22 皖南事变:毛泽东设陷阱
(1940–41 AGE 46–47)
1940~1941 年 46~47 岁
THE POLITICAL commissar of the New 4th Army, the Red Army based in east central China, was an old nemesis of Mao's, Xiang Ying. A decade before, Mao had tried to have him eliminated when he opposed Mao's torturing and killing in the AB purge. And Xiang Ying had warned against taking Mao along on the Long March, predicting that he would scheme to seize power. He had remained outspoken about Mao, sometimes even mocking him.
Xiang Ying's HQ of about 1,000 staff and 8,000 escort troops was situated in a picturesque place called Cloud Peak, near perhaps the most strangely beautiful mountain in China, Huangshan, the Yellow Mountain, where, before one's astonished eyes, the clouds run, dance, storm and melt at dazzling speed around Gothic-looking rocks. By December 1940, Xiang Ying's group was the only part of the N4A south of the Yangtze, as Mao had sent 90 percent of the N4A north of the river, and put them under a separate headquarters run by his ally Liu Shao-chi.
That month, Mao set Xiang Ying's group up to be killed by the Nationalist army, in the hope that the massacre would persuade Stalin to let him off the leash against Chiang. Months before, in July, the Generalissimo had ordered the N4A to move to northern China, an order Mao had defied. In December, however, Mao told Xiang to decamp, and cross to the north of the Yangtze.
There were two routes Xiang could take. The shortest ran due north (the North Route). The second would take him southeast, and then over the Yangtze much farther downstream (the East Route). On 10 December the Generalissimo designated the North Route, and Mao confirmed it to Xiang on the 29th.
The next day, Mao suddenly told Xiang to take the East Route, the one the Generalissimo had vetoed, but did not tell Chiang this, so Chiang thought the Reds would take the route agreed. On 3 January 1941 a cable arrived at Xiang's HQ from the Generalissimo himself, specifying the itinerary and adding: “I have ordered all the armies along the way to ensure your safety.”
Xiang replied at once, saying he would not be taking the route Chiang had designated, and asking to have the East Route cleared instead. But this crucial message never got to Chiang—thanks to Mao. Mao had banned all Communist commanders from communicating with the Generalissimo direct, and had ordered all contacts channeled through himself. Xiang sent the message via Mao, and Mao did not send it on. So Xiang set off in wintry chill and rain on the night of 4 January 1941 along Mao's chosen East Route not knowing that Chiang had never seen his cable.*
Xiang and his troops walked right into a much larger Nationalist force, who had not been told that Xiang's unit was coming, much less that it was only passing through, and thought this was an attack. Fighting broke out on the 6th. That day the local Nationalist commander, General Ku, gave orders to “exterminate” the Reds.
Xiang sent frantic telegrams to Yenan pleading for Mao to tell the Nationalists to hold their fire. But Mao did nothing. When Liu Shao-chi, who was with the main N4A force north of the Yangtze, wired Yenan on the 9th about the situation, Mao pretended ignorance, claiming that the last he had heard from Xiang was on the 5th, and “after that we do not know anything.”
During the most critical period of bloody fighting, the four days from 6 to 9 January, Mao claimed he received no communication. During those days, Xiang's radio operators were sending out repeated, desperate SOS messages, and Liu Shao-chi had no problem receiving them. It is hard to believe that Mao's communications had conveniently “broken down” just for the four days when the N4A HQ was being massacred. And even if there was some glitch, this cannot explain how Mao did nothing—for days—to resume contact.
Mao had a history of using “radio trouble” as an excuse to suppress information (after the kidnapping of Chiang Kai-shek in 1936, Mao had claimed he was unable to receive a vital message from Moscow). For Mao, the greater the bloodshed, the greater his excuse to turn on Chiang; and he was sacrificing someone he was glad to get rid of anyway, Xiang Ying.
