the people he was killing had just been fighting Chiang at the front.


MAO'S RUTHLESSNESS PRODUCED an effective policy against Chiang. This was to “lure the enemy deep into the Red area and strike when it is exhausted.” Mao argued that as the Nationalists were not familiar with the terrain, the conditions must favor the Reds. Because there were so few roads, Nationalist troops would have to rely on local supplies, and since the Reds could control the population they could deprive the enemy of food and water. Mao's plan was to force the entire population to bury their food and household goods, block every well with huge stones, and evacuate to the mountains so that Chiang's army could not find water or food, or laborers and guides. The strategy turned the Reds' base into a battlefield, imposing colossal hardships on the entire population, whom Mao forced into harm's way.


Few Red leaders agreed with Mao, but his strategy worked. A Nationalist commander later lamented that everywhere “we saw no people, the houses were cleaned out as if by floods, there was no food, no woks, no pots … We couldn't get any military information.” Chiang reflected in his diary: “The difficulty of annihilating the [Communist] bandits is greater than a big war, because they fight in their territory and can get the population to do what they want.”


Yet it was not Mao's brutal strategy that clinched the Reds' victory. What really tipped the scale was Russian assistance—though this remains virtually unknown. Moscow set up a top-level Military Advisory Group in the Soviet Union to plan strategy, and a military committee in Shanghai, staffed by Russian and other (especially German) advisers. The critical help came from Soviet military intelligence, the GRU, which had a network of more than 100 agents in China, mostly Chinese operating in Nationalist offices near the Red Army, whose main job was to provide information to the Chinese Communists. In early 1930, Moscow had dispatched a star officer, the half-German, half-Russian Richard Sorge,* to Shanghai.

然而对红军打胜仗起关键作用的,还不是毛的无情战略,而是苏联人的帮助。第一次围剿刚开始,莫斯科就建立了军事顾问组,在苏联制定战略战术。在上海另设军事委员会,由苏联人跟其他国籍的人,特别是德国人组成。苏军情报局派头等情报人员、俄德混血儿左尔格(Richard Sorge)来上海,接管有一百多名工作人员的谍报网,任务是向红军提供情报。左尔格的助手之一是毛未来的亲家张文秋,他们之间的介绍人是共产国际的间谍史沫特莱(Agnes Smedley)。左尔格后来扬名世界,因为他准确地向斯大林提供了日本在德国侵苏后,不会在远东乘机進攻的情报。他死在日本人的绞刑架下。

Sorge's main coup was to infiltrate the German military advisers' group at Chiang's forward intelligence HQ, where he worked on the disgruntled wife of one of the advisers, Stölzner, to steal the Nationalist codes, including those used for communications between the General Staff and units in the field. This information from Russian spies gave Mao an incalculable advantage. The CCP also had its own agents working in the heart of Nationalist intelligence. One, Qian Zhuang-fei, became the confidential secretary of the Nationalist intelligence chief U. T. Hsu, and played a big role in Mao's success.

左尔格在中国的主要功劳,是打入了蒋介石南昌行营的德国顾问团。一名叫斯多兹勒(Erich Stolzner)的顾问的太太满腹牢骚,左尔格就利用她偷出了国民党的密码,包括行营与作战部队联系的密码。中共本身在国民党情报部门也有杰出的间谍,为毛的成功作出了贡献,钱壮飞就是其中一位。

These intelligence networks provided Mao with precise information about the movements of Chiang's army. Two weeks into the expedition, on 30 December 1930, Mao used 40,000 troops and civilians to lay an ambush against 9,000 Nationalist troops. The previous day he had learned exactly which units were coming, and when. Mao waited from dawn on a distant peak, while fog and mist shrouded the mountains, and then watched the action amidst maple leaves, some still blazing red on the trees and others fallen on the frosty ground. In the afternoon sunshine, excited cries from below announced victory. Most of the Nationalist troops had simply put up their hands, and the Nationalist commander was captured. The general was exhibited at a mass rally, which Mao addressed, and at which, under guidance, the crowd yelled: “Chop his head off! Eat his flesh!” His head was then sliced off, and sent down the river attached to a door, with a little white flag saying it was “a gift” for his superiors.

