52 和林彪翻脸

(1970–71   AGE 76–77)

1970~1971 年 76-77 岁

UP TO NOW, August 1970, the Mao–Lin partnership had worked extremely well. For the past four years Lin Biao had delivered the support from the army that Mao needed to purge the Party and reconstruct his regime. And Mao had done the maximum to satisfy Lin Biao's thirst for power, basically handing the army to him, and writing him into the Party charter as No. 2 and successor. Lin's wife had been brought into the Politburo (making her one of only two women members, along with Mme Mao), breaking a long-standing taboo against wife-promotion. Mao even tolerated a Lin mini-cult. Each day, when the chant went up: “May the Great Helmsman [etc.] Chairman Mao live for ever and ever!,” accompanied by the brandishing of the Little Red Book, the homage was followed by: “May Vice-Chairman Lin be very healthy, and for ever healthy!”


But at Lushan, it was brought home to Mao that he had let Lin grow too powerful, and that this now posed a threat to himself. It started with a seemingly innocuous dispute about the presidency, a post last occupied by Liu Shao-chi. Mao wanted the post abolished. Lin insisted that it should stay, and that Mao should be the president. The reason Lin stuck to his contrary position was because he wanted to be vice-president, which would make him the formal No. 2 in the state hierarchy. Among the top five (Mao, Lin, Chou, Kang Sheng and Chen Bo-da), the line-up was four in favor of Lin's view, against Mao's solitary one. This was an amazing sign of Lin's power, as it showed that for Mao's top colleagues, Lin's interests overrode Mao's wishes.


Mao was further enraged when Lin went ahead and announced his proposal to the conclave on 23 August without first clearing it with Mao. Immediately after Lin spoke, the head of the Praetorian Guard, Wang Dong-xing, backed him up, demanding in fevered language that Mao become president, and Lin vice-president—even though he, too, knew that this was diametrically opposed to what Mao wanted. The man on whom Mao relied for his life was also putting Lin's wishes before Mao's.


The reason the head of the Praetorian Guard acted this way was because he felt Lin's patronage was essential. He had seen the fate that befell his de facto predecessor, Luo the Tall, who had been as close to Mao as it was possible to be, and yet whom Mao had sacrificed when Lin had demanded it. And now he saw Mao apparently making another similar sacrifice: Mao had just endorsed Lin's request to victimize yet another man who had Mao's deep trust, the Party No. 7, Zhang Chun-qiao.


The 53-year-old Zhang had been a middle-ranking functionary in Shanghai who had caught Mao's eye with his ability to churn out articles that dressed up Mao's self-serving deeds in Marxist garb. At the start of the Cultural Revolution, Mao had jumped him to the top to perform the crucial job of packaging the Purge in ideological phraseology. Zhang was the person largely responsible for the texts that caused many people in China and abroad to entertain illusions about the true nature of the Cultural Revolution.


Zhang was reticent and reserved, and wore a face that colleagues found hard to read. He had been dubbed “the Cobra” by Lin and his coterie, partly because he wore glasses, and partly because of his snakelike qualities. Lin Biao hated him because he was not one of his own cronies, and because Mao, ever one to sow discord among his underlings, had told Lin that the Cobra might one day succeed Lin when Lin got old. For some time, Lin had been trying to undermine the Cobra by sending Mao dirt on him. Just before delivering his speech at Lushan, Lin told Mao that he intended to condemn the Cobra in it, and Mao gave Lin the nod to proceed. After Lin's speech, which was fierce, other participants piled in, demanding, in the brutal language of the day, that the Cobra be “put to the death of the thousand cuts.”


The lesson was clear: however close or important anyone was to Mao, that person had to have Lin's blessing to survive. Mao's favor on its own was not enough. This was a huge power shift. The thought that Lin's patronage was now more critical than his own rocked Mao.


He set out at once to demonstrate that Lin was not omnipotent. He vetoed any possibility of having a presidency, and called a halt to attacks on the Cobra, and to any further discussion of Lin's speech. Mao proceeded to show enormous displeasure towards Lin, and then condemned his old secretary Chen Bo-da, the Party No. 5, who had become too pally with Lin. As usual in such cases, Chen was put under house arrest, and then thrown into prison—an experience he described as like being “hit on the head by an atom bomb.”


