58 最后的日子

(1974–76   AGE 80–82)

1974~1976 年    80~82 岁

HATRED, FRUSTRATION AND self-pity dominated Mao's last days. Mao expressed these feelings, long prominent in his character, in unique ways. He was very fond of a sixth-century poem called “The Sere Trees,” which was a lamentation and elegy about a grove of sublime trees that ended up withered and lifeless. The poet, Yu Xin, attributed the trees' ill fortune to their having been uprooted and transplanted, which echoed his own life as an exile. But on 29 May 1975, Mao told the scholars annotating poems specially for him that the fate of the trees had “nothing to do with being transplanted.” It was, he asserted, “the result of the trees being battered by harsh malevolent waves and hacked by human hands.” Mao was thinking of himself as someone who was being (in his wife's words) “bullied” by Deng Xiao-ping and Deng's allies. Days before, they had forced Mao into an unprecedented climb-down by having him cancel his media campaign against them, and concede that he had “made a mistake.”

仇恨、失意、自怜,笼罩着毛泽东最后的日子。这些早就在他的性格里躁动的情绪,在生命临近终结时,由毛赋以特殊的表现方式。他喜欢六世纪庾信的《枯树赋》, 为一度繁盛的大树枯萎凋零感怀伤情。按诗人的原意,大树所以没落,是因为在移植中伤了根本,作者借此感慨自己飘零异地的身世。但一九七五年五月二十九日,毛对注释诗文的学者提出异议,说大树的遭遇“不是移植问题”,“是由于受到了急流逆波的冲荡和被人砍伐等等的摧残所造成的”。以树喻人,毛当然想的是自己。几天前,邓小平和他的同盟者刚逼着他屈辱地当众认错,说“我犯了错误”,取消了针对他们的政治运动。用江青的话来说,邓等人是在“欺负主席”。

After he had to release Deng from detention in July 1976, which made him furious, Mao had the “The Sere Trees” read aloud to him twice. He then began reciting it himself, very slowly, in his strangulated voice, brimming with bitterness. After this, he never asked to hear, or read, another poem.

而毛在一九七六年七月还不得不放邓回家。就在这时,他让秘书把《枯树赋》给他读了两次,然后自己开始背诵,用微弱、吃力不清的声音慢慢地背,句句都是伤感之情:“……前年种柳,依依汉南;今看摇落,凄凄江潭;树犹如此,人何以堪。” 这是毛一生中所读、所听的最后一首诗词。

Deng was only one of many old Party foes whom Mao took to scourging in his head in his last years. Another was Chou En-lai. In June 1974, Chou finally had the cancer operation that Mao had been blocking for two years. Mao had only finally consented because his own enfeebled physical condition had made him feel insecure himself. While Chou was in the hospital, Mao dug out some old diatribes he had written against Chou and other opponents back in 1941. They were full of insults, and Mao had never felt it was wise to publish them. Now, thirty-three years later, he spent a lot of time reading them, cursing Chou in his mind.



Going over them was also a way for Mao to vent his hatred for another foe, Liu Shao-chi, who had died five years before, at Mao's hands, but whose death Mao had still not dared to announce publicly. When Mao had originally written the articles, Liu had been his ally, and he had praised Liu in them. Now he made a point of crossing out each reference to Liu.


There was yet another man whom Mao was flaying in his head, and that was his chief rival at the time the articles were written: Wang Ming, who had died in exile in Russia on 27 March 1974, two months before Mao reread his old tirades. Mao had tried to murder Wang Ming by poisoning him in the 1940s, but then had had to allow him to take refuge in Russia, where Wang had remained something of a time-bomb. Khrushchev and Wang Ming's son both confirmed that Mao tried to poison Wang Ming in Russia. The attempt was unsuccessful, but only because the vigilant exile tested the food on his dog, Tek, which died. In Moscow, Wang Ming turned out anti-Mao material which was broadcast to China, and during the Cultural Revolution he started planning a return to China to set up a base in Xinjiang, near the Russian border, and then try a coup against Mao (a proposal that got short shrift from the Kremlin).


Wang Ming's death had been long drawn-out, and came after decades of ruined health, the legacy of Mao's attempts to kill him. He was bedridden in his final years, and it took him three hours to swallow enough tiny morsels of food to constitute a meal. But his painful death did not assuage Mao's grievance, just as the similarly agonizing deaths of both Liu and Chou brought Mao little relief. A month before he himself died, Mao had his old tirades read to him again, to bring himself the temporary pleasure of savaging all these foes one more time.


