Diana Kormos Buchwald, the general editor of Einstein’s papers, read this book meticulously and made copious comments and corrections through many drafts. In addition, she helped me get early and complete access to the wealth of new Einstein papers that became available in 2006, and guided me through them. She was also a gracious host and facilitator during my trips to the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech. She has a passion for her work and a delightful sense of humor, which would have pleased her subject.

《爱因斯坦全集》的负责人兼总编戴安娜·科默斯·布克沃尔德(Diana Kormos Buchwald)认真阅读了本书,并就初稿做了大量评论,提出了许多改进意见。此外,她使我有机会能够查阅2006年才披露的所有新的爱因斯坦文献资料,并给予我具体指导。在我造访加州理工学院“爱因斯坦文稿计划”(Einstein Papers Project)期间,她热情地接待了我,并提供了许多方便。她工作相当投入,满怀奉献精神,为人风趣幽默,所有这些都使与她交住的人备感余切和愉悦。

Two of her associates were also very helpful in guiding me through the newly available papers as well as untapped riches in the older archival material. Tilman Sauer, who likewise checked and annotated this book, in particular vetted the sections on Einstein’s quest for the equations of general relativity and his pursuit of a unified field theory. Ze’ev Rosenkranz, the historical editor of the papers, provided insights on Einstein’s attitudes toward Germany and his Jewish heritage. He was formerly curator of the Einstein archives at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

在指导我查阅尚未发表的材料方面,她的两位同事也助益甚多。蒂尔曼·绍尔(Tilman Sauer)不仅审阅了本书,发表了自己的看法,而且就爱因斯坦寻找广义相对论引力场方程及探索统一场论等方面的内容提出了专业意见。《爱因斯坦全集》的历史编辑泽埃夫·罗森克朗茨(Ze'ev Rosenkranz),就爱因斯坦对德国的态度及其犹太遗产方面的内容发表了深刻见解。他曾任耶路撒冷希伯来大学爱因斯坦档案馆馆长。

Barbara Wolff, who is now at those archives at Hebrew University, did a careful fact-checking of every page of the manuscript, making fastidious corrections large and small. She warned that she has a reputation as a nitpicker, but I am very grateful for each and every nit she found. I also appreciate the encouragement given by Roni Grosz, the curator there.

希伯来大学爱因斯坦档案馆的馆员芭芭拉·沃尔夫(Barbara Wolff)详细审阅了每一页书稿,核对了其中涉及的种种事实,做了多处或大或小的修改。她说自己有吹毛求疵的毛病,但对她所指出的每一处瑕疵,我都心怀感激。此外,还要感谢档案馆馆长罗尼·格罗希(Roni Grosz)的鼓励。

Brian Greene, the Columbia University physicist and author of The Fabric of the Cosmos, was an indispensable friend and editor. He talked me through numerous revisions, honed the wording of the science passages, and read the final manuscript. He is a master of both science and language. In addition to his work on string theory, he and his wife, Tracy Day, are organizing an annual science festival in New York City, which will help spread the enthusiasm for physics so evident in his work and books.

布赖恩·格林(Brian Greene)是我的挚友,也是本书稿出色的审校者。他现在是哥伦比亚大学的物理学家,著有《宇宙的结构》(Fabric of the Cosmos)等书。他阅读了本书的终稿,提出了大量修改意见,并审订了科学方面的内容。无论是对科学的了解,还是对语言的掌握,他都是一把好手。除了做弦理论的工作之外,他还和妻子特蕾西·戴(Tracy Day)在纽约组织年度科学节,以传播其著作中洋溢的那种对物理学的热情。

Lawrence Krauss, professor of physics at Case Western Reserve and author of Hiding in the Mirror, also read my manuscript, vetted the sections on special relativity, general relativity, and cosmology, and offered many good suggestions and corrections. He, too, has an infectious enthusiasm for physics.

