46 不安的岁月,受挫的岁月
(1962–65 AGE 68–71)
1962~1965 年 68~71 岁
IN THE YEARS after 1962, while China was recovering economically, Mao nursed his revenge. Liu Shao-chi, his normally circumspect and seemingly obliging No. 2, had ambushed and outsmarted him at the Conference of the Seven Thousand in January 1962. Under the collective pressure of virtually the whole Chinese establishment, Mao had been forced to abandon his lethal policies. Mao was not going to let Liu or anyone who sympathized with Liu get away with thwarting him.
Mao started clearing the ground for a big purge from the moment the famine abated. He put the brakes on liberal measures such as letting peasants lease some land, and rehabilitating political victims, and he steadily fueled his personality cult. Eulogies of Mao increasingly dominated school texts, publications, the media and every sphere that affected people's minds, so that wherever anyone's eye fell there were slogans hailing him, and whenever a song was heard it was in the vein of the one called “Father is close, Mother is close, but neither is as close as Chairman Mao.” Mao was making everything more thoroughly politicized than ever, in a context where only adulation of him was permitted to exist.
He opened with novels, saying sarcastically to a Party audience in September 1962: “Aren't there a lot of novels and publications at the moment? Using novels to carry out anti-Party activities is a big invention.” Mao later laid into all books: “The more books you read, the more stupid you become.” “You can read a little,” he would say, “but reading too much ruins you, really ruins you.” This was unashamedly cynical, as he himself was well-read, and loved reading. His beds were tailor-made to be extra large, with enough space for loads of books to be piled on one side (and sloping, so that the books would not topple over onto him), and his favorite hobby was reading in bed. But he wanted the Chinese people to be ignorant. He told his inner circle that “We need the policy of ‘keep people stupid.' ”
文化方面毛拿小说开刀。一九六二年九月,他说:“现在不是小说、刊物盛行吗?利用小说来進行反党活动,这是一大发明。”针对读书,他说:“书读的越多越蠢。”“书可以读一点,但是读多了害人,的确害人。”毛本人似乎不怕被“害”, 他的特大木板床的一边总是堆满了书。为了以防书落下来打着他,睡人的一边床脚垫高了一点。毛最喜爱的消遣是待在床上看书。但是他不要中国人民看书,要让他们保持愚昧状态。毛对中共高层讲:我们需要“愚民政策”。
In spring 1963, Mao turned his attention to traditional Chinese opera. Unlike opera in the West, Chinese opera was popular entertainment. For hundreds of years, different regions had developed their own distinctive styles, performed in village markets as well as city theaters, danced in the northern mountains amidst winds and dust, and sung under moonlight and kerosene lamps on southern islets, listened to by fishermen on houseboats. Mao himself was a fan, indeed a connoisseur of regional operas. He had a collection of over 2,000 cassettes and records, and would discuss interpretations of arias knowledgeably with opera singers. The only time he let people see him wearing glasses was at operas. He was a very involved viewer as well, and once he became so engrossed that he not only sobbed and blew his nose loudly, but shot straight up from his seat, whereupon his trousers fell down, as his servant had loosened his belt to make him more comfortable. He had a particular taste for those operas his own regime deemed “pornographic.”
一九六三年春,毛的刀伸向传统戏。毛本人其实是个戏迷,收藏了两千多盘磁带唱片,还能同演员讨论演唱风格。看戏是他唯一在公开场合戴眼镜的时候,他也看得非常投入。有一次看《白蛇传》,他哭出了声,毫无顾忌地擤鼻涕,高潮时还一跃而起,裤子都掉了下来-- 原来卫士为了他看得舒服,在他坐下后帮他松了裤带。
Mao's passion for the opera did not prevent him suppressing a large number of them soon after his reign began. But when he embarked on this new purge he set out to get the old repertoires banned in toto, starting with a genre known as “Ghost Dramas,” in which dead victims' spirits took revenge on those who had driven them to their death. Mao had the genre banned in March 1963; having just been the agent of tens of millions of deaths, he regarded these on-stage avengers as uncomfortably close to reality.
At the end of 1963, he accused “all art forms—operas, theater, folk arts (including ballad-singing, traditional story-telling and stage comics), music, the fine arts, dance, cinema, poetry and literature” of being “feudal or capitalist,” and “very murky.” Even works produced under his own regime to sing the praises of the Communists were condemned as “poisonous weeds.” Mao ordered artists to be sent down to villages to be “seriously reformed.” “Throw singers, poets, playwrights, and writers out of the cities,” he said in his quintessentially blunt style in February 1964. “Drive the whole lot of them down to the villages. No food for those who don't go.”
