7 杨开慧之死
(1927–30 AGE 33–36)
1927~1930 年 33~36 岁
AFTER CHIANG KAI-SHEK established a Nationalist government based at Nanjing in 1928, with nominal authority over the whole of China, he launched a drive to weld the many different armies controlled by provincial potentates into a unified national army under his control. This met ferocious resistance from an alliance of warlords, and by the beginning of 1930 each side had deployed hundreds of thousands of troops. The resulting internecine fighting presented the CCP with a chance to expand its own army and bases.
一九二八年,蒋介石建立南京政府之后,着手让各地军阀交出军权,以建立统一的国家军队。一批军阀顽强抵抗,一九三0年初,有几十万大军参加的“中原大战” 一触即发。
Moscow began to consider forming a Communist state in China. Chou En-lai set off for the Soviet Union in March 1930, bringing with him a detailed report on the Chinese Red Army, saying it had some 62,700 men, made up of 13 armed groups (called “armies”) spread over 8 provinces. The Zhu–Mao Army was the best-known of these, and accounted for almost one-quarter of the total, having expanded to nearly 15,000 men, thanks to its control of a large base. Bases were the key to expanding the army, as possession of a base enabled the Reds to acquire conscripts.
While Chou En-lai was away, the man in charge in Shanghai was Mao's fellow Hunanese and former subordinate, Li Li-san. Li-san, who had made his name as a labor organizer, was an impulsive activist and passionate advocate of further expansion. Under him, a highly ambitious plan was devised to seize a large chunk of the interior, including big cities like Nanchang and Changsha, and form a Red government in the heart of China, at Wuhan, on the Yangtze. Mao was assigned to take Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi.
Mao was a realist. He knew that even given the infighting among the Nationalists, the Red Army had no hope of seizing and holding major cities. At first he expressed reluctance to carry out the plan, but within days of voicing doubts he was bursting with zeal. He still had no faith in the project, but he realized that he could exploit Shanghai's fantasy for his own purpose, which was to take over the second biggest Red Army branch, run by Peng De-huai.
PENG, WHO WAS five years Mao's junior, was born in a village in Mao's own district in Hunan. He was to rise to be Communist China's first defense minister, and also Mao's fiercest and bravest critic within the regime—for which he would pay with a long-drawn-out and agonizing death.
Peng had a highly expressive mouth and eyes, which seemed to show a permanent sadness. He cared about the poor and the downtrodden. Unlike most Communist leaders, he had had a poverty-stricken childhood, which scarred him profoundly. When his mother died, his youngest brother, who was six months old, had starved to death. Decades later, Peng wrote of his childhood:
In bitter winter, when other people were wearing padded clothes and shoes, my brothers and I wore straw sandals on bare feet, and clothes made of palm leaves, like primitive men … When I was ten, there was nothing at all to live on. On New Year's Day, when rich people's homes let off firecrackers, my family had not a grain of rice. So I took my second brother to go begging, for the first time.
He described how he fainted from hunger after they got home. Out of pride, he refused to go begging next day, so his grandmother, who was over seventy, went hobbling on bound feet, pulling along his younger brothers, one of them only three years old. Watching them disappear into the snow, Peng said later that he felt sharp knives were cutting at his heart, and he went into the mountains and chopped some firewood which he sold for a small packet of salt. That evening he would not eat the rice his grandmother's begging had brought home, and the whole family wept.
When he was fifteen, his village was hit by drought, which brought starvation for many. Peng became involved in an attempt to force a wealthy landlord to hand out some rice, by climbing onto the roof of the landlord's granary and removing the tiles to reveal the grain the man had denied having stored. Peng was placed on a wanted list, and had to flee. In 1916 he joined the Hunan army and became an officer. He was sometimes invited by local dignitaries to banquets where young girls barely in their teens were available for their pleasure. One girl of thirteen told Peng she had been badly beaten by a pimp because she declined to sleep with officers. Peng bought her freedom, and thereafter turned down all invitations to banquets. He became attracted to communism “to find a way out for the poor,” as he put it.