凯斯西储大学的物理学教授、《隐于镜中》(Hiding the Mirror)的作者劳伦斯·克劳斯(Lawrence Krauss),同样阅读了本书的初稿,并对狭义相对论、广义相对论和宇宙学部分的内容进行了核对,提出了许多好的建议和改进意见。他对物理学的热情亦极富感染力。

Krauss helped me enlist a protégé of his at Case, Craig J. Copi, who teaches relativity there. I hired him to do a thorough checking of the science and math, and I am grateful for his diligent edits.

克劳斯还向我引荐了他的门生克雷格·J.科皮(Craig J.Copi),他目前正在西储大学讲授相对论。他帮我从头到尾审读了科学和数学方面的内容。我非常感谢他兢兢业业的编辑工作。

Douglas Stone, professor of physics at Yale, also vetted the science in the book. A condensed matter theorist, he is writing what will be an important book on Einstein’s contributions to quantum mechanics. In addition to checking my science sections, he helped me write the chapters on the 1905 light quanta paper, quantum theory, Bose-Einstein statistics, and kinetic theory.

耶鲁大学教授道格拉斯·斯通(Douglas Stone)也审读了书中科学方面的内容。他是一位凝聚态物理学家,目前正在撰写一部关于爱因斯坦对量子力学贡献的重要著作。除审阅科学内容之外,他还帮助我撰写了关于1905年光量子论文、量子理论、玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚以及运动论等方面的章节。

Murray Gell-Mann, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in physics, was a delightful and passionate guide from the beginning to the end of this project. He helped me revise early drafts, edited and corrected the chapters on relativity and quantum mechanics, and helped draft sections that explained Einstein’s objections to quantum uncertainty. With his combination of erudition and humor, and his feel for the personalities involved, he made the process a great joy.

默里·盖尔曼(Murray Gell-Mann),1969年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,自始至终都给予我热情的指导。他帮我修订了草稿,对涉及相对论和量子力学的章节进行了编辑和改进,并且帮忙起草了关于解释爱因斯坦对量子不确定性的反驳的样稿。他学富五车,幽默风趣,对人性有深邃的洞察,所有这些都使同他的合作成为一件乐事。

Arthur I. Miller, emeritus professor of history and philosophy of science at University College, London, is the author of Einstein, Picasso and of Empire of the Stars. He read and reread the versions of my scientific chapters and helped with numerous revisions, especially on special relativity (about which he wrote a pioneering book), general relativity, and quantum theory.

阿瑟·I.米勒(Arthur I.Miller),伦敦大学学院著名的科学史与科学哲学教授,著有《爱因斯坦,毕加索》(Einste, Picasso)和《星辰帝国》(Empire of the Stars')。他多次审读了书中的科学内容,提出了大量改进意见,特别是在狭义相对论(在这方面他曾写过一部开拓性的著作)、广义相对论和量子理论部分。

Sylvester James Gates Jr., a physics professor at the University of Maryland, agreed to read my manuscript when he came out to Aspen for a conference on Einstein. He did a comprehensive edit filled with smart comments and rephrasing of certain scientific passages.

马里兰大学物理教授、弦理论家小西尔维斯特·詹姆斯·盖茨(Sylvester James Gates Jr.),在阿斯彭出席一个关于爱因斯坦的会议时,提出要阅读我的书稿。令我高兴的是,他做了详细修改,其中包括关于某些科学章节的种种精妙评论和改述。

John D. Norton, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, has specialized in tracing Einstein’s thought process as he developed both special and then general relativity. He read these sections of my book, made edits, and offered useful comments. I am also grateful for guidance from two of his fellow scholars specializing in Einstein’s development of his theories: Jürgen Renn of the Max Planck Institute in Berlin and Michel Janssen of the University of Minnesota.

匹兹堡大学教授约翰·D诺顿(JohnD.Norton)尤其擅长追索爱因斯坦提出狭义和广义相对论时的思想过程。他阅读和修改了这些方面的内容,并提出了有益的建议。还要感谢他的两位同事一柏林马克斯·普朗克研究所的于尔根·雷恩(Jiirgen Renn)和明尼苏达大学的米歇尔·扬森(Michel Janssen)的指导,他们都是研究爱因斯坦理论发展过程的专家。

George Stranahan, a founder of the Aspen Center for Physics, also agreed to read and review the manuscript. He was particularly helpful in editing the sections on the light quanta paper, Brownian motion, and the history and science of special relativity.