By the end of Mao's life, almost all his former close colleagues were dead, most of them thanks to him. Yet their deaths had somehow not quite satisfied him. Those of Liu and Peng De-huai, his two main victims in the Cultural Revolution, he had to keep secret for fear of public sympathy. Chou's death had been made public, but the outcome was to rock Mao's rule. Wang Ming had died in Russia, out of his reach. Zhu De he had been unable to purge. Lin Biao, Mao's chief collaborator in setting up the Great Purge, had managed to flee the country before the plane that carried him across the border crashed; moreover, Lin had bequeathed a legacy that haunted Mao—a plot to assassinate him. Deng was alive, and more than just alive: Mao had had to give in and let him live in the comfort of his own home, among his family. On his deathbed, Mao's thirst for revenge was unslaked.


DISSATISFACTION CONSUMED MAO. He had not risen to be a superpower, in spite of his decades of craving. Although he had the Bomb, he could not cash it, not least because the delivery system could barely loft it over China's border. The country's industrial bases were a shambles, turning out heaps of defective equipment—including fleets of planes that could not fly, even though an aircraft industry had topped his agenda from the very beginning of his rule, and the Korean War had been fought partly to acquire it. Nor was the navy much better. Mao's last words to his navy chief in 1975, a year before his death, were: “Our navy is only like this!,” sticking out his little finger, looking immensely disconsolate. That October, Mao remarked ruefully to Kissinger that he did not belong to the major league. “There are only two superpowers in the world … We are backward …” Counting on his fingers, he said: “We come last. America, Soviet Union, Europe, Japan, China—look!” When US president Ford came to China a few weeks later, Mao told him: “We can only fire … empty cannons” and “curse.”


Mao had made a last-ditch effort to promote himself as a world leader in 1974, by trying to capitalize on something that did not require military prowess, and was the one point where he could claim to lead the world: poverty. He proclaimed a new way of defining “Three Worlds,” announcing that the “Third World” meant countries that were poor, excluding Russia, and dropped heavy hints that he should be seen as the leader of the Third World. But although he was regarded, in a very general way, as a leader of the Third World, it did not take orders from him, and he provided no tangible leadership. Besides, as one hard-nosed American diplomat put it, “would it really make all that difference?”

一九七四年,毛生前最后一次努力要争做世界领袖。这次毛仰仗的不是军事实力,而是中国人民的贫困。他重新划分“三个世界”, 把贫困作为“第三世界”的定义,这样一来他便是当之无愧的第三世界领袖。毛的确被恭维为第三世界领袖,但享有此称号的人不少。第三世界并不听命于毛,毛也没起什么领导作用。就像一位美国外交官所说:“是与不是有什么两样呢?”

Even his own creatures refused to acknowledge his authority. Mao had played a vital part in installing the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia in 1975. Pol Pot, its leader, under whom up to one quarter of the Cambodian people perished in the space of a few years, was a soul-mate of Mao's. Immediately after Pol Pot took power, Mao congratulated him face to face on his slave-labor-camp state: “You have scored a splendid victory. Just a single blow and no more classes.” What Mao meant was that everyone had become a slave. And Mao sent Prince Sihanouk, who had been living in luxurious exile in China, back to Cambodia, where the prince was put under house arrest and his name was exploited by Pol Pot. But though Mao was Pol Pot's sponsor and mentor, he got no gratitude. A colleague of Pol Pot's called Keo Meas, who had referred to Mao in eulogistic terms, was tortured to death. Written on the dead man's dossier were the words: “This contemptible Mao who got the horrible death he deserved was worthless. You shouldn't think, you antique bastard, that the Kampuchean Party has been influenced by Mao.”

即使毛培植起来的人也拒绝接受他的领导。柬埔寨的红色高棉一九七五年夺权没有毛的援助是办不到的。导致柬埔寨人口四分之一死亡的波尔布特掌权后来见毛,毛夸奖他的奴隶营式的统治,说:“你们取得了伟大的胜利,一举消灭了阶级。”住在中国享福的西哈努克亲王被毛送回柬埔寨,在软禁的环境里给红色高棉作招牌。尽管毛给了波尔布特无穷的好处,波尔布特却完全不领情。亲毛的柬埔寨领导人克·米(Keo Meas)被拷打致死,档案上这样写着:“这条可怜虫的死是罪有应得。你这个腐朽的杂种,竟胆敢说柬埔寨共产党是在毛的影响之下。”

On the world stage, Mao had to cling to a vague halo. When Nixon's daughter Julie turned up wearing a Mao badge, “he reacted with a childlike delight and impulsively clasped my hand,” she wrote. To sustain his profile, he continued to “receive” foreign statesmen until three months before his death. But he often rather spoiled the effect of these audiences. Thailand's leaders found him “snoring” as they entered the room. Singapore's premier Lee Kuan Yew, Mao's penultimate foreign visitor, described an almost inarticulate Mao grunting, head lolling against the back of his armchair. Indeed, as the last photos of him confirm, Mao looked anything but a world leader. Dribbling saliva, waxen-faced and slack-jawed, he projected an image of senility and wretchedness. When he saw how bad he looked in photos with Pakistan's prime minister Bhutto at the end of May 1976, Mao stopped meeting foreigners altogether.

