MICHELE ANGELO BESSO (1873–1955). Einstein’s closest friend. An engaging but unfocused engineer, he met Einstein in Zurich, then followed him to work at the Bern patent office. Served as a sounding board for the 1905 special relativity paper. Married Anna Winteler, sister of Einstein’s first girlfriend.

贝索(Michele Angelo Besso,1873—1955),爱因斯坦最亲密的朋友。一个有魅力但无确定目标的工程师。他在苏黎世遇到爱因斯坦,随后同他到伯尔尼专利局工作。爱因斯坦写作1905年狭义相对论论文时曾经征询过他的意见。他与爱因斯坦第一位女友的姐姐安娜·温特勒结婚。

NIELS BOHR (1885–1962). Danish pioneer of quantum theory. At Solvay conferences and subsequent intellectual trysts, he parried Einstein’s enthusiastic challenges to his Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

玻尔(Niels Bohr,1885—1962),丹麦物理学家,量子理论的先驱。在索尔维会议和随后的思想交锋中,他回应了爱因斯坦对其量子力学的哥本哈根诠释所提出的严峻挑战。

MAX BORN (1882–1970). German physicist and mathematician. Engaged in a brilliant, intimate correspondence with Einstein for forty years. Tried to convince Einstein to be comfortable with quantum mechanics; his wife, Hedwig, challenged Einstein on personal issues.

玻恩(Max Born,1882—1970),德国物理学家、数学家。与爱因斯坦保持了40年亲密的书信往来。他试图说服爱因斯坦坦然接受量子力学。他的妻子海德维希曾为私人问题对爱因斯坦表示过异议。

HELEN DUKAS (1896–1982). Einstein’s loyal secretary, Cerberus-like guard, and housemate from 1928 until his death, and after that protector of his legacy and papers.

杜卡斯(Helen Dukas,1896—1982),爱因斯坦的忠实秘书。她恪尽职守地守护着关于爱因斯坦的信息,从1928年一直到他去世都与他住在同一幢房子里。爱因斯坦去世后,其遗物和论文一直由她保管。

ARTHUR STANLEY EDDINGTON (1882–1944). British astrophysicist and champion of relativity whose 1919 eclipse observations dramatically confirmed Einstein’s prediction of how much gravity bends light.

爱丁顿(Arthur Stanley Eddington,1882—1944),英国天体物理学家,相对论的拥护者。其1919年的日食观测戏剧性地证实了爱因斯坦关于引力使光偏折的预言。

PAUL EHRENFEST (1880–1933). Austrian-born physicist, intense and insecure, who bonded with Einstein on a visit to Prague in 1912 and became a professor in Leiden, where he frequently hosted Einstein.

埃伦菲斯特(Paul Ehrenfest,1880—1933),出生于奥地利的犹太裔物理学家,对生活过于认真,缺乏自信。1912年访问布拉格时与爱因斯坦建立起友谊。他后来成为莱顿大学的教授,爱因斯坦常到他家做客。

EDUARD EINSTEIN (1910–1965). Second son of Mileva MariImage and Einstein. Smart and artistic, he obsessed about Freud and hoped to be a psychiatrist, but he succumbed to his own schizophrenic demons in his twenties and was institutionalized in Switzerland for much of the rest of his life.

爱德华·爱因斯坦(Eduard Einstein,1910—1965),米列娃与爱因斯坦的次子。他天资聪慧,富有艺术气质,迷恋弗洛伊德理论,希望成为一名精神病学家,但20多岁时却患上了精神分裂症,被送往瑞士的精神病院治疗,在那里度过了余生中的大部分时光。

ELSA EINSTEIN (1876–1936). Einstein’s first cousin, second wife. Mother of Margot and Ilse Einstein from her first marriage to textile merchant Max Löwenthal. She and her daughters reverted to her maiden name, Einstein, after her 1908 divorce. Married Einstein in 1919. Smarter than she pretended to be, she knew how to handle him.