Peng secretly joined the CCP just after New Year 1928. That July he mutinied against the Nationalists, taking 800 men with him. The Party told him to make contact with Mao, who was in the outlaw land nearby at the time. Peng arrived in December, just as Mao was making ready to quit the base. Mao needed someone to stay behind to hold the fort, as possession of a base was his main asset.
So Mao grabbed Peng and told him to stay and defend the territory—a doomed task. After Mao was gone, government troops came in force. Peng's men had to break out through deep snow, climbing over precipices and inching along tiny tracks normally used only by wild animals.
From then on, Mao continued to treat Peng as his subordinate, and Peng made no objection. But Shanghai did not formally endorse this arrangement, and Mao's mandate did not, officially, extend beyond the Zhu–Mao Army. In early 1930, when Moscow and Shanghai reorganized all Red Army forces nationwide in preparation for establishing a Communist state, Peng's army, which had grown at an extraordinary rate to 15,000—the same number of troops as Mao's—was made independent of Mao. Peng's men were excellent soldiers, with a strong esprit de corps. A Party inspector told Shanghai that Peng's army “has the highest morale. The troops obey orders, have strong discipline and a great spirit of camaraderie, and are brave soldiers … They are very loyal to Peng De-huai personally. The wounded in the rear hospitals, once recovered, absolutely insist on returning to [Peng's] army … It has very few deserters.”
Mao was determined to control Peng and his crack force. This was why he suddenly expressed an eagerness to attack Nanchang. If he was there, rather than down south on the Jiangxi–Fujian border, this would bring him hundreds of kilometers closer to Peng, who was nearby. Mao's secret plan was to go and physically join forces with Peng, as this was the only way he could exert control over Peng and his army.
Mao set off north, saying he was going for Nanchang, as the Party had ordered. But when he reached the outskirts of Nanchang, at the end of July, he fired only a few shots and then moved his army towards Changsha, which Peng had just captured on 25 July.
Changsha was the only provincial capital the Reds took, and Peng held it for eleven days, proclaiming a Communist government, with his HQ in the American Bible Institute.
His success rang alarm bells in Western capitals, especially Washington, which now, for the first time, registered the Chinese Communists as a serious force. One reason was the death in combat of Seaman 1st Class Samuel Elkin, the first US serviceman to die fighting Chinese Communists, killed on the USS Guam on the Xiang River by shelling from Peng's forces en route to Changsha—on the Fourth of July. Gunboats of four foreign powers, particularly the USS Palos, played a critical role in driving Peng out of the city on 6 August.
In mid-August, Peng received a message out of the blue saying that Mao was coming to “help” him. Mao wrote simultaneously to Shanghai, on 19 August, to say that he had abandoned his assignment to attack Nanchang in order to go to Peng's rescue, claiming that Peng was in deep trouble—“suffering considerable deaths and losses.” Peng told Mao flatly that he was not in trouble and did not need help, but this was not enough to shake off Mao, who cunningly countered by telling Peng to come and help him, as he was about to attack a town called Yonghe, located in between them, about 100 km east of Changsha.
When Peng joined up with him, on 23 August, Mao announced that Peng's corps was now merged with his own, under his own command, leaving Peng as mere deputy military commander, under Zhu De. Mao tried to blow smoke at Shanghai (and Moscow) by claiming that the goal in merging the armies was to attack Changsha a second time—a move opposed by both Peng and Zhu De, who argued that it had no prospect of succeeding, as the element of surprise, essential to Peng's capture of the city, had been lost.
But Mao insisted, and assured Shanghai that together the two corps could easily “occupy Changsha … then attack Wuhan … to trigger a general uprising in the whole of China.” Mao stoked Shanghai's delusions by suggesting that the occupation of Wuhan was imminent, and with it the establishment of a Red government: “Please could the Centre instruct on taking Wuhan,” he wrote in his most ingratiating style, “and start preparations for organising a government …” In fact, Mao had no intention of going anywhere near Wuhan.