这层层情报网使毛准确地获知国民党军队的行动。一九三0年十二月三十日,毛用四万军民设下了埋伏圈,专等九千国民党军队入套。毛在前一天就得知哪支部队要来、什么时候来。拂晓,他在远处的山上等待,心里寻着诗意。晨雾未散,满山都还隐隐约约,“雾满龙岗千嶂暗”。太阳升起来了,“万木霜天红烂漫”, 遍野枫树,像血一样地红。埋伏战也在这血样的山上打响。到下午结束,国民党军队大部分投降,指挥官张辉瓒做了俘虏。毛召开群众大会,会上拿张辉瓒示众,口号包括:“杀张辉瓒的头!吃张辉瓒的肉!”张辉瓒的头真的被割了下来,钉在一块门板上,放進江里,顺江流到国民党的行营南昌,一面小白旗宣告这是给他上司的礼物。

This ambush ended Chiang's first expedition, from which the Red Army gained both arms and prisoners, as well as radios and radio operators. Mao's prestige rose. Few had any idea about the critical role played by Russian intelligence, as well as by Russian money, medicine and arms. Mao had even asked for poison gas.


In April 1931, Nationalist troops came back for a second “annihilation expedition.” Again they were thwarted by the tactic of “luring the enemy deep into the Red area,” and again Moscow provided critical aid and intelligence, this time including a high-powered two-way radio acquired from Hong Kong, and Russian-trained radio technicians. For this campaign, Mao was able to intercept enemy communications.


But at the beginning of July Chiang Kai-shek himself led a vastly expanded force of 300,000 men for a third expedition, and modified his tactics so that it was much harder for Mao to use his intelligence advantage to lay ambushes. Moreover, this time the Generalissimo's forces were ten times the size of Mao's, and were able to stay and occupy the areas they were “lured” into. The Red Army found itself unable to return. Within two months the Red base had been reduced to a mere several dozen square kilometers, and Mao's men were on the verge of collapse.


But Chiang did not press on. Mao was saved by the most unlikely actor—fascist Japan.

就在这个关头,毛得救了:蒋介石突然停止了穷追猛打 -- “九一八”事变爆发。

IN 1931, Japan stepped up its encroachment on Manchuria in northeast China. Faced with threats at opposite ends of his vast country, Chiang decided on a policy of “Domestic Stability First”—sort out the Reds before tackling Japan. But Tokyo torpedoed his timing. On 18 September Chiang boarded a ship from Nanjing to Jiangxi to give a big push to his drive against Mao's shrunken base. That very night, at 10:00 PM, Japan invaded Manchuria, in effect starting the Pacific—and Second World—War. The Nationalist commander in Manchuria, Chang Hsueh-liang, known as the Young Marshal, did not fight back. Over sixty years later, he told us why: resistance would have been futile. “There was no way we could win,” he said. “We could only fight a guerrilla war, or have a shambolic go at it … The quality of the Chinese army could not compare with the Japanese … The Japanese army was really brilliant … ‘Non-resistance' … was the only feasible policy.”

一九三一年,日本不断在它早已觊觎的中国东北制造事端。蒋介石的政策是:“攘外应先安内”, 先扫平红军,再对付日本。九月十八日,蒋从首都南京登舰去南昌行营,要给毛日益缩小的根据地致命一击,但就在那天晚上十点钟,日本入侵东北。东北的长官张学良,人称“少帅”没有抵抗。六十多年后,他告诉我们为什么不抵抗:“我们没法打胜。日本出一师人,我们就完蛋了。我们军队的能力也没人家的强,我们军队的一切都不如,哪里能打胜?只能说是游击战,混战。我们可以出这种野蛮的行动,这种可以,要说真正的,一个对一个打,那是没法打。中国军队的素质,那跟日本是没法子比,日本的军队我佩服得很。日本军队实在是好。”“《大公报》的一个记者叫王芸生,他说了一句话,我很佩服他。他说在任何人也出不了第二个政策,也只能是这个政策。”

By the time Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Jiangxi next day, 19 September, Japan had already occupied the capital of Manchuria, Shenyang (aka Mukden), and other major cities, and he had to rush back to Nanjing on the 20th to cope with the crisis. He did not declare war on Japan, reasoning, like the Young Marshal, that armed resistance would be futile, given Japan's overwhelming military power. Chiang's tactic was to use China's huge space, manpower and daunting terrain to buy time, knowing that it was virtually impossible for Japan to occupy and garrison the whole of China. For now, he sought intervention from the League of Nations. His long-term plan was to modernize his army, build up the economy, and fight Japan when there was some chance of winning.


“This misfortune might even turn out to be a blessing in disguise,” Chiang wrote in his diary, “if it gets the country united.” Nanjing immediately decided to “suspend the plan of … annihilating the Communists,” and proposed a United Front against Japan. The CCP spurned the idea, saying that any suggestion that it was willing to join a United Front was “ridiculous in the extreme.” The Communists' attitude was that the Nationalists, not the Japanese, were their chief enemy, and their slogans made this pointedly clear, ordaining “Down with the Nationalists,” but merely “Oppose Japanese imperialists.” The Party's “central task” was described as “defending the Soviet Union with arms” (following Moscow's line that the Japanese invasion of Manchuria was a prelude to attacking the Soviet Union).

