29 蒋介石失去大陆

(1945–49   AGE 51–55)

1945~1949 年    51~55 岁

BY EARLY 1947, when the Nationalists had failed to crack Mao's vast base on the borders with Russia, Chiang knew he was in trouble. Many in the country knew, too. He badly needed a victory to boost morale. He came up with the idea of taking Yenan, Mao's capital. Its capture would have “the greatest significance,” he wrote in his diary on 1 March. On that day, he gave this vital task to a man who enjoyed his unconditional trust. General Hu Tsung-nan was the guardian of his younger (and adopted) son, Weigo, and had stood proxy for Chiang at Weigo's wedding.


Our investigations have convinced us that General Hu was a Red “sleeper.” He started his career at the Nationalists' Whampoa Military Academy in 1924, which Moscow founded, bankrolled and staffed, at a time when Sun Yat-sen was trying to use Russian sponsorship to conquer China. Chiang Kai-shek was the head of the Academy, and Chou En-lai the director of its pivotal Political Department. Many secret Communist agents were planted there, and went on to become officers in the Nationalist military.

At Whampoa, Hu Tsung-nan was strongly suspected of being a secret Communist,* but he had well-placed friends who vouched for him. He then struck up a friendship with Chiang's intelligence chief, Tai Li, who match-made his marriage. The two became so close that Tai ordered his subordinates in Hu's units to send copies of all their intelligence reports to Hu as well as to himself, the result of which was that none of them dared report any suspicions about Hu.

In 1947, Chiang assigned him to take Yenan. On the day he received the assignment, the message appeared on Mao's desk. Mao ordered the city to be evacuated, and the local population was herded out into the hills by armed militia. The bulk of the Red administration went to the Red base east of the Yellow River.


On 18–19 March, Hu took Yenan, which the Nationalists trumpeted as a great victory. But all they acquired was a ghost town. On Mao's orders, the evacuees and the locals had buried not only their food, but all their household goods, down to cooking utensils.


Mao himself had left only hours before, in an ostentatiously leisurely, even nonchalant manner, pausing awhile to gaze at the pagoda which was the symbol of Yenan, while his driver revved the engine of his American jeep (donated by the departing US mission) as a reminder that the Nationalists were nearby. Mao staged this performance to build confidence in people around him. A short time before, Mao's top brass had been awe-struck when he sent most of the troops in Yenan away, keeping only 20,000 men with him for the whole of the region—less than one-tenth of the force Hu had at his disposal, which totaled some 250,000.

在此后的一系列战斗中,战事的发展和胡将军的行为令人十分费解。毛也一反常态。 毛在陕北只留下由彭德怀率领的两万多部队,不到胡宗南统帅的二十五万大军的十分之一。毛坚持不准其他战场抽调兵力入陕增援。对延安即将失陷而惴惴不安的高级将领们,看到毛如此胸有成竹,既吃惊,又敬佩。


Mao set off north, riding with Chou En-lai, now his chief of staff, and Mme Mao. On the way, he and Chou chatted and laughed, as if, in the words of a bodyguard, “this was an outing.”


About 30 km northeast of Yenan, at a place called Qinghuabian, Mao asked the driver to slow down in a deep valley where the loess slopes had been scoured by rain and floods into deep canyons. His bodyguards were puzzled to see him pointing and nodding thoughtfully with Chou. It was only a week later that the explanation dawned on them, when Hu's 31st Brigade HQ and 2,900 troops walked into an ambush at this exact spot on 25 March.


The brigade had been given the order to follow this road by Hu only the day before. But Mao's men had started taking up positions days earlier—and Mao had committed his entire force of 20,000 to this one operation. Before the first shots were fired, the brigade spotted the ambushers, and radioed the information to Hu. General Hu told his force to press on, threatening court martial if they did not, and the 2,900 men were wiped out. Meanwhile, Hu had dispatched the bulk of his army in another direction, due west, making it impossible for it to come to the rescue of the trapped brigade.


Three weeks later, on 14 April, Mao scored another victory in exactly the same fashion at a place called Yangmahe, when one of Hu's units marched straight into an ambush. Five thousand men were killed, wounded or captured. Just as before, Hu had moved his main force away, so the doomed brigade was cut off from it by impassable ravines.