Nor did he really think he could seize Changsha. Still, to cement his absorption of Peng, he ordered Changsha to be attacked. The result was “huge human losses,” Moscow was told. These were much greater for Peng's units than for Mao's, as Mao had avoided a genuine strike at Changsha, whereas Peng had faithfully carried out orders and attacked the city directly The GRU chief in China, Gailis, told Moscow that “Mao just looked on.”
其实,毛根本没有夺取武汉的意思,他知道不可能,就连再打长沙也不可能成功。彭一打长沙成功,靠的是出其不意,现在守敌已有准备。朱德、彭德怀也很清楚,他们反对二打长沙。但毛坚持要打。如果不打,他就没有理由要上海同意他与彭合并,把彭置于自己控制之下。在打的过程中,据苏军情报局中国站站长格理斯(Avgust Gailis)报告莫斯科:红军“伤亡惨重”,彭的部队伤亡比毛的多得多,“毛袖手旁观”。
At the end of three weeks, Mao called off the siege, insisting that Peng's army should move off with him. This met with resistance from Peng's officers, and some even tried to break away. (The Chinese Red Army, like Chinese forces in general at this point, was not like a modern army where orders were obeyed unconditionally and unquestioningly.) Mao soon launched a bloody purge against them.
Mao also used the siege of Changsha, which made headlines, to promote himself to the top job, and raise his profile further. When he started the siege, on 23 August, he proclaimed an All-China Revolutionary Committee, put it in command of all Red Armies, governments and Party branches, with himself as chairman, and sent an announcement to this effect to the press.
Two months before, on 25 June, Mao had already issued two press releases giving himself this title. No newspapers seem to have carried these, but Mao pasted them up as notices. Shanghai's reaction had been to announce on 1 August that the post of chairman belonged to the Party's (nominal) general secretary, Hsiang Chung-fa. Mao was now reiterating his self-appointment over Hsiang's head, in defiance of Shanghai.
* 毛早在六月二十五日就发出过自封主席的两份通电。上海的反应是在八月一日宣布委员会主席是党的总书记向忠发。但此时毛又再度自封主席,直接跟中央唱对台戏。
But Mao received no punishment. The new Red state that Moscow had decided to install in China needed power-hungry leaders, and Mao was the hungriest around. On 20 September his second-level membership of the Politburo was restored, paving the way to top jobs in the coming Red state. Moscow had rejected Wuhan as the location, ordering the state to be established in “the Red Army's largest secure region”—which was Red Jiangxi.*
The defeat and heavy casualties inflicted by Mao's siege of Changsha were blamed on the impulsive Li Li-san. Li-san had told the Russians it was their “internationalist duty” to send in troops to help the Chinese Reds in their fight. During the Russian invasion of Manchuria the year before, he had gladly called for the Chinese Reds to “defend the Soviet Union with arms.” Now he proposed that Moscow should reciprocate, and this riled Stalin, who suspected Li-san of trying to drag him into war with Japan. Li-san had also incurred Stalin's ire by saying that Mongolia, which Soviet Russia had annexed from China, should become part of Red China. The Comintern condemned Li-san on 25 August for being “hostile to Bolshevism, and hostile to the Comintern,” and in October a letter arrived ordering him to Moscow. There Stalin turned him into a kind of all-purpose scapegoat, and he was repeatedly called on to stand up and denounce himself.† Li-san entered history books as the man responsible for all the Red losses in the early 1930s. High on the list of losses were those suffered during the siege of Changsha, which were in fact entirely Mao's responsibility, incurred for his own personal power.
MAO'S QUEST FOR POWER also brought tragedy to his family. In 1930 his ex-wife Kai-hui and their three young sons, the youngest three years old, were still living in her family home on the outskirts of Changsha when Mao laid siege to the city.
Mao had left them exactly three years before, when he set off, ostensibly to take part in an “Autumn Harvest Uprising,” but actually to poach his first armed force. Barely four months after his departure, he had married somebody else.