蒋提出“团结国内,共赴国难”的政策。二十日他在日记中写道:“如我国内果能从此团结一致,未始非转祸为福之机也。”二十一日,南京作出决定:“剿共计划,悉予停缓。”号召全国搞“民族统一战线”,“一致对外”。但是中共一口回绝。九月三十日中共发表声明说,任何外面传的朱、毛愿意一致对外的说法都是“可笑到万分的谣言”, 称蒋是“最不能调和的死敌”。中共的口号是:“打倒国民党!”而对日本仅是:“反对日本帝国主义”。党的中心任务是“武装拥护苏联”--这个提法的原因在于莫斯科认为日本侵犯东北是進攻苏联的前奏。

Since then, history has been completely rewritten, and the world has come to believe that the CCP was more patriotic and keener to fight Japan than the Nationalists were—and that the CCP, not the Nationalists, was the party that proposed the United Front. All this is untrue.


When he came up with the idea of a United Front against Japan, Chiang pulled his troops out of the war zone in Jiangxi. The Reds at once exploited this opportunity to recover lost territory, expand, and establish their own state.


On 7 November 1931, the fourteenth anniversary of the Russian Revolution, this state was proclaimed. Although it was not recognized by any other country, not even its sponsor, the Soviet Union, it was the only Communist regime in the world outside the Communist bloc, which then consisted only of Russia and Mongolia.

This state was made up of several Red regions dotted around the heartland of the country, in the provinces of Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Zhejiang. At its maximum, the total territory covered some 150,000–160,000 square km, with a population of over 10 million.* At the time of its founding the largest enclave was the “Central Base Area,” the region where Mao was operating, which consisted of Red Jiangxi and Red Fujian, covering some 50,000 sq. km, with a population of 3.5 million. Moscow had designated it as the seat of the Red government over a year before, with the town of Ruijin as its capital.


Moscow also appointed Mao head of the state, with the very un-Chinese title of chairman of the Central Executive Committee. He was “prime minister” as well, being chairman of the body called the People's Committee. On the evening the posts were announced, a crony came to see Mao. This man had personally tortured Lee Wen-lin, the Jiangxi Red leader Mao most hated, and afterwards had reported the details to Mao. He now came to offer congratulations. “Mao Zhu-xi—Chairman Mao!” he called out. “You learn really fast,” Mao replied. “You are the first person.” This torturer was the first person to use the title that was to become part of the world's vocabulary: “Chairman Mao.”

莫斯科指定毛泽东为这个国中之国的首脑,相当于“总统”,按苏联规矩给他戴上一顶非中国习惯的头衔:中央执行委员会主席。毛同时又是“总理”:人民委员会主席。在这些职务宣布的当晚,一个亲信来看毛。此人曾被毛派去监督拷问红色江西领袖李文林,因为他深知毛的意图,而毛又最恨李文林。拷问后他总是向毛汇报。这晚他是来向毛道喜的,一進门他就喊:“毛主席!”毛说:“你改口真快,是第一个。” 就是从这个人的嘴里,第一次吐出了今天世界语汇中一个尽人皆知的词:毛主席。

*In the outlaw land, the first Communist county chief of Ninggang was killed, in September 1928, by his fellow-Communists, seven months after he had been installed at a rally where his Nationalist predecessor was speared to death. The man Mao left in charge of the area was also killed in a bloody vendetta nine months after Mao's departure. He had apparently had the beautiful young wife of a Party official tortured and executed on the charge of being an enemy agent. He was then killed on the same charge.

*Even when the purge had counterproductive effects. A 1932 report by the (Communist) Federation of Labor said workers were “simply scared” to join Communist unions: “They have seen that the majority [sic] of the workers [who were] members of the trade union were executed [i.e., by their own comrades] on the charge of belonging to ‘AB.' ”

*Subsequently famous as the spy who in 1941 provided Stalin with the vital intelligence that Japan was not going to attack the Soviet Far East when Hitler invaded European Russia. One of Sorge's assistants was a woman called Zhang Wen-qiu, whose two daughters later married Mao's two surviving sons. She had come to Sorge's attention through Agnes Smedley, an American agent for the Comintern.

*Thanks to the control of the Red territories, Party membership rose to 120,000 in 1931, from 18,000 at the end of 1926.