On 4 May came a third pushover, when the Communists took Hu's main forward depot, Panlong. Once again, Hu had sent his main force away on a wild goose chase, leaving the depot lightly defended. Both the defenders and the main force had reported Red units “lying in hiding” near the depot, but Hu said they were crying wolf. When the main force reached its target, it found an empty city.


The depot at Panlong handed the Reds vast stores of food, clothing, ammunition and medical supplies, while the Nationalists were left starving. Some were reduced to taking shoes from rotting Communist corpses. “No matter how we washed them,” one recalled, “we still couldn't get rid of the horrible stench.” Many fell ill, but they had been cleaned out of medicine.




After these three victories within two months of the Nationalists taking Yenan, the Communists broadcast the news that Mao had remained in the Yenan region. The import was clear: even though he was not actually in the capital, the CCP supremo was able to survive and operate in the area, and was very much in control of events.


Mao remained within some 150 km of Hu's HQ in Yenan city for a whole year, traveling with an entourage of 800 people, which eventually grew to 1,400, including a cavalry company. A sizable radio corps operated twenty-four hours a day, keeping contact with Red armies and bases all over China and with Russia.


Mao moved about from place to place for the first time since he had come to rule this region a decade before. A litter was kept at the ready, but Mao preferred walking and riding, unlike his custom on the Long March, and became very fit. His chef carried his favorite foods like chili and sausages. Mao almost never ate with the locals or in restaurants, for fear of poor hygiene, or poison. He slept so well that he even dispensed with sleeping pills, and was in marked high spirits. He did quite a bit of sightseeing, and posed for a newsreel crew who came from Manchuria to film him. Mme Mao acquired a stills camera, and took a lot of photographs, embarking on a hobby at which she later became quite accomplished. The Russian doctors came over frequently from the Red base east of the Yellow River to give Mao check-ups and report on his condition to Stalin.


During this year, most of the Yenan region remained under Communist control, and Hu's vast army was sent into one large ambush after another, always following the same pattern: isolated units surrounded and overwhelmed by concentrated Communist forces while Hu's main forces chased their own tails elsewhere. Hu's superbly trained artillery battalion fell wholesale to the Reds, and came to form a significant part of Mao's artillery. Yet another spectacular ambush buried one of Hu's crack units when he ordered it back to Yenan, claiming that the city was under threat. It was trapped in a narrow mountain valley and shelled to smithereens. While Hu's army was thus destroyed on a massive scale, Mao came across as a military genius who could pull spectacular victories out of a hat.

MAO HAD ONE CLOSE SHAVE. It came in June 1947, when he had lingered nearly two months in a village called Wangjiawan, staying with a peasant's family, the first time he lived in intimate proximity to the locals. Here he took walks and went riding for pleasure. When the weather got hotter, he decided he wanted a shady place to read outdoors, so his bodyguards felled some trees to make pillars, weaving the twigs and leaves into a bower, where Mao read every day, studying English for relaxation.


On 8 June, one of Hu's commanders, Liou Kan, suddenly appeared nearby with a large force. He had been tipped off about Mao's presence by a local who had managed to escape from the Red area. Mao erupted with unprecedented rage, bellowing at Chou En-lai, and a heated discussion ensued about which way to run. The nearest safe haven was a Red base east of the Yellow River, where boats and cars were on constant standby at the crossing. But it was too far away, so Mao decided to go west, towards the Gobi Desert—after taking the precaution of rounding up a large group of villagers, who were forcibly evacuated in the opposite direction as decoys.


Mao made off through thunderstorms, carried on the backs of bodyguards along mountain paths too slippery for horses. Radio silence was imposed to minimize the chances of detection—except for one radio, which worked non-stop, almost certainly to contact Hu to call his troops off.*


Which is exactly what happened. On 11 June, Liou Kan was so close on Mao's heels that the Reds could hear his troops and see their torches. Mao's guards said they felt their hair seemed to “stand on end.” As they were getting ready to defend him to the death, Mao emerged from a cave all smiles, predicting that the enemy would pass them by. At that instant, right in front of the guards' astonished eyes, the Nationalist troops rushed by, and left them totally unmolested. Hu had ordered Liou Kan to drop everything and race on to his original destination, Baoan, Mao's old capital.