爱尔莎·爱因斯坦(Elsa Einstein,1876—1936),爱因斯坦的表姐(也是堂姐),也是其第二任妻子。此前她与纺织品商马克斯·勒温塔尔结婚,育有二女玛戈特和伊尔莎。在1908年与勒温塔尔离婚后,与两个女儿都改姓爱因斯坦。她与爱因斯坦于1919年结婚。她实际上比外表精明,懂得如何操控爱因斯坦。

HANS ALBERT EINSTEIN (1904–1973). First son of Mileva MariImage and Einstein, a difficult role that he handled with grace. Studied engineering at Zurich Polytechnic. Married Frieda Knecht (1895–1958) in 1927. They had two sons, Bernard (1930–) and Klaus (1932–1938), and an adopted daughter, Evelyn (1941–). Moved to the United States in 1938 and eventually became a professor of hydraulic engineering at Berkeley. After Frieda’s death, married Elizabeth Roboz (1904–1995) in 1959. Bernard has five children, the only known great-grandchildren of Albert Einstein.

汉斯·阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Hans Albett Einstein,1904—1973),米列娃与爱因斯坦的长子,这一身份经常给他带来麻烦。他在苏黎世联邦工学院学习工程学。1927年与弗里达·克乃希特(1895—1958)结婚,育有二子伯恩哈德(1930—2008)和克劳斯(1932—1938)以及一个养女伊夫林(1941—2011)。1938年移民美国,后为加州大学伯克利分校的水力工程学教授。弗里达去世后,与伊丽莎白·罗伯茨(1904—1995)于1959年结婚。伯恩哈德有五个孩子,他们是爱因斯坦仅有的为人所知的曾孙辈。

HERMANN EINSTEIN (1847–1902). Einstein’s father, from a Jewish family from rural Swabia. With his brother Jakob, he ran electrical companies in Munich and then Italy, but not very successfully.

赫尔曼·爱因斯坦(Hermann Einstein,1847—1902),爱因斯坦的父亲,来自施瓦本农村的一个犹太家庭。他与弟弟雅各布一起在慕尼黑和意大利经营电气公司,但并不很成功。

ILSE EINSTEIN (1897–1934). Daughter of Elsa Einstein from her first marriage. Dallied with adventurous physician Georg Nicolai and in 1924 married literary journalist Rudolph Kayser, who later wrote a book on Einstein using the pseudonym Anton Reiser.

伊尔莎·爱因斯坦(Ilse Einstein,1897—1934),爱尔莎第一次结婚所生的女儿。她曾与富于冒险精神的医生尼科莱调情,1924年嫁给了文学评论家鲁道夫·凯泽尔,后者后来写过一本关于爱因斯坦的书,用的是笔名安东·莱泽尔。

LIESERL EINSTEIN (1902–?). Premarital daughter of Einstein and Mileva MariImage. Einstein probably never saw her. Likely left in her Serbian mother’s hometown of Novi Sad for adoption and may have died of scarlet fever in late 1903.

莉色儿·爱因斯坦(Lieserl Einstein,1902—?),爱因斯坦和米列娃婚前所生的女儿。爱因斯坦也许从未见过。她可能被米列娃的家乡塞尔维亚诺维萨德的人收养,1903年年底死于猩红热。

MARGOT EINSTEIN (1899–1986). Daughter of Elsa Einstein from her first marriage. A shy sculptor. Married Russian Dimitri Marianoff in 1930; no children. He later wrote a book on Einstein. She divorced him in 1937, moved in with Einstein at Princeton, and remained at 112 Mercer Street until her death.