阿斯彭物理学中心的创建者之一乔治·斯特拉纳汉(George Stanahan)也审阅了本书稿。他的帮助尤其体现在关于光量子论文、布朗运动以及狭义相对论部分的修改上。

Robert Rynasiewicz, a philosopher of science at Johns Hopkins, read many of the science chapters and made useful suggestions about the quest for general relativity.

约翰·霍普金斯大学的科学哲学家罗伯特·莱纳西维奇(Robert Rynasiewicz)阅读了大部分科学章节,并就广义相对论的探索方面提出了各种有益建议。

N. David Mermin, professor of theoretical physics at Cornell and author of It’s About Time: Understanding Einstein’s Relativity, edited and made corrections to the final version of the introductory chapter and chapters 5 and 6 on Einstein’s 1905 papers.

N.戴维·默敏(N.Davd Mermin)曾对本书的导论章节以及讨论爱因斯坦1905年论文的第五章和第六章做了修订。他是康奈尔大学的理论物理学教授,著有《关于时间:理解爱因斯坦的相对论》(It’sAbout Time:Understanding Einstein's Relativity)一书。

Gerald Holton, professor of physics at Harvard, has been one of the pioneers in the study of Einstein, and he is still a guiding light. I am deeply flattered that he was willing to read my book, make comments, and offer generous encouragement. His Harvard colleague Dudley Herschbach, who has done so much for science education, also was supportive. Both Holton and Herschbach made useful comments on my draft and spent an afternoon with me in Holton’s office going over suggestions and refining my descriptions of the historical players.

哈佛大学物理学教授杰拉尔德·霍尔顿(Geald Holton)是爱因斯坦研究领域的先驱人物。他愿意读我的书,并且对之赞赏有加,这使我受宠若惊。其哈佛的同事,在科学教育方面贡献良多的达德利·赫施巴赫(Dudley Herschbach),同样给予了支持。霍尔顿和赫施巴赫都对我的草稿提出了有益的建议,我们在霍尔顿的办公室里用了一个下午讨论这些建议,以改进我对历史人物的描述。

Ashton Carter, professor of science and international affairs at Harvard, kindly read and checked an early draft. Columbia University’s Fritz Stern, author of Einstein’s German World, provided encouragement and advice at the outset. Robert Schulmann, one of the original editors at the Einstein Papers Project, did likewise. And Jeremy Bernstein, who has written many fine books on Einstein, warned me how difficult the science would be. He was right, and I am grateful for that as well.

哈佛大学科学与国际事务教授艾什顿·卡特(AshtonCarter)不辞辛劳地审阅了本书的初稿。哥伦比亚大学的弗里茨·斯特恩(Fritz Stem),《爱因斯坦的德国世界》(Einstein's German World)一书的作者,从一开始就给予我鼓励和建议。“爱因斯坦文稿计划”的前任主编之一罗伯特·舒尔曼(Robert Schulmann)很早就给过我建议和鼓励。写过多部关于爱因斯坦著作的杰里米·伯恩斯坦(Jeremy Bernstein)曾经提醒我,这其中涉及的科学十分困难。他的话没错,对他的这番告诫,我心怀感激。

In addition, I asked two teachers of high school physics to give the book a careful reading to make sure the science was correct, and also comprehensible to those whose last physics course was in high school. Nancy Stravinsky Isaacson taught physics in New Orleans until, alas, Hurricane Katrina gave her more free time. David Derbes teaches physics at the University of Chicago Lab School. Their comments were very incisive and also aimed at the lay reader.