Mao asked Lin to make a self-criticism in front of the top echelon and say that he had been “deceived” by Chen. Lin declined. Until now, thanks to his special relationship with Mao, he had always avoided having to subject himself to this humiliating ritual. Even though Mao insisted, Lin refused to budge. There was an impasse. After four decades, the Mao–Lin relationship began to fall apart.


AFTER LUSHAN, which ended inconclusively on 6 September, Mao moved to reduce Lin's power—and also to ensure his personal safety. He summoned trusted generals who were not in Lin's coterie to take over the military command of Peking, and inserted them into the army leadership. He also cleaned up his own household, by dismissing some of his favorite girlfriends who had come from the air force's song and dance troupe, a procuring service for Mao, which had links to Lin.


Mao had to tread very gingerly so as not to make Lin feel personally threatened. He could ill afford to break with Lin completely. Virtually the entire regime was staffed with people selected by Lin and his personal network. Mao wanted to neutralize him as much as possible without purging him. The interminable machinations needed to achieve this sapped Mao's energy, and that winter he fell ill with pneumonia. It was now, at seventy-seven, that old age suddenly set in, and he who had enjoyed extraordinary good health began to be besieged by illness.


Meanwhile, Lin Biao continued to refuse to perform the self-abasement that Mao demanded. Always a loner, he became even more withdrawn, and spent most of his time pacing his room, occasionally watching war films. He dictated a letter to Mao, making it clear that in the event of his being purged, Mao would have to restaff the entire machine that Lin had installed; the only possible replacements would have to be the old Party cadres, and that would mean repudiating the Cultural Revolution. But at his wife's urging, Lin did not send the letter. Mao would not tolerate being threatened in such a way.


A more realistic option for Lin was to cut and run, as past foes of Mao's had done: Chang Kuo-tao to the Nationalists in the 1930s, and Wang Ming to Moscow in the 1950s. With his control of the air force, Lin could escape overseas. The obvious choice was Russia. He had spent over four years there altogether, and his wife spoke workable Russian, having had a Russian officer lover. It was a sign of Lin Biao's mistrust of Communist regimes that Russia was only his fall-back choice, and his preferred destination was the British colony of Hong Kong.


Lin's plan was to fly first to Canton, which is very close to Hong Kong, and where the military were exceptionally devoted to him. To secure this escape route, he relied on his only son, Li-guo, whom he called “Tiger,” who was in his mid-twenties. In November 1970, soon after Lin's breach with Mao at Lushan, Tiger started to see people from the Canton military. His intimates made frequent secret visits to Canton, got hold of small arms, radios and cars, and learned to fly helicopters. During all these extensive activities, no one informed on Tiger, who inspired loyalty.


Tiger had been a physics student at Peking University when the Cultural Revolution started. Unusually for a young man of his background, he only joined the Red Guards reluctantly, and quickly left, showing no inclination for violence, or for persecuting people. He seems to have been a decent person. He was something of a playboy, and had many girlfriends. His parents worshipped him, and his mother had sent agents all over China to look for the most beautiful young woman to be his wife. Tiger chose a sexy fiancée who was intelligent, and a character. With her he listened to Western rock music, which he adored, and told her: “There will be a day when I will let the Chinese know there is such wonderful music in the world!”


Being able to enjoy Western music was only one of Tiger's many rare privileges as the son of Lin Biao. Another was access to Western science magazines, which he devoured, often expressing admiration for the advances being made in the West. (He was an avid inventor of military equipment, with some effective ideas of his own.) But above all, he was able to read some top-secret documents, with the result that he was exceptionally well informed.


Tiger came to be sharply critical of Mao's tyranny. In March 1971, he and three friends put their thoughts on paper:


Senior officials feel anger but dare not speak up;


Peasants lack food and clothing;


Educated youth rusticated: prison labour in disguise;


The Red Guards were deceived and used at the beginning … as cannon fodder [and then] scapegoats …



Workers' … wages have been frozen: disguised exploitation.