一九六三年底,毛把炮火对准整个艺术领域:“各种艺术形式 -- 戏剧,曲艺,音乐,美术,舞蹈,电影,诗和文学等等,问题不少,人数很多,社会主义改造在许多部门中,至今收效甚微。许多部门至今还是“死人”统治着。”他说这些艺术都是“封建主义和资本主义的”,有“大问题”。就连歌颂共产党的作品,也以这样那样的理由被打成“毒草”。艺术家下放劳动,接受“改造”,一九六四年二月毛以他特有的风格说:“要把唱戏的、写诗的、戏剧家、文学家赶出城,统统轰下乡……不下去就不开饭”。
Ancient monuments, the visible signs of China's long civilization, fell victim too. Mao had started having city walls and commemorative arches knocked down indiscriminately soon after he came to power; by the end of the 1950s the vast majority were destroyed. He now added temples and old tombs to his hit list, and complained to one of his secretaries in December 1964 about the slow obedience to his order: “Only a few piles of rotten bones [i.e., tombs] have been dug out … You take the enemies [i.e., those resisting] too lightly. As for the temples, not one of them has been touched.”
Mao even pushed for the elimination of horticulture: “growing flowers is a hangover from the old society,” he said, “a pastime for the feudal scholar class, bourgeois class and other layabouts.” “We must change it now,” he ordered in July 1964. “Get rid of most gardeners.”
What Mao had in mind was a completely arid society, devoid of civilization, deprived of representation of human feelings, inhabited by a herd with no sensibility, which would automatically obey his orders. He wanted the nation to be brain-dead in order to carry out his big purge—and to live in this state permanently. In this he was more extreme than Hitler or Stalin, as Hitler allowed apolitical entertainment, and Stalin preserved the classics. In fact, Mao criticized Stalin on this score; in February 1966, Mao said: “Stalin took over the so-called classics of Russia and Europe uncritically, and this caused grave consequences.”
IN THE YEARS 1962–65 Mao made some headway in turning every facet of life into something “political” and killing culture, but the result was far from satisfactory for him. He had to rely on the Party machine to execute his orders, and virtually everyone had reservations about his policies, all the way from the Politburo downward. Few welcomed a life without entertainment or color. Mao found that almost everyone was dragging their feet, and that recreations patently harmless to the regime, like the classics and flowers, continued to exist. He was angry and frustrated, but was unable to have his way.
He was more successful in one area, indoctrinating the population, for whom he created a role model: a safely dead soldier called Lei Feng. Lei Feng had most conveniently kept a diary in which he allegedly recorded how he was inspired by Mao to do good deeds, and swore that for Mao he was ready to “go up mountains of knives and down into seas of flames.” Total obedience to Mao, to be what the regime lauded as perfect “little cogs” in Mao's machine, was elevated to the ultimate virtue. This cult of impersonality, the necessary obverse of the cult of Mao's personality, was cloaked in a deceptive appeal to be selfless—for “our country” or “the people.”
Apart from symbolizing total loyalty to Mao, soldier Lei Feng exemplified another vital point: the idea that hate was good, which was drilled into the population, especially the young. Lei Feng had reportedly written: “Like spring, I treat my comrades warmly … And to class enemies, I am cruel and ruthless like harsh winter.” Hatred was dressed up as something necessary if one loved the people.
As a particular hate figure, Mao built up Khrushchev, on the grounds that he practiced “revisionism.” The Chinese press was flooded with polemics demonizing the Soviet leader, which the population was force-fed at weekly indoctrination sessions. It was thus drilled into people's minds that Khrushchev and other “revisionists” were villains (like murderers in a normal society). Eventually, the other shoe would drop: Mao would condemn Liu Shao-chi as “China's Khrushchev,” and disobedient Party officials as “revisionists.”
The first time Mao raised the specter of a Chinese Khrushchev was to his top echelon on 8 June 1964. Liu knew that Mao was driving at him, and that the tornado was about to strike. His options were limited. All he could do was try to entrench his own position to make it harder for Mao to get him. Then, in October, something happened in Moscow that gave Liu an opening.
ON 14 OCTOBER 1964, Khrushchev was ousted in a palace coup. Mao saw an opportunity to resuscitate Soviet assistance for his missile program, which had fallen far behind schedule. He found himself in the position of finally possessing the atomic bomb, but lacking the means to deliver it. For this, he needed foreign know-how, and he set his sights on improving relations with the new leadership in the Kremlin, now headed by Leonid Brezhnev. Within days, Chou was telling Soviet ambassador Chervonenko that it was Mao's “utmost wish” to have a better relationship. Chou requested an invitation to the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Moscow on 7 November.
这年十月十四日,赫鲁晓夫在“宫廷政变”中下台。当时中国导弹在研制方面遇上了难以逾越的难关,毛急需苏联的技术,他想跟勃列日涅夫(Leonid Brezhnev)等苏联新领导人改善关系。几天之内,周恩来就对苏联驻华大使契尔沃年科说,毛“极希望”增加接触,有意派代表团去莫斯科祝贺“十月革命”节,请苏联发邀请。
The new Soviet leadership was also interested in finding out whether a rapprochement was possible, and made sure that Mao was the first to hear about Khrushchev's downfall, before it was made public. But the Kremlin quickly realized that the prospect was extremely dim as long as Mao remained in charge. Ambassador Chervonenko recalled what happened when he went to tell Mao. “It was about 11 pm when I entered Mao's residence.” After hearing the news, Mao thought for a moment or two, and then said: “Nice move you have made, but this is not enough” … After the meeting, Mao … saw me off. The car wouldn't start, so the driver took a bucket and went to the kitchen with Mao's bodyguard. The moon was shining on the lake. Mao was standing beside my stalled car: “There are still a few things that need fixing,” he said, “and your Plenum hasn't done them all.”