Although Changsha was ruled by a fiercely anti-Communist general, Ho Chien, Kai-hui had been left alone, as she was not engaged in Communist activities. Even after Peng De-huai had taken Changsha and nearly killed him, Ho Chien took no reprisals against her. But after Mao turned up and subjected the city to a second lengthy assault, the Nationalist general decided to take revenge. Kai-hui was arrested together with her eldest son, An-ying, on An-ying's eighth birthday, 24 October. She was offered a deal: her freedom if she would make a public announcement divorcing Mao and denouncing him. She refused, and was executed on the cloudy morning of 14 November 1930. Next day the Hunan Republican Daily reported her death under the headline “Wife of Mao Tse-tung executed yesterday—everyone claps and shouts with satisfaction.” This undoubtedly reflected more loathing of Mao than of Kai-hui.
When Kai-hui was brought into the “court” in army HQ, wearing a long dark blue gown, she showed no sign of fear. There on a desk were placed a brush, some red ink, and a sticker with her name on it. After asking a few questions, the judge ticked the sticker with the brush dipped in the red ink, and threw it on the floor. This was the traditional equivalent of signing a death warrant. At this, two executioners peeled off her gown as spoils. Another found a bonus—2.5 yuan wrapped in a handkerchief in one of the pockets.
And so she went to her death, on a winter day, wearing a thin blouse, at the age of twenty-nine. As she was taken through the streets, tied up with ropes, which was the normal treatment for someone about to be executed, an officer hailed a rickshaw for her, while soldiers ran along on both sides. The execution ground lay just beyond one of the city gates, among the graves of the people executed who had no one to take their bodies home. After they shot her, some of the firing squad took off her shoes and threw them as far as they could: otherwise, legend went, they would be followed home and haunted by the ghost of the dead.
As the executioners were having lunch afterwards at their barracks, they were told that Kai-hui was not dead, so seven of them went back and finished her off. In her agony her fingers had dug deep into the earth.
Her body was taken back to her village by relatives, and buried in the grounds of her family home. Her son was released, and early in 1931 Mao's brother Tse-min arranged for the three boys to travel to Shanghai, where they entered a secret CCP kindergarten.
When Mao learned of Kai-hui's death, he wrote in what seems to have been genuine grief: “The death of Kai-hui cannot be redeemed by a hundred deaths of mine!” He spoke of her often, especially in his old age, as the love of his life. What he never knew is that although Kai-hui did love him, she had also rejected his ideology and his killings.
IN THE YEARS between Mao deserting her and her death, Kai-hui wrote reflections on communism, and on her love for Mao, in eight intense, forgiving and occasionally reproachful pieces, which she concealed in her house. Seven were discovered in cracks in the walls in 1982, during some renovation work. The eighth came to light under a beam just outside her bedroom during repairs in 1990. She had wrapped them up in wax paper to protect them from damp.
Mao never saw them, and most are still kept secret—so secret that even Mao's surviving family were barred from seeing the most devastating passages.
The writings show the pain Kai-hui suffered from Mao's desertion, her disappointment and bitterness at his heartlessness towards her and their sons—and, perhaps more damning, her loss of faith in communism.
The earliest piece is a poem, “Thoughts,” dated October 1928. Mao had been gone for a year, and had only written once. He had mentioned having trouble with his feet. In June, when a CCP inspector she referred to as “First Cousin” went off to Mao's area, she gave him a jug of chili with fermented beans, Mao's favorite dish, to take to her husband. But there was no reply. On a cold day, Kai-hui missed Mao:
* 这一篇中有些是我们看过遗稿后追记的,某些词语可能有误,记不清的以省略号标出,有的标点符号是为了清晰而加。
Downcast day a north wind starts,
Thick chill seeps through flesh and bones.
Thinking of this Far-away Man,
Suddenly waves churn out of calm.
Is the foot trouble healed?
Is the winter clothing ready?
Who cares for you while you sleep alone?
Are you as lonely and sad as I am?
No letters are coming through,
I ask, but no one answers.
How I wish I had wings,
Fly to see this man.