刘戡真的被调走了。六月十一日晚,他就在毛的屁股后面,近到毛的警卫能听见他的队伍说话,能看见他们的火光。毛的警卫紧张得“头发都快立起来了”。正当他们准备誓死保卫毛时,毛满面笑容地从暂住的窑洞里出来,说敌人要转兵去保安。果不其然,警卫们瞠目结舌地看到,刘戡的队伍沿着山沟跑过,没碰他们一根毫毛。胡宗南给刘戡下了死命令:“向保安南之双儿河集结,限十四日拂晓前补充完毕。” 胡声称“匪主力”在保安,刘戡非得按期到达参加“围剿”不可。结果保安又是空城一座。毛的随从们为毛的“神机妙算”惊叹不已。

This incident may well have triggered an urgent request to Stalin to get Mao out to Russia. A cable from Stalin on 15 June was clearly in reply to such a request. Stalin offered to send a plane to pick up Mao.


By then, Mao was safe. The day before Stalin's telegram, Mao had wired a cheerful message to his colleagues in the Red base east of the Yellow River: “On 9–11 this month, Liou Kan's 4 brigades held a parade where we were … Apart from a little loss to the population, no losses. Now the Liou [Kan] army is running to and fro between Yenan and Baoan.” Mao did not take up Stalin's offer to evacuate him this time. All the same, he ordered an airstrip built at once just east of the Yellow River, in case.


Liou Kan soon met his death. In February 1948 he was ordered to reinforce the town of Yichuan, between Yenan and the Yellow River. There were three possible routes, and the one picked for him, by General Hu, ran through a narrow wooded valley. Scouts found a heavy concentration of Communist troops, clearly indicating an ambush. Liou Kan radioed Hu for permission to attack the ambushers and then change course. Hu flatly refused.


One of Liou Kan's division commanders, Wang Ying-tsun, later wrote: “After this order, which completely ignored the real situation and our interests, officers and soldiers lost heart … everyone marched in silence, with their heads bowed …” They walked straight into the encirclement and were virtually annihilated. Half a dozen generals were killed, and Liou Kan committed suicide. The division commander managed to escape, and later saw General Hu. According to him, the general “hypocritically expressed his regret, and said why did you press on when you did not have enough troops? I thought: it was your order, and my men were pounded and killed …” The division commander testified: “After Liou Kan's 29th Army was wiped out, it went without saying that Hu Tsung-nan's troops had no morale to speak of. Moreover, the state of mind of the whole Chiang area was tremendously shaken …” This defeat sealed the Nationalists' fate in the Yenan theater, and negated Chiang's whole aim in capturing Yenan, which had been to boost morale and confidence in the country at large.


Chiang knew that Hu wrecked everything he touched. In his diary of 2 March 1948, the Generalissimo wrote: “This catastrophe cost over one third of the main force [under Hu],” and that Hu was “following the same fatal road again and again.” And yet, when Hu disingenuously offered his resignation, Chiang turned it down, with only a lamentation: “The loss of our troops at Yichuan is not only the biggest setback in the Nationalist Army's campaign against the bandits, but also an entirely senseless sacrifice. Good generals killed, a whole army wiped out. Grief and anguish are consuming me …” A half-hearted investigation blamed the debacle on the dead Liou Kan. The Nationalist system followed its tradition of closing ranks, especially once others saw that Hu was so secure in Chiang's favor.


The fact that the Generalissimo allowed Hu to get away with a whole year of incredible defeats, all clearly following the same pattern, says a lot about his leadership and judgment. He trusted people he liked, and would back them come what may, often sentimentally. He was also stubborn, and would stick by his own mistakes. Chiang even allowed Hu to siphon off troops from other vital theaters. The chief US military adviser, Major General David Barr, observed that Hu “prevailed on” Chiang “to reinforce his Xian garrison to an extent which was later to prove disastrous to the Nationalists in east central China”; key losses there were “a direct result of this shift of troops to the west,” where, Barr noted, they were either useless or destroyed.