These words were part of a document called “Outline of Project 571.” Tiger chose the name because “571”—wu-qi-yi—has the same pronunciation in Chinese as “armed uprising,” and a coup was what the friends had in mind. The Outline was a razor-sharp indictment of Mao, describing China under his rule as “state rich, people impoverished,” which they wanted to change to “people rich and state powerful.” Their aim was “to give the people enough food and clothing and a peaceful life”—the antithesis of Mao's goals.


They described Mao as “the biggest promoter of violence,” who “sets … people against people,” “a paranoid and a sadist,” and “the biggest feudal tyrant in Chinese history.” They accused him of “turning the Chinese state machine into a meat grinder, slaughtering and crushing people.”


These observations were truly remarkable for the times. Tiger dubbed Mao “B-52” after the US heavy bomber, referring to the fact that Mao, as he put it, had a big stomach full of evil thoughts, each one like a heavy bomb that would kill masses of people. Tiger's attitude to Mao was completely different from that of Mao's opponents among the old guard. He saw right through Mao, whom he regarded as evil, and unfit to run the country. He also realized that with him no dialogue or compromise was possible. In this sense, he was the nearest thing China produced to a Claus von Stauffenberg, the German officer who tried to assassinate Hitler in 1944.


Tiger and his friends began to talk about assassinating Mao when Tiger saw that Mao was coming after his parents. The friends mooted many ideas, but all in very general terms, like “using poison gas, germ weapons, bombing …,” and there is no sign that they ever got as far as actually preparing any of these. Mao had the most stringent rules on arms and troop movements, and phenomenal security. Moreover, as Tiger's group themselves observed, “the blind faith of the masses in B-52 is very deep” (thanks partly, ironically, to Tiger's father), and so they did not dare to reveal their project to most of their friends, or to Lin's major cronies at the top of the military. Tiger left a copy with his parents, but Lin was non-committal.

林立果和朋友们讨论了如何刺杀毛。立果是中国的克劳斯·冯·施道芬堡(Clausvon Stauffenberg), 一九四四年企图刺杀希特勒的德国军官。但他和朋友们的主意都只是空想,如“利用特种手段如毒气、细菌武器、轰炸……”,没有迹象表明他们准备了这些武器。毛对武器的控制和部队的调动,以及个人的保卫措施,都无懈可击。另外,正如《“五七一工程”纪要》所说,“群众对B--52的个人迷信很深”。(具有讽刺意味的是,这在很大程度上是林立果的父亲造成的。)结果,这几个年轻人不敢把他们的计划透露给掌管军队的林的亲信,对其他朋友也绝口不提。林立果给了林彪和叶群一份,他们似乎没有给他出什么主意,但也没有提出非议。

IN MARCH 1971, some seven months after the rift with Lin erupted at Lushan, Mao decided to convene a conference for about a hundred of the elite to hear Lin's wife and major army cronies perform their self-abasements. Mao sent Chou En-lai in person to ask Lin, in unusually strong terms, to appear and “say a few words.” Lin refused. This was a huge snub to Mao's authority, and he went berserk. He ordered Chou to deliver a blistering denunciation of Lin on 29 April (though not naming him), saying that the army leadership had been “following a wrong political line.”


A furious Lin retaliated. Two days later was May Day, when the leadership traditionally gathered on Tiananmen Gate. Protocol was very important in the Communist world, and any absence could be interpreted as signifying discord at the top. On the night, however, there was no sign of Lin. Chou stared anxiously at the empty seat facing Mao and Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia, next to the prince's wife, while frantic phone calls were made to Lin's home. A dejected-looking Lin eventually appeared, long after the fireworks display had begun.

林彪也火了,以他独特的方式反击。两天后是五一劳动节,中共领导们得在天安门城楼上露面,谁不露面就表明出了麻烦。可是,那天晚上看烟火时,林彪连影子也没有。毛和柬埔寨的西哈努克亲王(Norodom Sihanouk)与夫人坐在一桌,对面林彪的位子在那里空着。周恩来紧张地盯着空位子,不时起身打电话去催林彪。焰火开始好长时间了,林才姗姗而至,沉着脸,慢腾腾走到桌前落坐。

The official photographer, Du, described the scene to us:


When I saw Lin Biao sitting down, I snapped a shot. I didn't intend it to be published at all. I wanted to wait for [Mao and Lin] to start talking … But they didn't even look at each other … Then Lin Biao got up and left. I thought he had gone to the toilet, but half an hour later and he was still not back. I wondered how come Vice-Chairman Lin took so long in the toilet. In fact, he had left. We were all dumbfounded. As soon as the show was over, Premier Chou asked me: “Did you take a photo of Vice-Chairman Lin?” … I said: “One.” He said: “What about film and television?” I said I didn't know. The premier had the crews fetched, and gave them a dressing-down those old guys remember today as if it had been yesterday.