Unable to see him,
Sorrow, it has no end …
……一幕一幕地,他一定是丢弃我了 他是很幸运的,能得到我的爱,我真是非常爱他的哟 不至于丢弃我,他不来信一定有他的道理 普通人也会有这种情感 父爱是一个谜,他难道不思想他的孩子吗?我搞不懂他 是悲事,也是好事,因为我可以做一个独立的人了 我要吻他一百遍,他的眼睛,他的嘴,他的脸颊,他的额,他的头,他是我的人,他是属于我的 只有母爱是靠得住的,我想我的母亲 昨天我跟哥哥谈起他,显出很平常的样子,可是眼泪不知怎样就落下来了 我要能忘记他就好了,可是他的美丽的影子 他的美丽的影子
The next piece, written to First Cousin in March 1929, and marked “not sent,” talks about her loneliness and her yearning for support:
I cower in a corner of the world. I am frightened and lonely. In this situation, I search every minute for something to lean on. So you take a place in my heart, and so does Ren-xiu who is staying here—you both stand side by side in my heart! I often pray: “Please don't let these few people be scattered!” I seem to have seen the God of Death—ah, its cruel and severe face! Talking of death, I do not really fear it, and I can say that I welcome it. But my mother, and my children! I feel pity for them! This feeling haunts me so badly—the night before last it kept me half awake all night long.
Worrying about her children, and clearly feeling she could not count on Mao, Kai-hui wrote to her First Cousin:
I decided to entrust them—my children—to you. Financially, as long as their uncle [probably Mao's brother Tse-min] lives, he will not abandon them; and their uncle really loves them deeply. But if they lose their mother, and a father, then just the love of an uncle is not enough. They need you and many others' love for them to grow naturally as if in a warm spring, and not be destroyed by violent storms. This letter is like a will now, and you must think I am mad. But I don't know why, I just can't shake off the feeling over my head of a rope like a poisonous snake, that seems to have flown in from Death, and that binds me tightly. So I cannot but prepare!…
Kai-hui had this premonition because on the 7th of that month the Hunan Republican Daily reported that Zhu De's wife had been killed and her head exposed in a street in Changsha. The paper carried two articles in which the writers said how much they enjoyed seeing the severed head. In April, Kai-hui wrote down some thoughts which she wanted to send to a newspaper but did not, entitled: “Feeling of Sadness on Reading about the Enjoyment of a Human Head”:
Zhu De's wife I think most likely was a Communist. [words missing from original] Or even an important figure. If so, her execution is perhaps not to be criticised. [words crossed out] And yet her killing was not due to her own crime. Those who enjoyed her head and thought it was a pleasurable sight also did so not because of her own crime. So I remember the stories of killing relatives to the ninth clan for one man's crime in the early Manchu period. My idea that killers are forced into killing turns out not to make sense here. There are so many people so exultantly enjoying it that we can see glad articles representing them in newspapers and journals. So my idea that only a small number of cruel people kills turns out not to be true here. So I have found the spirit of our times …
Yet I am weak, I am afraid of being killed, and so afraid of killing. I am not in tune with the times. I can't look at that head, and my breast is filled with misery … I had thought that today's mankind, and part of mankind, the Chinese, were civilized enough to have almost abolished the death penalty! I did not expect to see with my own eyes the killing of relatives to the ninth clan for one man's crime … (To kill the wife of Zhu De, although not quite the ninth clan, basically comes to this.) … and the human head is becoming a work of art needed by many!
The abolition of the death penalty, and of torture, had been a very popular aim earlier in the century, and the Chinese Communist Party's charter of 1923 had included these among its goals.
Kai-hui had naturally been reading about Mao's own killings in the newspapers. He and his troops were always called “bandits,” who “burned and killed and kidnapped* and looted.” Newspapers had also reported that Mao had been driven out of the outlaw land and “surrounded on three sides, Zhu–Mao will have no chance whatever to survive.”
Kai-hui still loved Mao, and above all wanted him to give up what he was doing and come back. On 16 May 1929, in a poem marked “To First Cousin—not sent,” she wrote eight agonized lines imploring Mao's return:
一九二九年古历四月初八 寄一弟,没有发去
You are now the beloved sweetheart!