蒋介石容忍胡宗南再三“重蹈覆辙”,再清楚不过地说明了他用人的风格和判断力。他刚愎自用,无条件地信任他喜欢的人,天塌下来也给他们撑腰。他的固执使他犯了错误不肯回头。胡宗南毁掉了陕北的军队,蒋介石居然把别处的部队也给他调去。美国军事顾问巴尔少将(David Barr)说:“蒋委员长的老朋友胡宗南将军说服蒋不断向胡的战场增兵,后来证明,这对国民党的华东华中战场是灾难性的。开封洛阳一带的重大损失就是兵力西移的直接后果。”

When Mao finally left the Yenan region and headed east over the Yellow River to the Red base on 23 March 1948, he did so publicly, with organized crowds of peasants seeing him off at the river crossing. And he shook hands with local cadres before he boarded the boat. This unusual openness was to demonstrate that he was not running away furtively. And the general point that the Reds were riding high was reinforced a month later when Hu abandoned Yenan altogether. Over the past year he had lost 100,000 troops. Recovering Yenan was potentially a propaganda windfall for the Reds, but Mao adopted an extremely low-key position. His assistant, Shi Zhe, expected him to make the most of the occasion: “so I waited by his side … But nothing happened.” Mao did not want to attract more attention to Hu in case he was sacked.



* 人们常常提到胡宗南身边的中共情报人员熊向晖。但熊不过是胡的机要秘书,不可能在瞬息万变的战场上,下一系列具体命令,指挥军队调动。更何况熊本人在胡军進入延安两个月后的一九四七年五月二十一日就离开了胡宗南。那一系列战场上的具体命令,也不是远在南京的其他红色代理人能够下达的。



Hu went on to cause even more spectacular catastrophes for Chiang, ultimately losing many hundreds of thousands of troops. When Chiang got to Taiwan, Hu went too. There he was immediately impeached, on the charge that he had “brought about the greatest damage to our army and country” of all the Nationalists. But the impeachment failed, thanks to Chiang's protection. Chiang even put Hu in charge of operations to infiltrate the Mainland: they all came to grief. Hu died in Taiwan in 1962. Chiang may have come to doubt his judgment in his later years. His chief of guards (and subsequently prime minister of Taiwan), Hau Po-tsun, told us that Chiang showed an aversion to the mention of the Whampoa Academy, which is generally assumed to have been his base. Many moles had hailed from there.


MOLES CONTINUED to play a key role in the defeats Chiang suffered in the three military campaigns in 1948–49 that clinched the civil war. The first was in Manchuria, where Chiang picked as his supreme commander a general called Wei Li-huang. In this case, Chiang had not only been told that Wei was a Communist agent, but actually suspected this to be true. Even so, he put Wei in charge of all the 550,000 best troops in this critical theater in January 1948.


Wei had asked to join the CCP in 1938. Mao passed the news to Moscow in 1940, telling the Russians that the CCP had instructed Wei to stay undercover with the Nationalists. It seems that Wei decided on his betrayal out of a mighty grudge against Chiang for not promoting him as high as he felt he deserved. Wei had told cronies then: “I am going for the Communists … Yenan is nice to me … Let's work with the Communists to bring him [Chiang] down.”


Chiang had been told about Wei's secret liaisons by a Communist defector at the time, and so he passed Wei over again for a top army post after 1945, even though Wei had fought well in Burma against the Japanese, and earned the title “Hundred Victories Wei.” Wei became even more disgruntled, and went into self-imposed exile abroad.


The reason Wei was brought back in 1948 and given such a crucial job was that Chiang was frantically trying to woo the Americans, who thought highly of Wei's performance in Burma and regarded him as an important “liberal.” The then US vice-consul in Shenyang, William Stokes, told us that Chiang appointed Wei “in a futile attempt to gain more American equipment and funding, because Wei was recognised by the Americans as a proven military leader.”

蒋介石任命卫立煌做东北军事长官是美国人的推荐。美国人喜欢卫,把他看作政治上的“自由派”, 欣赏卫在缅甸的作战,认为卫有做军事统帅的资格。蒋之所以接受,据美国当时驻沈阳的副领事威廉·斯多克;斯(William Stokes)说,是因为“蒋正焦头烂额地努力想从美国那里得到更多的武器装备和金钱”。

The moment Wei received the call from Chiang, he let the Russian embassy in Paris know, and thenceforth coordinated his every move with the CCP. First of all, he pulled his troops back into a few big cities, thus allowing the Communists to take control of 90 percent of Manchuria without a fight and then to surround these cities.


Mao wanted Wei to make sure that all the Nationalist troops under him stayed in Manchuria so that they could be wiped out there. Wei therefore ignored repeated orders from Chiang to move his troops to Jinzhou, the southernmost railway junction in Manchuria, preparatory to withdrawing from Manchuria completely (a move the chief US adviser, Major General Barr, had also recommended). Instead of sacking Wei, Chiang went on arguing with him for months—until the Communists took Jinzhou, on 15 October, trapping most of the hundreds of thousands of Nationalist troops in Manchuria. Mao's troops then swiftly isolated Wei's forces in the remaining Nationalist-held cities, and attacked them one by one. With the fall of Shenyang on 2 November, the whole of Manchuria was in Mao's hands.