Lin had stayed less than a minute, and had greeted no one, not the Sihanouks, not Mao.


Lin knew that Mao would not forgive him for what happened. After this, Tiger went to Canton to check out the Hong Kong escape route. He went right up to Lowu, the main crossing-point into Hong Kong, getting so close to the actual border that his entourage was worried the Hong Kong police might open fire.


Lin would soon defy Mao again, in June, when Romania's tyrant duo, the Ceau?escus, came to town. Lin declined to come to a meeting with them, claiming that he was “sweating,” and Mrs. Lin had to go down on her knees to get him to go. Lin did finally show up, but left the room after Mao made a few digs at him, and went and sat outside the door in a slouching posture, his head lolling. Shortly afterwards, Tiger made another recce of the border with Hong Kong, by helicopter.

六月,林彪又再度同毛发生抵触。罗马尼亚领导人齐奥赛斯库伉俪 (Nicolae & Elena Ceausescu)来访,毛通知林彪参加会见。林彪说他“在出汗”,不肯去。叶群大哭起来,给他下跪,他才勉强去了。坐了不久,听见毛话里有话,旁敲侧击地剌他,他就起身离开接见大厅,坐到外面椅子上耷拉着头,弄得工作人员不知怎么回事,都很害怕。这之后,林立果再去广州,乘直升飞机飞绕香港边界。

By mid-August, a year after Lushan, Mao was ready to purge Lin. On the 14th he left Peking to prepare provincial leaders. He had to make sure that these men, most of them Lin appointees, would not side with Lin in a showdown. During his tour, Mao made repeated damning remarks about Lin, like:


“He wants to split the Party and can't wait to seize power.” Although Mao told his audiences not to report to Lin on what he said, a few of Lin's followers disobeyed.


Mao's words reached the Lins at the seaside resort of Beidaihe, east of Peking, on 6 September. The Lin villa occupied a whole hill, well shielded from the sea by luxuriant vegetation, as Lin could not stand the sight of water, though he liked the sea air. For kilometers there was not a soul around, except guards and staff.


Lin and his wife and Tiger decided to flee abroad at once. They planned to depart from the nearby airport at Shanhaiguan, where the Great Wall meets the sea. Tiger flew to Peking on the 8th to secure planes for the escape. He brought with him a handwritten note from his father: “Please follow the orders relayed by comrades Li-guo [Tiger] and Yu-chi [Tiger's closest friend]. (Signed) Lin Biao 8 September.” The man in charge of dispatching planes at Peking military airport agreed to bypass regular channels to get Tiger the planes.


But Tiger did not want to flee without first making an attempt to assassinate Mao. At that moment Mao was in the Shanghai area, where officers loyal to Lin held key positions, and even had partial charge of Mao's security in the outer ring. It seems that at the eleventh hour, Lin Biao agreed that Tiger could try. Mrs. Lin was all for having a go. When Tiger kissed his fiancée goodbye at Beidaihe, he said: “In case something happens to me, you don't know anything; I won't incriminate you.”


In Peking, Tiger asked the deputy chief of staff of the air force, Wang Fei, to mount an assault on the compound where Mme Mao and her coterie were living, the Imperial Fishing Villa. Tiger told him that simultaneous action would be taken “in the south,” where Mao was. Wang Fei was a good friend, but his reply was disappointing. He did not think he could persuade any troops to do what Tiger was asking. In any case, his troops were not allowed to carry weapons into Peking.