After Liu brought up the subject of the N4A's plight on the 9th, Mao's radio miraculously started functioning again. From that day, urgent pleas from N4A HQ began to be recorded. On the 10th the HQ entreated Mao: “on the brink of doom …” “Please could you quickly make representations to Chiang and Ku to call off the encirclement. Otherwise the entire force will be wiped out.” Mao sat still.
That same day, Xiang Ying again tried to cable Chiang, again via Mao. That plea too was withheld from the Generalissimo, as Mao revealed to his liaison Chou (on the 13th): “I did not send it on to you … This cable must absolutely not be passed on.”
十日那天,项英自己给蒋介石打了封电报,恳求蒋撤围。这封电报他再次发给毛转,毛又再次把它压了下来。毛对周恩来说,项英的这封电报比前一封“立场更坏”, “此电决不能交,故未转你处。”
On the evening of the 11th Chou was attending a reception in Chongqing to celebrate the third anniversary of the CCP's New China Daily when a message arrived from Mao. Chou announced to the assembled throng that N4A HQ had been surrounded and attacked. But even now the telegram Mao sent was not an order to act; it was merely “for your information.”
It was only the next day that Mao finally instructed Chou to “make serious representations to have the encirclement called off.” But the level of crisis was carefully toned down (“they say they can still hold out for seven days” was a distortion of much more desperate reports days before). Chou did not make any serious protest until the 13th. By that time Chiang had stopped the killing on his own initiative, on the 12th.
On 13 January, after the massacre had ended, Mao suddenly came to life, telling Chou to crank up a PR campaign for a righteous all-out war against Chiang. “Once the decision is made,” Mao said, “we will strike all the way to Sichuan [Chiang's base].”
“Now it is a matter of a total split … of how to overthrow Chiang.”
AS HIS ARMY was no match for Chiang's, Mao could not possibly achieve these goals without Stalin's intervention. Chou saw the Russian ambassador on 15 January to impress on him that the Reds needed bailing out. He was given the cold shoulder. In his classified memoirs, Panyushkin recorded his suspicion that Mao had set Xiang Ying up—and that Chou had been lying.*
Mao, meanwhile, appealed directly to Moscow for all-out war against Chiang, with what a Russian intelligence source calls “one hysterical telegram after another,” claiming that Chiang's plan was to wipe out first the N4A, then the 8RA, and then “crush the CCP.”
“There is a danger our army will be completely annihilated,” Mao told Moscow.
“Danger of civil war,” noted Comintern chief Dimitrov in his diary the day this cable arrived, 16 January, calling the N4A “our troops.” Moscow did not believe Mao's claim that Chiang was about to try to “annihilate” the CCP, and told Mao so. Mao responded with another alarmist cable, specifically asking that it go “to cde. [comrade] Stalin so that he could weigh the situation in China, and see whether he could not give us concrete military help soon.” “Help” meant direct intervention, not just arms and aid.
“内战的危险。”季米特洛夫一月十六日的日记写道。虽然他称新四军为“我们的军队”, 但是莫斯科不相信毛的危言耸听,不相信蒋介石要“斩尽杀绝”中共,也把这个看法告诉了毛。毛马上发来另一封“狼来了”的电报,特别要求“呈交斯大林同志,使他能够估量中国形势,考虑能否给我们具体的军事援助。”这里的“军事援助”指的不仅是军火资金,而且是出兵。
This importuning seems to have annoyed Stalin. At a ceremony for the anniversary of Lenin's death on 21 January, he talked disparagingly about the N4A's nominal commander, Ye Ting, whom the Russians had once considered sending to the gulag, calling him “an undisciplined partisan.” “Need to check whether he did not provoke this incident. We, too, had a number of good partisans whom we were obliged to shoot because of their lack of discipline.” Dimitrov told Mao again more firmly than before: “Don't take the initiative to break …”
Writing to Stalin, Dimitrov pinned the responsibility on Mao personally: “the Chinese comrades … are thoughtlessly pursuing the split; we have decided … to draw C[omrade] Mao Tse-tung's attention to his incorrect position …” On 13 February, Stalin endorsed Dimitrov's order to the CCP, marked for Mao personally. It was peremptory: “We consider that a split is not unavoidable. You should not strive for a split. On the contrary, you should … do everything possible … to prevent civil war erupting. Please reconsider your current position on this issue …” A cable from Mao that same day toed Moscow's line, but vibrated with determination to get Chiang: “the split,” Mao insisted, “is inevitable in the future.”