Mao insisted that Moscow must repeal its Party program and, in effect, disown de-Stalinization. This was out of the question for the new Soviet leaders, and so it seems that they used Chou's visit to test the water to see whether there was a possibility of the CCP dumping Mao.
At the reception in the Kremlin on 7 November, the big day, Chou and his delegation were walking round toasting old acquaintances when Soviet defense minister Rodion Malinovsky approached Chou, bringing along Russia's top Chinese-language interpreter. Out of the blue, Malinovsky said to Chou: “We don't want any Mao, or any Khrushchev, to stand in the way of our relationship.” “I don't understand what you are talking about,” Chou replied, and walked away at once. Malinovsky then turned to Marshal Ho Lung, China's acting army chief: “We've got rid of our fool Khrushchev, now you get rid of yours, Mao. And then we can have friendly relations again.” Malinovsky used barrack-room language: “The marshal's uniform I am wearing was Stalin's dog-shit, and the marshal's uniform you are wearing is Mao Tse-tung's dog-shit …” Ho Lung argued with him, and then the Chinese delegation left the reception.
十一月七日,克里姆林宫举行的“十月革命”节招待会,周恩来和中国代表团走来走去向老相识们敬酒。苏联国防部长马利诺夫斯基(Rodion Malinovsky)带着苏联的主要中文翻译走到周恩来跟前,冷不防对周说:“俄国人民要幸福,中国人民也要幸福,我们不要任何毛泽东,不要任何赫鲁晓夫来妨碍我们的关系。”周恩来勃然变色,对马利诺夫斯基说:“你的话我不懂。”立刻转身走开。马利诺夫斯基又转向因林彪生病主持军委日常工作的贺龙元帅,说:“我们现在已经把赫鲁晓夫搞掉了,你们也应该效仿我们的榜样,把毛泽东也搞下台去。这样我们就能和好。”马利诺夫斯基还使用了粗野的语言:“我穿的元帅服是斯大林的狗屎,你穿的元帅服是毛泽东的狗屎。”贺龙跟他争执起来,随即中国代表团离开了宴会大厅。
Chou sat up all night composing a cable to Mao. The next morning, Brezhnev came with four senior colleagues (but not Malinovsky) to the Chinese delegation's residence, where Chou made a formal protest. The Russians apologized, saying that Malinovsky's words did not reflect their views, and that he was drunk. But, quite apart from the fact that Malinovsky was a man who could hold his liquor, such words could never be spoken lightly by the army chief of one country to the premier and an army chief of another country, particularly when the countries involved were totalitarian Russia and China. Moreover, the Soviet leadership did not censure Malinovsky, which they surely would have done had this been a genuine gaffe. All the evidence suggests that Malinovsky acted deliberately, in a way that could be disowned. A top Russian intelligence expert on China used a telling formulation to us: “We learned that we could not divide Chou and Mao.”
This episode enormously stoked Mao's suspicions that there might be a vast plot against him involving senior colleagues in cahoots with the Russians. Nothing could be more dangerous for him than the Kremlin expressing a serious wish to oust him. Neither the challenge by Peng De-huai in 1959, nor that by Liu in 1962, had shaken his position. But if the Kremlin really wanted to get rid of him, that would be a different story. Interest on the part of Russia might well embolden some of his colleagues to take drastic steps. The distance from the border of Russia's satellite Outer Mongolia to Peking was only some 500 km, over mainly flat and open land, which Russian tanks could easily overrun, and China lacked effective anti-tank defenses. The very next month, December 1964, on Mao's instructions, the army drew up a plan to construct artificial mountains, each like a giant military fortress, on the North China plain, as obstacles to Russian tanks—a huge project that was abandoned as useless after several years and immense cost.
这些人造山按设计每座高二十至四十公尺,正面宽二百五十至四百公尺,纵深一百二十至二百二十公尺。天文数字的钱投了進去,石头和土方从远方运来,在山里建立了钢筋水泥的工事。凡是见过这些山的人,包括美国前国防部长施莱辛格(James RSchlesinger),都认为靠这几座孤零零的人造山来挡住苏联坦克大纵深、宽正面的進攻,根本不可能。后来这项工程不了了之。
Chou managed to retain Mao's favor, as Mao figured Chou was too shrewd to try anything rash. But Chou knew that a cloud of suspicion was hanging over his head. Before leaving Moscow, members of his entourage heard him say that he had visited Moscow ten times since the founding of Communist China, but that it was most unlikely that he would ever be returning. Indeed, this was his last visit—and none of Mao's colleagues ever visited Moscow as long as Mao lived.*
Mao was chary about anyone in his top circle going to Russia in case they schemed with the Russians to overthrow him. Even being present at the same occasion as high-level Russians in a third country—i.e., outside Mao's control—was to be avoided. In September 1969, Chou faced the possibility of bumping into some Soviet leader at the funeral of Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi, so he rushed to Hanoi ahead of the funeral, ignoring Vietnamese protests that they were not ready for visitors. And Chou left well before the ceremony itself, to which China sent a second-level delegation.