在北京,林立果要空军副参谋长王飞组织攻打江青等人居住的钓鱼台,对他说毛所在的“南边”也会同时行动。王飞没有表示惊诧,可是他的回答却令人失望,他说他“无法说服部队行动”, 而且,“北京市不准带武器進城,不等你到钓鱼台,就把你拦住了。再说,北京卫戍区部队很快就会到,就是冲進去,也跑不了。”

Next, Tiger met a senior air force officer called Jiang Teng-jiao, who was the youngest general in China, and who, for various reasons, hated Mao. Tiger asked him to try to kill Mao while Mao was still near Shanghai. Jiang agreed, and the two aired various ideas. One was to shoot up Mao's train with flame-throwers and bazookas; another was to shell it; a third was for the Shanghai military chief, a man trusted by the Lins, to shoot Mao on his train. The fourth was to bomb Mao's train from the air. But the man they approached to drop the bombs, a Korean War ace, replied that there were no bomber aircraft available. He took fright, and asked his wife, who was a doctor, to rub salt water and old aureomycin into his eyes so that they would swell up, and he thus got himself hospitalized. The other ideas also proved non-viable, as it was impossible to get lethal firepower anywhere near Mao's closely guarded and heavily armor-plated train.


Over the next couple of days, tense discussions continued. “I just can't stomach him any longer!” Tiger would shout, waving his fists. “OK,” he would say, “the fish dies, but it breaks the net!,” indicating that he was ready to make a suicidal attack if that was what it took to bring down the Mao regime.


Fast running out of ideas, Tiger sent a friend back to Beidaihe on the 10th to get his father to write to Army Chief of Staff Huang Yong-sheng, asking him to cooperate with Tiger. Lin wrote the letter, but it was not delivered. The plotters could not trust Huang not to betray them.

It was also too late. Next day, news came that Mao had left Shanghai by train. Several of Tiger's friends offered to fly helicopters on a suicide attack against Mao on Tiananmen Gate on National Day, 1 October. Tiger vetoed the idea, in tears. He had not anticipated any action of this magnitude.


All assassination plans were aborted, and Tiger decided to revert to the plan to flee to Canton, and then Hong Kong. On the evening of 12 September he flew back to Beidaihe in Lin's plane, a Trident, intending to leave with his family next morning.


Mao had returned to Peking late that afternoon, completely unaware that an assassination plot had been afoot. His train stopped outside the capital at a station called Fengtai, where he was given a routine briefing by his newly appointed Peking commanders on what had been happening in the capital. The meeting opened with a report about an army delegation's visit to Albania. Back in Zhongnanhai, it was like the end of any other trip. Mao's security chiefs and the head of his guards, who lived outside the compound, went home. Some of them took sleeping pills. Mao, too, went to sleep.


AT THE TIME Mao and his entourage went to bed, the Lins were getting ready to decamp. Tiger had reached Beidaihe about 9:00 PM, and went over plans with his parents. The staff were told that the Lins were leaving at 6:00 AM for Dalian, a nearby port city, which was an old haunt of Lin's, so this did not arouse suspicion. Then, fatally, Tiger asked his sister Dodo to be ready to leave in the morning.


Two years older than Tiger, Dodo was a very brainwashed young woman. Her parents had not wanted to let her in on their escape plans, in case she might turn them in. But Tiger was worried about what might happen to his sister after they fled, and had disclosed part of the plans to her a few days before. As their parents had foreseen, she got scared. Unlike her brother, Dodo was a product of the fear and twisted logic of Mao's China. For her, attempting to flee abroad was defection, and therefore treason, even though she knew that her sick father, whom she loved, was not likely to survive long in prison under Mao. When Tiger told her they were leaving the following morning, she reported the news to the Praetorian Guards who were stationed in a separate building at the bottom of the drive. This action doomed her family.

比立果年长两岁的豆豆,跟弟弟不一样,是个听毛话的姑娘。林彪、叶群都不想把出逃计划告诉她,怕她接受不了去揭发。可是林立果怕姐姐在他们逃走后“有危险”,说服了父母,在几天前把计划对她讲了,要带她一起走。正如她父母预见的,豆豆吓坏了。这个被毛的专制逻辑扭曲的天真女孩子,认为逃亡国外就是叛国,就是大逆不道。尽管立果提醒她,她热爱的父亲“身体这么弱,关進监狱能活几天?” 这样明白有力的道理也不足以让她清醒。九月十二日晚,当立果通知她第二天早上出逃时,她立刻跑去向警卫部队报告。这一行动导致了全家的覆亡。

The Guards phoned Chou En-lai, and he began to check on the movements of planes, particularly the Trident, which was Lin's plane. Tiger's friends immediately let him know that Chou was asking questions, and Lin Biao decided to leave at once rather than wait till morning. He also decided to fly not to Canton, but to their fallback destination, Russia, via Outer Mongolia, as this route would mean much less time in Chinese airspace, just over an hour.