季米特洛夫告诉斯大林:“中国同志在不顾后果地追求破裂。我们决定向毛泽东同志点明他的不正确的立场。”二月十三日,斯大林批准了季米特洛夫写给毛本人的命令。命令不容争辩:“我们认为破裂不是不可避免的。你不应该竭力制造破裂。相反地,你应该尽一切努力防止内战发生。请重新考虑你在这个问题上的立场。”毛当天给莫斯科回电表态:“服从您的指令”, 但仍然执意要打蒋:“破裂在将来是不可避免的。”
Mao had seen Moscow's decision coming days before. It had greatly depressed him, and led him to write a most unusual letter to his sons in Russia (to whom he very seldom wrote) on 31 January:
My sons An-ying and An-ching:
… Seeing what progress you have made, I am very happy. An-ying writes well, the Chinese characters are not bad at all, and you have aspiration for achievements: all this is very good. I have only one thing to suggest to you both: while you are young, study natural science more, and talk less politics. Politics needs to be talked about, but at the moment you should set your mind on studying natural science … Only science is real learning, and will have boundless use in the future …
很早以前,接到岸英的长信,岸青的信,岸英寄来的照片本,单 张相片,并且是几次的信与照片,我都未覆,很对你们不起,知你们悬念。 你们长進了,很欢喜的……唯有一事向你们建议,趁着年纪尚轻,多向自然科学学习,少谈些政治。政治是要谈的,但目前以潜心多习自然科学为宜,社会科学辅之。将来可倒置过来,以社会科学为主,自然科学为辅。总之注意科学,只有科学是真学问,将来用处无穷。
Compared with his previous few rather dry and note-like letters to his sons, this one was long and intimate, even wistful. It reeked of fatigue. What was most extraordinary and absolutely unique was that Mao told his children to avoid politics!
MAO MIGHT HAVE failed to provoke full-scale war against Chiang, but he had won a number of far from negligible victories. Not the least gratifying was the death of his most outspoken critic. Xiang Ying had escaped after Chiang ordered the Nationalist army to stop fighting, but in the small hours of 14 March, while asleep in a mountain cave, he was shot dead by his aide-de-camp, who had turned against the Communists some time before. The aide took the gold and valuables Xiang Ying had in his pockets and gave himself up to the Nationalists.
Two months before Xiang Ying died, when he had just broken out of the death trap, Mao wrote a fierce condemnation of him to senior Party officials, insinuating that Xiang was “an enemy agent.” (Even today, Xiang Ying is still often blamed, along with Chiang Kai-shek, for the deaths of the N4A men and women.)
Getting rid of Xiang Ying was only one of Mao's gains. Another was that the N4A was allowed to stay where it was. Chiang was desperate to avoid a total civil war in the middle of the war against Japan. The Russians now put tremendous heat on the Generalissimo not to impede—much less roll back—Red expansion. General Chuikov made an explicit link between Chiang agreeing to fall into line and the continuation of Russian aid to the Nationalists. The Russian ambassador noted how Chiang was beside himself with anger. He “received my statement very nervously,” wrote Panyushkin. “He paced up and down the study and … I had to repeat my question three times.”
Chiang was also highly vulnerable to pressure from America, which was his only hope of freeing himself from dependence on the Russians for arms. US president Franklin Roosevelt, whose overriding concern was (like Stalin's) to get China to do as much fighting against Japan as possible and bog Japan down, had no leverage with the Communists, so he put all the pressure on Chiang, linking the issue of aiding his government with an end to civil conflict—in effect, regardless of who was causing it. In the wake of the N4A incident, US media announced that Washington was discussing withholding a US$50 million loan because of the civil strife. This news came just when American aid could have played a big role, as the air route over the Himalayas, known as “the Hump,” opened on 25 January.