Please tell him: Return, return.
I can see the heart of the old [probably referring to her mother] is being burnt by fire,
Please return! Return!
Sad separation, its crystallisation, chilling misery and loneliness are looming ever larger,
How I wish you would bring home some news!
This heart, [unclear in original], how does it compare with burning by fire?
这一颗心,你去[原文不清] ,比火焚多少?
Please return! Return!
Soon after this, a letter came from her First Cousin, saying that Mao was going to Shanghai (the Party had ordered him there on 7 February 1929). This meant she might be able to see him, and Kai-hui was rapturous. She opened her next letter,
“to First Cousin,” with: “Received your letter. How happy and relieved I am!” She dreamed:
If the financial situation allows, I must get out of here to do a few years' study … I want to get out, and find a job … I'm really in a great hurry to do some studies … Otherwise I can only feel the pains of emptiness, and feel I have nothing to lean on.
That letter like a will, I didn't send. If you can come home once, that would be all I dare to hope.
Her thoughts then reverted to Mao, the possibility that he might not go to Shanghai, and his safety if he did:
Probably he wouldn't be able to go to Shanghai? I'd rather he didn't go. I'm worried for him again now. Oh, heaven! I'll stop here …
She started to write to Mao, but changed her mind. There was a heading “To my beloved—not sent,” and the rest was torn out. Instead, she wrote down the story of her life, which she finished on 20 June 1929. Clearly, this was her way of telling Mao about herself, her thoughts and feelings. The memoir told two things: how passionately she loved him, and how utterly unable she was to tolerate violence and cruelty. The latter theme seems to have assumed an even larger place in her mind, as she began and ended her narrative with it.
时间一天天过去,她逐渐明白毛不会去上海,见毛只是梦想。开慧提笔给毛写信,但改变了主意。标题“寄爱 没有发去”一行字下面的话被她撕去。她另外写了一篇回顾:《六岁到二十八岁》,于六月二十日写成。显然,她想用间接方式把自己的心展在纸上给毛看。主题除了她对毛的爱,就是她对暴力与残酷的厌恶。
She recalled that at the age of six, she began to see the world as a sad place:
I was born extremely weak, and would faint when I started crying … At the time, I sympathised with animals … Every night going to bed, horrible shadows such as the killing of chickens, of pigs, people dying, churned up and down in my head. That was so painful! I can still remember that taste vividly. My brother, not only my brother but many other children, I just couldn't understand them at all. How was it they could bring themselves to catch little mice, or dragonflies, and play with them, treating them entirely as creatures foreign to pain?
If it were not to spare my mother the pain—the pain of seeing me die—if it were not for this powerful hold, then I simply would not have lived on.
I really wanted to have a faith!…
I sympathized with people in the lower ranks of life. I hated those who wore luxurious clothes, who only thought of their own pleasure. In summer I looked just like people from lower ranks, wearing a baggy rough cotton top. This was me at about seventeen or eighteen …
She wrote about how she fell in love with Mao, how totally she loved him, how she learned about his infidelities, and how she forgave him (these pages are in chapter 3). But at the end she showed that she was thinking of breaking away from him and the ideology to which he had introduced her:
Now my inclination has shifted into a new phase. I want to get some nourishment by seeking knowledge, to water and give sustenance to my dried-up life … Perhaps one day I will cry out: my ideas in the past were wrong!
She ended her memoir with:
Ah! Kill, kill, kill! All I hear is this sound in my ears! Why are human beings so evil? Why so cruel? Why?! I cannot think on! [words brushed out by her] I must have a faith! I must have a faith! Let me have a faith!!
Kai-hui had been drawn to communism out of sympathy for the deprived. Her crying out for “a faith” says unmistakably that she was losing her existing faith, communism. She did not condemn Mao, whom she still deeply loved. But she was letting him know how strongly she felt about the killing, something she had hated since childhood.