Tiger rang his friends about the change of route, and phoned the captain of the Trident to get the plane ready. Unaware that Chou's enquiry had been triggered by his sister's betrayal, Tiger told Dodo they were taking off right away. She went straight back to the Praetorian Guards and stayed at their post.


Around 11:50 PM, Lin Biao, Mme Lin and Tiger, plus a friend of Tiger's, sped off for the airport, accompanied by Lin's butler. As the car raced out of the estate, the Praetorian Guards tried to stop it. At this point Lin's butler surmised that they were going to flee the country. Thinking of the fate that awaited his family if he became a defector, he shouted “Stop the car!” and jumped out. Gunshots followed, one hitting his arm. The shot came from Tiger, the butler said; some suggest that it was self-inflicted, to protect himself.


The Praetorian Guards set off in hot pursuit, in several vehicles. About half an hour later the Lins' car screeched to a halt beside the Trident at Shanhaiguan airport, with one pursuing jeep only 200 meters behind. Mrs. Lin hit the tarmac screaming that Lin was in danger, shouting: “We are leaving!” Tiger had a pistol in his hand. The group clambered frantically up the small ladder to the pilot's cabin.


The Trident took off in a rush at 12:32 AM, carrying the three Lins, plus Tiger's friend and Lin's driver. Out of the full nine-man crew, only four, the captain and three mechanics, had had time to get on board. The mechanics had just readied the plane for departure, and were only beginning to refuel it when the Lins arrived and Mrs. Lin yelled for the fuel tanker to be moved away. As a result, the plane had only 12.5 tons of fuel on board, enough for between two and three hours in the air, depending on altitude and speed.

“三叉戟”于零点三十二分急促起飞,载着林家三口人,加上立果的朋友和林彪的座车司机。机组九个人里只有机长和三个机械师得以登机。机械师们刚来得及做飞机起飞的种种技术准备,正要加油时,林家人就赶到了。在叶群“快把油车开走!” 的命令下,飞机起飞时未来得及加油,只有机存的十二吨半油。根据飞行高度、速度,这些油可供“三叉戟”飞两到三小时。

They had to fly low for most of the time to dodge radar, and this used up more fuel. Two hours later, over the Mongolian grassland, they would have had only about 2.5 tons of fuel left—at which point the fuel gauge would have been flashing for some time. At 2:30 AM on 13 September 1971, the plane crash-landed in a flat basin and exploded on impact, killing all nine people on board.


A HEAVILY SEDATED Mao had been woken up by Chou soon after Lin's plane took off. Mao stayed in his bedroom, which was one of the former changing-rooms of the swimming pool in Zhongnanhai. The nearest telephone was in a room at the other end of the 50-meter pool. When the people monitoring Lin's plane rang, the head of the Guard, Wang Dong-xing (whom Mao had forgiven for supporting Lin at Lushan a year before), would rush to the phone, then back to Mao, then to the phone again. The plane did not cross the border into Mongolia until 1:50 AM, so Mao had about an hour to act.

林彪的专机起飞后不久,吃了安眠药正睡得晕沉沉的毛泽东被周恩来叫醒。毛睡觉的屋子是中南海游泳池的更衣室,在五十公尺长的池子一端,电话在池子另一端的警卫值班室,监视林彪飞机的人用电话随时向毛报告。电话响时,大总管汪东兴(此时已被毛原谅)来回奔走,把最新消息报告毛,再跑过去发指示。林的飞机一点五十分过边境,毛有一个多小时的时间采取行动。根据中共“周恩来生平研究小组” 组长高文谦先生披露的周在“九·一三”当晚写给毛的信,可以断定,林彪的飞机不是毛打下来的。

It seems Mao was only presented with one option if he wanted to strike: interception by fighter planes. China apparently had no usable ground-to-air missiles. Mao vetoed interception.* The unspoken reason was that he could not trust the air force, which was honeycombed with Lin men. Instead, Mao had every plane in China grounded, while the land army took over all the airports, blocking the runways to prevent any planes taking off. The only planes allowed into the air were eight closely monitored fighters sent up later to force down a helicopter carrying three friends of Tiger's. When the three men were brought back to the outskirts of Peking, they agreed to shoot themselves together. Two did. The third, who had said that his last bullet was “reserved for B-52,” meaning Mao, weakened at the last moment, and fired into the air.