Roosevelt leaned heavily for information about China on a private network that included Edgar Snow, largely bypassing the State Department, which he distrusted. His chief private informant on China was a Marine officer called Evans Carlson, who filed starry-eyed reports to the White House lauding the Reds, which Roosevelt recycled uncritically to members of his inner circle, one of whom told him that Carlson's version of events was corroborated by Snow's Red Star. Carlson was in Chongqing at the time of the N4A Incident, and immediately after it he returned to Washington to convey the Reds' version to Roosevelt in person.
罗斯福总统关于中国的消息大多来自一批非官方人士,包括斯诺,主要人物是海军陆战队军官卡尔逊(Evans Carlson)。卡尔逊对中共充满天真的幻想,而罗斯福把他的报告囫圃吞下,并转发给相关人士过目。其中一位告诉总统,斯诺的书证实了卡尔逊的看法,也就是说报告是可靠的。皖南事变时卡尔逊正在重庆,他奔回华盛顿去亲口向罗斯福报告中共方面的说法。
Britain did not count as far as aid was concerned, but Chiang aspired to be close to the Anglo-US bloc, and so was susceptible to British pressure. Britain's prime minister Winston Churchill disliked Chiang, regarding him as militarily useless, and a potential menace to British interests in China. The British ambassador, Clark Kerr, told Chiang that in the event of civil war Britain would not support him, regardless of who started the fighting. In the period covering the N4A Incident, his advice to London heavily favored the Communists. He openly said that Chou En-lai was worth all the Nationalists rolled into one.
英国没有援助可给,但是蒋介石崇尚英美,英国的压力对他也就不无分量。丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)讨厌蒋介石,认为他军事上无能,政治上对英国在华利益是个威胁。英国大使科尔(Clark Kerr)直言不讳地对蒋说,要是打起内战来英国不会支持蒋,管它是谁挑起的。皖南事变时他给伦敦的汇报强烈偏向中共。他也曾公开说,所有国民党人加起来也抵不过周恩来一个人。
In the aftermath of the N4A Incident, Moscow organized an immense publicity campaign against Chiang in the West. Communist propaganda claimed that up to 10,000 were massacred. In fact, the total casualty figure was around 2,000. Three thousand had managed to escape back to their own side by turning around and taking the North Route across the Yangtze, the one designated by Chiang. They were unmolested along the way.
Chiang had not set a trap, but he presented his case poorly. His government unwisely announced the disbanding of the N4A, leaving the impression that the Nationalists had intentionally wiped it out. Chiang was also hampered by the fact that he had not protested publicly about the many earlier and much larger clashes in which his troops had been the victims, and had even suppressed news of them, on the grounds that civil strife was bad for domestic morale—and for international aid (which all the foreign powers had made conditional on there being no civil conflict). This silence on the Generalissimo's part had suited the Communists very well. As Red C-in-C Zhu De put it: “They [Nationalists] keep quiet, and we keep quiet, too. They are defeated and keep quiet; we win, so why should we publicise it?” As a result of all these factors, many in the West only knew about the N4A Incident, and saw it as a treacherous large-scale attack by the Nationalists on innocent Reds.
The Communist propaganda machine was effective. In Chongqing, Mao's disinformation symphony was conducted by Chou En-lai, who alone knew Mao's murderous role in the killing of their own men and women in the N4A. This accomplice of Mao's was extremely successful in spreading the lie, thanks to his charm. The American journalist Martha Gellhorn, who met him at this time, told us she would have followed Chou to the ends of the world had he beckoned. But the summing up by her husband, Ernest Hemingway, catches Chou's main attribute: “he does a fine job of selling the Communist standpoint on anything that comes up.”