In the forthcoming purge, any connection with Russia became a key issue, especially among the top echelon. Marshal Ho Lung and a huge number of his old subordinates were arrested and interrogated. Ho Lung himself died in detention in appalling conditions in 1969.
So did Deputy Defense Minister General Xu Guang-da, who was brutally tortured over a period of eighteen months, being interrogated no fewer than 416 times. He had the misfortune to be the only senior military figure to visit Russia after Malinovsky's remarks, and so was suspected of being a link between Mao's domestic foes and Moscow. Xu had gone to Russia in May 1965 because at the time there was still some nuclear cooperation with Russia. Immediately after his trip, Mao withdrew all the Chinese at the Russian nuclear center at Dubna, shutting off nuclear collaboration completely.
贺龙一案受株连的最高将领是国防部副部长、装甲兵司令许光达大将。在被关押的十八个月里,他受审四百一十六次,多次遭到严刑拷打,最后死在马桶上。许光达是在马利诺夫斯基事件后唯一去过苏联的高级将领。那是一九六五年五月,中、苏之间在原子技术合作方面藕断丝连,总得有人去。许去了以后,毛又怀疑他在克里姆林宫与自己的政敌之间穿针引线,马上撤回在苏联杜布纳原子研究所(Dubna nuclear centre)的全部中方人员,与苏联核技术的关系从此一刀两断。
Thanks to the Malinovsky episode, Mao had absolutely no relationship with Brezhnev. China's relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated to their worst ever under Brezhnev, who remained in power for the rest of Mao's lifetime.
But at the time of the Kremlin's heavy-handed feeler in November 1964, Mao did not order Chou to leave. Chou stayed on in Moscow, and held meetings with a host of foreign delegates, whom Mao was keen for him to see. He returned to Peking on 14 November, according to schedule. Mao turned up to greet him at the airport with his whole team. The message was for the Russians: that the Chinese leadership was united. But the Russians drew mixed inferences. Soviet diplomats at the airport observed that Mao did not look at all well—“close to prostration,” they thought.
THIS WAS AN exceptionally unsure time for Mao, and Liu Shao-chi exploited it. He made a bid to strengthen his position by having himself reconfirmed as state president. This would provide an opportunity for a huge burst of profile-building, as a sort of personality cult for himself. Reconfirmation of his tenure was long overdue. Mao had not allowed the body that “elected” the president, the National Assembly, to convene as it should have in 1963, because he only wanted it to meet when he was ready to purge Liu. But within weeks of Malinovsky's remarks about getting rid of Mao, Liu convened the Assembly on extraordinarily short notice, calculating that Mao would feel too insecure either to veto this move or to purge him. Mao saw what Liu was up to, and erupted. “Let's do the handover now,” he said sarcastically to Liu on 26 November: “You take over and be the chairman. You be Qinshihuang [the First Emperor] …”
Mao could not prevent the Assembly meeting. All he could do was to withhold his blessing by not calling a Party plenum beforehand to set the agenda—the only time such an omission ever happened during his reign. In the Politburo the day before the Assembly opened, Mao snapped at Liu repeatedly: “I just won't endorse [you].” At one point, he told Liu: “You're no good.”
Outside the meeting room, Mao exploded to a couple of his devotees: “Someone is shitting on my head!” Then, on his seventy-first birthday, on 26 December, he took the most unusual step of inviting Liu for dinner. Mao almost never socialized with Liu or his other colleagues, except for being on the dance floor at the same time. Beforehand, Mao said to his daughter Li Na: “You are not coming today, because your father is going to curse the mother-fucker.” Mao sat at one table with a few favorites, while Liu was put at a separate table. There was not an iota of birthday atmosphere. While everyone else sat in frigid silence, Mao ranted on with accusations about “revisionism,” and “running an independent kingdom,” transparently directed at Liu.
No one said anything in support of Mao, not even the equivalent of “You're right, Boss”—except his secretary, Chen Bo-da. Mao so appreciated this that afterwards he summoned Chen, drowsy with sleeping pills, in the small hours of the night, and confided to him that he intended to get Liu, making Chen one of the first people to be told this explicitly. (Mao was soon to catapult Chen to No. 4 in the Party.)