She wrote this piece primarily for Mao, thinking she might be able to see him in Shanghai. But as time wore on, it became clear that she would not, and in fact he was studiously avoiding the city. Kai-hui hid what she had written so far, twelve pages, between bricks in a wall.
It was in a mood of despair that she wrote her last piece on 28 January 1930, two days before the Chinese New Year, traditionally the time for family reunion. Four pages long, it described what she had been through in the past two and a half years since Mao left. She began by recalling her feelings in the days just after he went:*
For days I've been unable to sleep.
I just can't sleep. I'm going mad.
So many days now, he hasn't written. I'm waiting day after day.
Tears …
I mustn't be so miserable. The children are miserable with me, and Mother is miserable with me.
I think I may be pregnant again.
Really so wretched, so lonely, so much anguish.
I want to flee. But I have these children, how can I?
On the morning of the fiftieth day, I received the priceless letter.
Even if he dies, my tears are going to shroud his corpse.
A month, another month, half a year, a year, and three years. He has abandoned me. The past churns up in my mind scene after scene. The future I envisage also churns in my mind scene after scene. He must have abandoned me.
He is very lucky, to have my love. I truly love him so very much!
He can't have abandoned me. He must have his reasons not to write …
Father love is really a riddle. Does he not miss his children? I can't understand him.
This is a sad thing, but also a good thing, because I can now be an independent person.
I want to kiss him a hundred times, his eyes, his mouth, his cheeks, his neck, his head. He is my man. He belongs to me.
Only Mother Love can be relied on. I'm thinking about my mother …
Yesterday, I mentioned him to my brother. I tried to look normal, but tears fell, I don't know how.
If only I can forget him. But his beautiful image, his beautiful image.
Dimly I seem to see him standing there, gazing at me with melancholy.
I have written to First Cousin, saying this: “Whoever takes my letter to him, and brings his letter to me, is my Saviour.”
Heaven, I can't help worrying about him.
As long as he is well, whether or not he belongs to me is secondary. May heaven protect him.
Today is his birthday. I can't forget him. So I quietly had some food bought, and made bowls of noodles [a special birthday meal, since long noodles symbolise long life]. Mother remembers this date, too. At night in bed, I think sad thoughts to myself.
I hear he has been ill, and it comes from overwork … Without me beside him, he will not be careful. He will simply tire himself to death.
His health is really such that he can't work. He racks his brains too much. Heaven protect me. I must work hard, hard. If I can make 60 yuan a month, I can call him back, and ask him not to work any more. In that case, with his ability, his intelligence, he may even achieve immortal success.
Another sleepless night.
I can't endure this now. I am going to him.
My children, my poor children hold me back.
A heavy load hangs on my heart, one side is him, the other is my children. I can't leave either.
I want to cry. I really want to cry.
No matter how hard I try, I just can't stop loving him. I just can't …
A person's feeling is really strange. San Chun-he loves me so much, and yet I don't even look at him.
How I love him [Mao]! Heaven, give me a perfect answer!
Shortly after these heart-rending words were written, her First Cousin was arrested and executed. He was buried behind her house.
Months later, she herself was dead. During his assault on Changsha, Mao made no effort to extricate her and their sons, or even to warn her. And he could easily have saved her: her house was on his route to the city, and Mao was there for three weeks. Yet he did not lift a finger.
* What we call “Red Jiangxi” does not include the base in northeast Jiangxi under Fang Zhi-min.
† One day, a Chinese was present at a talk in Moscow by a man who denounced Li Li-san ferociously. Afterwards he asked the speaker who he was, and was astonished to get the answer, “I am Li Li-san.” In February 1938 Li-san was arrested, and he spent nearly two years in prison.
*One of the people kidnapped by Mao's force was an American Catholic priest, Father Edward Young, whom the Reds tried to ransom for $20,000. Young escaped. His Chinese fellow hostages and prisoners were killed.
*The following words were mostly recalled from memory after reading this document in an archive, and some may therefore not be exact. Ellipses represent parts that cannot be recalled; most other punctuation has been added for clarity.