Mao was moved to his Suite 118 in the Great Hall, where there was a lift to a nuclear-proof bunker and a tunnel to the Western Hills. His servants were told to be ready for war, and his guards went onto top alert, and started digging trenches around Mao's residences. The head of Mao's guards for twenty-seven years said he had never seen Mao look so strained, so exhausted and so furious.


Mao remained sleepless and wiped out until the afternoon of 14 September, when news came that the Lins had crashed in Mongolia. This was an ideal outcome from his point of view, and he swigged some mao-tai, the powerful liquor he did not normally touch, in celebration.*


* 苏联派克格勃专家扎格沃斯丁将军(Aleksandr Zagvozdin)到蒙古,去确认死的是林彪。扎格沃斯丁告诉我们,他把尸体挖出来看了,返莫斯科后他的上司不满足,把他又派了回去,在天寒地冻里重新掘出林彪、叶群的尸体,在大锅里煮了以后头骨运到莫斯科,跟林彪医疗档案中的X光照片比对。勃列日涅夫和安德罗波夫(Yuri Andropov)终于确信死者是林彪。

But Mao's relief that Lin was dead was quickly overshadowed by the news that there had been a plot to assassinate him, which came to light right after he heard that Lin had crashed. This was the first assassination plot against Mao by his top echelon, and it came as a profound shock. Equally alarming was the fact that quite a few people had known about these plans, and not one had informed. For days Mao hardly slept, in spite of downing fistfuls of sleeping pills. He ran a temperature and coughed incessantly. Breathing problems made it impossible for him to lie down, so he sat on a sofa day and night for three weeks, developing bedsores on his bottom. Then a heart condition was discovered. On 8 October, when he met Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie, he barely spoke a word. One official present, who had last seen Mao the day before Lin fled, less than a month before, could not believe how washed-out Mao looked. Chou brought the meeting to an early close.

毛的兴奋很快被罩上阴影。十四日当天审讯林立果的朋友江腾蛟,发现了暗杀毛的密谋。这是中共高层第一起暗杀他的企图,对毛的震动之大无以复加。而且参与密谋的人不少,但没有一个出事前出来告发。毛几天几夜睡不着觉,吃多少安眠药也无济于事。他发烧,咳嗽不停,躺下不能呼吸,只好日夜坐在沙发上,坐了三个星期长了褥疮,心脏也出了问题。十月八日,他会见埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)的海尔·塞拉西皇帝(Haile Selassie)时,只说了寥寥数语,周恩来早早地结束了会见。林彪出逃前一天才见到毛的官员,吃惊地发现毛一个月不到,形容全非。

Mao had to struggle to deal with endless details in order to tighten his already incredibly tight security. Everybody near him had to report in detail on their every dealing with the Lins. A deputy chief of the Praetorian Guard, Zhang Yao-ci, owned up to having received some bamboo shoots “and two dead pheasants” from Mrs. Lin one New Year, and to having given her some tangerines.


Mao's warning to him tells a lot about the bleak world surrounding the Boss:


1. Don't cultivate connections;


2. Don't visit people;


3. Don't give dinners or gifts;


4. Don't invite people to operas [i.e. Mme Mao's model shows] or films;


5. Don't have photographs taken with people.



An altogether more monumental task was sorting out the armed forces, which were crammed with Lin men, especially at the top. Mao had no way of knowing who was involved in the assassination plot, or where anyone's allegiance lay. One small but alarming incident came days later when senior air force officers were gathered to be briefed about the Lins. One of the men raced to the top of the building, shouted anti-Mao slogans and jumped to his death.


The only marshal Mao could trust to take over running the army was Yeh Jian-ying. He had been a faithful follower in the past, but had spoken his mind against the Cultural Revolution, and as a result had been cast into semi-disgrace, for a while living under virtual house arrest. At the time Mao brought him back to high office, several of his children and other close relatives were still languishing in prison.