On 3 January 1965, Liu was reappointed president, to a blaze of publicity, quite unlike the occasion of his original appointment in 1959, when there had been little fanfare. This time there were rallies and parades, with his portrait carried alongside Mao's, and firecrackers, drums and gongs. Newspapers ran headlines like “Chairman Mao and Chairman Liu are both our most beloved leaders.” (The president is also called “chairman” in Chinese.) Liu plainly had many supporters rooting for him. He had earned a lot of credit with senior Party officials for extricating China from the famine. Even devoted Mao followers in the inner circle showed signs of switching allegiance. Most incredibly, the idea was mooted of hanging Liu's portrait on Tiananmen Gate—alone, without Mao's!—which Liu had to veto at once.
一九六五年一月三日,刘少奇再度当选国家主席。全国上下组织了欢庆活动,和他一九五九年首次当选时大不相同。街头敲锣打鼓的游行队伍拿着彩旗,舞着狮子,放着鞭炮,并排举着毛和刘的像。报纸上连篇累牍地报导:“毛主席刘主席都是我们最爱戴的领导人”。很明显,在中共高层,有相当多的人在暗暗为刘使劲。刘在制止饥荒上的功劳使他有了众多支持者,就连毛的亲信也觉得刘“行”,“有办法”, 跟他“感到对路”, 而同毛疏远。甚至还有人建议,刘当选时在天安门城楼挂刘的像,而不挂毛的!(当时毛的像只在节庆时才挂在天安门城楼上。)刘赶快否决了这个提议。
On the day Liu was being re-elected, his wife was summoned, for the first time ever, to a meeting in Mao's Suite 118 in the Great Hall. The Lius were very much in love, and Mao knew it. He chose this day to signal his intention to make them both suffer. When Liu walked in after the vote, he was taken aback when he saw his wife was present. Mao pounced, bellowing a long tirade. Mme Liu felt immense hatred radiating from Mao. She and Liu looked at each other in silence. Mao wanted Mme Liu to witness her husband being abused, and for Liu to register: I will make your wife pay too.
Yet, even after such an overt display of hostility, no colleague took Mao's side and denounced Liu. Most just expressed concern about the discord between “the two chairmen,” and urged Liu to adopt a more obsequious posture towards Mao. Liu eventually apologized to Mao for not being respectful enough. Mao's response was as menacing as it was arbitrary: “This is not a matter of respect or disrespect. This is a question of Marxism versus Revisionism.”
毛对刘的切齿痛恨都这么明显了,高层也没有谁站出来跟毛一起骂刘。相反地,人们为“两个主席之间的争执”表示焦急,无所适从,出来“劝架”,叫刘少奇要顾全大局,要谨慎,要尊重毛泽东。刘去找毛作“自我批评”, 又在政治局会议上检讨“对主席不够尊重”。毛话中有话地说:“这不是尊重不尊重的问题,而是马克思主义同修正主义的问题。”
Echoing Stalin's remark about Tito (“I will wag my little finger and there will be no more Tito”), Mao told Liu: “Who do you think you are? I can wag my little finger and there will be no more you!” But in fact, for now, there was a stand-off. Mao could not get Liu condemned just on his own say-so.
斯大林曾针对铁托说过:“我动一根小指头,世界上就没有铁托了。”学斯大林学到家的毛泽东也对刘少奇说:“你有什么了不起,我动一个小指头就可以把你打倒!” 但事实上,眼下毛要打倒刘少奇并不那么轻而易举。他还真有点扳不动刘呢。
AT THIS POINT Mao resorted to a potent symbolic gesture—a trip to the Jinggang Mountains, where he had set up his first base in 1927. Unlike his other trips, which were spur-of-the-moment, this one was publicized well in advance among his top circle, so all his colleagues knew he was going. Six years before, facing a rebellious Peng De-huai, Mao had threatened that if he were challenged he would “go up into the mountains and start guerrilla warfare.” Now he was actually going to the mountains, which made the message altogether louder, more actual and more powerful.
A portable squat toilet was constructed. An advance team scouted the destination. “Class enemies” were detained and stashed well away from Mao's route. Duplicate cars were prepared, and heavy machine-guns positioned on commanding points. The Praetorian Guard lurked in plain clothes, their weapons concealed, like Hollywood gangsters', in musical instrument cases.
Mao left Peking in late February 1965, moving slowly, feeling his way. En route, on 9 April, he learned of the death of a favorite retainer, the 63-year-old boss of Shanghai, Ke Qing-shi, of misdiagnosed pancreatitis. For such an invaluable acolyte to die by human error at this juncture was alarming, so Mao stayed put in Wuhan. There, he summoned his long-term accomplice, defense minister Marshal Lin Biao, for a tête-à-tête meeting on 22 April. The marshal, who had rescued Mao at the Conference of the Seven Thousand in January 1962, was in on Mao's plans to purge President Liu. Mao told him to keep a particularly tight grip on the army and a sharp lookout in case the president, who was overseeing things in the capital, should try to gain support among the military.