我还请两位中学物理教师认真阅读了本书,以确保在科学内容准确无误的情形下,只受过高中物理教育的人就可以理解它们。南希·斯特拉文斯基·艾萨克森(Nancy Stravinsky Isaacson)曾在新奥尔良教物理,现在“卡特里娜”飓风让她清闲了不少。戴维·德比斯(David Derbes)在芝加哥大学实验学校教物理。他们的意见考虑到了普通读者可能有的反应,非常中肯。

There is a corollary of the uncertainty principle that says that no matter how often a book is observed, some mistakes will remain. Those are my fault.


It also helped to have some nonscientific readers, who made very useful suggestions from a lay perspective on parts or all of the manuscript. These included William Mayer, Orville Wright, Daniel Okrent, Steve Weisman, and Strobe Talbott.

一些没有科学背景的读者也从普通人的角度提出了许多非常有益的建议,这些读者包括威廉·迈尔(William Mayer)、奥维尔·赖特(Orville Wright)、丹尼尔·奥克兰特(Daniel Okrent)、史蒂夫·韦斯曼(Steve Weisman)及斯特罗伯·塔尔波特(Strobe Talbott)等。

For twenty-five years, Alice Mayhew at Simon & Schuster has been my editor and Amanda Urban at ICM my agent. I can imagine no better partners, and they were again enthusiastic and helpful in their comments on the book. I also appreciate the help of Carolyn Reidy, David Rosenthal, Roger Labrie, Victoria Meyer, Elizabeth Hayes, Serena Jones, Mara Lurie, Judith Hoover, Jackie Seow, and Dana Sloan at Simon & Schuster. For their countless acts of support over the years, I am also grateful to Elliot Ravetz and Patricia Zindulka.

25年来,西蒙与舒斯特出版公司的艾丽丝·梅休(Alice May-hew)一直是我的编辑,国际创作管理公司(ICM)的阿曼达·乌尔班(Amanda Urban)是我的代理人。很难想象还有比她们更好的工作伙伴了,她们对本书也都热情地提出了有益的建议。应该感谢的西蒙与舒斯特出版公司的员工还有:卡罗琳·里迪(Caolyn Rei-dy)、戴维·罗森塔尔(David Rosenthal)、罗吉尔·莱布里(Roger Labrie)、维多利亚·迈耶(Victoria Meyer)、伊丽莎白·海斯(Elizabeth Hayes)、塞丽娜·琼斯(Serena Jones)、玛拉·卢里(Mara Lurie)、朱迪思·胡佛(Judith Hoover)、杰姬·塞欧(Jackie Seow)和戴娜·斯隆(Dana Soan)。此外,还要感谢艾利奥特·雷维茨(Elliot Ravetz)和帕特丽夏·津杜尔卡(Patricia Zindulka)多年来给予我的大力协助。

Natasha Hoffmeyer and James Hoppes translated for me Einstein’s German correspondence and writing, especially the new material that had not yet been translated, and I appreciate their diligence. Jay Colton, who was photo editor for Time’s Person of the Century issue, also did a creative job tracking down pictures for this book.

娜塔莎·霍夫迈耶(Natasha Hoffmeyer)和詹姆斯·霍佩斯(James Hoppes)为我翻译了爱因斯坦的德文通信和著述,特别是那些此前未有译本的新材料,非常感谢他们的努力。

I had two and a half other readers who were the most valuable of all. The first was my father, Irwin Isaacson, an engineer who instilled in me a love of science and is the smartest teacher I’ve ever had. I am grateful to him for the universe that he and my late mother created for me, and to my brilliant and wise stepmother, Julanne.

我还有另外两个半非常重要的读者。一位是我父亲欧文·艾萨克森(Irwin Isaacson),他是一位工程师,曾向我慢慢灌输了对科学的热爱。他是我所见过的思维最敏捷的老师。感谢他和我已故的母亲为我营造的世界,也要感谢我才华横溢、智慧出众的继母朱兰娜(Julanne)。

The other truly valuable reader was my wife, Cathy, who read every page with her usual wisdom, common sense, and curiosity. And the valuable half-a-reader was my daughter,Betsy, who as usual read selected portions of my book. The surety with which she made her pronouncements made up for the randomness of her reading. I love them both dearly.