共产党宣传机器的效率是国民党难以望其项背的。在重庆,这架机器的合奏指挥是周恩来,毛设陷阱的唯一知情人。毛的这位配合者迷惑了无数西方人。美国记者马莎·盖尔霍恩(Martha Gellhorn)是在这时认识周恩来的,她马上拜倒在周的魅力下。她对我们说,当年要是周召唤她,她会追随周到天涯海角。她的丈夫海明威(Ernest Hemingway)倒是把周看得很准:“共产党的观点是什么他就卖什么,而且卖得不错。”
In America, on 22 January the New York Herald-Tribune carried a report highly favorable to the Reds' version of events by Edgar Snow, which opened with the words: “The first reliable account of the recent clashes …” Yet Snow's account was based entirely on a CCP intelligence man in Hong Kong.
While the Communists' version traveled all over the world, other observations were sidetracked by friends that Moscow and the CCP had in America. Hemingway, who was in China just after the N4A Incident, made some sharp observations about the Reds: “… as good Communists they will attempt to expand their sphere of influence … no matter what territorial limits they may accept on paper.” Thanks to the Reds' “excellent publicity,” he wrote, “America has an exaggerated idea of the part they have played in the war against Japan. Their part has been very considerable but that of the Central Government troops has been a hundred times greater.”
“Communists,” Hemingway noted, “in my experience in Spain, always try to give the impression that they are the only ones who really fight.”
Given Hemingway's name, his assessment might have made a considerable impact on public opinion, but it did not see the light of day until 1965. He was dissuaded from publishing his views in 1941 by a Roosevelt aide called Lauchlin Currie, who told him “our policy was to discourage civil war.”
Currie, chief White House economic adviser, visited China right after the N4A Incident. US intercepts of Soviet intelligence traffic (Venona) name Currie as helping the Russians, and some consider that he was a Soviet agent. A judicious recent study of Roosevelt and intelligence describes Currie as “a manipulable sympathizer,” concluding that he was not a spy, but a “friend” of the Russians in the White House. On this trip to China, he certainly did the Reds sterling service. In Chongqing, he told Chiang that he had brought a verbal message from Roosevelt (as well as a written one). Currie opened the verbal message with this sentence: “It appears at ten thousand miles away that the Chinese Communists are what in our country we would call socialists. We like their attitude towards the peasants, towards women and towards Japan.”
居里是白宫主要经济助理,在皖南事变后访问中国。美国截获苏联情报的档案表明他总在帮苏联的忙,有人说他是苏联间谍。最近一份权威研究下结论,说他是个“容易受人利用的同情者”,不是间谍而是苏联在白宫的“朋友”。这位朋友的中国之行极尽为中共服务之能事。比方,他对蒋介石说他除了带来罗斯福的书面信件以外,还带来总统口信,口信是这样开头的:“在一万英里外的美国,我们看中国共产党其实就是我们那里的社会主义者。我们喜欢他们对农民的态度、对妇女的态度、对日本的态度。”居里叫蒋介石不要把口信告诉美国国务院的人,也不要告诉美国大使约翰逊(Nelson Trusler Johnson)。
In his report to Roosevelt, Currie mainly spoke ill of Chiang, and painted an extremely rosy picture of the Reds. He claimed that “the Communists have been the only party which has been able to attract mass support,” suggesting that this was the reason they had expanded. Currie gave Roosevelt the Communists' version of the N4A crisis.*
由于居里从中作梗,蒋介石未能建立一条直达罗斯福的通路。蒋介石请居里转告罗斯福,给他派个能够在他与总统之间“毫无隔阂地传达意见”的政治顾问,使他能“与总统直接联系”。蒋中意的人选是美国驻苏联第一任大使蒲立德(William Bullitt),一个对共产主义没有幻想的人。居里当场一口否决这个人选,以后也没有向罗斯福汇报。他回美国后给蒋介石找了个学者拉铁摩尔(Owen Lattimore),此人连罗斯福的面都没见过,更不用说符合蒋的要求了。结果,蒋介石与罗斯福之间的联络掌握在居里手中。
International pressure on Chiang was so strong that on 29 January he told his ambassador in Moscow to ask the Kremlin to intervene to help resolve the crisis with the Reds, effectively asking the Russians to dictate terms. Three days later, a jubilant Mao told his army chiefs: “No matter how hard Chiang Kai-shek tries to rebel, he can try this and that, but in the end will only get himself toppled.” Mao was using the word “rebel” as if Chiang were the outlaw and he himself already on the throne. Chiang acceded to Russian demands to let Mao's men hang on to their territorial gains and stay in the heartland of China near Nanjing and Shanghai.