玛戈特·爱因斯坦(Margote Einstein,1899一1986),爱尔莎第一次结婚所生的女儿。一个腼腆的雕塑家。1930年嫁给俄国人马里亚诺夫,没有子嗣。马里亚诺夫后来写了一本关于爱因斯坦的书。玛戈特于1937年同他离婚,与爱因斯坦一道移居普林斯顿,此后一直居住在梅瑟大街112号。

MARIA “MAJA” EINSTEIN (1881–1951). Einstein’s only sibling, and among his closest confidantes. Married Paul Winteler, had no children, and in 1938 moved without him from Italy to Princeton to live with her brother.

玛雅·爱因斯坦(Maria “Maja” Einstein,1881—1951),爱因斯坦唯一的妹妹,也是其最亲密的知己之一。她与保罗·温特勒结婚,没有子嗣,1938年独自从意大利搬到普林斯顿,同哥哥住一起。

PAULINE KOCH EINSTEIN (1858–1920). Einstein’s strong-willed and practical mother. Daughter of a prosperous Jewish grain dealer from Württemberg. Married Hermann Einstein in 1876.

保莉妮·科赫·爱因斯坦(Pauline Koch Einstein,1858—1920),爱因斯坦的母亲,固执己见,讲求实际。她是符滕堡的一位富裕的犹太粮商的女儿,1876年与赫尔曼·爱因斯坦结婚。

ABRAHAM FLEXNER (1866–1959). American education reformer. Founded the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and recruited Einstein there.

弗莱克斯纳(Abraham Flexner,1866—1959),美国教育改革家。创立了普林斯顿高等研究院,爱因斯坦后来成为其中一员。

PHILIPP FRANK (1884–1966). Austrian physicist. Succeeded his friend Einstein at German University of Prague and later wrote a book about him.

弗兰克(Philipp Frank,1884—1966),奥地利物理学家,爱因斯坦的朋友。他继爱因斯坦之后在布拉格德国大学任教,后来写了一本有关爱因斯坦的书。

MARCEL GROSSMANN (1878–1936). Diligent classmate at Zurich Polytechnic who took math notes for Einstein and then helped him get a job in the patent office. As professor of descriptive geometry at the Polytechnic, guided Einstein to the math he needed for general relativity.

格罗斯曼(Marcel Grossmann,1878—1936),爱因斯坦在苏黎世联邦工学院的同学,学习勤奋,为爱因斯坦做数学笔记,后帮助他在专利局找到了一份差事。他曾任苏黎世联邦工学院的画法几何学教授,帮助爱因斯坦找到了广义相对论所需要的数学。

FRITZ HABER (1868–1934). German chemist and gas warfare pioneer who helped recruit Einstein to Berlin and mediated between him and MariImage. A Jew who converted to Christianity in an attempt to be a good German, he preached to Einstein the virtues of assimilation, until the Nazis came to power.

哈伯(Fritz Haber,1868—1934),德国化学家,毒气战的先驱人物。他帮助爱因斯坦到柏林受聘,并且在爱因斯坦和米列娃之间调解周旋。他是犹太人,后为争做优秀的德国人而阪依基督教。他向爱因斯坦宣扬同化的美德,直至纳粹上台。

CONRAD HABICHT (1876–1958). Mathematician and amateur inventor, member of the “Olympia Academy” discussion trio in Bern, and recipient of two famous 1905 letters from Einstein heralding forthcoming papers.

哈比希特(Conrad Habicht,1876—1958),数学家、业余发明家,伯尔尼的三人讨论小组“奥林匹亚科学院”的成员。1905年,爱因斯坦曾给他写过两封著名的信,通报了即将完成的论文。

WERNER HEISENBERG (1901–1976). German physicist. A pioneer of quantum mechanics, he formulated the uncertainty principle that Einstein spent years resisting.

海森伯(Werner Heisenberg,1901—1976),德国物理学家,量子力学的先驱之一。他提出了不确定性原理,对此爱因斯坦曾倾力抵制。

DAVID HILBERT (1862–1943). German mathematician who in 1915 raced Einstein to discover the mathematical equations for general relativity.