On 19 May, Lin Biao made a spectacular démarche in line with Mao's request. On that day, in his capacity as president, Liu was receiving the participants at a high-level army meeting when the marshal turned up unexpectedly, having earlier declined the invitation on health grounds. At the end of the meeting, when the president announced that it had reached a satisfactory conclusion the marshal suddenly stood up and launched into a harangue that basically contradicted what Liu had said. He thus made it unmistakably clear to the top brass that he, not the president, was their boss, massively undermining Liu's authority.
While the marshal kept an eye on President Liu in Peking, Mao proceeded to his old outlaw stamping-ground on 21 May. He stayed there seven nights, going nowhere apart from short walks in the immediate vicinity of the guest house. A stop had been scheduled at his old residence, the Octagonal Pavilion, but as he got out of the car, Mao heard faint noises. These were actually hammers and chisels clanging from some masons at work on a distant slope, but here in the mountains noise traveled far. Just as his foot was touching the ground, Mao shrank back into the car, and ordered it to drive off at once.
Mao did not see any local people until minutes before his departure, when organized crowds were brought to stand outside the guest house, and he waved at them and had photographs taken. His presence had been kept secret until the last minute. During his stay, and for some time after he left, all communications with the outside world for the locals were cut off.
The guest house where Mao stayed, which had been built during the famine, was not up to his standards, so work on another soon began, to the usual specifications: one-story and totally bomb-proof. But Mao never returned. He had come for one purpose only: to make a threat.
WHILE MAO WAS in the mountains, Liu was busy building up his own profile. On 27 May an article appeared in People's Daily, replete with vintage cult language:
“The hills were extraordinarily green, and the water was exceptionally blue … the scenery of the Ming Tombs Reservoir displayed unprecedented splendour.”
山格外的青,水分外的绿……十三陵水库的景色,呈现出从来没 有过的壮丽。
But instead of being just about Mao, it was about both Mao and Liu, and both of them were engaged in the quintessential Mao cult activity of swimming:
After 3 in the afternoon, two cars stopped … Two towering, kindly-looking men stepped out of the cars, and with firm steps walked towards the water.
下午三点多钟,两辆汽车在水库的西南岸停了下来。从车上步下 两位身材魁梧、和蔼可亲的人,迈着稳健的步伐,向水边走去。
… these were our most revered and beloved leaders, Chairman Mao and Chairman Liu. The crowd immediately burst into loud cheers:
正在水库里游泳的首都高等院校学生和解放军战士,远远就认出 这是我们最敬爱的领袖毛主席和刘主席,人群中立刻响起一片欢呼 声:
“Chairman Mao has come swimming!”
“Chairman Liu has come swimming!”
The youth saw that Chairman Mao and Chairman Liu were glowing with tremendous health and spirits, and felt a surge of happiness through their bodies …
Chairman Mao and Chairman Liu … swam forward shoulder to shoulder …
But this was not a “news” report at all. The swim had actually taken place the previous year, on 16 June 1964. That it was resurrected suggests that the story was inserted to promote Liu's image, at a time when Mao's absence from Peking meant People's Daily did not have to clear it with Mao. For this and other acts of disobedience, Mao later visited ghastly punishment on his media chiefs.
AFTER HIS TRIP to the Jinggang Mountains to make his threat, Mao did not act at once. It seems that the reason he held his fire was that he was waiting for a particular international event to take place. This was the second Afro-Asian summit, scheduled for June 1965 in Algiers. As president, Liu had had dealings with many heads of state who would be there, and to purge him just before the gathering would create a bad impression. The summit was crucial to Mao, who wanted to use it to establish a dominant role in the Third World. As he was not prepared to leave his home turf, for security reasons, he had to pull the strings from afar. His man for the job was Chou En-lai.
The first Afro-Asian summit had taken place ten years before at Bandung in Indonesia, where Chou had had considerable success in wooing newly independent Third World countries. Since then, Peking's influence had grown substantially, thanks, not least, to its extravagant aid. Nehru, the star at Bandung, was dead, and meanwhile China had acquired the Bomb. Mao entertained the idea that at this second summit he could be seen as the patron—if Russia did not take part. In the preparations for the Algiers summit Mao's goal had been to keep the Russians out.
To this end, Peking courted Indonesia's President Sukarno, as he was the man vetting the invitations, in his capacity as host of the first summit. China offered him lavish gifts, quite possibly including soldiers for a war he was waging against Malaysia. Top of the list of offers was to train Indonesian nuclear scientists, enabling Sukarno to announce that Indonesia would soon explode an atom bomb. China dangled the same lure of nuclear secrets in front of Egypt, another key Third World country, when in fact Mao had no intention of sharing his nuclear knowledge; when Nasser later asked Chou to deliver on his promise, Chou told him to be “self-reliant.”
To buy votes for the Algiers summit, Mao committed China to its biggest-ever overseas project—a railway nearly 2,000 km long from landlocked Zambia across Tanzania to the Indian Ocean. Informed that Tanzania's President Julius Nyerere was interested in such a railway and could not get the West to put up the money, Chou said: “Chairman Mao said whatever the imperialists oppose, we support; the imperialists oppose this, so we sponsor it …” Mao was not concerned whether the railway was viable. When Nyerere expressed hesitation about accepting the offer, Chou pressed harder, claiming that Chinese railway-building materials and personnel would be going to waste if they were not used in Tanzania. The project cost about US$1 billion, which Mao dismissed as “No big deal.”