For his performance in Manchuria, Chiang put Wei under house arrest, and there were calls for him to be court-martialed. But the Generalissimo, who rarely executed, or even imprisoned, any of his top commanders or opponents, let Wei go, and he sailed off unmolested to Hong Kong. A year later, two days after the proclamation of Communist China, Wei cabled Mao, wagging his tail: “wise guidance … magnificent triumph … great leader … rejoice and cheer and whole-hearted support … Am leaping up ten thousand feet like a bird …” But he cynically declined to go and live under Mao, and tried to contact the CIA in 1951 to back him to lead a third force. He finally moved to the Mainland in 1955.


Mao spoke to his nephew about Wei in withering terms: “Wei Li-huang didn't return until he went bankrupt doing business in Hong Kong. A man like Wei Li-huang is contemptible …” And Mao made sure his contempt was demonstrated. Wei's old Communist contacts were told to turn down his invitations to dinner, and the snubbing lasted until Wei's death in Peking in 1960. His critical help for Mao is still hushed up, as Mao's military genius would look a lot less brilliant if it were known that the enemy's top commander had offered up much of his force—and many of Chiang's best troops—on a platter.

毛对他后来的这番表现嗤之以鼻,对侄儿毛远新说:“卫立煌就是在香港做生意赔了本才回来的,卫立煌这样的人,人家都看不起,难道敌人看得起他?” 卫在毛的胜利上所起的关键作用,中共从来不提。

DURING THE WHOLE of the Manchuria campaign, Mao never went there. He was at his new HQ at Xibaipo, 240 km southwest of Peking. After Manchuria fell in early November 1948, he ordered the army there under Lin Biao to come south. This army now stood at upwards of 1.3 million strong, and its new mission was to tackle the 600,000-man Nationalist army in northern China led by Fu Tso-yi, a celebrated general who had fought China's first winning battle against Japanese puppets in 1936. The encounter between Lin and Fu, known as the Peking–Tianjin Campaign, was the second of the three key campaigns that decided the civil war.


Unlike Wei, General Fu was not a secret Communist. But he was surrounded by people who were, not least his own daughter, who was assigned by the Party to stay with her father in this period and report his every move. Chiang had some idea about this situation, but took no action to remedy it.


By November, even before Lin was on his way south from Manchuria, Fu had made up his mind to surrender, without telling Chiang. He had lost faith in Chiang's regime, and decided to try to save the area under him from pointless devastation—not least Peking itself, the nation's cultural capital, where his HQ was located. He did not do this out of any illusions about Communist rule, which, he said publicly at the time, would bring “cruelty … terror and tyranny,” and the decision to surrender caused him great anguish. He began to fall to pieces, and was seen slapping his own face, and contemplating suicide.


Chiang knew what was happening to Fu. On 12 December he wrote in his diary that Fu was “deeply depressed … and seems to be going insane.” But he still refused to sack him, and when Fu offered to resign, Chiang turned him down with a maudlin “10,000 Nos.”


Mao kept close tabs on Fu's mental condition through Fu's daughter, and he decided he could extract more from the situation than just a surrender. He could establish himself in the public eye as a military genius who had beaten Fu, the renowned war hero. So, when Fu sued for surrender, Mao strung Fu's envoys along for two months, not accepting the surrender but not saying “No” either, while all the time keeping up attacks on Fu's army. By now Fu was quite unfit to command. One officer recalled how during one key battle, when asked for instructions, “Fu dithered and faltered and then said listlessly: ‘Play it by ear.' At that moment, I thought, we are finished …”

通过傅作义女儿的报告,毛对傅的情况了解得清清楚楚。他发觉从这样一个必败的对手身上,可以获得更多的好处:毛要让全中国看到是他打败了傅作义这员名将。从十一月起,傅作义不断派人联系要求“起义”,毛泽东给他来了个拖延战术,不说同意也不说不同意,拉着他又保持距离,给他希望又教他濒于绝望。与此同时,毛调兵遣将,把傅的军队一支支吃掉。这时的傅已完全失去了做统帅的心理条件。在中共围攻新保安的关键战斗中,战地的一位军长电话问傅:“是否还向北平集中,还是就在这里会战?”“究竟怎么办?”傅停了一下,没精打采地说:“你看着办吧!” 当时军长就想:“事情要坏了”。