希尔伯特(David Hilbert,1862—1943),德国数学家。1915年,他和爱因斯坦一样,也发现了广义相对论的数学方程。

BANESH HOFFMANN (1906–1986). Mathematician and physicist who collaborated with Einstein in Princeton and later wrote a book about him.

霍夫曼(Banesh Hoffmann,1906一1986"数学家和物理学家。曾在普林斯顿与爱因斯坦合作,后来写了一本关于爱因斯坦的。

PHILIPP LENARD (1862–1947). Hungarian-German physicist whose experimental observations on the photoelectric effect were explained by Einstein in his 1905 light quanta paper. Became an anti-Semite, Nazi, and Einstein hater.

勒纳德(Philpp Lenard,1862—1947),德籍匈牙利裔物理学家。他对光电效应的实验观测在爱因斯坦1905年的光量子论文中得到了解释。后来成为一名反犹主义者和纳粹分子,敌视爱因斯坦。

HENDRIK ANTOON LORENTZ (1853–1928). Genial and wise Dutch physicist whose theories paved the way for special relativity. Became a father figure to Einstein.

洛伦兹(Hendrik Antoon Lorentz,1853一1928),荷兰物理学家。聪慧过人,为人和蔼可亲。其理论为狭义相对论铺平了道路。在爱因斯坦眼中,他如同父亲一般。

MILEVA MARIImage (1875–1948). Serbian physics student at Zurich Polytechnic who became Einstein’s first wife. Mother of Hans Albert, Eduard, and Lieserl. Passionate and driven, but also brooding and increasingly gloomy, she triumphed over many, but not all, of the obstacles that then faced an aspiring female physicist. Separated from Einstein in 1914, divorced in 1919.

米列娃·玛里奇(Mileva Maric,1875—1948),出生于塞尔维亚,苏黎世联邦工学院物理系学生,后来成为爱因斯坦第一任妻子,汉斯·阿尔伯特、爱德华和莉色儿的母亲。她富有激情,不乏紧迫感,但也时常陷入忧思,变得愈发闷闷不乐。她克服了一个有抱负的女物理学家所面临的许多困难,虽然事业未成。1914年与爱因斯坦分居,1919年与之离婚。

ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN (1868–1953). American experimental physicist who confirmed Einstein’s law of the photoelectric effect and recruited him to be a visiting scholar at Caltech.

密立根(Robert Andrews Millikan,1868—1953),美国实验物理学家,验证了爱因斯坦的光电效应定律,曾邀请爱因斯坦到加州大学伯克利分校访学。

HERMANN MINKOWSKI (1864–1909). Taught Einstein math at the Zurich Polytechnic, referred to him as a “lazy dog,” and devised a mathematical formulation of special relativity in terms of four-dimensional spacetime.

闵可夫斯基(Hermann Minkowski,1864—1909),在苏黎世联邦工学院教爱因斯坦数学,称爱因斯坦“懒狗”。他用四维时空对狭义相对论做了一种数学表述。

GEORG FRIEDRICH NICOLAI, born Lewinstein (1874–1964). Physician, pacifist, charismatic adventurer, and seducer. A friend and doctor of Elsa Einstein and probable lover of her daughter Ilse, he wrote a pacifist tract with Einstein in 1915.

尼科莱(Georg Friedrich Nicolai,1874—1964),物理学家、和平主义者、冒险家。他富有魅力,获取过不少女性的芳心。是爱尔莎的朋友和医生,或许也是其女儿伊尔莎的情人。1915年,他曾与爱因斯坦写过一本关于和平主义的小册子。 [6]

ABRAHAM PAIS (1918–2000). Dutch-born theoretical physicist who became a colleague of Einstein in Princeton and wrote a scientific biography of him.