But Mao had nobody else. He was also forced to reinstate purged Party officials, because they were the only alternative to the people installed by Lin's network. These officials were mostly in camps. Now many were rehabilitated and re-employed. Mao loathed having to let this happen, and tried to limit the scale of the rehabilitations. He knew that these officials felt extremely bitter towards him after the appalling ordeals they had been put through. One former deputy chief of the Praetorian Guard spoke for many people when he told us how he felt then: “What Chairman Mao, what Party? I stopped caring about any of them …”



At this juncture, Marshal Chen Yi, one of the more outspoken opponents of the Great Purge, who had suffered much in it, died of cancer, on 6 January 1972. The memorial service was scheduled for the 10th, as a low-key affair, with limitations put on the size of his portrait, the number of wreaths, how many people could attend—and the number of stoves permitted to heat a big hall: just two. Mao had no wish to attend the funeral.


But in the days after Chen Yi's death, although the news was not announced, word got out, and large numbers of old cadres gathered outside the hospital, demanding to be allowed to bid farewell to his corpse. The mood of the crowds was angry as well as mournful. And there was no doubt that the anger was directed against the Cultural Revolution—and against Mao himself. Mao felt tremendous pressure to make a gesture to placate the old power base which he had treated so abominably, and on which he now had to rely again.


On the day of the service, shortly before it was due to begin, Mao suddenly declared that he would attend. His staff observed that “his face was hung with dark clouds” and he looked “irritated and frustrated,” remaining totally silent. But he could see it was wise to go and use the occasion to put across the message to old cadres that he “cares for us.” He also did some scapegoating, telling Chen Yi's family that it was Lin Biao who had “plotted … to get rid of all us old stagers.” Word went out that the persecutions in the Cultural Revolution were Lin Biao's fault, and that Mao was coming to his senses. Afterwards, a photo was published of Mao at the service, looking suitably sad (though with his unshaven stubble airbrushed out), with Chen Yi's grief-stricken widow clinging to his arm, and this did much to abate the bitterness among “capitalist-roaders.”


The day of Chen Yi's funeral was bitterly cold, but Mao was in such a foul mood at having to go that he refused to put on a warm coat. His staff tried to get him to dress sensibly, but he pushed the clothes away. He ended up wearing only a thin coat over his pajamas, and that was all he had on for the whole service in the poorly heated hall. As a result he fell ill. He was seventy-eight, and he got sicker and sicker. On 12 February he passed out, and lay at the brink of death.


Physical and political vulnerability forced Mao to allow the rehabilitation of cadres to be speeded up, and the regime became markedly more moderate for the first time since the start of the Cultural Revolution nearly six years before. Abusive practices in prisons decreased greatly. Violent denunciation meetings were scrapped, even for Lin Biao's men, who, although detained,* suffered little physically compared with Mao's previous routine. Incredibly, given that an attempted assassination—of Mao, no less—was involved, not a single person was executed.


After years of living surrounded by daily brutality, and with almost nothing constructive to see or do in the way of entertainment, tension in society had built up to an almost unbearable pitch. An Italian psychoanalyst who was in China just before this time observed to us that he had never seen anything like the number of facial tics and extreme tension in people's faces. Now there was a let-up. A few old books and tunes, and some leisure activities, were allowed again. Some historical sites were reopened. Although relaxation stayed within very strict limits, still there was a lightness in the air when spring came in 1972.


*A letter from Chou to Mao on the night of 13 September shows unequivocally that the plane was not shot down by the Chinese.

*The Russians sent their top investigator, KGB general Aleksandr Zagvozdin, to Mongolia to make sure it really was Lin on the plane. Zagvozdin dug up the corpses. But, he told us, his report failed to satisfy his bosses, and he was sent back to exhume the bodies again from the now frozen ground. The corpses of Lin and his wife were boiled in a huge pot and the skeletons taken to Moscow, where Lin's was checked against old Russian medical records and X-rays from his earlier visits, and a squeamish Yuri Andropov and Brezhnev were finally satisfied that it really was Lin.

*Among those detained was Lin Biao's daughter Dodo.