迫于一系列国际上的压力,皖南事变后,蒋在一月二十九日叫他的驻苏联大使请克里姆林宫调停,也就是说让苏联人出价,问他们到底要什么。苏联人要蒋介石让新四军留在长江流域,中共夺取的别的地盘也都照样不动,蒋介石一一答应。毛不无得意地对中共将领说:“蒋介石无论他怎样造反,但闹来闹去,只会把他自己闹垮台的。”毛已经使用“造反”, 这样的字眼儿了,好像蒋介石已经在野,他已经坐拥江山了。
Mao had been quick to see how helpful Western journalists like Snow could be to his cause, but slow to appreciate how useful the British and American governments could be in tying Chiang's hands. His hostility to both states had been extreme. On 25 October 1940 he had told his top brass how he hoped Britain could be occupied by the Nazis, and the Japanese would continue to occupy China: “the most difficult, most dangerous and darkest scenario,” he said, was Chiang “joining the Anglo-US bloc”:
We must envisage this: that the Japanese are unable to take Singapore … which will be taken by the US navy; London does not fall … Japan surrenders to America; Japanese army leaves China; America finances and arms the pro-Anglo-American Chinese … It can't be darker than this.
This scenario was to Mao worse than Japanese occupation. But all of a sudden there was a spectacular change in his attitude. On 6 November he wrote to Chou En-lai: “I have this morning just read the important intelligence in your cable of the 3rd. So Chiang joining the Anglo-US bloc is only to our advantage … Let us oppose this no more … We must forge more links with Britain and America …”
Chou En-lai had clearly enlightened Mao about how useful the West could be to him. From now on, Chou devoted more energy to cultivating Westerners, particularly Americans. And his charm offensive intensified after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and America's presence in China greatly increased.
ON 13 APRIL 1941 Russia signed a Neutrality Pact with Japan, which freed large numbers of Japanese troops to attack Southeast Asia and Pearl Harbor. But it did not include a carve-up of China between Russia and Japan. Mao did not get his Poland scenario.
*We know that Mao suppressed this cable because he told Chou En-lai, his liaison with Chiang, on 13 January, nine days and many deaths later: “I have sent you the cable of the 4th from … Xiang to Chiang. Its wording is inappropriate, so if you haven't passed it on, please don't.” The fact that Mao felt he still had time to withdraw the cable indicates he had only just recently sent it to Chou.
*Chou told the Russians that radio links between N4A HQ and Yenan had been broken from the afternoon of the 13th—different from the dates Mao gave: 6th-9th. Clearly, Mao's dates would have been bound to arouse suspicion in the Russians.
*Another thing Currie did which was to Mao's great advantage was to thwart Chiang's attempt to establish a sympathetic channel to Roosevelt. Chiang requested Currie to ask Roosevelt to send him a political adviser who had access to the president. Chiang named his own choice, William Bullitt, the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, whom Chiang knew personally, and knew to be anti-Communist. Currie rejected Chiang's request outright, off his own bat, and there is no sign he even told Roosevelt that Chiang wanted Bullitt. When Currie got back to America, he recommended an academic, Owen Lattimore, who had not even met Roosevelt, much less had the sort of access to the President that Chiang had specified. The upshot was that Currie had a tight grip on communications between Chiang and Roosevelt.