Predictably, Mao's army took city after city, including Tianjin, the third largest in China, which fell on 15 January 1949. Only when he had created an image of himself as a military giant-killer did Mao accept Fu's standing offer to surrender Peking. Mao was thus able to say that Fu had opted for peace only after being thoroughly defeated on the battlefield—by Mao himself. The truth is that the whole campaign, which cost tens of thousands of lives, did not have to be fought at all. A broken Fu collaborated with Mao until his death on the Mainland in 1974.

直到中国第三大城市天津于一九四九年一月十五日落入毛手,显示出他的战无不胜之后,毛才对傅作义几个月前就一再请求的交出北平、交出华北的和平意向点头。然后毛立即颠倒事实,宣布傅作义只是在天津失陷、兵临城下的最后关头,“战败了,一切希望都没有了”, 才接受关心、爱护北平的毛的“和平解放”。这就是毛夸耀的平津战役。实际上,华北完全可以无战事。平津战役根本不需要打。毛为了树立自己的军事天才形象,无端浪费了数万人的生命。傅作义一九七四年在大陆去世。

AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME as the sham Peking–Tianjin Campaign, a third huge, and more genuine, campaign was being fought in the heartland of China to the north of Chiang's capital, Nanjing. Known as the Huai–Hai Campaign, this involved well over one million men, and lasted from November 1948 to January 1949.


The chief commander on the Nationalist side here was not a Communist agent, or a mental wreck. But just below him there were strategically placed Red sleepers, including two generals who had been secret Party members for ten and twenty years respectively, who opened up the gateway to this battleground within forty-eight hours of the campaign starting.


The major saboteurs were two other men in Chiang's own HQ called Liu Fei and Kuo Ju-kui, who were intimately involved in drawing up the battle plans for the campaign. They placed the Nationalists on the defensive in every move by deliberately making wrong deployments and recommendations, while passing the plans to the Communists.


Chiang was particularly dependent on Kuo, to whom he spoke on the phone almost every day, and whose ruinous advice he heeded. Kuo actually fell under suspicion at this time from field commanders, and was even denounced as a spy by no less a person than Chiang's adopted son, Weigo. But the Generalissimo did nothing until it was too late, and even then he merely transferred Kuo to Sichuan—on the recommendation of the other key mole, Liu Fei. In Sichuan, Kuo would later surrender an entire army.


By mid-January 1949, Mao had wrapped up all three major campaigns triumphantly. The country north of the Yangtze, where 80 percent of Chiang's troops had been stationed, was Mao's. He now wanted moles to be posted to unconquered areas south of the river, to wait for his army to arrive and then surrender at the opportune moment. Nationalist bigwigs jumped ship in droves. On 7 January Mao informed Stalin that “many prominent” Chiang men, including former defense minister Pai, were seeking deals: “Pai Chung-hsi asked our people—whatever orders come from the CCP, I would fulfill them immediately …” (Pai in fact did not go with Mao.)


Mao told supplicants to stay with Chiang, and in some cases even to put up resistance and wait for the right moment.


Though the Yangtze was a formidable barrier, and Chiang had a sizable navy, these old and new betrayals made sure that the road was open to the capital, Nanjing, and the financial center, Shanghai—and to the rest of China. On 9–10 January, Mao confidently informed Stalin that his government “can be created in summer,” or “earlier.”

尽管长江是一道阻止中共军队南下的天然屏障,蒋介石的海军也不可小觑,但一个个旧谍新叛使得这道天险成了一条浅清待涉的小溪。南京、上海门户洞开。毛在一月九日至十日间发给斯大林的电报充满信心地说,他的政府“能在夏天成立”, 或“更早一点”。

Mao's victory in the civil war was enormously helped by Chiang's very poor judgment about people—although it was also not easy to detect and root out the Communist moles. Mao's own policy was not to take the slightest chance. The terror campaigns in Yenan and the other Red areas had exposed and severed virtually every connection individual Communists had with the Nationalists, and the Communists' total destruction of privacy meant there was no way those under their rule could contact the Nationalists even if they wanted to.