派斯(Abraham Pais,1918—2000),荷兰裔理论物理学家。后来成为爱因斯坦在普林斯顿的同事,写过一本关于他的科学传记。

MAX PLANCK (1858–1947). Prussian theoretical physicist who was an early patron of Einstein and helped recruit him to Berlin. His conservative instincts, both in life and in physics, made him a contrast to Einstein, but they remained warm and loyal colleagues until the Nazis took power.

普朗克(Max Planck,1858—1947),普鲁士理论物理学家,爱因斯坦的早期赞助人之一,曾帮助其到柏林受聘。他在生活和物理学上的保守天性与爱因斯坦截然不同,不过直到纳粹上台,他们一直是友好而忠诚的同事。

ERWIN SCHRÖDINGER (1887–1961). Austrian theoretical physicist who was a pioneer of quantum mechanics but joined Einstein in expressing discomfort with the uncertainties and probabilities at its core.

薛定谔(Erwin Schödinger,1887—1961),奥地利理论物理学家,量子力学的先驱之一,不过他和爱因斯坦都对量子力学本质上的不确定性和概率性表示过不满。

MAURICE SOLOVINE (1875–1958). Romanian philosophy student in Bern who founded the “Olympia Academy” with Einstein and Habicht. Became Einstein’s French publisher and lifelong correspondent.

索洛文(Maurice Bolovine,1875—1958),生于罗马尼亚,在伯尔尼学习哲学。他和爱因斯坦、哈比希特共同创建了“奥林匹亚科学院”。后来成为爱因斯坦著作的法文出版商,终生与之保持通信联系。

L SZILÁRD (1898–1964). Hungarian-born physicist, charming and eccentric, who met Einstein in Berlin and patented a refrigerator with him. Conceived the nuclear chain reaction and cowrote the 1939 letter Einstein sent to President Franklin Roosevelt urging attention to the possibility of an atomic bomb.

西拉德(Leó Bzilárd:1898—1964),匈牙利裔物理学家,富有魅力,行为古怪。他在柏林遇到爱因斯坦,两人获得过一种冰箱的专利。他意识到核链式反应的可能性,1939年与他人共同起草了一封信,由爱因斯坦签名递交给罗斯福总统,促请其注意研制原子弹的可能性。

CHAIM WEIZMANN (1874–1952). Russian-born chemist who emigrated to England and became president of the World Zionist Organization. In 1921, he brought Einstein to America for the first time, using him as the draw for a fund-raising tour. Was first president of Israel, a post offered upon his death to Einstein.

魏茨曼(Chaim Weizmann,1874一1952),出生于俄国的犹太裔化学家,移民到英国,任世界犹太复国主义组织主席。1921年,他带爱因斯坦第一次来到美国,以帮助其筹款。他是以色列的首任总统,在他去世后此职位曾打算授予爱因斯坦。

THE WINTELER FAMILY. Einstein boarded with them while he was a student in Aarau, Switzerland. Jost Winteler was his history and Greek teacher; his wife, Rosa, became a surrogate mother. Of their seven children, Marie became Einstein’s first girlfriend; Anna married Einstein’s best friend, Michele Besso; and Paul married Einstein’s sister, Maja.

温特勒一家(The Winteler Family),爱因斯坦在瑞士阿劳上中学时曾寄宿在他们家,约斯特·温特勒教爱因斯坦历史和希腊语。妻子罗莎后来成为爱因斯坦的“第二个妈妈”。在他们的七个孩子中,玛丽成了爱因斯坦的第一位女友,安娜嫁给了爱因斯坦最好的朋友贝索,保罗则娶了爱因斯坦的妹妹玛雅。

HEINRICH ZANGGER (1874–1957). Professor of physiology at the University of Zurich. Befriended Einstein and MariImage and helped mediate their disputes and divorce.

仓格尔(Heinrich Zangger,1874一1957),苏黎世大学生理学教授。同爱因斯坦和米列娃的关系都很好,曾帮助他们化解纠纷,处理离婚事宜。