在世界舞台上,毛能抓住的只是一个模糊的光环。尼克松的女儿朱莉(Julie)来访时戴着一枚毛像章,她后来写道:“他的反应简直像个孩子,兴奋得不由自主地紧紧抓住我的手。”为了持续保持知名度,毛见外国政要一直见到临死前三个月。可这些会见有损他的领袖形象。泰国领导人说他们進房时毛在“打呼噜”。新加坡总理李光耀描绘道:毛说话哼哧嘟哝,头歪倒在沙发背上。从当时拍的照片上可以看到,毛脸如蜡像,两腮下坠,口角流涎。一九七六年五月底,毛看到他接见巴基斯坦总理布托(Zulfikar Ali Bhutto)的照片后,再不见外国人了。

WHILE FEELING DEEPLY discontented at having failed to achieve his world ambition, Mao spared no thought for the mammoth human and material losses that his destructive quest had cost his people. Well over 70 million people had perished—in peacetime—as a result of his misrule, yet Mao felt sorry only for himself. He would cry as he talked about anything he could connect with his past glory and current failure, even watching his own regime's propaganda films. His staff often saw tears flooding down his face, “like a spring” as one of them put it. Self-pity, to which Mao had always been prone, was the paramount emotion of the utterly unpitying Mao in his last days.


Mao became very attached to some classical poems which convey a mood of great men brought down, kings fallen, and heroes' brilliant prospects in ruins. He empathized with the unfulfillled heroes and kings.


This state of mind led him to an extraordinary sense of fraternity with those he regarded as “fallen kings” around the world. Top of the list was former US president Richard Nixon, who had been forced from office by Watergate in August 1974. Time and again Mao went out of his way to proclaim his fond feelings for Nixon. Weeks after Nixon had been ejected from the White House, Mao asked Imelda Marcos of the Philippines to pass on his good wishes and an invitation to Nixon to revisit China. Nixon's daughter Julie and her husband, David Eisenhower, were given an astonishing welcome in December the following year. Mao told Julie: “Write to your father at once, tell him I miss him.” When Julie got back to America, Peking's envoy told her that Mao “considers you part of his family”—a remark that was absolutely unique.

其中最显着的是因水门事件下台的美国总统尼克松。毛一而再、再而三对他表示同情。尼克松离开白宫不久,毛托菲律宾的马科斯夫人给他带话,问候他,请他来中国。尼克松的女儿和丈夫戴维·艾森豪威尔(David Eisenhower)第二年来华受到惊人的热烈欢迎。毛对朱莉说:“马上给你父亲写信,说我想念他。”朱莉回美国后,中国驻美联络人员告诉她说,毛“把你看作一家人”。这样的话,毛一生中大概没有对第二个外国人说过。

When the disgraced Nixon came, in February 1976, Mao sent a Boeing 707 to Los Angeles for him, complete with the protocol chief of the Foreign Ministry, another unheard-of gesture. The fact that the plane ran the risk of being seized as collateral against US assets expropriated in China was immaterial for Mao. When he saw Nixon again, Mao clinked teacups with him, and when Nixon took his leave, Mao struggled to the door, standing unaided, to see him off, looking melancholy. Mao had invited him to China for what was, in effect, a private farewell. He personally selected an evening's entertainment for the former US president which included the singing of Mao's favorite classical poems set to music, which conjured up the mood of the tragic ending of great men.


The program meant nothing to Nixon, who showed he was tired—and bored. But Mao was expressing his own sentiments, for himself, even though he was not present at the performance.


Another even more unlikely recipient of Mao's sentimental affinity was Chiang Kai-shek, the man he had deposed—and had slaughtered millions of Chinese to keep deposed. Chiang died in Taiwan on 5 April 1975 at the age of eighty-nine, leaving a will decreeing that his coffin was not to be buried in Taiwan, but kept in a shrine to await a return to the Mainland when communism collapsed. Around the time of Chiang's funeral, Mao mourned the Generalissimo for an entire day, in private.