Ten days before the summit was due to open, Algeria's President Ahmed Ben Bella was overthrown in a military coup. A short while before, Mao had called him “my dear brother.” Now he dropped Ben Bella like a hot potato, and ordered Chou to back the new military government and ensure the summit went ahead on schedule.
第二次亚非会议开幕前十天,东道国阿尔及利亚发生军事政变,本·贝拉(Ahmed Ben Bella)总统下台。毛曾竭力拉拢本·贝拉,嫌外交部写给本·贝拉的信“打官腔”, 亲自动笔,称本·贝拉是“亲爱的兄弟”,“我希望看到你。全中国人民准备热烈欢迎你。”本·贝拉一倒台,毛立马翻脸不认人,要周恩来宣布支持新领导人布迈丁(Houari Boumedienne),按原计划开会。
Peking's diplomats started lobbying frantically, even though it was clear that the vast majority of governments due to attend favored a postponement. Even the very pro-Chinese Nyerere gave Peking's lobbyist a piece of his mind: “Chou En-lai is my most respected statesman. But I don't understand why he insists on the conference being held on schedule,” Ben Bella, Nyerere said, was an “anti-colonialist hero recognised all over Africa,” adding: “I must tell you [that China's lobbying] has damaged the reputation of China and Premier Chou himself.”
The summit was postponed. Peking's hustling boomeranged. Within weeks, Nasser, in many ways the decisive voice, was backing Russian participation. If the Russians attended, Mao would be unable to play the leading role. So the Chinese announced that they would not take part. The summit never convened.
AS HIS DREAM of playing the leader to Asian and African countries collapsed, in fury, Mao lashed out. Longing to score a victory somewhere, he went to the brink of war with India.
Three years before he had trounced India satisfactorily. But now, in autumn 1965, he could not guarantee success, as India was much better prepared. So he resorted to parasitizing on someone else's conflict, always a risky undertaking. On 6 September, Pakistan got into a war with India. Over the previous years, Pakistan had grown much closer to China, and become one of the two biggest non-Communist recipients of Chinese aid.*
Pakistan's war with India seemed to Mao to offer a chance to score another victory over India, which would be forced to fight on two fronts if China intervened. He moved troops up to the border, and issued two ultimatums, demanding that India dismantle alleged outposts on some territory Peking claimed, within three days, by 22 September. When Delhi replied in a conciliatory vein, denying it had outposts there, but calling for a “joint investigation” and promising that if outposts were found, it “would not oppose dismantling them,” Peking answered thuggishly that “there is no need for investigation,” and that there just were outposts. Mao was bent on war.
But the scheme collapsed when Pakistan suddenly accepted a UN call for a ceasefire before China's deadline had expired. The Pakistanis told Mao that the cost of continuing fighting was too high, both diplomatically and economically, but Mao pressed them to fight on, reportedly giving Pakistan's President Ayub Khan the message: “If there is a nuclear war, it is Peking and not Rawalpindi that will be a target.” When the Pakistanis declined to oblige, Mao was left out on a limb, and Peking had to climb down in public, lamely alleging that India had secretly dismantled its outposts—when in fact India had not stirred. Mao ended up deeply frustrated.
就在中方限期到期的前一天,巴基斯坦接受了联合国要印巴双方停火的决议,告诉毛,不停火无论外交上还是经济上代价都太大。毛极力劝他们打下去,可巴基斯坦不愿打。无奈之余,毛只好放弃了打印度的念头。没有巴基斯坦配合,毛难有把握单独取胜。上一次打败印度得益于出其不意,如今印度有了准备。为了体面地下台阶,中方宣布“印军偷偷摸摸平毁侵略工事狼狈逃窜”-- 其实印度什么也没做。
IMPATIENT FOR A SUCCESS, Mao tried to ignite violent insurrections wherever he could. In Thailand, the Communist Party fostered by Mao (and composed overwhelmingly of ethnic Chinese) now launched into armed insurgency, clashing for the first time with government forces on 7 August 1965, thenceforth known as “Gun-Firing Day.” It got nowhere.
The biggest—and most tragic—fiasco came in Indonesia. The Communist Party there, the PKI, was the largest in the non-Communist world, with some 3.5 million members, and had the kind of secret intimate relationship with Peking which the Chinese Communists had had with Stalin before they conquered China.† The head of the Japanese Communist Party at the time, Kenji Miyamoto, told us that Peking continually told the PKI, and the Japanese Party: “Whenever there is a chance to seize power, you must rise up in armed struggle.” In 1964, Miyamoto discussed this with Aidit. Whilst the Japanese Communists were cautious, Aidit, who had great faith in Mao, was very eager to swing into action. After the Algiers summit folded, in lashing-out mood, Mao set the PKI in motion to seize power.