And Mao never let up. Each time he acquired more territory and personnel, he took relentless steps to enforce control, requiring each new Party enlistee to write down all his or her family and social relations—and this was just for starters. He never stopped seeking, never stopped plugging, every conceivable loophole. Very few agents, Nationalist or foreign, survived his attention, certainly none who reached any position of importance.

CHIANG'S STRONG FEELINGS for his wife contributed heavily to him losing China. His first prime minister after the Sino-Japanese War was T.V. Soong, who was Mme Chiang's brother. The Soongs and the family Mme Chiang's elder sister had married into, the Kungs, grew fat on T.V.'s policies. After the Japanese surrender, T.V. set the exchange rate for the currency of the puppet government outside Manchuria at the absurd level of 1 to 200. This saw the family wealth swell, but impoverished the entire population in the former Japanese-occupied areas in China proper, which included the main cities like Shanghai and Nanjing, with the bulk of the nation's middle class. Under T.V., takeover officials engaged in widespread extortion, shaking down the rich by designating them “collaborators.” Chiang himself acknowledged that his officials were “indulging in extreme extravagance, whoring wildly and gambling with no restraint … They brag, swagger and extort and stop at nothing …” “The Calamity of Victory” was how the influential Ta Kung Pao newspaper described the takeover.


At the time of the Japanese surrender, Chiang seemed to be a glorious victor, yet within a very short time he was plunging into decline. Hyper-inflation, food crises, hoarding and panic buying became endemic in the cities. Under T.V., the government managed to squander not only its own reserves, but also the sizable holdings of gold and foreign currency that it inherited from the puppet government.

日本投降时,蒋介石和他的政府正处在风光之巅,转瞬间他们就跌跌撞撞地走 下坡路。物价飞涨、囤积居奇、抢购成风成了城市的流行病。国民党政府消耗干净了自己原有的,以及从汪政权那里继承来的大量黄金和外汇储备。在宋“开放外汇市场”的政策下,孔、宋两家控制的公司利用特权,捞取了巨额外汇,進口美国商品牟取暴利。由于美国物资的倾销,一九四六年中国对外贸易赤字创历史最高纪录,一大批工商业破产倒闭。

The Soongs and the Kungs had access to China's foreign currency reserves at preferential rates, which enabled them to sell US goods in China at a huge profit, causing the largest trade deficit in China's history in 1946. This dumping bankrupted swaths of industry and commerce, and T.V. was forced to resign as prime minister on 1 March 1947, after being fiercely attacked in the National Assembly and the press. Chiang ordered an investigation, which concluded that Soong and Kung companies had illegally converted more than US$380 million.


But all the Generalissimo did was demote T.V., which outraged and alienated many devoted, and uncorrupt, followers. Demoralization accelerated throughout the population, while many denounced the regime as “a bunch of robbers” and “bloodsuckers.” Chiang's failure to clean up, and especially to come to grips with the malfeasance of his wife's family, also lost him support in America.


The report of the investigation into Chiang's relatives was kept secret. Then the Nationalists' own newspaper, the Central Daily, got hold of a copy and published it on 29 July, causing a sensation. Two days later, after irate phone calls from Mme Chiang to her husband, the paper had to carry a notice claiming it had got the decimal point wrong, and lowered the sum taken by the families from over US$300 million to US$3 million.

对蒋的亲戚的调查报告,当局秘而不宣。国民党机关报《中央日报》搞到一份,七月二十九日在报上发表,全国哗然。在蒋夫人生气地给她丈夫打了个电话后,《中央日报》奉命发表声明,说前日刊登的调查报告“漏列小数点”,把孔、宋套汇的数字从三亿一下子降到三百万。蒋介石不断让他的个人感情,决定他的政治、军事政策。他就这样失去了中国大陆 -- 失给一个完全没有这些弱点的人。

Chiang consistently let personal feelings dictate his political and military actions. He lost China to a man who had none of his weak spots.

*This was partly on account of his close friendship with a man called Hu Kung-mien, who at the time was commonly assumed to be a secret Communist, and who has now been acknowledged by Peking as an agent. During the war against Japan, when Hu Tsung-nan was stationed south of Yenan, he made this man his representative to Mao.

*Mao's radios had been maintaining regular communication with Communist agents in Hu's army, “so their action was entirely under our control,” one of Mao's radio men told us, adding that “some of the identities of the underground are not disclosed even today” (1999).