On that day, Mao did not eat, or speak. He had an eight-minute tape of stirring music played over and over again all day long to create a funereal atmosphere, while he beat time on his bed, wearing a solemn expression. The music was set specially for Mao to a twelfth-century poem, in which the writer bade farewell to a friend who bore an uncanny resemblance to Chiang—a patriotic high mandarin whose career ended tragically and unfulfillled, and who was being exiled to a remote part of China. The writer told his friend:



You and I are men of history


No little men chattering about minor affairs!


This was exactly how Mao felt towards Chiang.



Days later, Mao rewrote the last two lines of the poem so that they read:


Go, let go, my honored friend,


Do not look back.

This change turned the poem into an unmistakable valediction. Mao was writing his own envoi to a fellow thwarted giant. It was re-recorded to music, and was one of the poems sung to Nixon when Mao brought the former US president over to say his personal goodbye.



MAO SHOWED UNCOMMON sympathy in private for other ousted rulers. When the emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, whom he had met only once and very briefly, died in prison in 1975 after being dethroned by a military coup, Mao sank into melancholy. “The emperor was doing fine,” Mao kept saying. “Why did he have to come to this? Why did it have to end like this?!”


This new empathy with deposed rulers was an extension of Mao's old fear of being toppled himself. In this final phase of his life, he was more obsessed than ever with a coup. It was to avert such a possibility that he intimated to Deng Xiao-ping and his allies in 1975 that they were welcome to crush Mme Mao and her Gang after his death.


It was partly for this same reason—fear of a coup—that Mao did not appoint a successor. He never bestowed that title on the head of his last coterie, Hua Guo-feng, as he had earlier on Lin Biao. He feared that an official heir apparent might be in too much haste to succeed, and would try to jump the gun. So, although Hua showed manifest loyalty (when Mao was fed through the nose for the first time, Hua took on Chou's guinea-pig role and tested a tube on himself first), and although Mao obviously trusted Hua enough to put him in charge, he declined to confirm that Hua would take over after he died.


Mao did not care one iota what happened after his death. In fact, he had scant confidence in the staying power of his own “achievements.” On the only occasion he said a few words to his inner circle about the future, when he knew he was dying, he told them that there would be “upheaval,” indeed “blood rains and winds smelling of blood.” And then Mao said: “What's going to happen to you, heaven only knows.”

So Mao did not leave a will, even though he had been expecting death for at least a year, and had had ample time to prepare one.


THE LAST FEW weeks of Mao's life were spent in a nondescript building which had been specially built for him in Zhongnanhai, with all the usual security specifications, and was earthquake-proof. Characteristically, it only had a code-name, “202.” He was carried there at the end of July 1976, after Peking was shaken by a huge earthquake that measured 7.8 on the Richter scale and which flattened Tangshan, an industrial city 160 km to the east, where somewhere between 240,000 (official figure) and 600,000 (unofficial estimate) people were killed. In Peking and many other cities, tens of millions of people had to sleep out in the open. In true Mao style, the regime turned down foreign help, which could have greatly lowered the death toll. A media campaign was launched exhorting rescuers to “denounce Deng on the ruins.”



Mao was still giving orders. When Mme Mao wanted to go out of Peking on 2 September, she came to ask her husband for permission. He was peevish at being bothered, and refused the first time, but granted it when she persisted. Three days later, Mao suddenly lost consciousness, and she was summoned back by the new team headed by Hua. In the past weeks they had been taking turns to keep vigil by Mao's bed, and when Mme Mao got back, she joined them, but stood behind the bed, as he had shown annoyance before when he woke up and set eyes on her. None of Mao's children was present.


On 8 September an unintelligible croak came from Mao's throat.


His barber and servant of seventeen years tucked a pencil into his trembling hand, and Mao laboriously drew three shaky lines, and then feebly touched the wooden edge of his bed three times. The barber figured out that Mao wanted to know what was happening to the Japanese prime minister, Takeo Miki (whose name in Chinese means “Three Woods”). Mao had never met Miki, and had shown no special interest in him until now, when Miki was fighting to prevent being toppled by a coup within his own party.


One of Mao's two girlfriends-turned-nurse, Meng, held up the news bulletin, and Mao read it for a few minutes. This report about yet another leader on the ropes was the very last thing he read.



Soon after this, Meng heard Mao say: “I feel very ill. Call the doctors.” These were the last words he spoke. Shortly afterwards, he slipped into unconsciousness. At ten minutes past midnight on the morning of 9 September 1976, Mao Tse-tung died. His mind remained lucid to the end, and in it stirred just one thought: himself and his power.



尾 声

TODAY, MAO’S PORTRAIT and his corpse still dominate Tiananmen Square in the heart of the Chinese capital. The current Communist regime declares itself to be Mao’s heir and fiercely perpetuates the myth of Mao.