* 一九六三年九月,周恩来把印尼共领袖艾地召到广东温泉城市从化,与胡志明和老挝共产党负责人会晤,在战略上把印尼和印度支那联系起来。
In early August Aidit came to China, where he met Mao. Aidit then proceeded to Indonesia with a team of Chinese doctors, who within days reported that President Sukarno (who was pro-Peking) had terminal kidney problems, and did not have long to live; so if the PKI were going to act, now was the time.
The plan was to decapitate the anti-Communist top brass of the army, over which President Sukarno held very limited sway. Peking had been pressing Sukarno to overhaul the army radically, and with Sukarno's support the PKI had been infiltrating the army with some success. The PKI believed, wildly over-optimistically, that it could secretly control over half the army, two-thirds of the airforce and one-third of the navy. According to the plan, once the generals were disposed of, Sukarno would step in and take over the army, while the Communists in the army kept the rank-and-file in line.
On 30 September a group of officers arrested and killed Indonesia's army chief and five other generals. Speaking shortly afterwards to Japanese Communist Party chief Miyamoto, Mao referred to this coup as “the Communist Party of Indonesia's … uprising.” But the PKI failed to cope with an unforeseen occurrence which derailed its whole plot. An informer had tipped off a then little-known general called Suharto, who was not on the arrest list. Thus prepared, Suharto waited for the arrests and killings of the other generals to be completed and then took immediate control of the army, unleashing a massacre of hundreds of thousands of Communists and sympathizers—and innocent people. Almost the entire PKI leadership was captured and executed. Only one member of the Politburo survived, Jusuf Adjitorop, who was in China at the time, and whom we met there, a disillusioned man, three decades later.
九月三十日,苏加诺总统警卫部队营长翁东(Untung)中校率人逮捕处死了印尼陆军司令和其他五个主要将领。毛在跟宫本显治的谈话中把这一事件称为“印尼共产党的武装起义”。可是,一个未曾预料到的变故使全盘计划土崩瓦解。密谋者中有一人偷偷把“九·三0”行动计划通知了陆军将领苏哈托(Suharto)。苏哈托本人不在处决的名单上,他做好准备,等逮捕处死完毕后,立即出面控制军队,在全国掀起血腥大屠杀,直杀了数十万共产党人、同情者和无辜平民。印尼共产党领导人几乎被一网打尽,上了断头台,只有一名政治局委员逃脱,尤索夫,阿吉托若夫(Jusuf Adjiorop), 他当时在中国。三十年后他仍然在那里,我们见到他时,他已是一位灰心失望的老人。
President Sukarno was forced out, and General Suharto established a military dictatorship that was fiercely anti-Peking and hostile to the large ethnic Chinese community at home.
Mao blamed the PKI for the failure. “The Indonesian party committed two errors,” he told the Japanese Communists. First, “they blindly believed in Sukarno, and overestimated the power of the Party in the army.” The second error, Mao said, was that the PKI “wavered without fighting it out.”* In fact, the slaughter unleashed by Suharto was so ferocious, and so instantaneous, that it had been impossible for the PKI to fight back. Mao and his men had never experienced anything like this at the hands of Chiang Kai-shek, who was a kitten compared to Suharto. Mao, in any case, was to blame, as he had started the action for his own self-centered reasons. He just could not wait to have a victory after his pipedream of Afro-Asian leadership collapsed.
毛泽东把一败涂地的责任推在印尼共头上。日本共产党中央委员会向我们提供了毛同日共领导人的谈话记录,毛说:“印尼共产党犯了两个错误。第一,他们盲目相信苏加诺,过高估计了党在军队里的力量。第二,他们动摇了,没有打到底。” 其实,印尼共根本没有还手之力。苏哈托的大屠杀其残暴,其凶猛,其迅雷不及掩耳,是中共在蒋介石手里从来没有经历过的。跟苏哈托比起来,蒋介石对中共简直可以算得上“仁慈”。
By the end of 1965, Mao's global schemes had suffered one setback after another. In a dark and vehement state of mind, he turned to deal with his foes inside China.
*Except for a stop-over by Deng Xiao-ping en route to a Party congress in Romania in July 1965, which shows Mao's trust in Deng.
*In 1965 China began talking about transferring nuclear know-how to Pakistan—or, more accurately, dangling the prospect. Pakistan had grown more and more useful to Mao as a staging post to the Middle East, and Peking aggressively backed Pakistan's ambitions over Kashmir, training Kashmiri guerrillas for what China presented as a “national liberation” war.
†In September 1963, Chou En-lai brought PKI chief Aidit to a secret summit at Conghua in South China with Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh and the head of the Laotian Communists, to coordinate military strategy in Indonesia with the war in Indochina. This summit placed Indonesia on a strategic par with Indochina, and linked developments in Indonesia with the much more advanced military conflict in Indochina.
*These parts of Mao's talks were withheld from the published version, and were made available to us by the Japanese Communist Party Central Committee.